Featured Matches - ISML 2015 Aquamarine Period
Aquamarine 1 — Sunday, June 7, 2015

Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
矢泽妮可(Love Live!) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
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A passion in their hearts drives them to step up their game in order to portray their feelings for that subject in question through various means possible. For Nico, her love for being an idol may have failed her once, but it does not put her down as she rises up from failure to be an idol again. She is not afraid of failure this time, as she has her friends, who will support her through their journeys together, as well as her signature catchphrase to capture the hearts of many. For Kosaki, her love for her childhood friend is huge, but just cannot find the appropriate moments to take the step forward. Time and time again has she attempted to do so, but ended in failure. But love overcomes all obstacles, and despite her shy nature, she will be relentless in her love and will one day find her victory. And so, passion plays an important part in knowing how to showcase the love you have, be it the love for something or someone. Whom will you support in this battle of passions between these two daring girls? 烈烈燃烧的热情,是推动她们去突破自己、通过各种方法去抒发内心情感的动力。矢泽妮可一再经历挫折,但她对于偶像的喜爱并没有因而磨灭;从失败之中重新站起来,再一次朝着成为偶像的目标奋斗;她不再害怕,因为有一众可靠的朋友支持自己闯过面前任何难关、还有足以俘获任何人喜爱的“にっこにっこにー!”小野寺小咲深爱着那位儿时的玩伴,却找不到适当时机去往前再踏出一步,一次又一次尝试均以失败告终;然而爱情可以跨越一切障碍,虽然个性害羞但她绝不会轻言放弃,会一直坚持在通往胜利的道路上奔驰。热情,对于展现自己内心的感受可谓至关重要,无论是对事还是对人。在这两位内心炽热燃烧的女生之间,你会支持谁去胜出这场比试呢? Una pasión en su corazón las lleva a jugar con el fin de demostrar sus sentimientos a través de varios medios. Para Nico, su amor por ser una ídolo puede haberle fallado una vez, pero eso no la detendrá, ella sigue adelante y llega a convertirse en una ídolo de nuevo. Ella ya no le tiene miedo al fracaso, ya que cuenta con sus amigas, quienes la apoyan en sus aventuras, así como su frase que usa para capturar los corazones de muchos. Para Kosaki, su amor por su amigo de la infancia es enorme, pero no puede encontrar los momentos adecuados para dar el primer paso, una y otra vez lo ha intentado, pero usualmente termina en fracaso. Pero el amor supera todos los obstáculos, y a pesar de su naturaleza tímida, ella es implacable en su amor y algún día tendrá su victoria. Y así, la pasión juega un papel importante en saber cómo mostrar el amor que tienes, ya sea el amor por algo o alguien. ¿A quién apoyas en esta batalla de pasiones entre estas dos chicas atrevidas? Niềm đam mê mãnh liệt trong tim đã khiến hai cô gái phải đối mặt nhau, cũng như đối mặt với cảm xúc của chính họ. Yazawa Nico có thể đã từng thất bại, nhưng điều đó không ngăn được tình yêu của cô dành cho việc trở thành idol. Nico sẽ đứng lên, một lần nữa, và lần này cô ta đã có những người bạn sẽ luôn ủng hộ mình trong suốt cuộc hành trình để lại dấu ấn trong tim bao người. Còn với Onodera Kosaki, tình yêu mãnh liệt của cô dành cho người bạn thơ ấu vẫn chưa được đáp trả. Một lần và một lần nữa, cô ấy tiếp tục đối diện với thất bại. Thế nhưng, bất chấp việc đó lẫn bản tính e thẹn vốn có, Kosaki sẽ không ngừng đấu tranh, để một ngày nhận được kết quả xứng đáng. Và như thế, niềm đam mê đóng vai trò quan trọng trong cách thể hiện tình yêu , dù là dành cho một điều hay một ai đó. Liệu bạn sẽ ủng hộ ai, trong cuộc chiến đấu giữa niềm đam mê của hai người con gái này ? |

Konno Yūki (Sword Art Online) vs. Stephanie Dola (No Game No Life)
绀野木棉季(有纪)(刀剑神域) vs. 史蒂芬妮·多拉(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
These two may be the exact opposite in terms of skills and capabilities, but in personality they are more similar than one would think. Konno Yūki is known to be a skilled swordswoman due to her undefeated status in duels, as well as her 11-hit attack. Yet her real life self is nothing similar to the hero she is in the virtual game world, and even has difficulty living a normal life like everybody else. Stephanie Dola, on the other hand, is rather weak when it comes to games, losing at every match she participates in. However, being the former princess of her land, she is actually quite knowledgeable, and does a decent job maintaining order in the country. Despite the contrast, both girls are not only kindhearted and cheerful, but also determined to complete any task with all of their effort. Once they face each other in this arena, which girl will accomplish her task of claiming victory and reigning supreme? 说到技巧和能力,她们俩可谓完全相反,然而她们二人又有不少相似的地方。绀野木棉季是个广为人知的精湛剑士,因十一连击的绝招而获得不败之名;然而现实的她与游戏世界里大相径庭,像平凡人一样过普通的生活都有困难。史蒂芬妮.多拉在游戏方面很糟糕、几乎每次比赛都会败北;但身为一名公主,她学识颇渊博,管治国家也挺称职。虽然二人有不少相异的地方,但她们都拥有善良而开朗的性格,也拥有排除万难完成目标的决心。在比赛场上相遇,谁能达成任务获取胜利? Estas dos pueden ser opuestos exactos en términos de habilidad, pero en personalidad son más similares de lo que podrías pensar. Konno Yuki es conocida por ser una espadachín experta debido a su récord invicto en duelos, así como su ataque 11-hit. Stephanie Dola, por el contrario, es más bien débil cuando se trata de juegos, perdiendo en cada partido que participa. A pesar de las diferencias, estas dos chicas no sólo son de buen corazón y alegres, sino que también tienen decidido completar cualquier tarea con todo su esfuerzo. Una vez que se enfrentan entre sí en esta arena, ¿Que chica va cumplir su tarea de reclamar la victoria y reinado supremo? Hai cô gái này có thể đối nghịch nhau trong cả kĩ năng lẫn tài trí, nhưng khi xét về tính cách , họ lại có nhiều điểm tương tự hơn mọi người nghĩ. Konno Yuuki nổi tiếng với kĩ năng dùng kiếm của mình, nhờ vào chiến tích bất bại trong giao đấu. Thế nhưng bản thân cô ta ở đời thực lại không có gì giống với người anh hùng trong thế giới game kia, và thậm chí còn có phần khó khăn. Stephanie Dola, mặt khác , lại cực kỳ yếu thế khi nói đến game : thua cuộc ở mọi trận đấu mà cô tham gia. Tuy vậy, với thân phận là cựu công chúa của đất nước, cô ấy lại cực kỳ hiểu biết, và hoàn thành vai trò giữ trật tự của mình khá tốt. Mặc cho những điểm tương phản đó, cả hai đều không chỉ vui tươi, tốt bụng, mà còn luôn nỗ lực hoàn thành những nhiệm vụ đưa ra. Và với nhiệm vụ tiếp theo là ghi lại chiến thắng đầu tiên của mình ở ISML Regular Season, liệu nỗ lực của ai sẽ được đền đáp ? |

Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live) vs. Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu)
鸢一折纸(约会大作战) vs. 雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
Behind the cold demeanor they portray externally lies two teenagers that are actually quite different than one might think. Origami comes by as a typical shy student, unable to talk to anyone easily, but the truth is she just does not want to socialize with anyone, only focusing on what she feels is important to her. After getting to know her, you will soon realize her aggressive nature and her desires, much different from the Origami you once knew. For Yukino, the ice queen of the school actually is more than what meets the eye. While she may be blunt with her words, she is usually very caring by nature, as seen by her tendency to help those in need with all her ability. Not only that, she also has a little competitive side to her, as instilled into her by her will to beat her sister in what she has done, showing others that she is as capable as well. Overall, never judge a book by its cover, for the pages you turn might be much different than what you originally expected. 在冷漠外表的背后,这两个少女的内在跟大家所想的大大不同。折纸是个典型的内向学生,不怎么与他人说话或进行社交,但实际上她只是想更集中于对她而言重要的事物;认识她之后就会意识她的渴求和决心多么热烈,与起初的形象迥然不同。雪乃在学校俨如冰冷的皇后,但言辞锋利直接的她其实非常温柔体贴、常常帮助有需要的人;除此以外她也有好胜的一面,以比姐姐更优秀为目标,展示给所有人看自己的能力。永远不要从外壳去判断一个人的内在,突破隔膜之后或许会认识到一张全新的脸孔。 |

Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live) vs. Tina Sprout (Black Bullet)
时崎狂三(约会大作战) vs 缇娜·斯普朗特(漆黑的子弹)
Koyomi's Diary ISML Central Park Sunday, June 7, 2015 07.00 GMT I was in the middle of my morning walk when I saw an amazing view, the meeting of Tokisaki Kurumi and Tina Sprout. Actually, I really want to see Tina up close, or if it's possible to pet her head and pinch her cheeks. Oh no, it's dangerous! I mustn't be eaten by the sweetness of this little girl. How is it possible for this little creature to create her own path and secure a seat in the Regular Season? Tina is different from Kurumi who has already set foot in this place last year and proved herself the best in Nova. Ah, talking about Kurumi, she is the reason why I can’t go closer. Considering her personality, smooth chaos is something that I can describe from Kurumi, but we can't deny that she had her own charisma. Their conversation on that bench looks so relaxing and beautiful; the smiles on their faces seem so pure for me. How sweet! And in the last line of this diary, I just now realize that both of them will meet each other in the Nova arena a few hours from now. 2015年6月7日格林威治标准时间早上七时 世萌中央公园 一日之计在于晨,正当我在晨运的时候,我看到了一个精彩绝妙的景色——时崎狂三跟缇娜·斯普朗特的会面。 真心,我很希望能接近缇娜、摸摸她的头捏她的脸颊......不行,这太危险了,我肯定会被她萌死的。说回正题,她在常规赛中创造出属于自己的道路的机率到底有多大呢?缇娜跟狂三并不同,狂三在去年已经证明了自己是新星的强者。话说回来,我不太敢走近狂三的身旁,她像一个暗藏汹涌的波涛,隐隐散发出一股独特的人格魅力。 她们的对话美丽而吸引,她们的笑容就像砂糖一样,这么多么的甜美! 在这日记的最后,我才意识到她们将会在几小时后于世萌新星赛区碰头,名副其实的先礼后兵。 在赛区的她们也懂得「友谊第一、比赛第二」的道理,你们的心态又是如何呢? Diari Koyomi Taman Pusat ISML Minggu, 7 Juni 2015 07.00 GMT Aku sedang jalan pagi ketika melihat pemandangan menakjubkan ini, pertemuan antara Tokisaki Kurumi dan Tina Sprout. Sebenarnya aku sangat ingin melihat Tina dari dekat atau bahkan jika memungkinkan aku ingin mengelus kepalanya dan mencubit pipinya. Ah tidak, ini bahaya! Aku tidak boleh sampai termakan oleh kemanisan gadis kecil ini. Bagaimana makhluk kecil ini bisa menciptakan jalan dan mengamankan kursinya di babak reguler? Tina tidak seperti Kurumi yang sudah di tempat ini sejak tahun lalu dan sudah membuktikan dirinya adalah yang terbaik di Nova. Ah, berbicara tentang Kurumi, dialah alasan kenapa aku tak berani mendekat ke sana. Mempertimbangkan kepribadiannya, kekacauan yang lembut mungkin yang bisa kugambarkan dari Kurumi, namun tetap tak bisa kupungkiri bahwa Kurumi punya kharismanya tersendiri. Perbincangan mereka di bangku taman itu terlihat sangat rileks dan indah, senyum di raut muka kedua gadis itu tampak sangat murni bagiku. Betapa manisnya! Di baris terakhir tulisan ini, aku baru sadar bahwa mereka berdua akan bertemu di arena Nova beberapa jam ke depan. |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru)
逢坂大河 (TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎) vs 金色暗影 (出包王女)
When people are interested in the eight-year-long contestants, there are two in particular that follow them tightly and quietly at the back. Yes, both of them will need to face each other at the opening match. Last year, Aisaka Taiga showed her immortality and wrapped up the year with 5th in Stella and 7th overall. She will try her best to keep her record and end up with a high rank again this year. However, 2014 wasn’t Konjiki no Yami’s year, as she let her Postseason chance slip away and only ended up in 17th place. This year, she will not fight alone anymore as her series mates are now in the same league as her. With the introduction of the Tournament of Champions, they are the only two left with a record of seven years of continuous participation. Maybe both of them have different goals for the year of 2015, but there’s one common goal between the two—eight years of constant involvement. So in the end, who will be able to get one step closer to that common goal? 当人们都在关心着以参赛八年的参赛者时,有两位参赛者悄悄地跟着她们。是的,她们将在首场比赛面对彼此。逢坂大河去年展示了她的不朽之身,并以恒星第五及总排名第七结束2014年。今年她会尝试保持她的记录,并以获得高排名为目标。然而2014并不是金色暗影的一年,她让进入季后赛的机会溜走了,最终以第十七结束赛季。今年,她将不会孤军奋战,因为她的作品队友现在都和她在同一个联赛。随着冠军大赛被引进后,他们俩是仅有连续七年参赛的参赛者。也许他们两个人在2015年有不同的目标,但她们俩都有着一个共同的目标 - 连续八年参赛。到了最后,谁能朝着那共有的目标迈进一步? |

Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs. Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto)
高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这麽可爱!)vs. 新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这麽可爱!)
What is the definition of "friend"? Kōsaka Kirino and Aragaki Ayase believe that they know the exact meaning of it. It is not simply because they share similar interests, e.g. modeling, or going to school together every single day; it is far beyond that, for that true friendship is a pure relationship that exceeds selfishness and interests. It is never easy for Ayase to confront another habit of Kirino's, one that she finds hardly acceptable due to Kirino's perfect image. But as Confucius once said, friends should be honest with each other, trust each other, and go for harmony in diversity. The bonding between Ayase and Kirino is so strong, that such lies are merely minute threats. However, the two of them both hid something from each other: their emotions towards somebody for whom they both care. For them, no matter how annoying or perverted he may be, he is still their caring "older brother," and they couldn't help but to develop feelings for him. On this first day of the ISML 2015 Regular Season, two best friends meet to decide who should deserve what they desire, knowing that whatever the outcome is, their friendship will never fade. 「朋友」的定义是什麽?高坂桐乃和新垣绫濑认爲她们知道它的準确意思。那不衹是因爲她们有著类似的兴趣,例如当模特儿,或者每天一起去学校那麽简单;朋友是远超于那些的,因爲真正的友谊是一纯粹之精神上人格上,超乎一切私心与利害之关係。绫濑从来都难以面对桐乃的另一兴趣,一个因爲桐乃的完美形象而难以让她接受的兴趣。不过正于孔子所説,「友谅,益矣」,朋友之间应该「和而不同」。绫濑和桐乃之间的链接强得那些谎话衹是微小的威胁。不过,两人都把一些东西互相隐藏著:她们对她们关心的某人的感情。对她们来説,无论他多麽烦厌或者好色,他依然是关顾他们的「哥哥」,而她们情不自禁对他萌生情愫。在世萌2015常规赛的第一天,两位挚友碰面以决定谁值得得到她们想要的东西,深知无论结果如何,她们的友谊永不逝去。 Đâu là định nghĩa tốt nhất cho "bạn bè" ? Kōsaka Kirino và Aragaki Ayase tin rằng họ hiểu rõ ý nghĩa của nó. Không đơn thuần chỉ vì họ có nhiều sở thích chung, cùng là người mẫu, hay cùng đến trường mỗi ngày; tình bạn đích thực là mối quan hệ thuần khiết vượt xa sự ích kỉ và tính toán hơn thiệt. Không bao giờ là dễ để Ayase chấp nhận một sở thích khác của Kirino, cái mà cô ấy cho là phá hỏng hình tượng hoàn hảo của cô bạn mình. Thế nhưng, mối liên kết giữa Ayase và Kirino còn mạnh hơn thế, đến mức mà những vấn đề đó không còn là một mối đe dọa trong vài phút. Tuy nhiên, Kirino và Ayase cũng có bí mật của riêng mình: Cảm xúc của họ với người mà cả hai đều quan tâm. Và giờ đây, mặt đối mặt, đôi bạn thân này sẽ cùng nhau quyết định liệu ai sẽ xứng đáng với điều mình khao khát. Và họ biết rằng dẫu cho kết quả có ra sao, tình bạn này sẽ không bao giờ lay chuyển. |

Saber (Fate Series) vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
Saber(Fate系列) vs. 凉宫春日(凉宫春日的忧郁)
The first day of International Saimoe League 2015 is decorated with the battle of two old-timers, two contestants who have witnessed ISML since it was first conceived and have never missed a single year. Saber, King of Knights, versus Suzumiya Haruhi, the girl deemed as God. Saber was a legendary king, who wished for peace to her people. But her journey brought death and betrayal instead. So she seeks an item, a grail that is said to be able to grant every wish. She was brought into present day—being given a second chance, she steels herself, prepared to face every enemy. Haruhi looks like any normal beautiful high schooler. But she's an oddity who's not interested in humans, but only aliens, time travelers, and espers. Little does she know, the group she has assembled is filled with those special beings. She knows even less about her God-like power that puts the world at her mercy. All she knows is having fun by doing things alongside her friends. These two people have met numerous times. Whoever wins today might have the upper hand later. So, who will: the king who wishes to undo her faults, or the wild 'God' who actually is a caring leader? 国际最萌大会2015的第一天,出现两张老脸孔的对决。两名见证着世萌诞生、并从不曾缺席任何一届的元老:骑士的王者Saber、世界的神凉宫春日。身为王的Saber,渴望着自己人民的和平,然而碰上的却是死亡与背叛;因此她来到了二十一世纪,渴求着据称可以让任何愿望成真的圣杯,为了面对任何敌人而再次装备自己。凉宫春日看上去就像一个普通的漂亮高中女生,但她不对普通人类感兴趣,只关注外星人、未来人和超能力者;她并不意识到自己的意愿让她身边聚集了最特别的存在、更不知道自己拥有神的能力,她只知道跟伙伴一起探索、在生活里寻求乐趣。这两人曾经碰面无数次,而今天的胜出者很可能在以后也占有优势;会是渴望纠正自己错误的王,还是看似不羁却关心同伴的神? |

Watari Ryōta (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) vs. Isaki Kaname (Nagi no Asukara)
渡亮太(四月是你的谎言) vs. 伊佐木要(来自风平浪静的明天)
Sometimes, it's the last person you least expect to know everything to know more than that. Watari Ryōta acts as your standard sociable guy who is athletically talented and likes to go out with girls. Yet, Ryōta is keen enough to know exactly what his friends want to hear from him, giving them that extra push to do what they want to do. Isaki Kaname is more reserved, preferring to view things from a distance and thinking outside the box. Although quiet and keeping his thoughts hidden, there are moments when Kaname purposefully gives away information, usually to stop an argument or make his friends ponder their decisions. Will there come a time when one of these boys gets the limelight? 有时,最令你意想不到的人会让你大吃一惊。渡亮太是一个标准的社交达人,有运动才华又擅长与女生约会;然而他又心细如发,能够准确意识到朋友的需要、并在最适当的时机推他们一把。伊佐木要比较喜欢从远方观察、作出突破一般框架的想法;虽然倾向沉默和隐藏内心,但有时又会刻意发出暗示、制止纷争或是让朋友静止下来检讨自己。这两个男孩,最终会不会获到他们应得的注目和肯定? A veces, la persona que menos esperas que sepa todo es la que sabe más. Watari Ryota actúa como tu chico alegre normal, es atleticamente talentoso y le gusta salir con chicas. Sin embargo, Ryota es lo suficientemente perspicaz para saber exactamente lo que sus amigos quieren saber de él, dándoles ese empujón extra para hacer lo que quieren hacer. Isaki Kaname es más reservado, y prefiere ver las cosas desde la distancia y pensar fuera de lo normal. Aunque es tranquilo y mantiene sus pensamientos ocultos, hay momentos en que Kaname regala la información a propósito, por lo general para detener una discusión o hacer que sus amigos se den cuenta de sus decisiones. ¿Llegará un momento en que uno de estos chicos conseguirán el centro de la atención? |

Dōraku Utage (Nōkome) vs. Minamiya Natsuki (Strike the Blood)
道乐宴(我的脑内恋碍选项) vs. 南宫那月(噬血狂袭)
Teachers must be the strongest and the smartest role models for their students, like these two, Dōraku Utage and Minamiya Natsuki. Both of them are respected and honored by the students regardless of their appearances that are a little bit shorter than normal teachers. Utage-sensei and Natsuki-sensei are two of many teachers who devote themselves to developing the interests and capabilities of their students with full hearts. Caring and gentle are their characteristics, although sometimes they are strict. Utage, with her past experience, guides a student that incidentally has the same problem just like Utage's past. Patiently, Utage gives her best advice and encourages him in enduring the problem. Natsuki devotes herself as a teacher in the school where she studied before. Known as a strict teacher, Natsuki actually has her soft side when interacting with students as part of her duties in school. It can be said that the task as a teacher is heavy enough, because the futures of the students are more or less in the teacher's hands. Knowing so much about them, it would be better to give more respect to our teachers from now. 老师必须是最强、最聪明,而且是学生们的榜样。道乐宴和南宫那月,都深受学生尊敬爱戴,纵使她们比一般的老师矮了那么一点。她们全心奉献自己,帮助学生培养兴趣和能力;既温柔又会照顾他人,同时也有严格的一面。道乐宴凭借自己过去的经验,教导学生面对难关、给予最好的建议和鼓励。南宫那月在母校担任老师,虽然已严格著名,但跟学生互动是也会展现出温柔的一面。担当老师的职责,负担并不小;学生的未来,或多或少掌握在老师手中。加深了对她们的认识,同时也应该给她们更多的尊重呢。 Seorang guru haruslah yang terkuat, yang terpintar, dan yang menjadi contoh bagi murid-muridnya, dan inilah Dōraku Utage dan Minamiya Natsuki. Mereka berdua adalah guru yang disegani dan dihormati oleh murid-muridnya terlepas dari penampilan mereka yang sedikit lebih pendek dari tinggi guru-guru pada normalnya. Utage-sensei dan Natsuki-sensei adalah dua dari banyak guru yang mengabdikan hidup mereka untuk mengembangkan kemampuan anak-anak didik mereka dengan sepenuh hati. Lembut dan pengertian adalah ciri khas mereka meski terkadang agak sedikit ketat. Utage dengan pengalaman masa lalunya, membimbing salah satu muridnya yang kebetulan punya permasalahan yang sama dengannya. Dengan sabar, Utage memberikan nasihat-nasihat terbaik dan memberikan semangat dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut. Natsuki mengabdikan dirinya menjadi guru di sekolah tempat dia pernah belajar. Meski dikenal sebagai guru yang ketat, Natsuki punya sisi-sisi lembut dalam membimbing muridnya sebagai salah satu bentuk tanggung jawabnya di sekolah. Boleh dibilang tugas seorang guru cukuplah berat, karena masa depan anak didiknya sedikit banyak ada di tangan para guru. Mengetahui semua hal itu, kini ada baiknya kita lebih menghormati guru kita. Giáo viên có lẽ là người mạnh nhất, thông minh nhất , và là hình mẫu lý tưởng nhất đối với học sinh của họ. Dõraku Utage và Minamiya Natsuki cũng không ngoại lệ. Cả hai đều được yêu quí và kính trọng bởi học sinh của mình, mặc cho ngoại hình có phần nhỏ hơn những người giáo viên khác. Utage-sensei và Natsuki-sensei là hai trong số những giáo viên luôn tuận tụy với học sinh bằng cả tấm lòng, dù đôi khi có hơi nghiêm khắc. Utage với trải nghiệm quá khứ của mình, đã kiên định hướng dẫn cho học sinh có vấn đề tương tự, bằng những lời khuyên và lời động viên chân thành. Natsuki với tư cách là giáo viên của nơi cô từng học, dù nổi tiếng là một người nghiêm khắc, vẫn luôn quan tâm đến học sinh của mình như một phần trách nhiệm bản thân. Có thể nói trách nhiệm của một giáo viên không hề nhỏ, vì tương lai của học sinh, không ít thì nhiều cũng nằm trong tay họ. Hiểu thêm một chút về giáo viên, chúng ta cũng nên tôn trọng họ hơn từ lúc này. |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, Reverend, BugH, smartboyhw, Just, tehyc, CureRainbow, Momento10, houreki, matchbaby, and WoodyMC
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 2 — Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Shokuhō Misaki (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Himeragi Yukina (Strike the Blood)
食蜂操祈(魔法禁书目录) vs. 姬柊雪菜(噬血狂袭)
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Koyomi's Diary Monday, June 8, 2015 ISML Cafeteria 19.00 GMT When the hunger possessed me, there was no choice besides going to the cafeteria across the male dormitory. There, I saw two girls, Shokuhō Misaki and Himeragi Yukina, sitting and facing each other. Yukina looked embarrassed conversing with Misaki. What kind of view was this? The curiosity brought me closer to them. With a loaf Choco bread and a can of black coffee, I sat a few chairs away from them, still able to hear them. "I want to ask you something," said Yukina to Misaki. "About what, senpai?" "How to get closer to a man who is surrounded by girls," WHAT? Yukina was asking for love suggestion to Misaki? The world will be crazy. Misaki responded to Yukina's request by giving a sign to bring her ear closer, then whispered something. In a count of seconds, Yukina suddenly stood then ran hastily, while Misaki stayed and gave a smile. What had Misaki said to her? Until the last line of this writing, I am still haunted by my curiosity. Maybe the answer will appear in the arena. 2015年6月8日(星期一) 格林尼治标准时间19.00 世萌咖啡厅 正当我逐渐被饥饿的感觉支配,穿过男生宿舍前往咖啡厅的时候,我看见了食蜂操祈和姬柊雪菜面对面的坐着。雪菜跟操祈谈话时,看上去有点羞涩;这是什么情况?好奇心驱使下,我带着一块巧克力面包和一罐黑咖啡,坐在了距离她们数个座位却又能清楚听见的地方。只听雪菜说:"我想问你一件事情。" "是什么事情呢,前辈?" "如何接近一个老是被一众女生包围的男生。" 我的天!雪菜竟然在向操祈征求爱情咨询?这个世界绝对是疯掉了。只见操祈轻轻招手,把雪菜拉近并在她耳边说了几句话。突然间,雪菜猛地站了起来并神色匆忙的往外跑,操祈则只静坐着脸露微笑。究竟操祈跟她说了什么? 写到这里,我的好奇心依然热烈地燃烧着。或许,我会在这个赛场找到答案? Diari Koyomi Senin, 8 Juni 2015 Kantin ISML 19.00 GMT Di saat rasa lapar menguasaiku, tak ada pilihan selain pergi ke kantin di seberang asrama laki-laki, dan disanalah aku melihat penampakan dua orang gadis, Shokuhō Misaki dan Himeragi Yukina, sedang duduk berhadap-hadapan. Yukina terlihat malu-malu saat berbicara dengan Misaki. Pemandangan apa yang sedang kulihat ini? Rasa penasaran membawaku sedikit mendekati mereka. Dengan menggenggam sebuah roti cokelat dan sekaleng kopi hitam, aku duduk beberapa kursi dari tempat mereka duduk namun masih dapat mendengar mereka. "Aku ingin mendengar saran darimu," ucap Yukina pada Misaki "Tentang apa kak?" "Bagaimana cara mendekati pria yang dikerubuti oleh banyak gadis," APA? Seorang Yukina meminta saran cinta dari Misaki? Dunia mungkin sudah mulai gila. Di sana, Misaki merespon dengan memberi aba-aba agar Yukina mendekatkan telinganya lalu membisikkan sesuatu. Beberapa detik kemudian, Yukina berdiri dan lari dengan terburu-buru sedangkan Misaki tetap duduk dan terlihat tersenyum. Apa yang dikatakan Misaki padanya? Sampai baris akhir tulisan ini, aku masih dihantui oleh rasa penasaran. Mungkin jawabannya ada di arena nanti. Diario de Koyomi Lunes, 08 de junio 2015 ISML Cafetería 19.00 GMT Cuando el hambre se apoderó de mí, no había otra opción más que ir a la cafetería atravesando el dormitorio masculino. Allí, vi a dos niñas, Shokuhō Misaki y Himeragi Yukina, estaban sentadas una frente a la otra. Yukina se veía avergonzada cuando tomó hablo con Misaki. ¿Qué estaban haciendo? La curiosidad me llevó a estar más cerca de ellos. Con un pedazo de choco pan y una lata de café negro, me senté y empecé a escuchar su conversación. "Quiero preguntarte algo," dijo Yukina a Misaki. "¿Sobre qué, senpai?" "¿Cómo acercarse a un hombre que está rodeado de chicas?" ¿QUÉ? Yukina estaba pidiendo sugerencias de amor a Misaki, el mundo va a ser una locura. Allí, Misaki respondió a la petición de Yukina, dando una señal para que se acercara y luego susurrando algo en el oído. En cuestión de segundos, Yukina corrió a toda prisa, mientras Misaki se quedó con una sonrisa en su rostro.¿Qué le había dicho Misaki a ella? Hasta este momento, yo todavía estoy atormentado debido a mi curiosidad. Tal vez la respuesta sea dada en la arena. |

Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
五河琴里(约会大作战) vs. 高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
ISML, ISML. Who is the cutest little sister of them all? The charm that lies in Kotori stems from her dual personality. White ribbons bring out her delicate self, the little sister who is dependent and affectionate around her older brother, so loving and sweet. Or if one prefers, black ribbons are worn to show her confident, charismatic side as the leader of her team. Her duality perfectly catered to anyone with any preference, her title as cutest little sister is challenged by the one and only Kōsaka Kirino. She is blessed with beauty, good grades, and, best of all, a top notch super model. Who wouldn't think of her as the image of a perfect little sister? Kirino would love nothing more than to play eroge with you, her big brother. Nobody can resist having an adorable little sister, but you can only pick one. Whom shall you bring home with you as your loving little imōto today? 世萌啊世萌,谁是最可爱的妹妹?五河琴里的魅力来自她的双重人格:戴上白色发带,就是个倾慕并依赖着哥哥的可爱妹妹;而换上了黑色发带,就成为一个充满自信和威严的优秀领袖。能挑战这位带着反差萌属性的可爱妹妹,除了不可能这么可爱的高坂桐乃之外还有谁呢?美丽、聪明,又是个顶尖的模特儿,还喜欢跟哥哥一起玩十八禁游戏,谁不认为她是个完美的妹妹?没有人能抗拒一个可爱的妹妹,但你只能选一个;你会选择把谁抱回家呢? ISML, ISML. Siapakah adik perempuan yang paling imut di antara mereka? Pesona yang dimiliki Kotori berasal dari kepribadian gandanya. Ada yg lebih suka Kotori dengan pita putih, yang menunjukkan sifat lembutnya: seorang adik yang manja dan sangat menyayangi kakaknya, manis dan penuh cinta. Ada pula yang lebih suka saat Kotori menggunakan pita hitam: percaya diri dan karismatik, sebagai seorang pemimpin dalam timnya. Kepribadian gandanya memenuhi selera setiap orang. Namun, gelarnya sebagai adik kecil terimut-nya ditantang oleh Kōsaka Kirino. Cantik, punya nilai bagus, seorang model sukses, siapa yang tidak akan membayangkan dirinya sebagai contoh sempurna dari seorang adik perempuan kecil. Kirino akan sangat senang memainkan eroge-nya bersamamu, kakaknya. Tidak ada yang dapat menolak godaan memiliki seorang adik perempuan yang imut; namun kamu hanya dapat memilih satu: siapakah yang akan kamu bawa pulan sebagai imōto tercintamu hari ini? ISML, ISML. ¿Quién es la hermana pequeña más linda de todas? El encanto que se encuentra en Kotori deriva de su doble personalidad. Las cintas blancas ponen en manifiesto su delicadeza, la hermana pequeña que es dependiente y afectuosa alrededor de su hermano mayor, cariñosa y dulce. O si prefiere, las cintas negras se usan para mostrar su lado confiado, carismático como la líder de su equipo. Su dualidad perfecta provee a cualquier persona con cualquier preferencia, su título como la más linda hermanita es desafiado por Kōsaka Kirino. Bendecida con belleza, buenas calificaciones y lo mejor de todo, es una súper modelo de primera clase. ¿Quién no pensaría en ella como la imagen de una hermana perfecta? A Kirino le encantaría nada más que jugar juegos eroge con su hermano mayor. Nadie puede resistirse a tener una hermana pequeña adorable; pero sólo se puede elegir una. ¿A quién traerías a casa como tu adorada pequeña imōto? Sự cuốn hút của Itsuka Kotori đến từ hai mặt nhân cách của cô bé. Ruy băng trắng tượng trưng cho mặt dịu dàng, một người em gái nhỏ luôn phụ thuộc và quấn quýt bên anh mình, ngọt ngào và đáng yêu; trong khi ruy băng đen thể hiện mặt tự tin, bản lĩnh của một người lãnh đạo. Danh hiệu người em gái đáng yêu nhất ấy của cô giờ đây được thử thách bởi không ai khác ngoài Kōsaka Kirino. Với vẻ đẹp trời phú, điểm học lực cao và trên hết là tố chất của một siêu người mẫu, liệu còn ai là hình mẫu của một người em gái hoàn hảo hơn Kirino ? Cô bé hẳn sẽ không thể thích thú hơn khi được chơi eroge với bạn, anh trai ạ. Khó có ai có thể cưỡng lại những người em gái đáng yêu đến thế ; nhưng bạn chỉ có thể chọn một mà thôi. Liệu bạn sẽ đưa ai về nhà cùng bạn với tư cách là đứa em gái bé bỏng của mình hôm nay ? |

Okabe Rintarō (Steins;Gate) vs. Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
冈部伦太郎(命运石之门) vs. 野崎梅太郎(月刊少女野崎君)
"So, Okabe-san, you think th-" "How many times must I tell you: the name's Hōiōin Kyōma, Mad Scientist Hōiōin Kyōma!" he screamed at me again. "eh..." My name's Nozaki Umetarō, a manga artist. Currently, I am looking for ideas of a new character to introduce. The person in front of me is Okabe Rintarō, an unemployed who spends most of his time in his lab, and he has this 'eccentric' personality. "Hello. Send help. The organization has cornered me. An agent, male, with a boring face. Yes, ..............." he mutters "...." *angry expression* He keeps talking while slandering me at the same time. I wonder if I should just knock him out. But no, this is for my manga... "So, what are you doing in that lab?" "What else? We will create an invention that will change the course of history and use that to dominate the world and destroy the organization! HAAAHAHAHAHAHA...." There he goes again, lashing his lab coat everywhere while laughing cynically. I wonder how long will this go. Well, can't be helped. I'll just continue 'til I get bored. Not that I have other things to do, anyway... "所以说,冈部桑,你认为..." "说了多少次,我叫作凤凰院凶真!疯狂科学家凤凰院凶真!" "额..." 我的名字是野崎梅太郎,是个漫画家,正为创作新人物寻找灵感。在我前面的是冈部伦太郎,一个不在职而整天躲在实验室里的怪人。 "你好,求救。组织把我逼到墙角了。一名特务,男性,沉闷的脸孔。对..." "...(怒)" 他不断地对我进行诬蔑,我真想把他敲晕。不行,这是为了我的漫画... "你在实验室里做什么?" "可以是什么?我们会制作一个改变历史的发明,利用它支配地球并破坏组织!哈哈哈哈哈哈!" 又来了,不断摆动实验室袍并发出坏掉了的笑声,真不知道这会持续多久。没有办法,在我被闷透之前只能继续,毕竟没有其他事情可以做... "Jadi, Okabe-san, anda pikir-" "Harus berapa kali kubilang: Namaku Houiouin Kyouma, si peneliti gila Houiouin Kyouma!" teriaknhya kepadaku lagi. Namaku Nozaki Umetarō, seorang seniman manga. Sekarang, aku sedang mencari ide untuk karakter baru. Orang di depanku ini adalah Okabe Rintarō, seorang pengangguran yang menghabiskan waktunya di lab-nya, dan ia punya kepribadian yang "eksentrik." "Halo. Kirim bantuan. Organisasi telah mengepungku. Agen, laki-laki, dengan wajah yang membosankan. Iya, ................" gumamnya "..." *ekspresi marah* Ia terus bicara sambil terus memfitnahku. Mungkin sebaiknya kupukul jatuh saja pria ini. Eh, tapi tidak, ini untuk mangaku... "Jadi, apa yang anda lakukan di laboratorium anda?" "Apa lagi? Kami akan membuat sebuah penemuan yang akan mengubah sejarah umat manusia dan menggunakannya untuk menguasai dunia dan menghancurkan organisasi! HAAAHAHAHAHAHA...." Ia kembali mengibaskan jaket lab-nya, sambil tertawa jahat. Heuh, kira-kira berapa lama ini akan berlangsung? Yah, ya sudah. Aku lanjutkan saja hingga aku bosan. Toh aku tidak ada hal lain untuk dikerjakan... "Vậy Okabe-san, anh có nghĩ l-" "Đã nói bao nhiêu lần: gọi tôi là Houiouin Kyouma, bác học điên Houiouin Kyouma!" - Anh ta lại hét lên. Tôi là Nozaki Umetarō, một họa sĩ manga. Hiện tại tôi đang tìm thêm ý tưởng cho nhân vật mới. Và người đang ngồi trước mặt tôi đây là Okabe Rintarō, 1 kẻ thất nghiệp quái đản dành hầu hết thời gian trong phòng thí nghiệm. "Xin chào , tôi cần trợ giúp. "Tổ chức" đến rồi. Một nam điệp viên với khuôn mặt chán ngắt . Vâng, ..." Anh ta tiếp tục nói trong khi không ngừng phỉ báng tôi. Có lẽ tôi nên ... mà thôi, tất cả vì sự nghiệp manga. "Vậy, anh thường làm gì trong phòng thí nghiệm ? "Tất nhiên là tạo ra những phát minh có thể thay đổi lịch sử, dùng nó để thống trị thế giới và tiêu diệt "Tổ chức". HAAAHAHAHAHAHA...." Và ... anh ta lại như thế nữa rồi. Tôi tự hỏi chuyện này sẽ kéo dài bao lâu . Welp, tôi sẽ tiếp tục cho đến khi chán. Dù sao tôi cũng chẳng có gì tốt hơn để làm ... |
Thanks to BugH, Kurogarasu, Reverend, Just, houreki, and WoodyMC for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 3 — Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
橘万里花(伪恋) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
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In the pursuit of love, just what is the most effective way to win over a man's heart? To Marika, openness is the way to go. To pursue love with all your might, openly speaking of your feelings and working hard to win them over. Even if it means going out of your comfort zone, if it's to show your affection for the boy you love, you would go to any lengths necessary. Kosaki, however, begs to differ. Preferring to watch from a distance, bidding her time wisely... She thinks before she acts. If you show your kindness and care discreetly, some day your feelings might shine through and, perhaps, grow stronger than before. To pursue love from the front lines, or to support your crush from behind? Which method will prove more effective in the race for Raku's love? 在爱情里面要俘获男生的心,最有效的方法究竟是什么呢? 对橘万里花来说,方法就是激情与奔放。倾尽全力去为争取爱情而努力,让自己的感受能够触及并感动对方。纵使这可能代表需要离开自己的舒适地带,如果可以赢得所爱男生的心,使用任何方法都是值得的。 另一边厢的小野寺小咲,则倾向从远距离观察,细细思考之后的行动。三思而后行,细水长流地展现自己的温柔和关怀,总有一天深藏内心的感受可以跨越任何距离,抵达想去到的地方,甚至可能变得更强。 在前线为爱情而激战,还是在背后默默为憧憬对象努力?哪种方法能更有效赢得他的爱呢? Saat mengejar cinta seseorang, cara apakah yang paling efektif untuk memenangkan hati seorang pria? Bagi Marika, terang-terangan adalah jalannya: mengejar cinta dengan segala kekuatan, dan secara terbuka menyatakan perasaannya dan bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan balasannya. Bahkan kalau itu berarti ia harus keluar dari zona nyamannya; demi menunjukkan rasa sayang kepada lelaki yang ia cintai, Marika takkan segan menempuh segala sesuatu. Namun, Kosaki mempunyai pilihannya sendiri: ia lebih memilih melihat dari jauh, menunggu waktu yang tepat tiba. Kosaki berpikir sebelum bertindak. Jika engkau menunjukkan kebaikanmu dan kepedulianmu secara diam-diam, maka suatu saat perasaanmu akan bersinar menmbus segala ke-tidaktahu-an dan, mungkin, akan semakin bertumbuh menjadi lebih kuat. Mengejar cinta di garis depan, atau mendukung orang yang kamu cintai dari belakang? Metode manakah yang paling efektif dalam perlombaan menuju cinta Raku? En la búsqueda del amor, ¿Cuál es la forma más efectiva de ganar el corazón de un hombre? Para Marika, ser abierta a sus emociones es el camino a seguir. Perseguir el amor con todas sus fuerzas, abiertamente hablando de lo que siente y trabajando duro para ganar. Incluso si eso significa salir de su zona de confort; si se trata de mostrar su afecto para el chico que le gusta, va a ir a cualquier extremo posible. Kosaki, sin embargo, lo ve de otro modo, prefiriendo ver desde la distancia, hace las cosas a su tiempo, ella piensa antes de actuar. Si muestras tu bondad y la cuidas discretamente, algún día sus sentimientos pueden brillar y tal vez, ser más fuerte que antes. Perseguir el amor en las líneas del frente, o apoyar a su enamorado por detrás ¿Qué método resulta más eficaz en la lucha por el amor de Raku? Đâu là cách hiệu quả nhất để giành được trái tim người mình yêu mến ? Với Marika, sự cởi mở là con đường tốt nhất. Theo đuổi tình yêu với tất cả ý chí, không ngần ngại nói ra cảm xúc của mình và không ngừng chủ động để giành lấy chiến thắng. Miễn là dành cho người mình yêu , bạn cần phải làm tất cả những gì có thể, kể cả khi điều đó là mạo hiểm mối quan hệ vốn có . Tuy nhiên, với Kosaki, mọi thứ hoàn toàn khác biệt. Luôn quan sát từ một khoảng cách nhất định, sử dụng thời gian hợp lý và suy nghĩ cẩn thận trước khi hành động. Chỉ cần bạn vẫn tiếp tục âm thầm quan tâm, sẽ có một ngày cảm xúc của bạn sẽ được đón nhận, và trở nên mạnh mẽ hơn so với trước đây. Chủ động theo đuổi tình yêu từ phía trước, hay âm thầm ủng hộ người mình yêu từ phía sau ? Liệu đâu sẽ là phương pháp hiệu quả hơn trong cuộc đua giành lấy tình yêu của Raku ? |

Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
With their innocence and cuteness, they try to melt everyone’s hearts. Est, with her white long hair and innocent face, is always tailing Kamito, her master, around. Even though she is always fooled by Rinslet, her actions never fail to amuse us. On the other hand, Yoshino also has charming points. With her blue hair and doll in hand, her actions make our hearts tremble. Which girl will capture your affections today? Dengan kepolosan dan ke imutan, mereka mencoba melelehkan hati setiap orang. Est dengan rambut putihnya yang panjang dan wajah imutnya selalu mengikuti Kamijou sebagai tuannya. Walau ia sering kali di bodohi oleh Rinslet tetapi aksi tidak pernah gagal untuk menghibur kita. Di sisi lain, Yoshino juga memiliki sisi menarik yang sama dengan Est. Dengan rambut biru dan boneka di tangannya, aksinya juga membuat hati kita berdecak. |

Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
丹生谷森夏(中二病也要谈恋爱!) vs. 高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
*At the Cure Maid café* Shinka: Erm, Kōsaka-san, why did you bring me to this... place? *Looks at waitresses wearing maid uniforms* Kirino: I hang out here with my friends, so bear with it. And Nibutani-san, aren't you the same as well? Shinka: ...What did you say? Kirino: I have received concrete evidence that you once called yourself "Mori Summer", wore an angelic dress, and... Shinka: STOP! *covers her ears* Kirino: Heh. "Mori Summer" might become a big hit in Akihabara, you know. Shinka: What about you Kōsaka-san? I heard that you have some interesting habits. Kirino: Such as? Shinka: Playing some games that are prohibited at your age. Kirino: My love towards eroge is none of your business, so shut up. Shinka: It's just...unexpected, considering you are good at everything. Kirino: Is it? Anyway, Nibutani-san, I called you out for a deal. Shinka: *suspicious* Yes, what about it? Kirino: I heard that you have a very good "friend" that you care for a lot, am I correct? Shinka: ...What are you planning? Kirino: I might consider monopolizing her as another sister. Shinka: I'm not giving her to you! Kirino: It’s a fight then! Shinka: Bring it on, Kōsaka-san! *女仆餐厅里* 森夏:呃… 高坂桑,你为什么带我来这个… 地方? *盯着穿女仆装的服务员* 桐乃:我跟朋友平常都在这儿消磨时间,忍耐一下吧。丹生谷桑,你不也一样么? 森夏:你说什么? 桐乃:我可是有确切证据,你曾经自称”Mori Summer“、穿上天使服装… 森夏:停!不要再说了! *盖住自己的耳朵* 桐乃:嘻嘻,”Mori Summer“在秋叶原可是有机会成为人气偶像的哦。 森夏:高坂桑你又怎样?我听说你有些非常有趣的癖好呢。 桐乃:例如? 森夏:玩一些十八禁的游戏。 桐乃:我对黄油的喜爱跟你毫无关系,闭嘴。 森夏:只是有点… 出乎意料,毕竟你在各方面都那么优秀。 桐乃:是么?怎么也好,丹生谷桑,我想跟你进行一项交易。 森夏: *怀疑的目光* 哦?是什么? 桐乃:我听说你有一位非常关心的重要”朋友“,对不? 森夏:… 你在打什么算盘? 桐乃:我计划让她成为我的妹妹。 森夏:我才不会把她交给你! 桐乃:好,来决斗吧! 森夏:正面上我啊! *Lokasi: Cure Maid café* Shinka: Eeh, Kōsaka-san, Kenapa kamu membawaku ke... sini? *sambil melihat pelayan berseragam maid* Kirino: Aku suka menghabiskan waktu di sini bersama teman-temanku. Sudah, jangan banyak protes. Dan bukannya kamu juga suka melakukan hal seperti ini, Nibutani-san? Shinka: ...Maksud? Kirino: Aku sudah memperoleh bukti konkrit bahwa dulu kamu senang menyebut dirimu sebagai "Mori Summer", sambil memakai kostum malaikat, dan.... Shinka: BERHENTI! *menutup telinga* Kirino: Heh. "Mori Summer" bisa saja menjadi terkenal di Akihabara, tahu... Shinka: Lalu bagaimana dengan dirimi Kōsaka-san? Aku dengar kamu mempunyai hobi yang "menarik." Kirino: Seperti? Shinka: Main game yang dilarang untuk umurmu. Kirino: Kecintaaanku kepada eroge bukan urusanmu, jadi diam. Shinka: Itu sangat... tidak terduga, mengingat kamu tampaknya sangat sempurna di segala hal. Kirino: Heuh betulkah? Ngomong-ngomong, Nibutani-san, aku memanggilmu karena sebuah urusan. Shinka: *curiga* Iya, kenapa? Kirino: Aku dengar kamu mempunyai seorang "teman baik" yang sangat kamu sayangi, iya? Shinka: ...Apa yang kamu rencanakan? Kirino: Aku mungkin saja memutuskan untuk me-monopolinya sebagai adik kecil berikutnya. Shinka: Aku tidak akan memberikannya kepadamu! Kirino: Oke... ini adalah sebuah pertempuran! Shinka: Ayo, Kōsaka-san! *Tại Cure Maid café* Shinka: Erm, Kōsaka-san, nơi này là…? Kirino: Tôi thường đến đây với bạn. Và Nibutani-san, không phải cậu cũng vậy sao ?” Shinka: … gì cơ ?? Kirino: Tôi được biết cậu đã từng gọi bản thân là “Mori Summer”, mặc đồ thiên sứ và… Shinka: KHÔNGGGG !! *bịt tai* Kirino: Heh . “Mori Summer” có thể trở thành “hit” ở Akihibara đó, cậu biết không? Shinka: Cậu thì sao chứ, Kōsaka-san? Tôi nghe cậu cũng có khá nhiều sở thích thú vị mà. Kirino: Như là ? Shinka: Chơi những games bị cấm ở độ tuổi này. Kirino: I-im đi. Tình yêu Eroge của tôi chẳng liên quan gì đến cậu cả. Shinka: Bất ngờ nhỉ … khi mà cậu hoàn hảo về mọi mặt … Kirino: Dù sao thì, Nibutani-san, tôi gọi cậu ra đây để thương lượng. Shinka: …. Về cái gì ? Kirino: Có một người bạn “tốt” mà cậu rất quan tâm, đúng chứ? Shinka: … và …? Kirino: Tôi muốn độc chiếm cô ta làm em gái mình~ Shinka: Tôi sẽ không giao cậu ta cho cậu đâu ! Kirino: Vậy thì quyết đấu thôi ! Shinka: Tới đi, Kōsaka-san! |

Kuroyukihime (Accel World) vs. Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
黑雪姬(加速世界) vs. 结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域)
In the third round of the Aquamarine period this year, we are presented with the battle of two sword-fencing ojō-sama: Kuroyukihime, a.k.a Black Lotus, master of the Nega Nebula, versus Yūki Asuna, vice commander of the Knight of Blood. Kuroyukihime is known to be one of the Kings of Accel World, that was until she "betrayed" the group by killing one of the other Kings. She was branded a traitor, with all the other factions in pursuit of her. But, later, when she finally decided to get herself a protégé, she found that not everybody hated her, that she had friends that would stand next to her no matter what. Asuna is a typical ojō-sama, groomed to be a kind and obeying woman. But, a huge accident left her trapped in a virtual world where dying would bring real death in the real world. Afraid at first, she decided to stand—to not accept her fate just like that. She found that she was more than just a mask, that it is fine to be herself, with friends and a lover. The two beauties stand by each other, face to face. Their swords are at the ready. Who will prevail today? 在今年的海蓝三,出现了两名持剑少女的对决:黑暗星云军团团长、别号"黑之睡莲"的黑雪姬,以及血盟骑士团的副团长、有"闪光"之称的结城明日奈。 黑雪姬是加速世界里的其中一个王,直到他"背叛"众人并杀了另外一个王。她被其他所有势力冠以叛徒之名,然而当她终于决定收纳下辈并为自己重建门户的时候,她发现并非所有人都讨厌她,更有无论什么状况都愿意站在自己身边的朋友。 亚丝娜是一个典型的大小姐,内心温柔又安守本份。然而一个重大的意外,让她被困于虚拟世界之中,在游戏里生命归零意味在现实也会死亡。起初很害怕,但后来她决定站起来,拒绝就此向命运妥协。她发现自己不需要时刻戴上保护罩,可以在朋友和爱人面前做真正的自己。 两个美少女面对面的对峙着,手中的宝剑如箭在弦。谁能成为今天的优胜者? |

Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series)
青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 远坂凛(Fate系列)
Today’s challengers have already shown their determination to accomplish or exceed the goals they have set for themselves. Now they must prove that their same determination can help them reach the top of ISML. For Aoyama Nanami, she was determined to sacrifice a lot to accomplish her goal of becoming a voice actress. Even if some didn‘t believe it would work out for her, including her family, she would sacrifice her time and even her own health to prove that she can succeed. Tōsaka Rin’s goals and determination have also been set high, but she had to sacrifice a lot more to succeed. While she also sacrificed her time and effort in order to inherit her family’s legacy as a mage, she also knew she would have to risk her own life if a mage war were to occur. It’s still early in the regular season, but both challengers already know they have to make a statement now if they want to accomplish their other goal of winning the tiara. Will a former top challenger reclaim the spotlight, or will a current top challenger continue her winning ways that date back to last year’s postseason run? 今天的挑战者,都曾展现足以让她们达致甚至超越自己目标的决心和毅力;现在,她们需要进一步证明自己,去登上世萌的顶峰。青山七海为了达到成为声优的理想,有作出庞大牺牲的觉悟;纵使别人不一定相信她能够做到,包括自己的家人,但她仍然愿意付出时间甚至健康去证明自己的能力。远坂凛所订立的目标很高,然而她换取成功所失去的更多;为了继承家族魔法师的身份,付出努力以外还得有随时赌上的生命的觉悟。常规赛尚处于早阶段,但她们都知道为了赢得皇冠必须尽早给自己奠定胜利的基石。是曾经的顶尖选手重新登上属于自己的舞台,还是现在的强大挑战者延续去年强势而获得胜利? Penantang kita hari ini telah menunjukkan determinasi mereka dalam mencapai tujuan atau bahkan melampaui target yang sudah mereka tentukan untuk diri sendiri sebelumnya. Namun, sekarang mereka harus membuktikan bahwa determinasi yang sama dapat membantu mereka dalam mencapai puncak tertinggi di ISML. Aoyama Nanami akan memberikan segala hal demi mencapai cita-citanya sebagai seorang aktris pengisi suara. Walaupun ada yang menganggap itu tidak mungkin, termasuk keluarganya, ia tidak peduli; Nanami akan mengorbankan waktunya dan bahkan kesehatannya demi membuktikan bahwa ia bisa berhasil. Tōsaka Rin juga memiliki cita-cita dan determinasi yang tinggi, namun ia harus mengorbankan jauh lebih banyak. Selain mengorbankan waktu dan segala usaha demi memperoleh warisan keluarganya, yaitu gelar sebagai seorang penyihir, Rin tahu bahwa jika suatu saat terjadi perang di antara penyihir, ia mungkin juga harus mengorbankan nyawanya. Mungkin musim reguler baru saja dimulai, namun kedua penantang ini tahu bahwa mereka harus menyatakan niat mereka sekarang bila mereka memang ingin memenangkan tiara. Apakah Rin, seorang veteran, akan kembali merebut tempatnya sebagai seorang penantang utama? Ataukah Nanami, yang sekarang adalah seorang penantang utama; seorang pemain kelas atas, akan terus melaju di jalur kemenangan yang dimulai semenjak Postseason tahun lalu? |

Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs. Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park)
野崎梅太郎(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 可儿江西也(甘城辉煌游乐园)
"So, Kanie-kun, how about you introduce yourself first?" "Okay, my name is Kanie Seiya. Male, 16, exquisite, talented, handsome. There's no one in this world that can match my talent in socialization, especially not a boring guy like you." He said it with insulting eyes. "..." *clenches fist* My name's Nozaki Umetarō, a manga artist. Currently, I am looking for ideas of a new character to introduce. That's why I've been making my rounds, interviewing people. Yet somehow, I've ended up with another "eccentric" character. And, once again, I got slandered. "So, how's your park doing?" "Doing well, of course. Summer is coming, so it's getting crowded. How's your manga?" he asked. "Well, I want to introduce a new romance with new characters. But I've ended up with unusable characters each time. I wondered if I should have followed Sakura's advice about using myself..." I said that while putting my head on the table. "Well, don't take it too hard. Make sure you have enough rest. You let this super-talented guy help you when you need it, okay?" *handsome prince mode: on* Another brag... Huh... well, I'll do anything for my manga. "可儿江君,你可否先介绍一下自己?" "好的。我是可儿江西也,男生,16岁。优秀细腻、天赋异秉、英俊潇洒。这个世界上没有一个人社交方面的天份可以比得上我,尤其是你这个沉闷的家伙。(轻蔑的眼神)" "...(怒)" 我是野崎梅太郎,漫画家。我正在寻找新角色的灵感,所以四周寻找人逐一进行采访。然而,我又一次碰上一个奇怪的人,又一次被看扁了。 "你的游乐园最近怎样?" "当然很棒。夏天要来了,开始热闹起来。你的漫画又怎样?" "噢,我想引进新角色和一段爱情故事,但总是碰上不能使用的人物。我开始有点想是否应该听她的建议,用自己作模版就算了...(扶额)" "别勉强自己,要确保自己有足够的休息。有需要的话,可以让我这个天才帮你哦?(白马王子模式:启动)" 又一个自我意识过剩的家伙。算了,为了我的漫画,我什么都愿意做。 “Vậy, Kanie-kun, cậu giới thiệu bản thân mình được không ?” “Được thôi. Kanie Seiya, nam, 16 tuổi, tinh tế, tài giỏi, đẹp trai. Không ai trên thế giới có thể sánh với tài năng của tôi, nhất là một kẻ chán ngắt như anh.” “….” *ức chế* Tôi là Nozaki Umetarō, một họa sĩ manga. Như lần trước, hiện tôi đang tìm ý tưởng cho nhân vật mới. Và một lần nữa, tôi tiếp tục đụng độ với 1 nhân vật kì quặc khác và lại bị phỉ báng. “Vậy, công viên của cậu sao rồi ?” “Tất nhiên là cực kỳ tốt. Còn manga của anh?”– cậu ta hỏi “Well, tôi muốn giới thiệu thêm một vài nhân vật mới, nhưng hầu như họ đều không sử dụng được. Tôi tự hỏi mình có nên nghe theo lời khuyên của Sakura và đưa bản thân vào …” “Well, đừng cố quá. Hãy chắc rằng luôn nghỉ ngơi đầy đủ. Dù sao anh cũng có một người cực kỳ tài năng hỗ trợ đây rồi~” *Hoàng tử mode: bật* Lại một thiên tài chém gió nữa … Huh… thôi thì tất cả vì sự nghiệp manga. |

Togashi Yūta (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Kanda Sorata (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
富樫勇太(中二病也想要谈恋爱) vs. 神田空太(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Togashi Yūta and Kanda Sorata once believed that their high school lives would be no different from others. Yet, it wasn't long before their hopes were smashed to smithereens. Yūta finds himself surrounded by girls who suffer from serious delusions like himself in the past, and he can't find a solution to pull them out of their syndromes. Sorata has to deal with an artist who has no self-care ability, and dorm mates who are so talented yet so difficult to handle in many ways. However, they don't really mind, as they have caring hearts and are friendly to anyone, no matter how awkward that person might be. Whenever their friends suffer hardship, they are willing to take on the burden as well, and comfort them with their kind hearts. It is therefore inevitable that these characters shall clash in today's ISML arena, where their kindness will be the major factor to decide the victor. Will Yūta, the "Dark Flame Master,” take away the win, or will it be the dream-seeker Sorata who prevails? Who do you think is the most gentle and caring? Your vote will decide the outcome of this match of the compassionates. 富樫勇太和神田空太曾经以为他们的高中生活会跟其他人无异,但他们的幻想很快就被粉碎。勇太被一群妄想症的女生包围,仿佛看见自己过去的影子,却找不到治疗他们中二病的方法;空太需要面对一个全无自理能力的画家、还有一群堪称天才却又非常难以应付的舍友。不过他们并不介怀,皆因他们都有一颗善良的心,再奇特的人都可以成为朋友。当朋友面对困难,他们愿意一起分担、并以自己的温柔去给予他们慰藉。今天,这两个温柔的男生在世萌一战无可避免,而这份温柔将成为胜负分野。会是”漆黑烈火使”勇太,还是追梦者空太获得胜利?谁是最温柔体贴的男孩?你的一票将决定他们的命运。 Togashi Yūta dan Kanda Sorata dahulu percaya bahwa kehidupan SMA mereka tidak akan berbeda dengan orang lain. Namun, tidak butuh waktu lama bagi harapan mereka untuk hancur berkeping-keping. Yūta menemukan dirinya berada di sekelliling gadis-gadis yang mengalami penyakit "berkhayal" yang sama seperti dengan yang ia alami dahulu, dan ia tidak bisa menemukan solusi untuk mengobati mereka. Sorata harus menghadapi seorang seniman jenius yang tidak bisa mengurus dirinya sendiri serta teman-teman kos yang penuh bakat namun sangat sulit untuk dihadapi. Namun, mereka tidak begitu keberatan dengan keadaan tersebut, karena mereka besar hati dan mau berteman dengan semua orang, betapapun anehnya orang itu. Di saat teman mereka mengalami kesulitan, mereka tak segan untuk ikut memikul beban tersebut dan menghibur teman tersebut. Maka, di sebuah kenyataan yang tidak bisa dihindari, kedua karakter ini bertemu satu sama lain di Arena ISML, di mana kebaikan hati mereka mungkin saja akan menjadi faktor penentu utama di antara keduanya. Apakah "Dark Flame Master" Yūta memperoleh kemenangan? Ataukah si pengejar mimpi, Sorata, yang akan menang? Siapakah di antara keduanya yang menurutmu paling gentle dan peduli terhadap sesama? Vote-mu akan menentukan hasil dari pertempuran di antara dua kebaikan ini. |

Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series) vs.
Akasaka Ryūnosuke (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
阿良良木历(物语系列) vs. 赤坂龙之介(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Koyomi's Diary Wednesday, June 10, 2015 ISML Supporting Facility Building 15.05 GMT "Araragi Koyomi vs Akasaka Ryūnosuke." I had only a bit of information about him and I met him only once when entering the computer room. Curiosity made me go to that room at the supporting facility building, to the east of Nova Arena. Thanks to this body, I arrived in that place just in five minutes. Slowly, I opened the door and saw a man standing in the room, staring at the monitor while eating tomatoes from his hand, long-haired and a bit shorter than me. I tried to greet him. "Hi, Akasaka, have a minute?" "Araragi Koyomi: half human-half vampire, lolicon with two young sisters at home, has a tsundere girlfriend and never refuses her orders. Pathetic." Who was this guy? How can he know all of my private life? My instinct said that he was dangerous; the more time I spent there the more secrets would come out from him, and then I decided to back up. I tried to calm down, but suddenly a wild imagination came into my head. "Maybe Akasaka will match in a maid costume." 2015年6月10日(星期三) 世萌设施大楼 格林尼治标准时间15.05 "阿良良木历 vs. 赤坂龙之介" 对于他,我认识不深,毕竟只在电脑室碰见过一次。那时,好奇心驱使我前往新星赛场东面的赛场设施大楼;感谢这个躯体,五分钟就到达了。我慢慢打开门,只见那个男人站在房间里,一边盯着屏幕一边吃着西红柿。比我稍微矮一点,头发很长很长。 我尝试跟他打招呼。"赤坂你好,有空吗?" "阿良良木历,半人半吸血鬼,萝莉控。有两个妹妹,还有个傲娇女朋友,从来不违抗女朋友的指示。简直是糟糕。" 他是谁?为什么会这么清楚我的私生活?直觉告诉我他是个危险人物,跟他接触愈久就会愈危险,因此我决定撤退。 努力让自己冷静下来的时候,一个荒唐的想法忽然擦过脑海:或许,赤坂会穿着女仆装去比赛。 Diari Koyomi Rabu, 10 Juni 2015 Gedung Fasilitas Pendukung ISML 15.05 GMT "Araragi Koyomi vs Akasaka Ryūnosuke." Hanya sedikit saja yang kuketahui dari dirinya dan hanya sekali aku pernah melihatnya saat memasuki ruangan komputer. Rasa penasaran membuatku pergi ke ruangan komputer di gedung fasilitas pendukung, sebelah timur arena Nova. Berkat tubuh ini,aku bisa sampai di sana hanya dengan 5 menit. Pelan-pelan kubuka pintu dan terlihat seorang laki-laki berdiri di ruangan, menatap serius monitor sembari memakan beberapa buah tomat. Rambut panjang dengan tinggi badan sedikit lebih pendek dariku. Kucoba menyapanya, "Hai Akasaka, punya waktu sejenak?" "Araragi Koyomi; setengah manusia setengah vampir, lolicon dengan 2 orang adik di rumah, punya seorang pacar tsundere dan tak pernah bisa menolak perintahnya. Menyedihkan." Siapa orang ini? Bagaimana dia bisa mengetahui kehidupan pribadiku? Naluriku mengatakan bahwa dia berbahaya, lebih lama lagi aku di sana bisa jadi semua rahasia terdalamku dibeberkan olehnya, dan akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk kembali. Kucoba untuk menenangkan diri, namun tiba-tiba sebuah khayalan liar muncul di kepalaku. "Mungkin Akasaka akan sangat cocok dengan baju pelayan." Diario de Araragi Miércoles, 10 de junio 2015 ISML Sala de Soporte Técnico 15.05 GMT "Araragi Koyomi vs Akasaka Ryūnosuke." Sólo obtuve un poco de información acerca de él y me encontré con él cuando entró en la sala de ordenadores. La curiosidad me hizo ir a la habitación en el edificio de Soporte Técnico de Nova Arena, gracias a mi cuerpo, yo podía llegar en 5 minutos, así que lentamente abrí la puerta y vi a un hombre de pie en la sala; mirando el monitor, mientras comía tomates, de pelo largo y un poco más bajo que yo. Traté de saludarlo., "Hola Akasaka, ¿Tienes un minuto?" "Araragi Koyomi, medio humana medio vampiro, lolicon, con dos jóvenes hermanas en el hogar, tiene una novia tsundere y nunca se niega a sus órdenes, patético." ¿Quién era este hombre? ¿Cómo puede saber todo de mi vida privada? Mi instinto me decía que era peligroso, asi que decidi regresar a mi habitación. Traté de calmarme, pero de repente una imagen salvaje se me vino a la cabeza. "Tal vez, Akasaka competirá con el traje de mucama." Nhật kí Koyomi Thứ tư, 10/6/2015 Tòa nhà vật chất ISML 15.05 GMT "Araragi Koyomi vs Akasaka Ryūnosuke." Tôi chỉ mới gặp cậu ta được một lần . Đó là khi tôi tò mò về phòng máy ở phía đông khu vực Nova. Nhờ cơ thể này, tôi đến đó chỉ trong 5 phút. Khi tôi mở cửa, tôi thấy một cậu trai đứng bên trong; mái tóc dài và thấp hơn tôi một chút; đang khởi động màn hình với quả cà chua ăn dở trên tay. “Xin chào, đằng đó.” – Tôi cố gắng bắt chuyện “Araragi Koyomi; nửa người nửa vampire, lolicon và có 2 đứa em gái , có một cô bạn gái tsundere và chưa bao giờ dám từ chối mệnh lệnh của cô ta. Thảm hại.” Con người này là ai vậy? Làm thế nào cậu ta biết tất cả về đời tư của tôi ? Bản năng bảo tôi rằng nếu còn ở lại lâu hơn thì mọi bí mật của tôi bị tuôn ra hết, nên tôi quyết định rời đi. Bất chợt, một hình ảnh mới mẻ hiện lên trong đầu tôi. “Có thể Akasaka sẽ hợp với trang phục hầu gái.” |
Thanks to smartboyhw, BugH, Reverend, Kurogarasu, Just, houreki, hinakatbklyn, itsukayuzuru, and WoodyMC
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 4 — Sunday, June 14, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Latifa Fleuranza (Amagi Brilliant Park)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 拉媞珐·芙尔兰札(甘城光辉游乐园)
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Latifa: Hello, I am Latifa Fleuranza, Princess of Maple Land. May I know your name? Yukino: It's Yukino. Yukinoshita Yukino. Latifa: It's nice to meet you, Yukino. I hope our match goes well. Yukino: Likewise. But I would like to ask you a question, if I may. Latifa: Sure, what may it be? Yukino: I have heard of news that your amusement park was once on the verge of being shut down. If the man who had saved your park had not appeared, would you have given up all hope? Latifa: No. I would have still carried on the hope. Yukino: That sounds foolish of you, for hope does not always come true for everyone. Do you still believe in that hope then, after reality sets in? Latifa: Yes. While it may sound foolish, I truly believe that Amagi Brilliant Park will live. Even if it may fall, it will rise again, to bring about joy and fun to the kids that visit the park. That is my only wish as the manager of the park. Yukino: I can see your dedication towards this matter. Very well, let us have a good match, Princess. Latifa: Yes. Let's shall. 拉媞珐:你好,我是红枫乐园的公主拉媞珐。你是谁? 雪乃:雪乃。雪之下雪乃。 拉媞珐:雪乃你好,很高兴认识你。希望我们的比赛顺利。 雪乃:同。可以问你一个问题吗? 拉媞珐:嗯? 雪乃:我听说过你的游乐园几乎面临倒闭的新闻。如果那个拯救游乐园的男孩没有出现,你会放弃希望吗? 拉媞珐:不会,我依然会继续奋斗。 雪乃:这听上去很愚蠢,希望并非对所有人都会成真。在现实面前,你仍然可以相信虚无缥缈的希望吗? 拉媞珐:我相信。纵使听上去很愚蠢,但我坚信甘城光辉游乐园能够生存。即使走下坡,也会重新复苏,为来访的孩子带来欢乐。作为游乐园的管理员,这是我唯一的希望。 雪乃:看来你对此确实很有决心,我明白了。祝我们有一场好比赛吧,公主。 拉媞珐:好,正面上我啊! Latifa: Xin chào, tôi là Latifa Fleuranza, công chúa của vùng đất Mapple. Tôi có thể biết tên bạn không ? Yukino: Là Yukinoshita Yukino. Latifa: Rất vui được gặp bạn , Yukino. Yukino: Đây cũng vậy. Có phiền không nếu tôi hỏi cô vài câu? Latifa: Vâng, xin mời. Yukino: Tôi nghe rằng đã có lần công viên của cô gần như phải đóng cửa. Nếu chàng trai đó không xuất hiện, liệu cô có từ bỏ hy vọng? Larifa: Không. Tôi vẫn sẽ tiếp tục hy vọng. Yukino: Điều đó có vẻ ngu ngốc. Cô vẫn hy vọng ngay cả khi thực tế đã rõ ra trước mắt ? Latifa: Vâng. Ngay cả khi điều đó là ngu ngốc, tôi vẫn thật sự tin răng Amaburi sẽ tiếp tục tồn tại. Có thể có lúc sụp đổ, nhưng rồi nó sẽ gượng dậy và mang lại niềm vui cho mọi đứa trẻ đến thăm. Đó là nguyện vọng duy nhất của tôi với tư cách là quản lí. Yukino: Tôi có thể thấy tấm lòng của cô dành cho công viên này. Thôi được, cùng có một trận đấu đẹp nào, công chúa. Latifa: Vâng. Rất hân hạnh. |

Shiro (No Game No Life) vs. Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance)
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 提露密努斯·艾斯特(精灵使的剑舞)
Do you appreciate loli? Have you realized that prepubescent innocent girls are gracious gifts from heaven? Or are you incapable of even discerning, let alone admiring, the subtle differences between two quiet, short white-haired girls that both look like they’re twelve? Shiro and Terminus Est might be to the uncultured eye two more clones off the Illya-Kanade block, but they are in fact very different from each other. Shiro is a young girl, brilliant and smart but also very insecure in the great big world. She’s constantly trusting and depending on her older brother, whose protection and kindness give her the confidence to be herself. Terminus Est, on the other hand, is actually a thousand-year-old blade spirit who just happens to look (and act) like some grade schooler. Doting constantly on Kamito, Est is more mischievous and silly, always managing to make the situation worse for her poor master. So you see, these girls are completely different. White hair. Small. Stoic. Dotes on older brother figures. Are younger sister figures. Supporting characters. Make unnecessary and inappropriate comments. Completely…different… 你控萝莉吗?你是否知道这些还没有完全发育的纯真女孩,是天降的恩赐?还是说你无法直视、更遑论欣赏,这两个安静娇小、看上去只有十二岁的银发女孩,彼此间细微的区别?白和提露密努斯·艾斯特,对非此道中人来说,骤眼看上去可能只是伊利雅/立华奏模本的又一个复制品,但事实上她们可是有很大的差别。 白是个细小的女孩,机智聪明但同时对于世界严重缺乏安全感。她一直信赖并依靠着她的哥哥,那份保护和温柔给予了她信心。 提露密努斯·艾斯特,实际上是个逾千岁的精灵使,只是刚好外表和行为看上去都像个小学生而已。溺爱着神人的她,调皮却又自带天然属性,总是给可怜的主人带来更多的麻烦。 如你所见,这两个女孩完全不一样。银发、娇小、自我、兄控、妹属性、配角、口不择言。完全... 不一样... |

Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
鸢一折纸(约会大作战) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
If Tobiichi Origami and Yoshino went to visit a speech therapist, the therapist would face a complicated problem, as they seldom converse with people. It is not that they don't know how to talk; Origami doesn't want to say anything with her calm demeanor, because she would rather spend the effort in trying her best to take revenge against creatures who murdered her innocent parents. Yoshino is just too shy to open her mouth, and couldn't even complete a word before she had to dodge an endless array of bullets. Instead she relies on her puppet as her messenger, but if the puppet leaves her, she would have no choice but to express her feelings via crying. However, they aren't really as cold as thought, even if they may not talk much and can kill people or chill people. They act like homeotherms: cold outside, warm inside. Origami will not extinguish her passion towards someone that she fell in love with, while Yoshino doesn't actually want to harm people and would rather prefer a peaceful and happy life. One spirit, one wizard, both cold and also warm. Which is your cup of tea? 如果鸢一折纸和四糸乃去看语言医生,或许会给医生带来一个大难题,因为她们都很少和别人交流。并不是因为她们不懂得如何交谈:冷静的举止下,折纸是个沉默寡言的人,因为她一心想要尽她所能向杀害无辜父母的生物复仇。四糸乃只是太害羞开口了,因为在迫于躲闪开一连串子弹之前,她甚至不能说出一个字来——取而代之,她用布偶来替她传达内心,可一旦布偶离开她的手边,她就毫无选择,只能嚎啕大哭以表达情感。尽管她们或许很少说话,甚至能够杀掉或冻结人们,但她们并不像我们想象的那样冷酷,她们正如恒温动物一般——冰冷的外表,温暖的内心。折纸不会熄灭她的热情,对她所爱的那个人。四糸乃并不是真的想要伤害人们,她更希望拥有和平而幸福的生活。一个精灵,一位能手,同样的冷酷却又同样的温暖。谁是你的菜呢? Jika Tobiichi Origami dan Yoshino pergi untuk menunjungi terapis bicara, dia akan mengalami masalah yang rumit oleh karena mereka jarang berbicara pada orang-orang. Bukannya mereka tidak tahu cara berbicara: Origami tidak mau berbicara dengan sikap tenangnya, karena dia lebih memilih untuk memberikan usaha terbaiknya demi membalas dendam kepada makhluk yang membunuh orang tuanya yang tidak berdosa. Yoshino terlalu malu untuk membuka mulutnya, untuk itu bahkan dia tidak mampu menyelesaikan satu katapun sebelum menghindari hujan peluru tiada henti: sebaliknya dia bergantung pada bonekanya sebagai penyampai pesan, namun jika sang boneka meninggalkannya, dia tidak punya pilihan selain menunjukannya dengan menangis. Bagaimanapun, mereka tidak sedingin yang kita kira, meski mereka tidak banyak bicara dan bahkan dapat membunuh atau membekukan seseorang. Mereka berlaku layaknya makhluk berdarah panas: Dingin di luar namun hangat di dalam. Origami tidak akan mematikan hasratnya kepada seseorang yang ia cintai, sementara Yoshino tidak benar-benar ingin melukai seseorang dan lebih suka kedamaian dan hidup yang penuh kebahagiaan. Satu jiwa, satu keahlian sihir, keduanya dingin juga hangat. Yang mana cangkir kalian? |

Akame (Akame ga Kill!) vs. Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live)
赤瞳(斩·赤紅之瞳!) vs. 时崎狂三(约会大作战)
You may find the beauty of these girls to be irresistible: two black-haired beauties to admire, but should you delve deeper into their lives, they might not be as simple as it seems. Akame is actually a notorious assassin in the Empire, known for having killed many of their troops and caused many hiccups in 'legal' transactions in the Empire, thus accumulating a massive bounty for her head, as she is also part of a revolutionary movement. Her skills with the swords are never to be underestimated for one swoop could literally mean death. Tokisaki Kurumi is actually a Spirit, able to manipulate time to her will, allowing her to carry out many bad deeds. This caused her to be the focus of the AST, who have tried repeatedly to apprehend her but have always failed. Her powers are varied, which could take you by surprise, should you not be aware of it. Be careful of what you see, for it may only be one part of the whole story. 你或许会觉得这两个黑发女孩的美令你无法抗拒,但当你深入一点了解她们的生活,你将发现她们并不如外表看上去那么简单。 赤瞳是帝国里面恶名昭彰的杀手,曾进行不少刺杀并引起不少混乱;作为革命分子,她项上人头可是价值不菲,而手中之剑也能在弹指间直取敌人咽喉。 时崎狂三是个精灵,可以操纵时间的能力助她做过不少坏事,也令她成为精灵对抗部队的头号通缉犯。然而一再的捕捉计划皆以失败告终,她变幻莫测的能力总能超出所有人预算。 不要相信眼里所看,因为它不一定反映事实的全部。 Kalian akan menemukan kecantikan dari gadis-gadis ini tidak tertahankan; dua gadis cantik berambut hitam untuk diakui, namun ketika kalian menggali lebih dalam kehidupan mereka, kalian akan menemukan bahwa mereka tidak sesederhana yang kelihatan. Akame sebenarnya adalah pembunuh bayaran terkemuka di kerajaan, terkenal mampu membunuh banyak tentara kerajaan dan menyebabkan banyak pergolakan dalam "transaksi legal" di kerajaan. Dengan semua itu bayaran tinggi diberikan demi kepalanya, sebagaimana juga dia merupakan bagian dari pergerakan revolusionis. Keahlian berpedangnya tidak pernah dianggap remeh karena satu sayatan berarti kematian. Tokisaki Kurumi sebenarnya adalah seorang Spirit, mampu memanipulasi waktu sesuai dengan keinginannya sehingga membawanya ke perbuatan-perbuatan jahat. Semua ini membuatnya menjadi fokus AST yang berusaha berulang kali untuk menangkapnya namun gagal. Kekuatannya bervariasi yang mampu mengejutkanmu dan lebih baik kamu berwaspada terhadapnya. Hati-hati dengan apa yang kalian lihat, semua ini mungkin hanya sebagian dari keseluruhan cerita. |

Kuriyama Mirai (Kyōkai no Kanata) vs. Asada Shino (Sword Art Online)
栗山未来(境界的彼方) vs. 朝田诗乃(刀剑神域)
What is more difficult: feeling insecure about yourself or trying to deal with said insecurity? Mirai has plenty of struggles in her normal life, from trying to pay her rent to being ridiculed on the Internet. However, as a Spirit World warrior, she has been shunned by many due to her blood manipulating ability, and in turn is rather unconfident in defeating yōmu. Due to a traumatic moment in her childhood, Shino has an intense fear of guns that makes her an easy target for bullying. In order to relieve the trauma from said fear, she enters Gun Gale Online, where somehow she can wield a gun without breaking down. However, that doesn't eliminate her fear completely as she still collapses when near one in real life. Both Mirai and Shino are very strong and capable of fighting others when needed, but what they lack is the confidence to maintain their strength. As they begin to fight each other today, whom will you root for? 哪个更困难呢:缺乏安全感,还是尝试面对缺乏安全感的感觉? 未来在日常生活有不少挣扎,从尝试缴交租金到面对网络欺凌。而作为异界士,她操纵血的能力又被众人视为异端,即使面对妖梦时也缺乏信心。 诗乃小时候的一次创伤经历,让她对枪感到恐惧并因此被欺负。为了从创痛里站起来,她进入了GGO,并且可以顺利在虚拟世界拿起手枪。然而,这并没有解决现实世界的问题。 未来和诗乃都很强,有能力与敌人战斗,但她们都缺乏维持这份力量的自信。今天她们在赛场碰上,你会支持谁呢? ¿Qué es más difícil? la sensación de inseguridad acerca de ti mismo o tratar de lidiar con dicha inseguridad? Mirai tiene un montón de luchas en su vida normal, desde tratar de pagar el alquiler hasta ser ridiculizada en Internet. Sin embargo, como una guerrera del mundo de los espíritus, ella ha sido rechazada por muchos debido a su capacidad de manipulación de la sangre, y a su vez es bastante insegura al momento de derrotar a un Youmu. Debido a un momento traumático en su infancia, Shino tiene un miedo intenso hacia las armas, haciéndola un blanco fácil para la intimidación. Con el fin de aliviar el trauma de dicho miedo, ella entra a Gun Gale Online, donde de alguna manera ella puede esgrimir un arma sin descomponerse. Sin embargo, eso no elimina su miedo por completo ya que todavía se derrumba cuando está cerca de uno en la vida real. Tanto Mirai y Shino son muy fuertes y capaces de luchar contra otros cuando es necesario, pero lo que les falta es la confianza para mantener su fuerza. A medida que comienzan a luchar entre sí hoy, ¿A quién apoyas? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
逢坂大河(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎) vs. 高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
"Ryūji, your lips are dry and will really hurt." Taiga with her tsundere appearance and bravery made everyone afraid of her, but there is one man who can pair with her. "Who can pair with tiger except dragon?" On the other hand, Kirino, who always said, "Baka Aniki," to Kyōsuke, secretly admired him. As time went by, this admiration turned to love. Even though her dream couldn’t come true because of her status, Kirino was quite happy with what her brother had done. Who is the most tsundere that will win our vote today? “龙儿,你的嘴唇很干哦,会很痛吧。”大河的傲娇和勇气,让大家都对她敬而远之;不过,有一个男人,配得起成为她的伙伴。除了龙,又有谁能够与虎为伍? 另一边厢,经常说“笨蛋哥哥”的高坂桐乃,其实暗中仰慕哥哥京介。随着时间,这份仰慕变成爱恋,而纵使身份令梦想无法成真,桐乃对于哥哥所做的一切依然真心感到欢喜。 两名傲娇的对决,谁能赢得你的一票? "Ryuji, bibirmu kering dan itu akan sangat sakit" Taiga dengan tsundere dan keberaniannya membuat semua orang takut, tapi ada seorang pria yang dapat menjadi pasangannya. "siapa yang dapat berpasangan dengan Harimau kecuali naga?" Di sisi lain, Kirino yang selalu berkata "Baka Aniki" diam-diam menyimpan perasaan kagum akan kakaknya. tetapi perlahan perasaan suka ini berubah menjadi cinta. Walaupun mimpinya tidak dapat menjadi kenyataan karena statusnya, tetapi dia cukup senang dengan apa yang telah diperbuat kakaknya. Siapakah yang paling tsundere diantara mereka yang akan memenangkan suara kita hari ini? |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs. 优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹(这个是僵尸吗?)
"They're attractive just the way they are." Women are unique creatures; they're still charming in any clothes, and they're still lovely in any nature of them. Being silent or active won't be problem for them because women dare to show their true selves. Let's talk about these princesses, Eucliwood Hellschyte and Chitanda Eru. Eucliwood is almost always silent. The note and pen are extensions of her tongue when she wants to express something. The reason? She doesn't want to hurt everyone with the power of her speech, so she accepts and endures her fate. Chitanda Eru is a daughter of a famous farmer in the area. Try to make friends with her and she'll bring you a world full of mystery. Her head is full of questions and curiosity is her true nature. Believe it, there'll be no more days without questions, "Why must this be this; why must that be that?" It isn't a mask that they give to us, but something true. There are no lies among them, because Eucliwood and Eru believe that people will more love them when they're trying to be themselves. “她们是如此的有魅力,正如她们表现的那样” 女人是一种独特的生物;在各种衣装下她们依旧迷人,在各种性格中她们依旧可爱。安静或活跃对她们而言并不是问题,因为女人们敢于展示真实的自己。 让我们谈谈这两位公主吧,优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹和千反田爱瑠。 优克莉伍德一直很安静,甚至几乎从来不说话。当她想要表达什么的时候,笔记本和钢笔成为了口舌的替代物。原因?因为她不想用自己言语的力量伤害任何人,因此她接受了命运,一直默默地忍受。 千反田爱瑠是当地一位有名的农场主家的千金。如果和她做朋友,她会带给你一个充满谜团的世界。她的头脑一直装满疑问,好奇是她的本性。相信我,你的每一天充满问题“为什么是这样,为什么是那样?” 这并不是她们的伪装,而是她们真实的本性。她们之间没有谎言,因为优克莉伍德和爱瑠相信着,做真实的自己,身边的人会更爱她们。 "Mereka itu menarik apa adanya" Wanita itu salah satu ciptaan yang unik; dengan pakaian apapun mereka tetap menawan, dengan sifat bagaimanapun mereka tetap dicintai. Menjadi pendiam ataupun aktif tidak menjadi masalah bagi mereka sebab wanita berani untuk menampilkan jati diri mereka. Mari berbicara tentang dua orang putri ini, Eucliwood Hellschyte dan Chitanda Eru. Eucliwood selalu tampil pendiam bahkan hampir tidak pernah berbicara. Buku catatan dan pena menjadi perpanjangan lidahnya ketika mengungkapkan sesuatu. Alasannya? Sebab ia tidak mau melukai siapapun dengan kekuatan ucapannya,sehingga ia menerima dan menahan takdir itu. Beruntung ia punya teman-teman yang mengerti akan kondisinya. Chitanda Eru, seorang putri petani terkenal di daerah rumahnya. Cobalah berkenalan dengannya dan anda akan dibawanya ke dunia yang penuh dengan misteri. Kepalanya selalu penuh dengan pertanyaan dan rasa penasaran adalah sifat alaminya. Percayalah, tidak akan ada hari tanpa pertanyaan "Kenapa seperti ini, Kenapa seperti itu?" Bukan topeng yang mereka berikan pada kita, namun sesuatu yang asli dari diri mereka. Tidak ada kebohongan dalam diri mereka, sebab Eucliwood dan Eru yakin orang-orang di sekitar mereka lebih mencintai ketika mereka mejadi diri sendiri. |

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 长门有希(凉宫春日的忧郁)
Behind the quiet and emotionless faces of these two girls, lies something more than just blank expressions. Rather, they are filled with much personality, just not easily shown externally. Mashiro is a person who one might find quirky. At times, she shows off her cute and curious side as she explores the new country that she is currently living in. But, she can be just as scary and emotionless at the same time, a lethal combo that no one wants to mess around with. Whereas Yuki may seem unfriendly to others, time will soon show her caring side, as she cares for her dear friends that she may or may not have really made. Behind that face also lies an admiration, an attraction to someone whom she adores, for the caring side he portrays that makes him so likable to her. Her feelings don't show, but she does like him. All in all, these two girls are more than just robots; they are human, humans capable of emotion, care, as well as love. 在沉默木然的脸孔背后,隐藏着的远比空洞的表情要多。她们的内心比一般人要丰富得多,只是含蓄内敛而不轻易为人所见。 椎名真白给人的感觉或许有点违和。在探索自己所居住的新环境时,可以展现可爱纯真的一面;但有时木无表情的时候,却又能令人不寒而栗,绝对不会希望招惹到她。 长门有希的形象并不友善,但随着时间大家会发现她的体贴,尤其是对于她有意或无意中结交的宝贵朋友。同时,内心隐藏着对一个人的欣赏、欣赏他的温柔体贴;纵不展现,感觉依然无可否定。 这两个女孩并非只是机器人,而是有血有肉的人。有思想、有感情;能关怀、能爱。 Dibalik ketenangan dan wajah tanpa emosi dari kedua gadis ini, tersimpan seseuatu yang lebih dari sebuah ekspresi kosong. Sebenarnya mereka penuh dengan banyak kepribadian, namun tidak mudah untuk diperlihatkan di luar. Mashiro adalah orang yang terlihat aneh. Ada kalanya dia menunjukkan sisi imut dan ingin tahunya sebagaimana dia mendalami negri tempat dia tinggal sekarang. Namun, dia bisa jadi sangat seram dan tanpa emosi di saat yang bersamaan, sebuah kombinasi mematikan yang membuat orang tidak ingin macam-macam. Sementara Yuki tampak tidak bersahabat dengan yang lain namun waktu akan memperlihatkan sisi peduli dari dirinya, sebagaimana dia peduli terhadap teman-temannya. Dibalik wajah itu tersimpan kekaguman; daya tarik untuk seseorang yang diidamkannya yang membuatnya tampil seperti itu. Perasaannya tidak diperlihatkan, namun dia benar-benar menyukainya. Keseluruhan dari semua, kedua gadis ini lebih daripada robot, mereka manusia. Manusia menyimpan emosi, rasa peduli sebagaimana juga dengan cinta. Detrás de los rostros tranquilos y sin emociones de estas dos chicas, se encuentra algo más que una expresión en blanco. Más bien, están llenos de mucha personalidad, pero no se muestra fácilmente externamente. Mashiro es una persona a la que uno puede encontrar peculiar, aunque a veces muestra su lado lindo y curioso, como ella explora el nuevo país en el que está viviendo, pero, ella puede ser tan aterradora y estar sin emociones al mismo tiempo, un combo letal con el que nadie quiere toparse. Mientras que Yuki puede parecer poco amigable con los demás, el tiempo puede mostrar su lado más afectuoso, ya que se preocupa por sus queridos amigos que ella puede o no haber realmente hecho. Detrás de esa cara también se encuentra una admiración; una atracción por alguien, ella adora su lado cariñoso, lo que lo hace que ella se sienta agradable. Sus sentimientos no se muestran, pero ella lo quiere. En conjunto, estas dos chicas son más que robots, son humanos, seres humanos capaces de tener emociones, así como el amor. |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
夏娜(灼眼的夏娜) vs. 牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门)
As I look upon my spectator seat, waiting for the upcoming match between Shana and Makise Kurisu. I wondered upon how the match's outcome would be like. Suddenly, a brilliant flash of flames burst out of nowhere, and in the core of the flames laid the Flame Haze, better known as Shana. Her stunning entrance led the audience to a roaring welcome for their favorite girl. I could hear many cheers upon the veteran, waiting for her opponent to appear on the stage. As the announcer declared her opponent to come on stage, we heard a loud step when Kurisu stepped forward and walked in a cool fashion, emitting the ice queen aura that swooned her fans. As both of them stood on the stage, Kurisu appeared to tease Shana a bit, causing Shana to blush and seem very flustered. But neither side seemed to drop their determination to win. Both had a concentrated stance, ready to strike in the first moment when the match started. ''The match starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... START!!” The match then soon began... 随着我在观众席上等待夏娜与牧濑红莉栖的比赛,心里幻想着比赛的结果回事怎样。 忽然,一股耀眼的光芒凌空爆裂出来,火焰包围着那个火雾战士出现,正是夏娜。这个出乎意料的登场,让席中众支持者站立为她热烈欢呼。 随着广播介绍她的对手,我们听见响亮的脚步声,红莉栖冷静地缓步向前,散发着一股冰山美人的气息。 两人相对站着,红莉栖似乎调笑了夏娜几句,而夏娜的脸瞬间红了;但双方都没有丝毫松懈,带着争胜的决心,集中力提升到顶点,随时准备作出致胜一击。“比赛即将开始!5、4、3、2、1... 开始!” |

Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series) vs. Senjōgahara Hitagi (Monogatari Series)
远坂凛(Fate系列) vs. 战场原黑仪(物语系列)
Koyomi's Diary Saturday, June 13, 2015 ISML Sports Centre I, Araragi Koyomi, was forced to follow Senjōgahara Hitagi to the sports centre. What plan she had I still didn't know, until I set my foot there. While smiling, Hitagi said that this night would decide the result of tomorrow’s match at the Stella Arena. I couldn't understand what she meant at that time, until I saw a figure in red cloth approach us. No doubt she's Tōsaka Rin. I get it now; I really get it now that women are scary. Even they can't hold the inner desire to compete. One similarity of them that I knew is they're stubborn, and maybe that similarity was the one that brought them to match in this place. The unpleasant atmosphere filled the field, and I certainly knew that the match wouldn't be normal because we talked about Senjōgahara Hitagi and Tōsaka Rin. Que Sera Sera. Whatever will be, will be. I took a breath before someone tapped my shoulder. "It looks like we are in the same position, Araragi." That was what Emiya Shirō said when taking a seat beside me. Yes, at least I had a comrade this time. 历的日记 2015年6月13日,星期六 世萌体育中心 我,阿良良木历,被强迫跟随战场原黑仪来到了体育中心。我仍然不知道她有什么计划,直到我到达了那里。 黑仪微笑着和我说今晚将会决定明天恒星组比赛的结果。当时我并不能理解她的话是什么意思,直到我看见一个身着红衣的身影向我们接近,不会错的,那是远坂凛。 现在我明白了,我真实地感受到了女人们的可怕,甚至能够感受到她们内心中克制不住的竞争欲望。根据我的了解,顽固是她们的一个相似点,或许这个相似点是将她们带到这里的一个原因罢。 不友好的气氛充斥了整个场地。我当然知道,这场比赛将会非同一般,因为她们正是战场原黑仪和远坂凛。 世事不可强求。世事不可强求。 我做了一个深呼吸,这时有人拍了拍我的肩膀。 “看起来我们在相同的处境呢,历。” 那是在我身后的卫宫士郎。 是啊,至少这次还有一位和我一样的伙伴。 Diari Koyomi Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015 Pusat Olahraga ISML 20.00 GMT Aku, Araragi Koyomi, terpaksa mengikuti Senjōgahara Hitagi ke pusat olahraga. Apa yang direncanakannya tidak kuketahui saat itu, sampai akhirnya aku tiba di sana. Sambil tersenyum, Hitagi mengatakan bahwa malam ini akan sangat menentukan bagi pertadingannya di Arena Stella besok. Aku tak mengerti apa maksudnya saat itu, sampai aku melihat sesosok berbaju merah menghampiri kami, tidak lain Tōsaka Rin. Aku paham sekarang, ya aku sangat paham sekarang bahwa perempuan itu sangat mengerikan, dan mereka bahkan tidak bisa menahan hasrat berkompetisi dalam diri mereka. Satu persamaan mereka yang kuketahui adalah mereka itu keras kepala, dan mungkin sifat itu yang membawa mereka sampai mengadakan pertandingan di tempat ini. Atmosfir tidak mengenakan tampak memenuhi lapangan, dan ku tahu pasti bahwa pertandingan ini tidak akan berjalan seperti biasa sebab kita berbicara tentang Senjōgahara Hitagi dan Tōsaka Rin. Que Sera Sera. Apapun yang terjadi, terjadilah. Akupun hanya menghela nafas sebelum seseorang menepuk bahuku. "Sepertinya kita dalam posisi yang sama, Araragi." Itulah yang dikatakan Emiya Shirō saat duduk di sampingku. Ya, paling tidak aku punya kawan seperjuangan saat ini. |

Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin) vs. Yato (Noragami)
利威尔(进击的巨人) vs. 夜斗(野良神)
Yato: Hey there! It seems like we're going to be facing each other in this fourth round! Levi: Tch. So what? Yato: Sooo...I was thinking we could talk for a bit! You know, a pre-battle interview? Levi: The hell? Why me out of all the other contestants? I don't have time for this stupid- Yato: Now, now, don't be like that, Levi! We're both voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya after all! Levi: You do know we're not the only ones here voiced by him right? Yato: Hehe…I suppose so…but hey, since we're here already, why don't you introduce yourself? Levi: Tch…Levi, leader of the special operations squad. Yato: Interesting! Levi: So…what about you? You tell me to introduce myself and yet you don't say shit about yourself. Who are you? Yato: I'm Yatogami, and I'm the delivery god who will grant your wishes for five yen! Levi: What was that, brat? You grant wishes? Yato: Yep! Levi: …Hm…what if I wish for you to eliminate all the titans? *With a grin, Yato flips and catches a coin* Yato: Your request has been heard loud and clear! 夜斗:喂!看来我们要在第四回合碰上了。 利威尔:切,那又如何? 夜斗:那个~ 我在想,我们可以聊一下!就像赛前谈话? 利威尔:你逗我?那么多人为何偏偏选中我?我才没有时间去做这笨... 夜斗:嘛~ 嘛~ 别这样啊,利威尔!毕竟我们的CV都是神谷浩史啊! 利威尔:你很清楚他并非只配了我们俩的对不? 夜斗:嘻嘻,嘛大概... 不过喂,反正我们都在这了,介绍一下自己吧! 利威尔:切... 利威尔,调查兵团兵长。 夜斗:有趣! 利威尔:你又怎样!你叫我介绍自己,自己却毛都不说!你是什么东西? 夜斗:我是夜斗神,只要五元我就可以实现你的愿望! 利威尔:混蛋,那是什么?你可以实现愿望? 夜斗:对! 利威尔:唔... 如果我的愿望是消灭所有巨人呢? *随着一个微笑,夜斗抛起了一个硬币* 夜斗:你的请求我已经清楚听到了! Yato: Hai yang disana! Tampaknya kita akan bertemu satu sama lain di ronde keempat! Levi: Tch. Lalu kenapa? Yato: Jadi, aku berpikir jika kita bisa berbicara sedikit! Kau tahu, wawancara pra-pertandingan? Levi: Apa? Mengapa harus aku dari banyak kontestan lain? Aku tidak punya waktu untuk si bodoh- Yato: Nah, jangan seperti itu, Levi! Bagaimanapun kita berdua sama-sama disuarakan oleh Hiroshi Kamiya! Levi: Kamu tahu bukan hanya kita yang disuarakan olehnya, bukan? Yato: Hehe.. Sepertinya.. Namun karena kita sudah disini, kenapa tidak memperkenalkan diri! Levi: Tch.. Levi, pemimpin dari satuan operasi spesial. Yato: Menarik! Levi: Lalu.. Bagaimana dengan dirimu? Kamu bilang untuk memperkenalkan diriku dan kamu bahkan belum mengatakan sesuatu tentang dirimu. Siapa kamu? Yato: Aku Yatogami dan aku adalah dewa pengantar yang akan mengabulkan permintaanmu dengan 5 yen! Levi: Apa-apaan ini? Kamu dapat mengabulkan permohonan? Yato: Yap! Levi: ..Hmm.. Bagaimana jika aku memohon supaya dirimu menghabisi semua titan? *Dengan senyum kecil, Yato melempar dan menangkap koon* Yato: Permohonanmu telah didengar dengan jelas! Yato: ¡Oye! Parece que vamos a competir uno contra el otro en esta cuarta ronda. Levi: Tch. ¿Y qué? Yato: Así que ... Yo estaba pensando que tal vez podríamos hablar un poco! Ya sabes, una entrevista previa a la batalla Levi: Demonios ¿Por qué yo de entre todos los demás concursantes? No tengo tiempo para esto stupid- Yato: Está bien, está bien, no seas así, Levi !Los dos contamos con la voz de Hiroshi Kamiya después de todo! Levi: Si sabes que no somos los únicos que tienen la voz de el ¿no? Yato: Jeje ... supongo que sí... Pero bueno, ya que estamos aquí, ¿por qué no te presentas? Levi: Tch ... Levi, líder del escuadrón de operaciones especiales. Yato: ¡Interesante! Levi: Así que .. ¿Y tu? Me dices que me presente y sin embargo no dices ni mierda sobre ti mismo. ¿Quién eres? Yato: Soy Yatogami, y yo soy el dios que puede conceder tus deseos por ¥ 5! Levi: ¿Qué es esto, mocoso? ¿Concedes deseos? Yato: Yep! Levi: .... Hm .. ¿Qué sucedería si deseo eliminar a todos los titanes? *Con una sonrisa, Yato voltea y coge una moneda* Yato: ¡Tu solicitud ha sido escuchada fuerte y claro! Yato: Xin chào! Xem ra chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau ở vòng này ! Levi: Tch. Rồi sao ? Yato: Ừ thì…chúng ta có thể trò chuyện 1 lúc. Như… một cuộc phỏng vấn trước trận đấu ? Levi: Hở? Sao lại là ta mà không phải ai khác? Ta không có thời gian cho việc ngu ngố- Yato: Ấy ấy, đừng vậy chớ! Dù sao chúng ta cũng đều được lồng tiếng bởi Hiroshi Kamiya mà! Levi: Ngươi biết chúng ta không phải là những người duy nhất đấy chứ ? Yato: Hehe.. biết chớ.. Cơ mà, đã lỡ gặp rồi, sao không tự giới thiệu nhỉ ? Levi: Tch…Levi, đội trưởng đoàn trinh sát đặc biệt. Yato: Tuyệt! Levi: Còn ngươi ? Bảo ta giới thiệu mà bản thân lại chẳng hé răng à? Yato: Tôi là Yatogami, vị thần vận chuyển luôn thõa mãn điều ước của mọi người chỉ với 5 yên. Levi: Hử ? Ngươi có thể ? Yato: Yep! Levi: …Hm…Vậy nếu ta ước ngươi tiêu diệt toàn bộ titan ? *Với nụ cười tinh quái, Yato tung đồng xu lên cao và bắt lấy* Yato: Lời thỉnh cầu đã được chấp nhận ! Yato: Hallo! So wie es aussieht treffen wir beide jetzt in der vierten Runde aufeinander! Levi: Ts. Na und? Yato: Also... ich dachte, dass wir etwas miteinander reden könnten. Du weißt schon, ein Interview vor dem Kampf. Levi: Was zur Hölle? Warum gerade ich? Ich habe keine Zeit für so ein unsinniges- Yato: Na, nun sei doch nicht so, Levi! Immerhin werden wir beide von Hiroshi Kamiya gesprochen! Levi: Du weißt schon, dass wir beiden nicht die einzigen sind, die von ihm gesprochen werden? Yato: Hehe... ich glaube schon... Aber, jetzt wo wir schon einmal da sind, warum stellst du dich nicht mal vor? Levi: Ts... Levi, Leiter des Spezialkommandos. Yato: Interessant! Levi: So... und was ist mit dir? Du forderst mich zum Vorstellen auf, aber selbst hast du nichts über dich erzählt. Wer bist du? Yato: Ich bin Yatogami, der Delivery God, die dir Wünsche für 5 Yen erfüllt. Levi: Was war das, du Flegel? Du erfüllst Wünsche? Yato. Richtig! Levi: Hm... Was wäre, wenn ich wünschte alle Titanen zu beseitigen? *Mit einem Grinsen wirft Yato eine Münze und fängt sie wieder.* Yato: Deine Anfrage wurde laut und deutlich gehört. |

Gilgamesh (Fate Series) vs. Shiba Tatsuya (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei)
吉尔伽美什(Fate系列) vs. 司波达也(魔法科高中的劣等生)
What is power? Why is power so important to so many people? To some, power is the ability to make the change in your life; to others, it is the ability to oppress others. But of course, there are two sides to power—good usage and bad usage. But what is the definition of good and bad? For example, is Gilgamesh using his power for himself evil? After all, who does not want to possess more power, such that they are able to feel more confident, more assertive? But is it truly a good thing to have more power? Is it better to use it for others, like Tatusya, who uses his power to protect his beloved sister from any harm possible? That sure sounds good; after all, it means that you, yourself, have something to live for, a reason to gain even more power. But is it really the truth, or is it just an excuse to be greedy? And what if the power used is overbearing to the person being protected? Does the desire still stay strong? What exactly is power? No one will know exactly for sure… 力量是什么?为什么它对那么多人如此重要?对一些人来说,力量是改变人生、改变别人的能力;对其他人,力量则是压制别人的方法。当然,使用力量可以是正义或者邪恶的,但正义和邪恶又是什么? 吉尔伽美什为了自己而使用力量,是不是邪恶的呢?毕竟,没有人不希望获得更多的力量,让自己变得更自信更进取。但拥有更多的力量是不是一件好事? 像司波达也,为了他人而使用力量,尤其是保护至爱的妹妹免受任何伤害。这听上去真不错,生命有一个奋斗的目标和意义、为了得到更多力量而努力的原因。不过这是真相,还是只是贪心的借口?如果力量对受保护的人造成太大的负担,这份渴望是否能够维持? 力量究竟是什么?没有人知道答案... |

Takizawa Akira (Eden of the East) vs. Morita Shinobu (Honey and Clover)
泷泽朗(东之伊甸) vs. 森田忍(蜂蜜与四叶草)
They are the most eccentric people within their cliques, yet are probably more knowledgeable than most give them credit for. Takizawa Akira enters the fray with no recollection of his memory, aside from his multiple names and large wealth. However, Akira holds the key and the answers to the odd events happening around him, which happen to include saving Japan. Morita Shinobu likes to work at his own pace, regardless of the amount of people who get dragged into his roller-coaster life. Yet, Shinobu is keen enough to know how his friends are feeling towards each other and says and does things that would help bring up a person's optimism. Which of these two guys can maintain their inner world when all is said and done? 他们在各自的圈子里,是最怪诞的存在,然而却又比其他人所认知的更有学识。 泷泽朗在完全丧失记忆的情况下陷入乱局之中,只记得自己有多个名字以及庞大的财富。然而,对于四周所发生怪事,钥匙和答案又偏偏掌握在他手里,包括拯救日本的方法。 森田忍喜欢按照自己的步伐工作,纵使会把很多人牵连在内也在所不计。不过,他并非一个不顾他人感受的人,深深理解朋友们的心情,并且可以凭借说话和行动去激起他们的斗志和动力。 当一切尘埃落定,这两人谁可以贯彻自己而获胜? |
Thanks to smartboyhw, BugH, Fuijiwara, blaZofgold, Kurogarasu, houreki, CureRainbow,
WoodyMC, Just, itsukayuzuru, Shmion84, FISHING, and Momento10for contributing today's match previews and translations.
WoodyMC, Just, itsukayuzuru, Shmion84, FISHING, and Momento10for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 5 — Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Miyazono Kaori (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) vs. Aihara Enju (Black Bullet)
宫园薰(四月是你的谎言) vs. 蓝原延珠(漆黑的子弹)
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The dedication towards something is an admirable trait between these two, who have both dedicated their lives to what they are passionate in. Kaori set her life into the magical world of music, the world that brought her joy from the setbacks and obstacles of reality. It was through music that she could express this happiness of hers to others, who may not be feeling as happy as she was. It was through that performance that allowed her to find her one true love. Be it through flopping her recital, or putting her health at risk, she would show the audience that music isn't just pretty sounds. Enju dedicates her life to defeating Gastrea, the monsters that endanger her world. Despite being infected herself, she would not hesitate to stomp them down should they decide to attack anyone at all. This is the amount of loyalty she has towards the kind that has saved her, as she knows that she wants to see more smiles around instead of pain and death. Now that you know the two of them, who do you feel has placed more of her life into the dedication towards what they love? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这两个女孩对于钟爱事情奉献出所有,甚至能赌上自己的生命,着实可敬可畏。 宫园薰沉醉于音乐的魔法世界,在充满困苦的现实生活里给她带来了喜悦。通过音乐,她能分享自己的快乐,令其他没那么快乐的人都可以感受到这份心情。通过登台表演,她找到了自己的真爱;不管是在音乐会离经叛道的表演,还是赌上自己的健康,她都会让观众听到乐谱以外的优美旋律。 延珠把生命奉献给与原肠动物的战斗,为了保卫自己所在的世界。即使自己也流着它的血脉,她绝不会在威胁到任何人安危的怪物之前迟疑止步。一切都是为了报答拯救了自己的那份温柔,她希望看见更多微笑,而非绝望和死亡。 现在你们知道了她们的故事,你觉得她们俩谁奉献了更多呢? Dedikasi yang diberikan oleh kedua orang ini patut dihargai, di mana mereka mendedikasikan hidup mereka untuk sesuatu yang membuat mereka bergairah. Kaori telah menetapkan hidupnya di dunia sihir musik, dunia yang membawakannya kebahagiaan atas rintangan dan cobaan dari kehidupan nyata. Lewat musiklah dia dapat mengekspresikan kebahagiaannya kepada orang lain, yang mungkin tidak sebahagia dirinya. Lewat penampilannya, dia dapat menemukan sebuah cinta sebenarnya. Biarpun resitalnya hancur atau membiarkan kesehatannya dalam bahaya, dia akan menunjukkan pada penonton bahwa musik tidak hanya sekadar suara indah. Enju menghabiskan hidupnya untuk mengalahkan Gastrea, monster yang membahayakan dunia. Meskipun sendirian, dia tidak akan ragu untuk menghabisi mereka sekaligus. Ini adalah tingkat loyalitas yang bisa dia tunjukkan kepada orang yang menyelamatkannya, sebagaimana dia menginginkan lebih banyak tawa dibandingkan derita dan maut. Sekarang kalian mengenal mereka berdua, siapa menurut kalian yang lebih memberikan diri mereka untuk apa yang mereka cintai? |

Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu) vs. Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君)
There aren't many things in this world that can out power the strength of a woman in love. The love these two girls possess certainly cannot be doubted. Sakura Chiyo has a crush who is oblivious of her love. She had done a lot of things: confessed, became the boy's assistant, did a lot of "peculiar" things when asked, yet still he won't respond. But, she doesn't want to give up yet; she has made up her mind that she will make her love clear, no matter what. Yuigahama Yui fell in love with a boy who sacrificed himself to save one of her dear "friends." But the boy is quite anti-social in his class and high school life, and she feels guilty about it. One day, she found out that the boy was in the Service Club, and a request she made to that club turned out to be the turning point—she ended up joining the club and making friends with the other members. But still, the boy has not realize her unrequited love... Two girls, two stories, two loves, two different boys with the same symptoms. Will their love find a way? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 世间上没有多少东西,比一个正在恋爱的女孩更强大。这两个女孩的爱,毋庸置疑。 佐仓千代暗恋一个男孩,然而对方似乎毫不察觉。她做了很多事,表白了、成了男孩的助手、做了他要求的很多奇怪事,但他依然毫无反应。不过她还不想放弃,她已下定决心一定要让心意传达出去,不管有什么困难。 由比滨结衣爱上了一个男孩,为了自己一个好"朋友"而牺牲自己的男孩。然而男孩在学校和班级里都表现孤僻,让她感到内疚。有一天,她发现这个男孩是侍奉社一员,于是也申请加入,成为了一切的转捩点:加入社会,成为朋友。可惜,他还是没有发现自己的爱意... 两个女孩,两个故事,两段恋爱,对于两个拥有一样问题的男孩。她们的爱,最终会找到出路吗? Tidak banyak hal-hal di dunia ini yang dapat mengalahkan kekuatan wanita ketika jatuh cinta. Cinta yang menyelimuti kedua gadis ini tentu saja tidak bisa diragukan. Sakura Chiyo punya perasaan kepada seseorang yang tidak sadar akan cintanya. Dia telah melakukan banyak hal: menyatakan cinta, menjadi asisten si lelaki, melakukan banyak hal yang si lelaki minta, namun tetap tidak ada respon. Tetapi, dia tidak akan menyerah begitu saja: dia telah berkeyakinan untuk memastikan cintanya diakui, bagaimanapun itu. Yuigahama Yui jatuh cinta kepada seorang anak laki-laki yang tekah mengorbankan dirinya untuk menyelamatkan salah satu "teman terbaiknya". Namun sang anak laki-laki adalah seseorang yang agak anti sosial di kelas dan di kehidupan sekolahnya, dan Yui agak merasa bersalah akan hal itu. Suatu hari, dia mendapati si anak laki-laki berada di Klub Pelayanan, dan permintaannya merupakan titik balik bagi klub tersebut - dia akhirnya bergabung dan berteman dengan anggota lain dari klub. Namun tetap, anak laki-laki tersebut tidak menyadari cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan... Dua gadis, dua cerita, dua cinta, untuk dua lelaki yang berbeda dengan persamaan sifat. Akankah cinta mereka menemukan jalannya? |

Yatogami Tōka (Date A Live) vs. Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live)
夜刀神十香(约会大作战) vs. 时崎狂三(约会大作战)
How would you display your affection to someone, the person whom you wholeheartedly love and was now given a chance to display it? Would you be like Tōka, who displays her love through simple things? While Tōka may not be knowledgeable about current world things, she tries her best to understand and then find ways to please her lover. Because she wants to display not only her affection, but also her gratitude towards him, so she does it by doing simple things, like attempting to make something for him, or just simply smiling to show her emotions towards him. Or rather, would you be like Kurumi, who showcases her affection through dangerous teasing? Her way of showing love is the total opposite of Tōka. She uses teasing to her advantage to get to his heart. Whether it is through the usage of sexual appeal, or of the boy's methods to save Spirits, she wants it all. But, let us not forget her kindness towards the cats, which is a great factor to engage her lover's attention, no? So, which would you choose, the safe way or a dangerous way of doing it? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对于你全心所爱的人,如果有机会向他展现自己心意,你会怎样表达? 会是像夜刀神十香那样,通过简单的事情去示爱吗?十香对这个世界的认知不一定很多,但她努力去尝试明白并找出让爱人快乐的方法。因为她想表达的不仅是爱意,还有感激;因此她做简单的事情,为她准备礼物,或是给他简单的微笑,让他能感受到自己的心意。 还是说,会像时崎狂三那样,以危险的挑逗去表达好感?跟十香相反,她会凭借挑逗去赢得他的心;不管是借肉欲,还是那个男孩拯救精灵的方法,她全部都想要。然而,也别忘了她对猫的温柔,这也是得到爱人注意的重要因素啊,对不? 你会选择哪个呢?安全的,还是危险的? Bagaimana cara kalian menunjukkan kasih sayang kalian kepada seseorang, kepada orang yang kalian sangat cintai dan sekarang diberikan kesempatan untuk menunjukkannya? Apakah kalian seperti Tōka, yang menunjukkan cinta lewat hal-hal sederhana. Sementara Tōka mungkin tidak mengerti tentang keadaan dunia saat ini, dia mencoba sebaik-baiknya untuk mengerti dan mencari cara untuk menyenangkan kekasihnya. Karena dia tidak hanya ingin menunjukkan kasih sayangnya, namun lebih rasa terima kasihnya; sehingga dia melakukannya dengan hal-hal sederhana, seperti mencoba membuat sesuatu, atau hanya cukup dengan tersenyum untuk menunjukkan emosi kepadanya. Ataukah kalian ingin seperti Kurumi, yang menampilkan rasa sayangnya lewat rayuan yang berbahaya. Caranya dalam menunjukkan cinta sama sekali berbeda dengan Tōka. Dia akan mencoba menggoda demi mendapatkan hati seseorang. Apakah menggunakan penampilannya ataukah lewat cara si lelaki menyelamatkan para Spirit, dia ingin semuanya. Namun, jangan kita lupakan kebaikannya kepada kucing, yang akhirnya menjadi faktor utama meraih perhatian kekasihnya. Jadi, manakah yang akan kalian pilih, cara aman atau berbahaya dalam melakukannya? Bạn sẽ làm gì để bày tỏ tình cảm của mình với người bạn thầm yêu khi có cơ hội ? Liệu bạn sẽ như Toka, bày tỏ tình cảm của mình qua những điều đơn giản ? Toka có thể không hiểu biết nhiều về thế giới hiện tại, nhưng cô luôn cố gắng tìm hiểu nó và tìm cách làm hài lòng người cô yêu. Và vì thế, cô ấy thể hiện cảm xúc ấy bằng những việc làm rất nhỏ , hay đôi khi chỉ là một nụ cười dành riêng cho cậu ta. Hay liệu bạn sẽ như Kurumi, thể hiện cảm xúc qua lời khiêu khích đầy nguy hiểm ? Dù là qua những lời mời gọi tình dục, hay qua cách mà cậu ta muốn cứu mọi tinh linh, Kurumi sẽ không ngừng khiêu khích để chiếm được trái tim người mình yêu. Thế nhưng, cũng không thể không nhắc đến lòng tốt của cô với những chú mèo, một nhân tố quan trọng khác để gần với trái tim người cô yêu hơn. Vậy, giữa an toàn và nguy hiểm, đâu sẽ là cách để bạn thể hiện tình cảm của mình ? |

Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
五河琴里(约会大作战) vs. 仲村由理(Angel Beats!)
Who can’t like Kotori with her black ribbon? Kotori successfully lead Ratatosk to achieve its goal. As a responsible leader, Kotori tries to help her brother to capture and neutralize spirits. Besides her leadership, her imōto power melts everyone’s hearts through her cuteness and other actions. On the other hand, Yuri is a successful leader for the SSS. With a gloomy past experience, she came to perceive SSS members as her own family, and made its members enjoy living in the after life world. Her appearance and actions are ready to shoot your heart today. Who is going to win? Imōto or Onee-chan? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 谁会不喜欢黑色发带的五河琴里?进入司令官状态的她,带领拉塔托斯克团队完成任务;作为尽责的领袖,帮助哥哥捕捉并封印精灵。除了领导才能,她的妹属性和可爱表现也足以让任何人的心溶化。 另一方面,仲村佑理也是死后世界战线的成功领袖人物。冲破不堪回首的过去,把死后世界战线的成员视作自己的家人,确保所有成员在死后世界可以尽情享受生活。她的美丽外表以及无私的行为,随时可以俘获你的心。 谁会赢呢?妹妹还是姐姐? Siapa yang tidak menyukai Kotori dengan pita hitamnya? Kotori dengan pita hitamnya dengan sukses memimpin Ratatosk untuk meraih tujuan. Sebagai pemimpin yang bertanggung jawab, Kotori membantu kakaknya untuk menangkap dan menjinakan para roh. Disamping kepemimpinannnya, Kotori dengan kekuatan “Imouto” nya melelehkan hati setiap orang melalui keimutan dan aksinya. Di sisi lain Yuri juga sesosok pemimpin yang sukses bagi SSS. Dengan pengalaman lalu yang suram, dia menganggap anggota SSS sebagai keluarga sendiri, dan membuat mereka menikmati waktunya selama di dunia After life. Penampilan dan aksinya siap menembak hati anda hari ini. Siapakah yang akan menang? Sosok Adik atau Kakak? |

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!)
新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs. 丹生谷森夏(中二病也想谈恋爱)
Lies. False impressions that exist in our everyday lives. For Nibutani Shinka, she had been telling lies for many years, as she tried to live under a façade and hide her embarrassing history of delusions that has aroused much teasing towards her. Aragaki Ayase is the complete opposite: she can’t accept people telling lies, especially her closest friends, and daring to violate the taboo leads to immediate dismissal from her social group. Yet even if we are honest with our interests, we often fail to be truthful about our feelings. Shinka finds a certain junior very annoying and is often pissed off by her pranks and childish acts, and wants her out of her eyesight. Ayase is unpleased that one of his male “friends” often has perverted thoughts about her and wants him dead, using flying kicks and staring at him with colorless pupils. But as time goes on, their hatred might just develop into something else, perhaps the complete opposite, and their acts might just turn out to be lies as well. Therefore, in this love and hate theatre, who shall be the spotlight of the play? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 谎言。我们每天生活里,都会碰上的假象。 丹生谷森夏多年来一直在说谎,尝试戴着面具过日子,去隐藏自己因过度妄想而招惹嘲笑的尴尬过去;新垣绫濑则完全相反,她接受不了别人说谎,尤其是最好的朋友,敢逾越这底线意味着从此友尽。 可是,再努力去尝试以诚待人,我们还是难免会碰上无法坦率的时候。森夏经常被一个后辈惹怒,尤其是那些幼稚的把戏让她想将之从眼中除去;绫濑讨厌她的一个男性"朋友"经常对她有越轨的幻想,对他施以飞踢或白目。 不过随着时间过去,她们的心情开始出现变化,甚至跟起初截然相反,而她们的嘴里说不也逐渐成为掩饰的谎言。在爱恨交缠的戏剧里面,谁会成为镁光灯下的主角? Kebohongan. Kesan salah yang ada di sekitar dan di kehupan sehari-hari kita. Bagi Nibutani Shinka, dia telah berkata bohong selama bertahun-tahun, di mana dia mencoba hidup di bawah sebuah kebohongan dan menyembunyikan kisah delusi memalukannya yang muncul mengahantuinya. Aragaki Ayase betul-betul kebalikannya: Dia tidak dapat menerima perkataan bohong orang, terutama teman dekatnya, berani untuk melakukan hal tabu akan membawa mereka dijauhi dari komunitas sosial. Namun ada waktu di mana kita harus jujur akan minat kita, terkadang kita gagal untuk menyatakan perasaan kita yang sebenarnya. Shinka menemukan seorang junior yang menyebalkan yang terkadang membuatnya kesal akan lelucon dan tingkah kekanak-kanakannya, serta ingin dirinya enyah dari hadapannya. Ayase tidak nyaman ketika salah satu "teman" prianya terkadang memikirkan hal mesum tentang dirinya dan ingin sekali si pria mati, menggunakan tendangan terbang atau menatapnya dengan mata kejam. Namun seiring waktu, kebencian mereka berkembang menjadi hal yang lain, mungkin berubah total, dan tingkah mereka justru menjadi suatu kebohongan akhirnya. Bagaimanapun dalam teater cinta dan benci ini, siapakah yang akan menjadi sorotan? |

Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs. Saber (Fate Series)
逢坂大河(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎) vs. Saber(Fate系列)
*Sound of sirens* Speaker tower: Disturbance level 3! Suspects are Aisaka Taiga and Saber. Last appeared around the park area. Careful and go to the safe place! At the ISML central park Saber: Miss Taiga, please be calm! This fight is useless; your sword can harm other people! Taiga: Shut up...shut up...shut up...how dare you called me midget! Saber: I apologized, didn’t I? When I heard the name Taiga, it reminded me of someone taller with the same name. Taiga: Shut up and accept my hits! I'm sure that you just mocked me, right? Saber: Why you are so stubborn? It was not my intention to mock you when I said you must have shrunk. Taiga: Your words are only proving that you do that purposely, Saber! Hyaaa...!! The swords collide with each other, but Taiga's flies away from her hand. Taiga: Argh, no...my sword! Saber: Be calm. Once again I want to apologize about my words from before. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] *广播声:第三级状况!嫌疑人是逢坂大河和Saber。地点是公园附近。戒备,前往安全地方!* *世萌中央公园* Saber:大河小姐,请冷静!这场架是没有意义的,你的剑会伤害到其他人! 大河:无路赛无路赛无路赛!你竟敢叫我矮个子! Saber:我道歉了啊,对不?当听到大河这名字,我想到另一个同名但高一点的人。 大河:无路赛,吃我一击吧!你刚才在嘲讽我啊对不? Saber:你为何那么固执?我说你缩水的时候,并没有嘲讽你的意思啊。 大河:你的话只是证明你是故意的啊,Saber!嘿...! *两剑相撞,大河的剑脱手而出* 大河:啊不... 我的剑! Saber:冷静,容我再次为之前的言词道歉。 *suara sirene* Menara Speaker : Gangguan Level 3! Tersangka adalah Aisaka Taiga dan Saber. Mereka terlihat di sekitar area taman. Diharapkan berhati-hati dan mencari perlindungan! Di taman utama ISML Saber : Nona Taiga, tolong tenang! Pertarungan ini sia-sia, pedangmu bisa melukai orang lain! Taiga : Diam..Diam..Diam.. Berani-beraninya kamu memanggilku cebol! Saber : Bukankah aku sudah meminta maaf? Ketika mendengar nama Taiga, aku teringat seseorang yang lebih tinggi darimu dengan nama yang sama. Taiga : Diam dan terima pukulan pedangku! Aku yakin kamu hanya mengejekku, bukan? Saber : Kenapa kamu begitu keras kepala? Bukan maksudku untuk mengejek ketika bilang dirimu menyusut. Taiga : Perkataanmu justru membuktikan bahwa kau sengaja melakukannya, Saber! Hyaaa...!! Pedang saling beradu, namun pedang Taiga lepas dari tangannya Taiga : Akh, Tidak.. Pedangku! Saber : Harap tenang, sekali lagi aku minta maaf atas perkataanku sebelumnya. Saber menundukkan kepalanya sementara Taiga hampir menangis dalam kesakitannya. Kemudian Taiga berdiri, membalikkan badan dan pergi dari taman. Taiga : Suatu saat kau akan membayarnya, Saber. *tiếng còi* Báo động cấp 3! Đối tượng là Aisaka Taiga và Saber. Địa điểm là khu vực công viên. Xin hãy thận trọng di chuyển đến nơi an toàn. Tại công viên ISML Saber: Cô Taiga, xin hãy bình tĩnh! Cuộc chiến này là vô nghĩa, thanh kiếm của cô có thể tổn thương người khác. Taiga: Im đi ...Im đi…Im đi… Sao cô dám bảo ta lùn hả ?? Saber: Tôi đã xin lỗi rồi kia mà. Chỉ là cái tên Taiga làm tôi nhớ đến một người cùng tên khác … nhưng cao hơn. Taiga: Im đi ! Cô chỉ đang cố xỏ xiên tôi thôi chứ gì ? Saber: Cô thật là cố chấp. Tôi chỉ là buột miệng khi nói cô bị teo nhỏ chứ không có ý gì cả. Taiga: Cô càng nói càng chứng minh điều ngược lại, Saber ! Hyaaa… !! Hai thanh kiếm chạm nhau, nhưng Taiga bỗng dưng trượt tay. Taiga: Argh, không… kiếm của tôi! Saber: Bình tĩnh nào, một lần nữa tôi thành thật xin lỗi về lời nói của tôi mà. |

Kotomine Kirei (Fate series) vs. Producer (Cinderella Girls) (THE iDOLM@STER)
言峰绮礼(Fate系列) vs. 制作人(灰姑娘女孩)(偶像大师)
Koyomi's Diary Tuesday, June 16, 2015 ISML Main Gate 11.00 GMT A message came to my phone, "Big Brother, I and Karen-chan will come to visit you. Wait for us at the gate at eleven, kay?" Tch…what troublesome sisters. I left my dorm to go to the main gate. In my resentment, I saw two big men come out from a bus. One man looked like a priest because of the big cross on his chest and the big bible in his hand. The other one looked more suspicious, black coated with scary eyes. "Who are they?" The question suddenly came out. Then, I felt two people hugging me from behind. They were my sisters. "Is that Mr. Kirei? We had a little conversation on the bus and he suggested I should train more," said Karen. "Yes, yes…and the other is Mr. Producer. He said my voice was good when I sang Platinum Disco. This is his card," Tsukihi butted in to explain about the second man. I know those names; they're people from the exhibition arena, Kotomine Kirei and Producer. I decided to leave with Karen and Tsukihi before something bad happened. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 历的日记 2015年6月16日(星期二) 世萌大闸 格林尼治标准时间11.00 电话收到短信:"哥哥,我和火怜酱会来探望你。十一点在大闸等我们哦! "切... 真是麻烦的妹妹们,我离开宿舍前往大闸。 出乎我意料之外,我看见两个魁梧大汉从公车上下来。其中一个看上去像个大祭司,胸缠十架手拿圣经;另一个看上去比较可疑,一身黑衣目光如炬。"他们是谁呢?"正当心里浮现这个问题的时候,忽然感受到身后被两个人抱住,正是我的两个妹妹。 "那个是绮礼先生吗?我们刚才乘车时聊了一会,他建议我多锻炼呢。" 火怜说道。 "是... 是的... 另外一个是制作人先生。我唱白金ディスコ的时候他说我声音很动听,这是他的卡片。" 月火也插嘴介绍另外那个人。 那两个名字,我听过,是表演赛的人。言峰绮礼和制作人。在任何糟糕的事情发生前,我带着火怜和月火离开。 Diari Koyomi Selasa, 16 Juni 2015 Gerbang Utama ISML 11.00 GMT Sebuah pesan masuk ke telfonku, "Kak, aku dan Karen-chan akan mengunjungimu. Tunggu kami di gerbang jam sebelas, ya!" Tch... Adik-adik yang merepotkan, akupun pergi meninggalkan asrama menuju gerbang utama. Dalam kekesalanku, ku lihat dua orang berbadan besar turun dari bus. Yang satu tampak seperti seorang pendeta karena kalung salib besar di dadanya dan membawa sebuah alkitab besar. Yang satunya lebih tampak mencurigakan, berjas hitam dengan mata menyeramkannya. "Siapa mereka?" Pertanyaan itu muncul seketika. Kemudian, tiba-tiba kurasakan dua orang memelukku dari belakang. Mereka adik-adikku. "Bukankah itu Tuan Kirei? Kami sempat berbincang di bus dan dia menyarankanku untuk terus berlatih," kata Karen kepadaku. "Ya..Ya.. yang satu lagi itu Tuan Producer. Dia bilang suaraku bagus saat menyanyikan Platinum Disco. Ini kartu namanya," sela Tsukihi menjelaskan tentang orang kedua. Aku tahu dua nama itu, mereka adalah orang-orang dari arena eksibisi, Kotomine Kirei dan Producer. Aku memutuskan untuk pergi dengan Karen dan Tsukihi sebelum sesuatu yang buruk terjadi. |
Thanks to smartboyhw, BugH, Fuijiwara, Reverend, itsukayuzuru, Just, and WoodyMC for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 6 — Thursday, June 18, 2015

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Jibril (No Game No Life)
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Today—if you are getting serious—is the time that these two contestants will not miss any opportunity, no matter what dangers lie ahead. Let's start with Shino, a girl with a mysterious trauma who wanted to avoid trouble by going to the virtual world, which helped her overcome her fear in form of a stealthy sniper. That is, it also would suit her quiet personality well. Despite that, her trauma remains intact, even when she took down every enemy with precision and accuracy and is a formidable player in GGO. Jibril, on the other hand, is a curiosity-obsessed being who wants to seek knowledge in the world with her pride and arrogance as a hindrance. However, she has been given a chance to redeem herself by not letting curiosity and pride stand in her way and help others whatever it takes, since she is one of them. They may have weaknesses, but they have one goal to achieve their greatest challenge of all. So, which girl will overcome the obstacles they face? |

Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs. Tina Sprout (Black Bullet)
司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs. 缇娜·斯普朗特(漆黑的子弹)
THERE'S NO DAY WITHOUT "CHAOS" Part II *Sounds of sirens* Speaker Tower: Disturbance Level 4, Disturbance Level 4. High-level magic detected. Neutralizer teams, go to Nova area. Man 1: What, again? Why can't we live peacefully at this facility? Man 2: Your peaceful days have gone, dude. Man 1: Whatever. Who are they this time? Man 2: Shiba Miyuki clashed with Tina Sprout and used Niflheim to freeze the area near Nova arena. Man 1: As far as I know, Miss Miyuki is a calm and charming person, while Tina is a sweet girl with her sleepy face. Moreover, they both are cute. What's wrong with them? Man 2: Let me guess. This is about their brothers. Man 1: What do you mean? Man 2: First, it was just a normal chat, then it becomes a clash about which one is the best brother. I dare to bet a dozen donuts for that. Man 1: Miyuki with her magic and Tina with her ability of weaponry. It'll be interesting. Man 2: Interesting? Trees are freezing and there're many bullets holes everywhere; you still say it's interesting? Man 1: Yes, and I love to see this fight. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 笼罩着混沌的世界 第二幕 警钟长鸣 "警报!警报!侦测到在途的核打击,请对核部队向新星区靠拢!" 路人甲:什么鬼?这地方就不能太平一点吗? 路人乙:醒醒,这是世萌,这是战争! 路人甲:好好好,这次又是什么情况? 路人乙:司波深雪正和缇娜斯普朗特激战,要用冰雾神域将新星区全部冻结呢! 路人甲:桥豆麻袋!深雪小姐不是冰山系的白富美么!缇娜桑不是天然系的呆萌少女么!怎么会大打出手? 路人乙:、、、估计是为了她们的老哥、、 路人甲:= =为什么跟司波达也那个死妹控和里见莲太郎那个死萝莉控扯上了? 路人乙:我记得一开始还是愉快的交流的,然而话题一到谁的哥哥更好这个问题上就出事情了、、 路人甲:有意思(手动斜眼 路人乙:你还笑?冰雾魔法和仙费尔德就要过来了你还笑? 路人甲:愉快地观战不是很有趣么、、、、喂等等会死吗?等等等等等等等等子弹飞过来了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 『 』:嗯,开始游戏吧! TIADA HARI TANPA "KEKACAUAN" Bagian II *suara sirene* Menara speaker: Gangguan level 4, Gangguan level 4. Sihir level tinggi terdeteksi. Tim netralisir diharapkan segera menuju Area Nova. Pria 1: Apalagi ini? Kenapa kita tidak bisa tenang hidup di fasilitas ini? Pria 2: Ketika kamu menjadi bagian dari tempat ini, kehidupan normalmu sudah sirna, bung. Pria 1: Terserah. Siapa lagi kali ini yang buat kekacauan? Pria 2: Shiba Miyuki bentrok dengan Tina Sprout dan memakai Niflheim untuk membekukan daerah sekitar arena Nova. Pria 1: Yang Kutahu Nona Miyuki itu punya sifat yang tenang dan anggun ketika bertindak. Tina juga terkenal sebagai anak kecil yang manis dengan wajah mengantuknya itu. Dan lagipula, mereka berdua punya wajah yang imut. Apa yang terjadi pada mereka? Pria 2: Biar kutebak, melihat dari karakter mereka berdua, pasti meributkan tentang kakak-kakak mereka. Pria 1: Apa maksudnya? Pria 2: Awalnya mengobrol biasa lalu mengarah ke perselisihan tentang kakak mana yang lebih hebat. Aku berani bertaruh selusin donat untuk itu. Pria 1: Miyuki dengan sihirnya dan Tina dengan kemampuannya menggunakan senjata. Ini bisa jadi sangat menarik. Pria 2: Menarik? Pohon-pohon membeku dan lubang bekas peluru di mana-mana, masih kamu bilang menarik? Pria 1: Tentu dan aku sangat ingin melihat pertarungan ini. |

Kuriyama Mirai (Kyōkai no Kanata) vs. Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai)
Somewhere in this world beyond space and time are two different girls named Mirai Kuriyama and Yaya. My Intel doesn't have much information about either of those two, but Mirai is actually the bespectacled, bonsai-loving member of the society called the Spirit World Warriors with a cursed ability to slay demons. But she wanted to have friends with others, despite her shame and self-torture. And there is Yaya, a living doll who shows affection to her master and has serious capabilities. And what is even more special to her is that she has oriental details and emotions of a true human with a strength that has exceeded a steam engine. That is why Yaya is technologically unbreakable in any sense, not just her master, but to those around her. Overall, those two have similar personalities despite being different. So, my fellow voters, prepare to experience spiritual, high-tech justice! |

Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
桐崎千棘(伪恋) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
Hello everyone! I'm Kōsaka Honoka, reporting live in front of the ISML arena. The match currently going on now is the battle between Kirisaki Chitoge and Onodera Kosaki, who are not only fighting for a win in the tournament, but also to receive the acknowledgement of the guy they both love. Fans from both sides are cheering with gusto, in hopes that their favourite waifu will win. Speaking of the devil, here comes the guy in question: Ichijō Raku. Honoka: Hello, Mr Ichijō. My name is Honoka and I would like to conduct a small interview if you may? Raku: Sure I guess... Honoka: if you could describe the two girls in question, Chitoge and Kosaki, what would it be? Raku: W-well, for Chitoge, I guess she is capable. After all, she's smart, athletic and rich. And for Kosaki....well, she's kind-hearted and so pure that she reminds me of an angel. Honoka: Alright, amongst the two of them, whom do you like better? Raku: Wait, what kind of question is that?! Honoka: Looks like we are out of time, never mind then. Thank you for your time. Raku: Eh, okay.... Alright, this is Kōsaka Honoka, signing out. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 大家好!我是你们的记者高坂穗乃果,在世萌赛场前现场报道!现在进行的比赛是桐崎千棘和小野寺小咲之间的激战,除了为了比赛的胜利,更是为了赢得所爱的男孩而战斗!双方的支持者激烈应援,誓要帮助他们的老婆赢得这场大战。啊,一说曹操曹操就到。重要的人出现了:一条乐。 穗乃果:一条君你好,我是高坂穗乃果。我可以跟你进行简短的访问吗? 乐:我想可以吧... 穗乃果:如果要你形容一下千棘和小咲,你会怎么形容? 乐:额,千棘的话,她很有能力吧,毕竟她学习和运动万能又有家庭背景,确实是不错的属性。小咲的话... 她既善良又清纯,就像天使一样。 穗乃果:好的,她们两个之中,你喜欢谁多些? 乐:等... 等等,这算是什么问题? 穗乃果:看来时间到了,算吧。感谢你接受访问。 乐:额,好的... 高坂穗乃果,报道完毕。记得给你最喜爱的老婆投票哦! Hai semuanya! Aku Kousaka Honoka, melaporkan dari arena ISML. Saat ini sedang berlangsung pertandingan antara Kirisaki Chitoge dan Onodera Kosaki, yang bukan hanya bertarung untuk memenangkan turnamen namun juga untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari pria yang mereka cintai. Fans dari kedua belah pihak memberikan semangat kepada mereka, dengan harapan waifu favorit mereka dapat menang. Ini dia pria yang kita semua pertanyakan: Ichijo Raku. Honoka: Halo, Tuan Ichijo. Namaku Honoka dan bolehkah aku ingin berbincang sedikit jika diijinkan? Raku: Tentu saja... Honoka: Seperti apa gambaranmu tentang kedua gadis ini, Chitoge dan Kosaki ? Raku: B-baiklah, Chitoge kurasa dia cakap. Maksudku, dia pintar, atletis dan kaya. Dan untuk Kosaki... dia baik hati dan sangat polos, mengingatkanku akan malaikat. Honoka: Oke, antara keduanya siapa yang menurutmu paling baik? Raku: Tunggu, pertanyaan macam apa ini? Honoka: Sepertinya kita kehabisan waktu, lupakan saja. Terima kasih atas waktumu. Raku: Eh, sama-sama... Baiklah, di sini Honoka undur diri. |

Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live) vs. Stephanie Dola (No Game No Life)
时崎狂三(约会大作战) vs. 史蒂芬妮·多拉(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
Due to an ongoing recruitment of the Featured Match Chief Editor, this featured match write-up has been taken down temporaily. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
筒隐月子(变态王子与不笑猫) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
With an innocent outlook, Tsukiko and Shiro try to make every one fall for them. Expressionless Tsukiko fell for Yokodera, but she can’t express her feelings since her expressions were taken by the Nekogami. Through her actions towards Yokodera, she shows her affections towards him. Her cuteness and behavior always makes our hearts fall for her. At the other side, Shiro, with her imōto appearance, always excites us. Her smartness and actions also never fail to amaze us. She always helps Sora in winning the game. So which one is your favorite? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 凭借纯真的外表,筒隐月子和白能让所有人被她们迷倒。面瘫的月子爱慕着阳人,但因为表情被猫神夺去了而无法表达心意;因此,她只能用行动去传达感情,可爱的行为能讨所有人喜爱。另一方面,白的妹属性和外表固然令人振奋,而她的机智聪明更是永远可以给人带来惊喜,帮助空白赢得任何游戏。谁是你的至爱呢? Dengan tampang yang polos, Tsukiko dan Shiro mencoba membuat semua jatuh hati pada mereka. Tsukiko dengan tanpa ekspresi menyukai Yokodera, tetapi dia tidak dapat mengekspresikan perasaannya sejak ekspresinya di ambil oleh Neko Gami. Melalui tidakanya ia menunjukan perasaannya kepada Yokodera. Ke imutan dan perilakunya selalu membuat hati kita jatuh padanya. Di sisi lain, Shiro dengan penampilan Imōto nya selalu membuat kita bersemangat. Kecerdikan dan aksinya tak pernah gagal dalam mengejutkan kita. Ia selalu membantu Sora dalam memenagkan permainan. Jadi manakah kesukaan anda ? |

Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
五河琴里(约会大作战) vs. 中野梓(K-ON!)
These two twin tailed girls always stick in our mind. Whether in Imōto mode or Commander Mode, Kotori always makes us hearts melt and excited. She is an adorable imōto for everyone as well as a great commander. Her cuteness and actions make us never bored towards her. Azusa also has similar traits. With her “Moe” charm, she always shakes us. Azusa always being the angel for her band, she is a dependable girl but sometimes her clumsiness is an extra point for her. Which one of these twin tailed girls will catch your heart today? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这两个双马尾女孩总能让人铭记心里。无论是妹妹还是司令官模式,五河琴里总能让人心灵溶化及振奋,既可爱又值得信赖,多变的属性让人永远不会感到沉闷。中野梓也有类近的属性,她的萌光环固然让人时刻震撼不已,虽然有点笨拙但认真可靠,永远是团队里的天使。这两个双马尾女孩,谁能俘获你的心? Kedua wanita twin tailed ini selalu melekat pada ingatan kita. Walau di dalam mode Imōto ataupun pemimpin, Kotori selalu membuat kita meleleh dan bersemangat. Dia adalah sosok Imōto yang menarik untuk semua orang dan juga pemimpin yang hebat. Ke imutan dan aksinya membuat kita tidak pernah bosan terhadapnya. Azusa juga sama halnya. Dengan tampang “Moe” dia selalu membuat kita bergetar. Azusa selalu menjadi malaikat untuk band nya. Dia adalah sosok yang dapat diandalkan tetapi terkadang sifat cerobohnya menjadi poin tambah tersendiri untuknya. Jadi yang manakah dari kedua twin tail yang akan memenangkan hati anda hari ini ? |

Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Akasaka Ryūnosuke (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
野崎梅太郎(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 赤坂龙之介(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
My cellphone rings. A message comes in. "You're there already, Nozaki-san? I'll be there in a moment." My name's Nozaki Umetarō, a manga artist. Currently, I am looking for ideas of a new character to introduce. That's why I've been making my rounds, interviewing people. But unfortunately, all I've met so far are "eccentric" boys. But it seems this time I can finally talk to a normal person (despite that maid-mail thing...) "Hello, Nozaki-san. My name's Akasaka Ryūnosuke. Nice to meet you." A girl with long hair came and sat in front of me. "OR NOT!!!" I said in surprise. "Hmm...Akasaka-san, you said you're a boy..." "Hey, that's rude! I am a boy. This long hair is just because I'm too lazy to cut it down." I should have guessed that. Well, beside this and that maid-mail thing, he seems normal... "But still, since you use the pen name "Yumeno Sakiko" and draw a girl manga, I expected you to be a girl, too...not a guy with a boring face like yours." "Now you're the one being rude." *clack* I got slandered (again) and broke my pencil in the process. Well, I have a spare. Let's just continue this. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “滴”,一封短信进来了 “我马上就到” 我的名字是野崎梅太郎,一个少女漫画家。这几天,我正在进行新角色人设的构思,想要寻找一些灵感,所以我采访了一些人。不幸的是,我身边的男生都各种奇了个葩(→_→包括我)不过看起来这次我能找到一个正常些的人采访。 门铃响了 一个紫发赤瞳的少女站在门前 豆大的汗滴从我的背脊渗出 “请问……” “你是野崎君吗?我是赤坂龙之介” “等等!你不是说你是男的么!” (怒)“你看清楚!老娘呃不对老子是男的!” “可是头发= =” “老娘懒得剪不行么(╬▼皿▼),话说你笔名叫梦野咲子我还以为你是女生呢,怎么是一副死鱼眼的彪形大汉啊” “啪”感觉头脑里有根什么东西断了 “那么,我们开始吧(╬▼皿▼)” “放马过来吧!(╬▼皿▼)” 咦,不是采访么,好像有哪里不对、、好像也并没有什么不对 Telfonku berdering. Sebuah pesan masuk. "Kamu sudah di sana, Nozaki-san? Aku akan sampai sebentar lagi." Namaku Nozaki Umetarō, seniman manga. Saat ini aku sedang mencari ide untuk karakter baru yang akan kuperkenalkan. Itulah sebabnya aku berkeliling, mewawancarai orang-orang. Namun sayangnya, semua kutemui sejauh ini adalah bocah-bocah eksentrik. Namun sepertinya kali ini aku berhasil berbicara pada orang biasa (di samping hal-hal mengenai "pelayan") "Halo, Nozaki-san. Namaku Akasaka Ryūnosuke. Senang berkenalan denganmu." Seorang gadis berambut panjang datang dan duduk di depanku. "BUKAN!!" Aku meneriakkannya sambil terkejut. "Hmm... Akasaka-san, kamu bilang kamu laki-laki..." "Hei, jangan begitu! Aku laki-laki. Rambut panjang ini hanya karena aku terlalu malas untuk memotongnya." Aku harusnya dapat menebaknya. Baiklah, di samping hal-hal mengenai "pelayan" tersebut, dia tampak nomal... "Namun, sementara dirimu menggunakan nama pena "Yumeno Sakiko" dan menggambar manga perempuan, aku berharap dirimu adalah seorang perempuan juga... bukan seorang pria dengan wajah membosankan sepertimu." "Sekarang kamu yang berbicara kasar." *krak* Sekarang aku yang difitnah (lagi) dan merusakkan pensilku. Aku masih punya cadangan. Mari kita lanjutkan ini. Mi teléfono móvil suena, un mensaje llega. "¿Estas ahi, Nozaki-san? Estaré allí en un momento." Mi nombre es Nozaki Umetaro, un artista de manga, actualmente, estoy en busca de ideas para un nuevo personaje, es por eso que he estado investigando y entrevistando a personas. Pero, por desgracia, todo lo que he conocido hasta ahora son muchachos "excéntricos", pero parece que esta vez por fin puedo hablar con una persona normal (a pesar de la criada-electrónica ...) "Hola, Nozaki-san. Soy Akasaka Ryūnosuke, encantado de conocerte." Una chica con el pelo largo se acercó y se sentó frente a mí. "OH NO !!!" Le dije con sorpresa. "Hmm ... Akasaka-san, dijiste que eres un chico ..." "Hey, eso es grosero! Soy un chico, esté pelo largo es sólo porque soy demasiado perezoso para cortarlo." Debí haber adivinado eso. Bueno, aparte de eso y la criada electrónica, el parece normal ... "Pero aún así, ya que utilizas el seudónimo de" Yumeno Sakiko "y dibujas un manga de chicas, yo esperaba que seas una chica, también ... no a un tipo con una cara aburrida como tú." "Ahora tú eres grosero." * Clack * Me han engañado (otra vez) y rompí el lápiz en el proceso. Bueno, tengo tiempo libre, seguire buscando. Mein Handy klingelt. Es ist eine Nachricht. "Bist du schon da, Nozaki-san? Ich komme in einem Augenblick." Mein Name ist Nozaki Umetarō, ein Mangaka. Derzeit bin ich auf der Suche nach Ideen, um einen neuen Charakter vorzustellen. Deshalb drehe ich hier meine Runden und befrage andere Menschen. Aber leider habe ich bisher lediglich "exzentrische" Jungen getroffen. Dieses Mal scheine ich endlich mit einer normalen Person sprechen zu können (wenn ich die Maid-Email-Sache außer acht lasse...) "Hallo Nozaki-san. Mein Name ist Akasaka Ryūnosuke. Schön dich zu treffen." Ein Mädchen mit langem Haar kam und setzte sich vor mich. "ODER AUCH NICHT!!!", sagte ich überrascht. "Hmm... Akasaka-san, du sagtest, dass du ein Junge..." "He, das ist aber unhöflich! Ich bin ein Junge. Meine Haare sind nur deshalb so lang, weil ich zu faul bin sie zu schneiden." Ich hätte es wissen müssen. Naja, abgesehen davon und von der Maid-Email-Geschichte scheint er doch normal... "Andererseits, da du das Pseudonym "Yumeno Sakiko" verwendest und ein Manga für Mädchen zeichnest, habe ich wiederum erwartet, dass du auch ein Mädchen bist... und nicht solch ein Typ mit einem langweiligen Gesicht." "Jetzt bist du aber der Unhöfliche." *knack* Ich wurde (wieder) diffamiert und habe dabei meinen Bleistift zerbrochen. Nun, ich habe ja Freizeit. Ich werde also einfach damit weitermachen. |

Aikawa Ayumu (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs. Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series)
相川步(这个是僵尸吗?) vs. 阿良良木历(物语系列)
Koyomi's Diary Wednesday, June 17, 2015 ISML Male Dormitory Hallway 22.00 GMT I couldn't sleep.... My body is a bit unique, but that wasn't the reason. My bed was taken by two of the scariest monsters. Karen and Tsukihi still didn't go home after paying a visit to me yesterday. Ah, never mind, I decided to leave my room and searched for a vending machine; black coffee is best for me. In the corner, I saw a man standing alone and watching the moon. "Ah, the moon is so beautiful today. Ah, night is really my best friend," he said while smiling to the moon. I approached him. "If you really love the moon, seeing her from the hill will be more enjoyable." "Ah, Araragi, can't sleep?" This time, I saw his face clearly. He is Aikawa Ayumu. "Ah, Aikawa Zombie, I knew it. There's no one who sees the moon with a perverted face like you." "Don't be so mean; you know that I can only enjoy this kind of thing at night time, don't you?" "Yeah…yeah...sorry." He went back to staring at the moon one more time. Moon...moon...ah, it reminded me of the Sleeping Tsukihi at my room. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 历的日记 2015年6月17日(星期三) 世萌男宿舍走廊 格林尼治标准时间22.00 我睡不了... 我的身体有点特别,但这不是问题。我的床被两只最可怕的怪兽霸占了。火怜和月火昨天来探望我之后,依然没有回家。啊别管了,我决定走出房间去找个自动售卖机,黑咖啡应该最适合我吧。 在远处的角落,有个男人独自站着抬头仰望月亮。"啊,今天的月亮真美。啊,晚上果然是我最好的朋友。" 他微笑着对月亮说话。我走近他搭话:"如果你真的喜欢月亮,从山上看应该能给你更大的享受。" "啊阿良良木,睡不了?" 这次我看清楚他的脸了,是相川步。 "啊相川僵尸,我就知道除你以外不会有人用变态的表情看着月亮。" "别这么刻薄嘛,你知道我只有晚上才能享受这种事情,对不?" "对... 对... 不好意思。" 他回过头继续看月亮。 月... 月... 啊,让我想起正在我房间里睡的月火。 Diari Koyomi Rabu, 17 Juni 2015 Lorong Asrama Pria ISML 22.00 GMT Aku tidak bisa tidur.... Tubuhku memang agak unik, namun bukan itu alasanku tidak bisa tidur malam ini. Ranjangku saat ini dikuasai oleh dua monster paling mengerikan. Yap, Karen dan Tsukihi belum pulang sejak kemarin mengunjungiku. Ah sudahlah, aku pun memilih keluar dari kamar dan menyusuri lorong ke arah mesin penjual minuman, kopi hitam mungkin yang terbaik untukku. Di salah satu pojok, aku menemukan seorang pria berdiri sambil memandangi bulan. "Ah, bulan hari ini sangat indah. Ah, malam benar-benar sahabat terbaikku," ucapnya sambil tersenyum ke arah bulan. Aku menghampirinya, "Jika kamu sangat menyukai bulan, melihatnya dari bukit akan lebih mengasyikan." "Ah Araragi, tidak bisa tidur?" Kali ini kulihat jelas wajahnya, dia Aikawa Ayumu. "Ah Aikawa zombie, sudah kuduga. Tak ada orang lain yang memandangi bulan dengan pandangan mesum selain dirimu." "Jangan seperti itu, kamu tahu kalau hal seperti ini hanya bisa kunikmati waktu malam, bukan?" "Iya...Iya... Maaf," Permintaan maafku membuatnya kembali memandangi bulan, akupun tertarik untuk memandanginya juga. Kuakui memang indah bulan pada malam ini. Bulan...Bulan... Ah, aku jadi teringat Tsukihi yang tertidur di kamarku. |

Yūno Scrya (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha) vs. Haku (Spirited Away)
尤诺·斯克莱亚(魔法少女奈叶) vs. 白龙(千与千寻)
Guardians in their own right, Yūno Scrya and Haku fight to protect those who are dear to them. Yūno Scrya acts as a mentor and guide for up-and-coming magicians. Although strict and stubborn, Yūno has a kind heart and will do anything to protect those whom he cares about. Haku may appear cold, but has a good sense of knowing who has a good heart. While he acts on his own oftentimes than not, he usually watches over to make sure there is no discrimination between spirits and humans. Who will be able to stand tall when the dust clears? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 作为各自意义上的守护者,尤诺·斯克莱亚和白龙为了保护重要的人而战斗。尤诺作为培养年青魔法师的导师,有时会比较严肃且固执,但拥有一颗善良的心,并且愿意做任何事去守卫自己在意的人。白龙看上去冷漠,但非常清楚知道谁拥有一副好心肠;虽然总是独来独往,但为了维护精灵和人类之间的公平而默默努力着。战斗尘埃落定之时,谁会成为最终屹立不倒的一位? Melindungi dengan caranya masing-masing, Yūno Scrya dan Haku bertarung untuk melindungi yang terkasih bagi mereka. Yūno Scrya bertindak sebagai seorang mentor dan pembimbing bagi penyihir masa depan. Meskipun ketat dan keras kepala, Yūno punya hati yang baik dan akan melakukan apapun untuk melindungi yang dia jaga. Haku mungkin dingin, namun punya insting yang kuat dalam mengetahui kebaikan hati seseorang. Sementara dia sering kali bekerja sendiri, dia terkadang mengawasi untuk memastikan tidak ada diskriminasi antara roh dan manusia. Siapa yang akan tetap berdiri tegak saat semuanya selesai? |

Akiha Rumiho (Feyris-nyan) (Steins;Gate) vs. Maekawa Miku (THE iDOLM@STER)
秋叶留未穗(菲利斯·喵喵)(命运石之门) vs. 前川未来(偶像大师)
An outfit is not complete without cat ears and a tail, and these two characters know that to be the truth. Akiha Rumiho works at her maid cafe in the busy streets of Akihabara. Bubbly and happy-go-lucky, the fun Rumiho hides the sadness of losing someone dear to her with a smile capable of swooning all of her fans. Maekawa Miku is the up-and-coming idol ready to take on the stage at any given time. Miku's strong desire to be on stage conceals the frustration of not having a chance to do so when she was working so hard and waiting patiently to get to the position she was in. Which cat-clad star will take center stage as voted by the fans? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 没有猫耳和尾巴的装束并不算是完整,这两个角色深明此道理。秋叶留未穗在繁忙的秋叶原里一所女仆餐厅工作;虽然平常总是笑脸迎人而令所有人着迷,但其实内心深处藏着丧失至亲之人的悲痛。前川未来是偶像界的明日之星,随时准备登台一展所长;对于镁光灯的强烈欲望背后,却是努力耕耘而总得不到机会的沮丧和无止等待。今天,哪位猫娘会获得支持者的首肯而成为焦点? Sebuah pakaian tidaklah lengkap tanpa telinga kucing dan ekor, dan kedua karakter ini tahu betul kenyataannya. Akiha Rumiho bekerja di cafe pelayan miliknya di jalanan sibuk Akihabara. Bebas dan periang, Rumiho menyimpan kesedihan akan kehilangan seseorang yang terkasih baginya dengan senyum mampu membuat fans nya tergila-gila. Maekawa Miku adalah pujaan masa depan yang siap untuk naik ke atas panggung suatu saat. Keinginan kuat Miku untuk berada di atas panggung menutupi keterpurukannya akan kesempatan yang tiada kunjung datang sehingga membuatnya bekerja keras dan bersabar untuk mendapatkan posisi yang diinginkannya. Bintang kucing manakah yang akan berada di tengah panggung ketika dipilih oleh para fans? |
Thanks to Reverend, Fuijiwara, RichardJoash, BugH, itsukayuzuru, Lian, houreki, Momento10, Just, and Shmion84
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine 7 — Sunday, June 21, 2015

Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai) vs.
Shichimiya Satone (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!)
夜夜(机巧少女不会受伤) vs. 七宫智音(中二病也想谈恋爱)
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Well, as you may know, Yaya is an ordinary yet beautiful girl with pure magical strength. As mentioned in the previous match, she’s technologically unbreakable, both to her master and to those around her. But she is not the only one. Meet Satone, a devilish magical girl who claims to be known as Sophia Ring SP Saturn VII. Her signature overlord-like laugh, “Ni-hahahahahaha!” is a common detail that Chūnibyō fans know. Besides being an evil overlord, she has her cheerfulness (and a pink, heart-shaped sticker on her left cheek) that spreads happiness to people around her. Yaya, on the other hand, has a similar cheerfulness as Satone, but she shows affection to her master and gets jealous of someone who is close to him. She appreciates and shows love and concern to those who are close to her at anytime. Both girls may be cheerful and magical in stature, but one will shine the brightest, no matter what darkness will bring. So, whose magic of either girl will reign supreme? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 夜夜是个美丽的女孩,不但拥有魔法能力、而且凭借身体的高科技而"不会受伤",不管是对主人还是对其他人而言。七宫智音是个自称苏非娅宁·SP·撒图恩七世的魔法少女,中二病的支持者不可能不认识她的招牌笑容"咿哈哈哈哈哈哈哈";虽然身份是邪恶的魔王,但她乐天的性格(以及左颊上的心形贴纸)总能向四周的人散布欢乐。另一边厢,夜夜跟智音同样开朗,但同时对于主人倾慕,别人过度贴近他的话也会令她心生嫉妒;然而,对于身边亲近的人,她同样心存感激、并且报以爱心和关怀。两个女孩都开朗而带有魔法属性,但只有一个会在黑暗之中散发出最耀眼的光芒,究竟是哪位的魔法会脱颖而出呢? |

Sonoda Umi (Love Live!) vs. Minami Kotori (Love Live!)
园田海未(Love Live!) vs. 南小鸟(Love Live!)
Umi and Kotori walk towards the ISML Stage, oblivious of their next round opponent. As they walk closer and closer, they realise that their opponent for this round is not just another girl ambitious to claim victory in ISML; it is the childhood friend from preschool, middle school, and now high school that they have to face. The bonds between them never wear nor tear, for their friendship has lasted all this while. Even as they walk up to the stage, both of them feel a tinge of doubt, whether they should just let the opposing side win so that they not only not have to battle out their ISML Careers, but their valuable friendship as well. But, before the match begins, Umi begins to speak: Umi: Kotori, I know this is hard on you, but let us do our best. Kotori: But.... Umi: No buts, Kotori. If I were to be easy on you and let you win, would you feel gratified by the victory? Kotori: I guess not. Okay then, ganbatte, Umi-chan! Umi: Yes! 'Stage fight commencing in 5...4...3…2...1...M.U.S.I.C Start!'' [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 海未和小鸟走向世萌舞台,并没有注意到下一场比赛的对手。当她们走得越来越近,她们意识到,这场比赛所要面对的,不是追逐胜利的其他人,而是从幼稚园到初中再到高中一直形影相随的伙伴。她们之间的友谊地久天长,她们之间的羁绊从未褪色。甚至当她们走上舞台的一刻,彼此都感到了一丝疑惑,是否应该输给对方,使得她们不必因为世萌而奋战,她们珍贵的友情亦是。然而比赛前,海未开口说到: 海未:小鸟,我知道这对于你而言很困难,但让我们彼此尽力吧。 小鸟:可是…… 海未:没有可是,小鸟,如果我将胜利拱手相让,你会满意这样的胜利吗? 小鸟:我猜不会。好吧,那么加油吧,海未酱! 海未:是! “比舞准备,5…4…3…2…1…音乐开始!” |

Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
‘Love’ is a word that provokes inexplicable emotion in all of us. Likely none of us have experienced love as strong as these two Nova contestants. Meet Sakura Chiyo, a happy-go-lucky teenager who finds herself in a crazy mess when her romantic feelings for a certain someone are misinterpreted. She currently works as an assistant for an unresponsive and blunt mangaka. Despite the obviousness of the situation, her feelings are still unrequited. Onodera Kosaki’s femininity and amiable nature attracts the attention of those around her—but not the attention from the one she desires. Another inconvenience is that Kosaki is simply too shy to confess to him. But Chiyo and Kosaki are not ones to quit so easily. Though their love is one-sided, their dedication is commendable. They remain bright and positive no matter the situation. And in ISML 2015, they are deserving foes for each other. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “爱”,可以触发所有人心里无法解释的情感;但是这两位新星选手所经历的爱,大概比所有人都更强。 乐天开朗的佐仓千代,对于所倾慕男生的表白被错误理解,而身陷于混乱的困境之中。现在的她担任这迟钝漫画家的助手,虽然状况已经显然易见,但她的心意仍然未获得回应。 小野寺小咲友善的性格以及女性的魅力,能吸引众人的目光,但偏偏无法让她所喜欢的人注意到。更惨的是,害羞腼腆的性格让她无法向对方表白。 不过千代和小咲都不会轻言放弃。虽然暂时依然陷于单恋,但依然决心保持积极正面,无论碰上什么状况。在世萌2015,她们确实是互相匹配的对手呢。 "Cinta" adalah sebuah kata yang membangkitkan sebuah emosi yang tak bisa dijelaskan di dalam diri kita semua. Namun tidak ada di antara kita yang tahu rasanya jatuh cinta sebesar kedua kontestan Nova ini. Perkenalkan Sakura Chiyo, seorang gadis periang yang menemukan dirinya di tengah sebuah kekacauan setelah perasaan romantiknya disalah-artikan. Ia sekarang bekerja sebagai asisten seorang mangaka yang agak "tumpul" dan blak-blakan. Meskipun situasinya sudah sangat jelas, tetap saja pria tersebut tidak sadar dan cinta Chiyo pun belum terbalaskan. Sifat feminim dan ramah Kosaki menarik perhatian banyak orang - namun bukan perhatian dari orang yang ia inginkan. Kosaki juga terlalu malu untuk menyatakan cintanya, sehingga situasi menjadi semakin rumit. Namun Chiyo dan Kosaki bukanlah orang yang mudah menyerah. Walau cinta mereka masih bertepuk sebelah tangan, pengabdian mereka patut dihargai. Mereka tetap ceria dan positif bagaimanapun keadaannya. Dan, di ISML 2015, mereka adalah lawan yang pantas untuk masing-masing. |

Ayase Eli (Love Live!) vs. Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei)
绚濑绘里(Love Live!) vs. 司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生)
As a student council president and future idol with a slight Russian bloodline, Eli does what she does best to not only cooperate with the other idols, but also strive to keep the school open for another year. And with the help of those around her, she is determined to see how serious they are. Level-headed and hard-working, this girl has talent and is going to level the playing field. Miyuki, on the other hand, is the most notable magician of First High School and the epitome of an elegant woman. Her magic has the upper hand in large part due to her older brother. And as the member of the Shiba clan, she has to keep her cool thanks to her presence that puts the "Yuki" in "Miyuki", despite showing affection towards her brother. When this ends, which girl will you choose? Choosing the one with the highest and most elegant bloodline is just the beginning. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 作为学生会长和校园偶像,带有俄罗斯血统的绚濑绘里最擅长的并不单是与其他偶像合作;冷静而勤奋的她在身边众人的帮助下,带领着大家展现决心,在水深火热的情况之中决意拯救学校。另一边厢,魔法高强的兄控司波深雪,是第一高校最广为人知的魔法师,拥有典型的高贵女生形象;作为司波家族的成员,她需要时刻保持像名字里"雪"一样的冷静,纵使心里倾泻出对兄长的爱慕。两个拥有高贵血脉的女孩之间,你会选择哪位呢? Sebagai seorang ketua OSIS dan calon idol masa depan, Eli berusaha sebaik mungkin; Bukan hanya untuk menjaga kekompakkan dengan idol lainnya, namun juga untuk menyelamatkan sekolahnya dari penutupan. Eli menjaga kepalanya tetap dingin di segala situasi dan bekerja keras dengan bantuan teman-teman di sekitarnya. Gadis berdarah Rusia ini mempunyai talenta dan pasti akan menyeimbangkan situasi. Sementara Miyuki dan sihirnya merupakan kombinasi yang tidak bisa diremehkan. Ia adalah seorang murid yang terkenal pintar di sekolahnya - sekolah sihir. Selain itu, walaupun ia memiliki obsesi berlebihan terhadap Onii-sama nya, ia juga adalah contoh sempurna seorang wanita elegan. Sebagai keturunan klan Shiba, ia harus terlihat anggun dan tenang, seperti kata "yuki" (salju) yang tertera pada namanya: "Miyuki." Di antara kedua gadis penuh keanggunan ini, manakah yang akan kau pilih? |

Jibril (No Game No Life) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
*Inside ISML Arena's waiting room* Jibril: "You alright, Shiro-sama?" Shiro: "I'm fine, Jibril. At least the light is artificial. As long as it is not the sun, I can handle it." Jibril: "Okay. But still...this ISML thing is kinda stupid. I mean, what's the point of comparing two people that do not even exist? These humans sure know how to spend their useless lives uselessly." Shiro: "You don't understand, Jibril. To understand ISML, you must first understand the concept of 'moe'. 'Moe' is..." *1 hour later* Jibril: "I see. If that's the case, then I'm sure a flugel like me should win this easily. After all, the beauty of flugel has been admired throughout the years." Shiro: "Jibril, do you underestimate the power of 'loli'?" Jibril: "LOLI? What is 'loli'? Sounds like something other-worldly..." *starts to act like a hungry dog* Shiro: "I'll show it to you later during the match." [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] *世萌赛场的休息室内* 吉普莉尔:“白大人,你还好吧?” 白:“我很好,吉普莉尔。至少这光是人造的。只要不是在日光下,我是没问题的。” 吉普莉尔:“那就好。不过说起来……这个叫世萌的东西还真是有几分愚蠢。我的意思是:对两个根本不存在的人进行比较有什么意义呢?这些人类真是懂得如何空耗他们无用的生命。” 白:“这你就不懂了,吉普莉尔。想要理解世萌,你必须首先理解‘萌’的概念。‘萌’是……” *一个小时过去了* 吉普莉尔:“我明白了。如果是这样的话,我很自信像我这样的天翼种能够轻松获胜。毕竟,天翼种的美丽可是受到了世世代代的仰慕啊。” 白:“吉普莉尔,你低估了‘萝莉’的力量吗?” 吉普莉尔:“萝莉?‘萝莉’是啥?听上去像是另一个世界的东西……” *开始变得像饿狗一样了* 白:“待会儿我会在比赛中告诉你的。” *Trong phòng chờ ISML* Jibril: “Không sao đấy chứ, Shiro-sama ?” Shiro: “Tôi ổn, Jibril. Ít ra đây vẫn là ánh sáng nhân tạo. Miễn là không phải ánh mặt trời, tôi có thể tự lo được.” Jibril: “Tôi hiểu. Cơ mà …cái vụ ISML này nó ngốc nghếch thế nào ấy. Ý tôi là : họ được ích lợi gì khi đem so sánh hai người thậm chí còn không tồn tại ? Những con người này đúng là biết cách đốt thời gian vô ích. Shiro: “Cậu không hiểu rồi, Jibril. Để hiểu được ISML , trước tiên cậu phải hiểu được khái niệm của ‘moe’. Moe là …..” *1 giờ sau* Jibril: “Ra là vậy. Nếu thế thì tôi sẽ thắng dễ thôi. Dù gì thì sắc đẹp của tộc Flugel cũng đã được ngưỡng mộ qua hàng tá năm rồi kia mà . Shiro: “Jibril, cậu đánh giá thấp sức mạnh của loli rồi.” Jibril: “LOLI ? ‘loli’ là gì ? Nghe như 1 từ của thế giới khác …” *hành động như một chú chó đang đói bụng* Shiro: “Tôi sẽ cho cậu thấy trong trận đấu.” |

Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live) vs. Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance)
鸢一折纸(约会大作战) vs. 提露密努斯·艾斯特(精灵使的剑舞)
Welcome back to ISML News! I am Kōsaka Honoka and today we will be conducting interviews with two girls, Tobiichi Origami and Terminus Est. Ah, we see Origami nearby. Let us go talk to her. Honoka: Hello, Origami. I am Honoka from ISML News. We would like to conduct an interview with you. Would that be ok? Origami: Alright. Honoka: Great, so what do you think of your opponent, Est? Origami: She looks weak, but I have seen too many instances where underestimating the opponent leads to imminent defeat. Hence, I shall be honing my skills to attain victory. Now if you excuse me... Well, that was a short interview. Hey, I think I see Terminus Est with her owner, Kamito, nearby. Let us go interview her. Honoka: Hello, Est. Could you spare some time for a short interview? Est: Fine. Honoka: Okay then, what do you think of your next opponent, Origami? Est: I think that she is not worthy of my master, and that small fry like her can be handled by myself. Honoka: I see, well, thanks for your time. Est: You are welcome. Well, there you have it. Remember to vote for your favourite characters! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 欢迎回到世萌新闻!我是高坂穗乃果,今天我们将要采访两位女孩,鸢一折纸和提露密努斯·艾斯特。看!折纸就在附近,让我们先去和她聊聊。 穗乃果:你好,折纸。我是世萌新闻社的穗乃果。我们想要采访你,好吗? 折纸:没问题。 穗乃果:太棒了。于是,对于你的对手艾斯特,你怎么看? 折纸:她看上去很弱,但我曾经目睹过太多因轻敌而导致的失败了。因此,我会磨练我的技术以取得胜利。我跟你讲,…… 呃,真是个简短的采访。嘿,我想我看到了艾斯特和她的主人神人。咱们去采访她吧。 穗乃果:你好,艾斯特。可以占用你一点时间做个采访吗? 艾斯特:当然。 穗乃果:好的。那么,对于你的对手折纸,你怎么看? 艾斯特:我认为她不够成为我的主人,我自己就能够应付她了。 穗乃果:我明白了,谢谢你花时间接受采访。 艾斯特:不用谢。 好的,那么采访向大家播报完毕。记得投给你喜欢的角色哦! Chào mừng đã đến với phần tin tức. Tôi là Kousaka Honaka và hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tổ chức một cuộc phỏng vấn cho hai cô gái . Đầu tiên là Tobiichi Origami Honoka: Xin chào, Origami. Tôi có thể phỏng vấn bạn một lúc không ? Origami: Được thôi. Honoka: Bạn nghĩ sao về đối thủ tiếp theo, Est ? Origami: Tuy có vẻ yếu đuối, nhưng đánh giá thấp đối thủ sẽ dẫn đến thất bại. Tôi nên trau dồi kĩ năng và giành lấy chiến thắng. Giờ thì xin phép …” Vâng, một cuộc phỏng vấn ngắn gọn. Trông kìa, đó là Terminus Est và chủ nhân của cô ta. Honoka: Xin chào, Est. Bạn có thể dành chút thời gian cho cuộc phỏng vấn không? Est: Tốt thôi. Honoka: Bạn nghĩ sao về đối thủ tiếp theo của mình , Origami? Est: Tôi nghĩ cô ta không xứng để chủ nhân ra tay. Với cô ta thì chỉ cần mình tôi là đủ. Honoka: Tôi hiểu. Cảm ơn bạn đã dành thời gian. Est: Không có gì. Vâng, và đó là tất cả. Đừng quên bình chọn cho nhân vật ưa thích của bạn nhé. |

Latifa Fleuranza (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Miyazono Kaori (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)
拉媞珐·芙尔兰札(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 宫园薰(四月是你的谎言)
These two girls may be physically weak, but their wills shine brightly, brighter than a shooting star. They will set their minds to what they want to achieve and never give up in the face of danger. To Latifa, even if her body is weak, she will do her best to contribute to the amusement park, whether it is through the promotional videos, or simply helping cook some food for the visitors. Her commitment to the park is admirable, for she knows the real reason why all the workers in the park work so hard for her. Kaori places music at the top of her mind, and is even able to make an air violin just so to imitate the actions, the notes struck by the violin bow, the music it displays. Music was the saving grace of her life and she will never put it down, for it brought her the ability to spread this miracle she had. The will is stronger than whatever muscle one might build, for it represents the determination, the never-giving-up personality of the person. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这两位女孩或许身体都很虚弱,但她们的愿望是如此的耀眼,胜过流星的辉光。对于她们想要完成的事情,她们会铭刻在心,在危险面前从不放弃。尽管拉媞珐的身体很虚弱,她会尽自己所能为游乐园付出,无论是通过推广影像,抑或是简单地为游客做些料理。她对乐园许下的承诺令人钦佩,因为她知道游乐园的工人们如此刻苦工作的真正原因。薰将音乐放在心中最重要的位置,甚至能够为了模仿动作而演奏空气小提琴,小提琴的弓击打出音调,描绘出乐曲。音乐是她生命的弥补,是她永远不会抛弃的事物,是音乐让她能够播撒奇迹。 愿望可以胜过结实的肌肉,因为愿望象征着决心,人们因愿望永不放弃。 Kedua gadis ini mungkin memiliki fisik yang lemah, namun hasrat mereka bersinar terang, lebih terang dari bintang jatuh. Apa yang ingin mereka gapai; mereka akan memberikan segala perhatian dan tidak akan pernah menyerah di hadapan segala bahaya. Latifa, dengan segala limit tubuhnya, akan tetap memberikan yang terbaik bagi taman ria-nya, baik melalui video promosi maupun hanya sekadar memasak beberapa makanan untuk para pengunjung. Komitmennya terhadap taman ria-nya mengagumkan. Kaori meletakkan musik sebagai prioritas utamanya. Ia bahkan bisa membuat sebuah biola bayangan dan meniru gerakan jemarinya: nada-nada yang dihasilkan oleh gesekan antara senar dan fiddlestick, melodi yang dibentuk oleh rangkaian nada tersebut. Musik adalah anugrah yang membuat hidupnya indah dan ia tidak akan pernah berhenti bermain musik, karena musik memberikannya kemampuan untuk menyebarkan "keajaiban" yang ia miliki. Kehendak lebih kuat dari pada segala kekuatan yang bisa dibangun oleh raga, karena ia mewakili kebulatan tekad dan sifat pantang menyerah seseorang. |

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
Shino and Yoshino find consolation in the one thing they look up to. Shino’s past trauma leads her to escape to the virtual world, where she masks her fragile personality with a stoic and cool façade. ‘Sinon' looks over the battlefield with unwavering courage and fearlessness, with aim as accurate as ever. Shino believes that this strong front will help her overcome her intense phobia of guns, yet she feels no closer to her goal. A meek and timid child, Yoshino relies on her ventriloquism puppet to do all the talking for her. In contrast to Yoshino’s gentler personality, Yoshinon is rash and rude, priding itself on the ability to speak its mind. But few realize that Yoshinon is actually a reflection of who Yoshino aspires to be—a little more frank and candid. However, hiding behind a mere puppet does help her cause. But both Sinon and Yoshinon are, nonetheless, part of their identity. They comfort them in times of darkness. They give them hope when all seems lost. And, most importantly, they make them who they are right now. And in this fierce battle, the only one who can decide the stronger is you. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 朝田诗乃和四糸乃,都在她们所向往的事情里面找到了救赎。 朝田诗乃过去的创伤,令她逃往虚拟世界,以沉稳冷酷的形象去遮掩她脆弱的心灵。她深信“诗乃”在战场上无惧一切危险的勇气、以及精准的狙击,可以帮助她脱离对枪的恐惧,虽然似乎一直停滞不前。 四糸乃是个害羞胆小的孩子,靠着手上的布偶去帮她进行所有的谈话。对比起四糸乃温柔的性格,四糸奈的语言简单粗暴,并且为自己的心直口快而自豪。很少人意识到四糸奈正正反映四糸乃内心所盼望拥有的直率性格,但躲在布偶后面对她并没有很大帮助。 然而,“诗乃”和四糸奈,都是她们身份的一部分。在黑暗之中给予慰藉、在绝望的时候燃起希望。更重要的是,没有他们,就没有今天的她们。在这场战斗里面,只有你可以决定谁是更强的那位。 |

Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs. Konno Yūki (Sword Art Online)
橘万里花(伪恋) vs. 绀野木棉季(有纪)(刀剑神域)
Are they lucky or are they unlucky? Both Tachibana Marika and Konno Yūki had weak immune systems since early childhood. Both were, at some point, bedridden for an extended period with no contact with the outside world, yet neither will describe herself as unlucky. Rather, it was because they were stuck in bed that they were able to have the most important encounters of their lives. Marika met Ichijō Raku when she was six-years-old. Raku had invaded her hospital room, and the two quickly became friends. It was because of Raku, with whom Marika fell in love, that she was able to find the strength to overcome her frail state. For a long time, Yūki’s only source of solace was in virtual reality gaming. It was there that she met Asuna, the girl who would later take Yūki out to see the world. She was able to experience the school life she always wanted. Through Asuna, Yūki also experienced intangible things, such as friendship and motherly love. Marika and Yūki are far from unlucky. They are happier than the majority of the world will ever be. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 她们是幸运还是不幸? 橘万里花和绀野木棉季,自幼年开始便都患有免疫系统虚弱的疾病。从某一天开始,她们都有很长一段时间卧床不起,同外面的世界隔离。然而她们中没有一个人认为自己是不幸的。相反地,正是在被疾病困在床上的这段日子里,她们人生中最重要的邂逅发生了。 万里花在六岁的时候遇见了一条乐。乐闯进了她的病房,她们两个很快成了朋友。正是因为乐,万里花爱上的那个人,她找到了战胜脆弱的力量。 在很长的一段时间里,虚拟现实游戏是有纪唯一的慰藉。在那里,她遇见了亚丝娜,那个愿意带有纪去看外面世界的女孩。她得以经历一直向往着的校园生活。从亚丝娜那里,有纪收获了无形的事物,像是友情和母爱。 橘万里花和绀野木棉季并非不幸。她们比世界上大部分人都要幸福。 Apakah mereka beruntung atau tidak? Baik Tachibana Marika dan Konno Yūki punya sistim kekebalan yang lemah sejak masa kecil. Keduanya terkadang terbaring untuk periode tak tentu tanpa berhubungan dengan dunia luar, yang juga bisa digambarkan sebagai ketidakberuntungan mereka. Namun, oleh karena mereka terikat di tempat tidur, mereka mampu mengalami suatu pertemuan paling penting dalam hidup mereka. Marika bertemu Ichijō Raku saat berusia enam tahun. Raku menjumpainya di ruangan rumah sakit dan keduanya cepat berteman. Ini semua karena Raku, yang Marika cintai, Marika mampu menemukan kekuatan untuk mengatasi keadaan kritisnya. Untuk waktu yang lama, sumber hiburan Yūki adalah permainan Virtual Reality. Di sanalah dia bertemu Asuna, gadis yang kemudia membawa Yūki ke dunia luar. Dia mampu mengalami kehidupan sekolah yang selalu diidamkannya. Lewat Asuna, Yūki juga merasakan hal-hal tak nampak, seperti persahabatan dan kasih sayang. Marika dan Yūki jauh dari ketidakberuntungan. Mereka lebih bahagia dari sebagaian besar orang di dunia. ¿Tienen suerte o mala suerte? Tanto Tachibana Marika y Konno Yuuki tienen sistemas inmunológicos débiles desde la infancia. Ambas estaban, en algún momento, postradas en la cama durante un período prolongado, sin contacto con el mundo exterior, sin embargo, no se describen a sí mismas con mala suerte, más bien, fue porque estaban atrapados en la cama que fueron capaces de tener el encuentro más importante de sus vidas. Marika se reunió con Ichijou Raku cuando ella tenía seis años. Raku había invadido su habitación del hospital, y los dos se convirtieron en amigos rápidamente. Fue a causa de Raku, con quien Marika se enamoró, que ella era capaz de encontrar la fuerza para superar su situación de debilidad. Durante mucho tiempo, la única fuente de consuelo de Yuuki estaba en juegos de realidad virtual, fue allí donde conoció a Asuna, la chica que más tarde llevaría a Yuuki a ver el mundo. Ella fue capaz de experimentar la vida en la escuela que ella siempre quiso. A través de Asuna, Yuuki también experimentó cosas intangibles, como la amistad y el amor maternal. Marika y Yuuki están lejos de la mala suerte. Ellas son más felices que la mayoría del mundo puede llegar a ser. Liệu họ có phải là những người không may mắn ? Tachibana Marika và Konno Yuuki đều có cơ thể yếu ớt ngay khi còn nhỏ. Và cũng vì thế, cả hai đều trải qua một thời gian dài không thể tự do tiếp xúc với thế giới bên ngoài. Nhưng mặt khác, chính nhờ sự hạn chế đó, họ mới có được cuộc gặp gỡ định mệnh của mình. Marika gặp Ichijou Raku khi cô lên sáu. Raku trong một lần lẻn vào phòng bệnh, đã nhanh chóng trở thành bạn với Marika. Và cũng nhờ tình yêu dành cho Raku, Marika đã tìm được sức mạnh để vượt qua chính mình. Đã từ lâu, nguồn sống duy nhất của Yuuki là thế giới ảo trong game. Nhưng tại đó, Yuuki gặp được Asuna, người đã đưa cô đến với thế giới bên ngoài sau đó. Và cuối cùng, Yuuki có thể tận hưởng cuộc sống học trò mà cô luôn khao khát, cũng như hiêu được sự quý giá của tình bạn và tình mẹ con. Marika và Yuuki, có lẽ hai cô gái này còn hạnh phúc hơn hàng vạn con người khác trên thế giới. |

Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs. Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live)
结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域) vs. 五河琴里(约会大作战)
Asuna walks up the stairs of the technologically advanced ship, Fraxinus, after having defeated the guards that tried to defeat 'The Flash' to no avail. As she approaches the centre command of the ship, she realises that it is pitch black and nothing can be seen. Suddenly, an explosion of flames bursts out as Asuna tries to shield her eyes from the transformation of Itsuka Kotori. Looking upon her opponent, she realises that she is in for a tough fight. Asuna starts to talk to the Spirit: Asuna: Hello, you must be Itsuka Kotori, my final opponent for the Aquamarine Period. Kotori: Yes, I am. But this will also be your failing point, for it was foolish of you to fight in my domain. Now I shall let you know the consequences of such actions. Asuna: I would not be so sure. After all, I am not called the Flash for nothing, you know? Kotori: We shall see, human. My flames will burn your ambition into ashes. Asuna then leaps to her feet and the battle begins. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 亚丝娜击败了试图阻挡“闪光”未果的护卫,走上了高科技空中舰,佛拉克西纳斯。正当她接近飞船的中央司令部,突然一片漆黑,迸发出一团火焰,那是精灵化的五河琴里。强光使亚丝娜遮住双眼,当她看到眼前的对手,她意识到这会是一场棘手的较量。亚丝娜同眼前的精灵谈了起来。 亚丝娜:你好,你就是五河琴里吧,海蓝宝石阶段我最终的对手。 琴里:是的,就是我。不过这里将是你的麦城,在我的地盘里开打是你的愚蠢。现在我会让你知道这样做的下场。 亚丝娜:我可不这么认为,毕竟,我“闪光”的称号不是白来的,明白? 琴里:让我们走着瞧,人类。我的火焰会将你的野心烧成灰烬。 亚丝娜一跃而起,战斗开始了。 Asuna menelusuri tangga Fraxinus. Sebelumnya ia telah mengalahkan para penjaga kapal luar angkasa tersebut, yang berusaha menghalangi "Si Kilat." Seiring ia memasuki pusat komando, ruangan menjadi gelap dan ia tak bisa melihat apa-apa. Tiba-tiba, sebuah ledakan api menyilaukan mata Asuna, yang segera berusaha melindungi matanya. Itsuka Kotori telah bertransformasi. Asuna memandang musuhnya. Ia tahu ini tidak akan menjadi pertempuran yang mudah. Asuna perlahan menyapa ruh api tersebut: Asuna: Halo. Kamu pasti Itsuka Kotori, musuh terakhirku untuk periode Aquamarine ini. Kotori: Ya. Tapi ini juga akan jadi kehancuranmu. Betapa bodohnya kamu untuk mau bertarung denganku di wilayah kekuasaanku. Sekarang aku akan membuatmu membayar konsekuensi dari perbuatanmu itu. Asuna: Aku tidak begitu yakin. Aku tidak akan dipanggil "Si Kilat" tanpa alasan, tahu? Kotori: Mari kita lihat, wahai manusia. Api-ku akan menghanguskan ambisimu menjadi debu. Asuna segera melompat seiring pertempuran dimulai. |

Oshino Shinobu (Monogatari Series) vs. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
忍野忍(物语系列) vs. 赫萝(狼与辛香料)
Koyomi's Diary Saturday, June 19, 2015 ISML Female Stella Dormitory 11.00 GMT A message was attached on the refrigerator, "Wash your face and hurry to my room. HURRY! -Shinobu-" What was this? What was she doing in her room? Ah, I should be fast because it would be troublesome if she were in a bad mood. I squeezed her room bell and the door opened. "Ah, master, perfect timing. Come in!" Full of questions, I came in. "Master, sit there until we finish this all." "We?" Surprised, I saw a girl with wolf ears was standing in the kitchen. I knew her, Holo, the wise wolf. I bowed my head to her and she replied with her beautiful smile. "What are you making?" "Donuts! I really wanted to make them, so I called for help from this wolf." "'This wolf'? I have a name. Holo, my name's Holo!" "Alright, Miss Holo, please watch over the oven, kay?" I smiled to see them, innocent-like little girls even though they knew precisely that a situation like this would never happen again when the Stella curtain opened. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 历的日记 2015年6月19日(星期六) 世萌女生恒星宿舍 格林尼治标准时间11.00 冰箱上贴着一张便条:“快点洗脸然后来我的房间,快点! 忍” 这是什么?去她的房间干嘛?哎,我还是尽快吧,她心情不好的话可是会很麻烦呢。 按下门铃,房门打开。 “啊,主人,时间刚好。进来吧!” 满腹疑问的我,就这样走了进去. “主人,在我们把这完成之前,先乖乖的坐着。” “你们?” 看见一个狼耳的女生站在里面,我有点儿吃惊。我认识她,有贤狼之称的赫萝。我向她略一鞠躬,她对我报以美丽的微笑。 “你们在做什么?” “甜圈圈!我很想弄这个,所以便把这只狼叫来帮忙了。” “这只狼?我有名字的啊。赫萝,名字叫作赫萝!” “好的好的,赫萝小姐,好好看着焗炉啊。” 看着她们,我不禁微笑了起来。真是天真纯善的小女孩啊!可惜恒星比赛帷幕拉起之后,一切都再不会一样了。 Diari Koyomi Sabtu, 19 Juni 2015 Asrama Wanita Stella ISML 11.00 GMT Sebuah pesan tertempel di pintu lemari es, "Cuci mukamu dan segera datang ke kamarku. SEGERA!-Shinobu-" Apa ini? Apa yang sedang dia lakukan di kamarnya? Ah, lebih baik aku cepat sebab akan menjadi masalah apabila dia tidak enak hati. Kupencet bel kamarnya dan pintu pun terbuka. "Ah tuan, kau datang tepat waktu. Ayo masuk!" Dia menarik tanganku masuk ke dalam kamarnya. Whoaa... Ada apa ini? Apakah sudah saatnya bagi vampir kecil kita ini minum darahku? Kurasa tidak, namun apa yang akan dilakukannya? "Lebih baik kau duduk di situ sampai kami selesai," "Kami?" Kagetku sambil melihat ada sesosok gadis bertelinga serigala berdiri di dapur. Aku mengenalnya, Holo sang rubah yang bijaksana. Aku menundukkan kepalaku kepadanya dan dia membalasku dengan senyum indahnya. "Apa yang kalian buat?" "Donat! Aku sangat sekali ingin membuatnya jadi aku meminta tolong serigala ini untuk membantuku," "'Rubah ini'? Aku punya nama. Holo, namaku Holo!" "Baiklah Nona Holo, tolong awasi oven ya." Akupun tersenyum saat melihat mereka berdua; polos bagaikan anak kecil meskipun mereka sadar betul bahwa situasi seperti ini tidak mungkin terjadi ketika tirai Stella dibuka. |

Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs. Takanashi Rikka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!)
夏娜(灼眼的夏娜) vs. 小鸟游六花(中二病也想谈恋爱)
*Rikka walks around the garden* Rikka: I sense...a tremendous amount of power! *At the same time, Shana passes by* Rikka: It's her! She's the source of the aura! Shana: ♪ *Rikka suddenly jumps in front of Shana* Rikka: Halt! Shana: W-what? Don't scare me like that! Rikka: I see, you have been controlled by a dark force, so you have no idea what power you are holding. Shana: Huh? I'm a flame haze, so basically I have power. Rikka: No! I should help you drive the dark force out! *Takes off her eye patch* Blast reality! Burst it into shreds! Banishment this world! *The surroundings transform into a virtual world* Shana: W-what is this? A barrier? Rikka: Now, let me, Wicked Eye, drive the dark force out of you! Shana: So you want to pick a fight? I'm ready for this! *Rikka and Shana rush at each other, and the fight begins* [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] *六花正在花园里散步* 六花:我感受到... 一股强大的力量...! *夏娜正好在这时候经过* 六花:就是她!她就是散发出气场的源头! 夏娜:♪ *六花忽然跳到夏娜面前* 六花:停步! 夏娜:什...什么?不要忽然这样吓我啊! 六花:我明白了,你被黑暗力量操控,所以不知道自己掌握着什么样的力量。 夏娜:啥?我是个火雾战士,当然会拥有力量啊。 六花:不!我要帮你驱逐黑暗力量!*脱下眼罩* 爆裂吧,现实!粉碎吧,精神!放逐,这个世界! *四周忽然变作了一个虚拟世界 夏娜:这... 这是什么?结界? 六花:现在,就让我,邪王真眼,把你身内的黑暗力量驱逐出来吧! 夏娜:所以说你想打架吗?正面上我啊! *六花和夏娜冲向对方,战斗开始* *Rikka berjalan di sekitar taman* Rikka: Aku merasakan...... tingkat kekuatan yang luar biasa...! *Di waktu yang sama, Shana lewat* Rikka: Itu dia! Dia sumber dari aura ini...! Shana: ♪ *Rikka tiba-tiba melompat ke depan Shana* Rikka: Berhenti! Shana: A-Apa? Jangan menakutiku seperti itu! Rikka: Oh begitu, rupanya kamu telah dikuasai oleh kekuatan gelap, jadi dirimu tidak mengetahui kekuatan apa yang kamu miliki. Shana: Huh? Aku seorang Flame Haze, jadi aku punya kekuatan. Rikka: Tidak! Aku akan membantumu untuk melepaskan kekuatan gelap itu! *Melepas penutup mata* Lepaskan Realitas! Pecah menjadi kepingan! Menghilanglah dari dunia ini! *Sekitar menjadi dunia virtual* Shana: A-Apa ini? Sebuah pelindung? Rikka: Sekarang, biarkan aku, Sang Mata Terkutuk, menarik kekuatan gelap daripadamu! Shana: Jadi kamu ingin bertarung? Aku siap untuk ini! *Rikka dan Shana bentrok satu sama lain, dan pertarungan dimulai* *Rikka spaziert durch den Garten* Rikka: Ich spüre... eine gewaltige Kraft...! *Gleichzeitig geht Shana vorbei* Rikka: Sie ist es! Sie ist die Quelle der Aura...! Shana: ♪ *Rikka springt plötzlich vor Shana* Rikka: Stopp! Shana: W-was? Erschreck mich nicht so! Rikka: Ich sehe du wirst von der Dunklen Macht kontrolliert, daher hast du keine Ahnung von Kraft, die in dir ruht. Shana: He? Ich bin eine Flame Haze, ich habe also Kraft. Rikka: Nein! Ich werde dir helfen die Dunkle Macht auszutreiben! *nimmt ihre Augenklappe ab* Explodiere Realität! Zerberste in Fetzen! Verbanne diese Welt! *Die Umgebung verwandelt sich in eine virtuelle Welt* Shana: W-was ist das denn? Eine Barriere? Rikka: Nun lass mich, das Böse Auge, die Dunkle Macht aus dir austreiben! Shana: Du willst also einen Kampf aufnehmen? Dafür bin ich bereit! *Rikka und Shana stürzen aufeinander und der Kampf beginnt* |

Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs. Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
长门有希(凉宫春日的忧郁) vs. 平泽唯(K-ON!)
If there were words to describe Nagato Yuki and Hirasawa Yui, they would be complete opposites. Yuki and Yui are like hot and cold, contrasting each other heavily. Yuki is a quiet girl who would much rather be alone than hang out with her friends after school, reading a book silently in the classroom. She is also rather soft-spoken, keeping silent in most conversations with her friends, only speaking up when needed. Yui is very cheerful and bubbly, always ready to play music with her band mates. While she may be clumsy and rather silly at times, it's hard not to be infected by the happiness Yui exudes with her happy-go-lucky nature. However, what makes them similar is that they do care for the people around them and would willingly help them despite any circumstances. In the end, which would you like, the hot or the cold? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 如果用词语来描述长门有希和平泽唯,将会是一对反义词。有希和唯就像是冷与热,彼此形成鲜明的对比。有希是一个安静的女孩,放学后比起和朋友们外出闲逛,她更愿意独自在教室里安静地读书。她也是说话相当温和的人,与朋友对话时大部分时间保持沉默,只在需要的时候讲出来。而唯则是一直兴高采烈,随时保持和队友一同演奏的兴致。或许她有时会很笨拙甚至冒傻气,然而很难不被她无忧无虑的快乐所感染。然而,对身边人们的关心是她们共同的地方,她们愿意在任何时候伸出援助之手。 归根到底,冷与热,你更喜欢哪边呢? Jika ada sebuah kata yang mampu digunakan untuk menggambarkan Nagato Yuki dan Hirasawa Yui, itu pasti berbeda. Yuki dan Yui bagaikan panas dan dingin, sangat kontras satu sama lain. Yuki adalah gadis pendiam yang lebih suka sendiri dibandingkan bergaul dengan teman-teman sepulang sekolah, membaca buku dengan diam di kelas. Dia juga lembut saat berbicara, tetap diam di banyak percakapan kawan kelasnya, berbicara seperlunya. Sementara Yui sangat ceria, selalu siap untuk bermain musik dengan teman band nya. Terkadang dia dapat menjadi ceroboh dan bodoh, sangat sulit untuk tidak terinfeksi kebahagiaan yang Yui ledakkan dengan sikap bebasnya itu. Baaimanapun, apa yang membuat mereka sama adalah rasa sayang mereka kepada orang-orang dis ektar mereka dan bersedia menolong dalam keadaan apapun. Namun akhirnya, siapa yang kalian suka, si panas atau si dingin? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
中野梓(K-ON!) vs. 青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Due to an ongoing recruitment of the Featured Match Chief Editor, this featured match write-up has been taken down temporaily. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats!) vs. Gilgamesh (Fate Series)
音无结弦(Angel Beats!) vs. 吉尔伽美什(Fate系列)
It is often stated that death is the end of the road. But this is not the case for Otonashi Yuzuru or Gilgamesh. Death is only the beginning of their respective stories. Yuzuru finds himself in the afterlife while Gilgamesh is summoned to the future as a Heroic Spirit. I ask you this: if given a second chance to walk, what would you do? Yuzuru and Gilgamesh arrived at the same answer. They chose to continue where they left off. For Yuzuru, whose goal in life was to become a doctor, this meant helping his newfound friends lead the lives they never could. Gilgamesh, on the other hand, is the near opposite. His goal is human genocide—the weak are to die and the strong are to become servant to the King of Kings. Yuzuru views Gilgamesh as a threat to the peace he desires. Gilgamesh views Yuzuru as an insect to be crushed. Ideals clash in this heated match. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 我们经常说,死亡是人生道路的终结。但音无结弦和吉尔伽美什是例外。死亡只是他们各自故事的开始。结弦发现他在死后世界醒来,而吉尔伽美什作为英灵被召唤到未来。 问你一个问题:如果给你第二次活着的机会,你会做什么?结弦和吉尔伽美什给出了同样的答案。他们选择继续生前未完成的事业。结弦生前的目标是成为一名医生,在死后世界他帮助新结识的朋友们度过他们生前没有能够经历的人生。吉尔伽美什则几乎相反,他的目的是屠杀——弱者死亡,强者成为王者之王的仆人。 结弦将吉尔伽美什看作他所渴望的和平的威胁。吉尔伽美什将结弦看作一只待捏碎的小虫。于这场激烈的比赛中,理想相互碰撞。 Sering dikatakan bahwa kematian adalah ujung dari jalan. Namun tidak berlaku bagi Otonashi Yuzuru atau Gilgamesh. Kematian hanyalah awal dari cerita mereka masing-masing. Yuzuru menemukan dirinya berada di dunia lain sementara Gilgamesh dipanggil ke masa depan sebagai Roh Pahlawan. Aku bertanya padamu: Jika diberikan kesempatan kedua untuk berjalan, apa yang akan kalian lakukan? Yuzuru dan Gilgamesh punya jawaban yang sama. Mereka memilih untuk melanjutkan apa yang mereka tinggalkan. Bagi Yuzuru, tujuan utamanya adalah menjadi dokter, yang berarti membantu teman barunya untuk menuju kehidupan yang tidak mungkin mereka jalani. Lain Gilgamesh yang hampir bertolak belakang. Tujuannya adalah pembunuhan massal-yang lemah akan mati dan yang kuat akan menjadi pelayan bagi Raja segala Raja. Yuzuru melihat Gilgamesh sebagai ancaman bagi kedamaian yang diidamkannya. Gilgamesh melihat Yuzuru sebagai serangga yang harus diinjak. Idealisme akan bertemu di pertandingan panas ini. A menudo se afirma que la muerte es el final del camino. Pero este no es el caso de Otonashi Yuzuru o Gilgamesh. La muerte es sólo el comienzo de sus respectivas historias. Yuzuru se encuentra en el más allá, mientras Gilgamesh es convocado en el futuro como un Espíritu Heroico. Les pregunto esto: si se te da una segunda oportunidad de continuar, ¿qué harías? Yuzuru y Gilgamesh llegaron a la misma respuesta. Eligieron continuar donde lo dejaron. Para Yuzuru, cuyo objetivo en la vida era ser médico, esto significaba ayudar a sus nuevos amigos la tener la vida que nunca pudieron tener.Gilgamesh, por otro lado, es lo opuesto. Su objetivo es el genocidio-humano, los débiles deben morir y el fuerte convertirse en siervo del Rey de Reyes. Yuzuru ve a Gilgamesh como una amenaza a la paz que él desea. Gilgamesh ve a Yuzuru como un insecto que debe ser aplastados. Los ideales se enfrentan en este emocionante partido. |

Yato (Noragami) vs. Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!)
夜斗(野良神) vs. 折原临也(无头骑士异闻录)
Izaya: Well, well, well…what do we have here? Yato: Hi there! Are you perhaps my next competitor? You're voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya too, right? Izaya: I suppose I am. Didn't you go up against another character of the same voice a little while ago? Yato: Who? Levi? Izaya: No, someone by the name of Otonashi Yuzuru. Why didn't you speak to him? Yato: Oh, I totally forgot about him. How'd you know though??? Izaya: Heh, I'm an informant. Take a guess. Yato: It's nice to meet you, Izaya the informant! Izaya: Don't need to fake being so nice, god of calamity. Yato: W-what?! Izaya: I told you, didn't I? I'm an informant. And even if you aren't human, I still find you extremely amusing. Yato: Never call me by that title ever again. Izaya: Hmm? Or else what? You'll say a Hail Mary at me? How scary. Yato: I'll wipe that smirk off your face! *As Yato summons his sword, Izaya spins in a circle and flicks his knife* Izaya: So that's how you wanna do it, huh? Alright, let's dance! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 临也:喂,喂,喂……这是个什么情况? 夜斗:嗨,你好,或许你是我下场比赛的对手?你也是神谷浩史配音的,对吧? 临也:我想是的。你前段时间不是和另一个同样声音的人交手过嘛? 夜斗:谁?兵长? 临也:不,有个叫音无结弦的家伙。你怎么没跟他说话? 夜斗:喔,我都完全忘记他了。可你是怎么知道的??? 临也:呵,我是情报贩子。猜猜看。 夜斗:很高兴认识你,情报贩子临也! 临也:不必假装这么高兴吧,祸津神。 夜斗:什-什么?! 临也:我不是和你说过了,我是情报贩子。即使你不是人类,我仍然发现你十分有趣~ 夜斗:不要再用那个头衔称呼我了。 临也:嗯?那应该怎样呢?你会对着我说万福马利亚吗?好可怕好可怕。 夜斗:我会把你那得意的笑容从脸上抹去! *当夜斗召唤出他的剑,临也转了一圈弹出了他的刀* 临也:所以这就是你的方式哈?好,让我们舞起来! Izaya: Wah wah wah.. apa yang kita temukan di sini? Yato: Hai! Apakah kamu lawanku berikutnya? Suaramu juga diisi oleh Hiroshi Kamiya juga, kan? Izaya: Tampaknya iya. Bukankah kamu beberapa waktu lalu juga bertempur dengan karakter lain dengan suara yang sama? Yato: Siapa? Levi? Izaya: Bukan, seseorang bernama Otonashi Yuzuru. Mengapa kamu tidak berbicara dengannya? Yato: Oh, aku betul-betul sudah lupa. Bagaimana kau bisa tahu?Izaya: Heh, aku ini seorang informan. Kau tak bisa menebak, kan? Yato: Oh oke. Senang berkenalan denganmu, Izaya sang informan. Izaya: Tak perlu berpura-pura ramah, wahai Dewa Malapetaka. Yato: A-apa!? Izaya: Aku sudah bilang padamu kan: aku ini seorang informan. Bahkan bila engkau bukan manusia, aku masih menganggapmu cukup menghibur~ Yato: Jangan pernah memanggilku dengan nama itu lagi. izaya: Memang apa yang akan kau lakukan bila aku memanggilmu dengan nama itu lagi? Mengucapkan Salam Maria? Betapa menyerampak *menyeringai* Yato: Akan ku hapus senyum menghinamu itu dari wajahmu! *Yato mulai memanggil pedangnya, sementara Izaya berputar dan mengibas-ngibaskan pisaunya* Izaya: Oh jadi ini yang kau inginkan, yah? Baiklah, mari berdansa! Izaya: Bueno, bueno, bueno .. ¿Qué tenemos aquí? Yato: ¡Hola! ¿Eres tu, tal vez, mi competidor? Tu actor de voz es Hiroshi Kamiya también, ¿verdad? Izaya: Supongo que si. ¿No competiste contra otro personaje con la misma voz anteriormetne? Yato: ¿Quién? Levi? Izaya: No, alguien con el nombre de Otonashi Yuzuru. ¿Por qué no hablas con él? Yato: Oh, me olvidé completamente de él. ¿Cómo lo sabes? Izaya: Je, yo soy un informante. Adivina. Yato: Es un placer conocerte, Izaya el informante! Izaya: No tienes que fingir ser tan agradable, dios de la calamidad. Yato: ¿Q-qué?! Izaya: Te dije ¿no? Soy un informante. E incluso si no eres humano, me sigue pareciendo muy divertido Yato: Nunca me llames por ese título otra vez. Izaya: Hmm? O si no, ¿qué? Rzaras un Santa Maria? Que miedo Yato: ¡Voy a quitarte esa sonrisa de tu cara! * Yato convoca su espada, Izaya gira en un círculo y saca su cuchillo * Izaya: Así que esto es lo que quieres hacer ¿eh? Muy bien, vamos a bailar! |
Thanks to Reverend, RichardJoash, RailWarrior, BugH, Fuijiwara, tehyc, Kurogarasu, Tokei Shikake Tenshi, houreki, FISHING,
itsukayuzuru, Just, Shmion84, and WoodyMC for contributing today's match previews and translations.
itsukayuzuru, Just, Shmion84, and WoodyMC for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Aquamarine Necklace Showdown — Sunday, June 28, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs.
Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Shiro (No Game No Life) vs.
Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series) vs.
Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi) vs.
Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs.
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs.
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs.
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
远坂凛(Fate系列) vs.
小野寺小咲(伪恋) vs.
结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域) vs.
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The aquamarine represent the ocean, through the calm and soothing waves to the cold, ruthless storms; all of it represents the ocean as one whole being. For Yukino, it marks her first step of portraying the image of one of Nova's queens, should she be able to win the necklace. For Mashiro, the necklace will expand not only her number of necklaces, but also the type, giving her a different shade for once. For Shiro, this will be a stepping stone to help her succeed in the Nova League, for her power has shown itself to be phenomenal by usage of her incredible, fast mind, and winning the first necklace will confirm the fact. For seven years, Rin was not in contention for the necklace, and even entering the Necklace match proved to be too much for the veteran. Now, with a new series and a fresh start, she will do all it takes to get the necklace that she was unable to six years ago. Chiyo saw a dip in strength recently, but the help of this necklace could brighten up her situation, and possibly even help with the love issues that plague her. For Kosaki, a necklace in tow would be a great achievement, for not only would it spark the new power that is Nisekoi, but the necklace might provide some attraction from him. Finally, Asuna, having won two necklaces already, wants to show the Stella League that she is no pushover. She should she be able to win this necklace through her ability as 'The Flash.' In the end, who will answer the ocean's call and claim the necklace? That is for you to decide. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 海蓝宝石代表海洋;从风平浪静的一片碧波,到偶会出现的波涛汹涌,包罗万象变化万千的海洋尽化其中。 对雪之下雪乃来说,这是通往新星皇后之路的第一步,首先需要赢得项链。对椎名真白的话,不单是增加项链数目,还是自己收集多一种不同项链的机会。白的话,这是在新星组成功的踏脚石,毕竟她一直以来所展现的强大尚需奖项去证明。远坂凛过去七年都不曾与项链争夺扯上关系,如今通过新系列而获得的新开始,可以期待她必倾尽全力以求一骚六年之痒。佐仓千代最近实力略为下滑,但能赢得项链的话或许可以帮助她一挽颓势,甚至在爱情的困境之中也会出现曙光。小野寺小咲能赢得项链的话将是一大成就,不但是对名为伪恋的这股新势力而言,还可能吸引那个男孩的目光。最后,已经赢得两条项链的结城明日奈,希望向恒星证明自己并非虚有其名,通过获取项链以证"闪光"之名。 不过最后,谁能呼应大海的号召而得到项链,决定权在你手中的一票。 Aquamarine melambangkan laut, ketenangan dan kelembutan ombak hingga badai ganas yang sesekali muncul, itu semua menggambarkan laut sebagai satu kesatuan besar. Bagi Yukino, ini menandakan langkah pertamanya dalam menggambarkan dirinya sebagai Ratu Nova, akankah dia mampu memenangkan kalung? Bagi Mashiro, koleksi kalungnya akan bertambah bukan hanya dari segi jumlah namun juga dari tipe kalungnya, memberinya bayangan yang berbeda sesekali. Bagi Shiro, ini merupakan batu pijakan untuk membatunya meraih sukses di Liga Nova. Dengan kekuatan pikirannya yang menjadi fenomenal, memenangkan kalung pertama akan menjelaskan semuanya. Selama 7 tahun, Rin tidak sama sekali dekat dengan kalung, bahkan untuk masuk ke pertandingan Kalung saja sudah cukup untuk membuktikan dirinya sebagai veteran. Sekarang, dengan seri baru dan awal yang baru, dia akan melakukan apapun untuk mendapatkan kalung yang gagal didapatkannya 6 tahun yang lalu. Chiyo terlihat sedikit lebih kuat akhir-akhir ini, namun dengan bantuan kalung ini dapat menerangkan posisinya sekarang ini, atau bahkan menolongnya dengan permasalahan cintanya saat ini. Bagi Kosaki, kalung akan menjadi raihan terbaiknya kali ini; bukan hanya memberikan kekuatan baru bagi Nisekoi namun juga dapat menjadi sebuah pengalih perhatian bagi si dia. Akhirnya Asuna; yang telah memenangkan 2 kalung, ingin menunjukkan ke Liga Stella bahwa dia bukan seseorang yang penurut, mampukah dia memenangkan kalung dengan kekuatannya sebagai 'The Flash'? Namun pada akhirnya, siapakah yang akan menjawab panggilan laut dan meraih kalung? Ini tugasmu untuk memilih. Aquamarine representa el océano a través de las olas tranquilas y relajantes e incluso las tormentas despiadadas que se producen, todo esto representa a el océano como un ser completo. Para Yukino, marca su primer paso de retratar la imagen de Reina de Nova y ser la número uno, para Mashiro, el collar ampliara no sólo el número de collares, sino también el tipo de collares, dándole un tono diferente por una vez. Para Shiro, este sería un paso para ayudar a tener éxito en la Liga Nova, demostrando que es fenomenal el uso de su mente. Desde hace 7 años, Rin no ha estado en la pelea por el collar, incluso entrar en el partido por el collar demostró ser demasiado para la veterana. Ahora, con una nueva serie y un nuevo comienzo, ella hará todo lo necesario para conseguir el collar que fue incapaz de conseguir años atrás. Chiyo vio un deslizó en su fuerza recientemente, pero con la ayuda de este collar, puede mejorar su situación, el collar tal vez incluso la ayude en temas de amor. Para Kosaki, el collar sería un gran logro, pues no sólo demostraría el nuevo poder de Nisekoi, sino que atraería la atención de él. Por último, Asuna quien a ganado 2 collares, quiere mostrarle a Stella que ella no es fácil, ella quiere demostrar que puede ganar este collar a través de su habilidad como 'The Flash' Pero al final ¿quien responderá el llamado del mar y reclamara el collar? |

Archer (Fate Series) vs.
Sora (No Game No Life) vs.
Hikigaya Hachiman (OreGairu) vs.
Sakata Gintoki (Gintama) vs.
Kamijō Tōma (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Emiya Kiritsugu (Fate Series)
Archer(Fate系列) vs.
空(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
比企谷八幡(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs.
坂田银时(银魂) vs.
上条当麻(魔法禁书目录) vs.
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs.
The ocean waves roar as they search for the first bearer of the Aquamarine Pendant. Archer calmly enters the match, analyzing his opponents while having his bow ready in hand. Sora calculates his opponents before coming up with a sure-fire strategy that will allow him to take the victory. Hikigaya Hachiman will do whatever it takes to get the true emotions hidden in people's hearts. Sakata Gintoki will not let the raging waves take away what he cares about the most. Kamijō Tōma will do anything in his power to seek what is right and defeat what is unjust. Accelerator wishes to prove to everyone why he should still be considered the most dangerous man out of all the contestants. Emiya Kiritsugu's heart will not waver; he will pull the trigger if it means saving as many people as possible. Which of these characters will be able to turn the tide to his favor when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 海浪发出低沉的吼声,四处搜寻着海蓝垂饰的第一位主人。 Archer冷静地进入赛场,观察并分析着对手,手中的弓箭已经准备就绪。空算计着对手,计划出一套完美的策略去让自己步往胜利。比企谷八幡为了勾出众人深藏心里的真正情感,可以做任何事情。坂田银时会勇敢面对翻滚的巨浪,绝不让自己最在意的事情被夺走。上条当麻为了寻找真正的公义,会用尽自己的一切力量去击败所有不公。一方通行希望证明给所有人知道,自己依然是所有参赛者之中最危险的那一人。卫宫切嗣的心永不会被动摇,为了拯救尽量多的人,他绝不会迟疑于拉动扳机。 一切尘埃落定之时,谁会把浪潮拉向对自己有利的那一方? Gelombang laut bergelora seakan ingin mencari pemegang liontin Aquamarine pertama. Archer diam-diam memasuki pertandingan, menganalisa lawannya sembari mempersiapkan panahnya. Sora memperhitungkan lawannya sebelum datang untuk strategi yang benar-benar matang yang akan membawanya menuju kemenangan. Hikigaya Hachiman akan melakukan apapun untuk mendapatkan emosi yang sebenarnya dari hati tiap-tiap orang. Sakata Gintoki tidak akan membiarkan ombak mengamuk menyeret apa yang sangat dia dambakan. Kamijō Tōma akan melakukan apapun dengan kekuatannya untuk mencari apa yang benar dan menjatuhkan apa yang menurutnya tidak sesuai. Accelerator ingin membuktikan pada semua bahwa dirinya tetap dipertimbangkan sebagai pria yang berbahaya di antara semua kontestan. Hati Emiya Kiritsugu tidak akan ragu; dia akan menarik pelatuk jika dapat menyelamatkan banyak orang. Di antara karakter-karakter ini, pada akhirnya manakah yang akan dapat mengendalikan ombak? Las olas del mar rugen mientras busca su primer portador del colgante de Aguamarina. Archer entra tranquilamente el partido, el analiza a sus oponentes mientras toma su arco listo en la mano. Sora calcula a sus oponentes antes de llegar a una estrategia segura de que le permita tomar la victoria. Hikigaya Hachiman hará lo que sea necesario para obtener las verdaderas emociones escondidas en los corazones de la gente. Sakata Gintoki no permitirá que las olas furiosas le quiten lo que más le importa. Kamijō Tōma hará todo en su poder para buscar lo que es correcto y derrotar la injusticia. Accelerator desea demostrar a todos por qué todavía debe ser considerado el hombre más peligroso de todos los concursantes. El corazón de Emiya Kiritsugu no vacilará; el apretara el gatillo si eso significa salvar a tantas personas como sea posible. ¿Cuál de estos personajes será capaz de cambiar el rumbo a su favor cuando todo está dicho y hecho? |

Tina Sprout (Black Bullet) vs.
Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs.
Konno Yūki (Sword Art Online) vs.
Azuki Azusa (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.) vs.
Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!) vs.
Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru)
缇娜·斯普朗特(漆黑的子弹) vs.
橘万里花(伪恋) vs.
绀野木棉季(有纪)(刀剑神域) vs.
小豆梓(变态王子与不笑猫) vs.
柏崎星奈(我的朋友很少) vs.
由依(Angel Beats!) vs.
Façade. The contestants of Qualifier α are all too familiar with this word. At face value, Tina Sprout appears to be a normal girl with the natural curiosity and innocence of a child. However, Tina is actually a ruthless sniper who does not hesitate to shed blood. Tachibana Marika is a refined and modest miss belonging to a wealthy family, but irritated Marika can reveal a bad-mouthed, obscene, and demanding woman. Konno Yūki is a famed swordswoman of ALFhiem Online, though no one suspects her real-life version to be a fragile teenager suffering from a life-threatening ordeal. Azuki Azusa might seem to be the typical snobbish rich girl, but she really is a heart-hungry loner seeking company. With beauty, intelligence, and charm, Kashiwazaki Sena is the personification of perfection. The true Sena would disregard all of these gifts for friends. Yui-nyan’s cheerfulness seems unusual for a person who no longer breathes, but she is only living out her dreams—something she couldn’t do when she was alive. Mikan is the devoted imōto to a hopeless brother. She might seem mature and dependable for her age, but, deep down, she can get lonely just like anyone else. The situation might seem hopeless, but these girls will continue searching for friends who understand and accept their true personalities. Who knows? It might not be that hopeless after all! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 表面工夫。在这场资格赛里,所有参赛者对它都不陌生。 缇娜·斯普朗特看上去就像个普通天真纯善的小女孩,但事实上她是个不会对造成流血而犹疑的狙击手。橘万里花是个出身贵族的温婉大小姐,但一旦被激怒则可以变成一个满嘴恶言的凶妇。绀野木棉季是个在ALO里广为人知的剑士,然而没有人知道现实里她是个身患绝症的虚弱女孩。小豆梓表面上是个典型的富有小公主,然而她只是个渴望得到个伴儿的孤独孩子。拥有美貌与智慧的柏崎星奈堪称完美,但真实的她为了朋友可以把这所有的都舍弃。由依的开朗对于一个已经停止呼吸的人来说并不正常,而确实这只是她实现活着时所不能达到的理想。结城美柑是个为了笨蛋哥哥奉献一切的能干妹妹,虽然比年龄看上去成熟可靠,但内心深处也会有寂寞的时候。 纵使情况不乐观,这些女孩依然会尽力寻求朋友,可以理解并接受她们真正的自己。谁知道呢?或许在绝望之中正正隐藏着希望! Fasad. Kontestan kualifikasi α terlalu familiar dengan kata ini. Dari luar, Tina Sprout nampak sebagai gadis biasa dengan sifat keingintahuan dan kepolosan layaknya anak kecil. Bagaimanapun, Tina sebenarnya adalah penembak jitu kejam yang tidak ragu untuk berlumuran darah. Tachibana Marika adalah gadis dari keluarga kaya yang halus dan sopan, namun saat kesal Marika dapat menunjukkan sifat wanita yang bermulut kasar, mesum dan banyak maunya. Konno Yūki adalah ahli pedang tersohor di ALFheim Online, namun tidak ada menduga bahwa kehidupan nyatanya adalah seorang remaja rapuh yang menderita penyakit yang membahayakan hidup. Azuki Azusa mungkin terlihat seperti tipikal gadis kaya yang sombong, namun dia benar-benar kesepian dan sedang mencari teman. Dengan kecantikan, kepintaran dan keanggunan, Kashiwazaki Sena adalah perwujudan dari kesempurnaan. Sena yang sesungguhnya tidak akan pernah menghargai pemberian hadiah dari teman-temannya. Keceriaan Yui-nyan nampak tidak biasa bagi orang yang sudah tidak hidup, namun dia hanya ingin mewujudkan impiannya- sesuatu yang tidak dapat dia lakukan semasa hidup. Mikan mengabdikan kehidupannya sebagai adik perempuan bagi kakak laki-lakinya yang tidak berguna. Dia mungkin dewasa dan dapat diandalkan dalam usianya sekarang, namun jauh di dalam, dia bisa jadi sangat kesepian seperti yang lainnya. Situasi bisa jadi tidak memungkinkan, namun gadis-gadis ini akan melanjutkan pencarian mereka akan teman yang dapat mengerti dan menerima kepribadian asli mereka. Siapa yang tahu? Mungkin saja masih ada harapan! Fassade. Den Teilnehmern des Qualifier α Spieles ist dieses Wort nur allzu vertraut. Auf den ersten Blick wirkt Tina Sprout wie ein gewöhnliches Mädchen mit der angeborenen Neugier und Unschuld eines Kindes. Tatsächlich ist Tina allerdings eine rücksichtslose Scharfschützin, die nicht zögert Blut zu vergießen. Tachibana Marika ist ein kultiviertes und bescheidenes Fräulein aus reicher Familie. Sobald Marika geärgert wird zeigt sie sich jedoch als beleidigende und obszöne Frau. Konno Yūki ist eine berühmte Schwertkämpferin von ALfheim Online, doch niemand ahnt, dass sie in Wirklichkeit ein fragiler Teeanager ist, der unter einer lebensbedrohlichen Krankheit leidet. Azuki Azusa mag wie das typische versnobte, reiche Mädchen wirken, dabei ist sie eine Einzelgängerin, die von ganzem Herzen Freunde sucht. Dank ihrer Schönheit, Intelligenz und ihres Charmes ist Kashiwazaki Sena die fleischgewordene Perfektion. Die wahre Sena ignoriert diese Begabungen, wenn es um ihre Freunde geht. Yui-nyans Heiterkeit erscheint ungewöhnlich für einen Menschen, der nicht mehr atmet, dabei lebt sie nur ihre Träume aus - etwas, was ihr zu Lebzeiten nie vergönnt war. Mikan ist die hingebungsvolle Imōto für ihren hoffnungslosen Bruder. Sie mag für ihr Alter besonders erwachsen und zuverlässig wirken, doch unter der Oberfläche kann sie sich einsam fühlen, wie jeder andere auch. Auch wenn die Situation ausweglos erscheint werden diese Mädchen weiterhin nach Freunden suchen, die sie verstehen und ihre wahre Persönlichkeit akzeptieren. Aber wer weiß? Vielleicht ist es im Endeffekt doch nicht so ausweglos! |

Akasaka Ryūnosuke (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) &
Rita Ainsworth (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
Caster (Fate Series) & Kuzuki Sōichirō (Fate Series)
赤坂龙之介(樱花庄的宠物女孩) & 丽塔·爱因兹渥司(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Caster(Fate系列) & 葛木宗一郎(Fate系列)
"Love is the strongest magic on the earth." People say everything can be done for love or that everything is possible just for love, even if they are impossible tasks. For a magician like Caster, there's no magic that can't be created. Her current life is the same as her past: dumped and full of betrayals. Then a man approached her in the middle of the rain, giving his hand to her just like giving Caster a third life. Kuzuki Sōichirō is that man; he looks cold and strict, but willingly helps Caster without other intentions. Sōichirō promised to help Caster get what she was looking for, her main reason for coming to Fuyuki City. Seeing how Sōichirō gave his pure care to Caster, she offered her protection back to him without any hesitation. This is the beginning of their bond, more than just the bond of Master and Servant. It’s a different matter for Rita Ainsworth, an English girl who suddenly came to Japan for a special reason. She didn’t realize that this visit would be the fate of her love route when she met Akasaka Ryūnosuke in a certain dormitory. Both of them are geniuses in their respective fields, Ryūnosuke in computers and Rita in art, but they're totally different from each other. Rita is a cheerful lady yet can be annoying with her interventions, sometimes enough to make Ryūnosuke leave her room. Ryūnosuke is often a loner, and sometimes wise; this personality melts Rita's heart, although his words can be rude to her ears. You have seen how strong love can change someone, haven't you? This isn't delusion or imagination; you can have your own, too, because love is right for every human. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 「爱是尘世中坚不可摧的魔法」 人们常说:为了爱情,即使面对艰难险阻,任何人都可以变得无所不能,而当神明聆听到这种坚毅的意志之后,或许会将这世上一切的不可能都变作可能。 对于Caster这样的魔法师,没有魔法是不能被创造出的。她现在的生活与其过去并没有太大差别——充满着黑暗与背叛。而葛木宗一郎正是那个在雨中与Caster相遇并对其伸出了援手的男人——虽然看起来冷酷,但他甘愿发自真心的帮助Caster,这给予了她新生。为了帮助Caster实现来到冬木市的最初目的,他承诺帮助她寻找一切所需。 也正是因为看到了他对自己的关怀不夹杂杂念,Caster也愿意毫不犹豫的保护宗一郎。他们这对超出主仆关系的结合,在此刻起步。 而对于丽塔这位突然来到日本的英国女生,她或许没有猜到她会在一间学生宿舍遇上命中真爱赤坂龙之介。这对男女虽皆为天才,但性格迥异——艺术家丽塔是一位充满活力的女孩,而她对龙之介生活的介入时而让他略为恼怒,足以将他驱赶出自己的房间;而精通计算机的龙之介则像个不那么合群的智者,虽然他的言辞有时让人听起来不那么舒服,但这种人格深深吸引着她。 看到爱情的强大力量了吗——这并非是错觉,亦或是想象。正因为爱是人类所不可被剥夺的权利,你也可以有自己独一份的体验。 "Cinta adalah sihir terkuat di muka bumi" Orang bilang semua bisa dilakukan demi cinta, orang juga bilang semua terlihat masuk akal apabila dilakukan demi cinta; meskipun itu semua terlihat mustahil untuk dijalani. Bagi servant penyihir sekelas Caster, tidak ada sihir yang tidak bisa diciptakannya. Kehidupannya sekarang sama saja layaknya kehidupan lampaunya; dicampakan dan penuh dengan pengkhianatan. Namun dia menemukan seorang lelaki menghampirinya di tengah hujan, memberinya tangan untuk berdiri layaknya memberikan Caster kehidupan kedua. Kuzuki Sōichirō, dialah lelaki itu; seseorang yang terlihat dingin dan ketat, namun berhati baik dengan menolong Caster tanpa menginginkan balasan apapun. Sōichirō berjanji pada Caster untuk menolongnya mendapatkan apa yang dia mau, apa yang menjadi tujuan utamanya datang ke kota Fuyuki. Melihat rasa kasih sayang yang murni diberikan padanya, Caster tanpa ragu menawarkan perlindungannya pada Sōichirō; inilah awal ikatan mereka, lebih dari sekadar ikatan Pelayan dan Tuan. Lain lagi Rita Ainsworth, gadis berkebangsaan Inggris yang tiba-tiba berkunjung ke Jepang karena suatu alasan. Tanpa disadarinya, kunjungan pertamanya ini akhirnya akan menjadi takdir bagi pencarian cintanya; saat dia bertemu dengan Akasaka Ryūnosuke di sebuah asrama. Mereka berdua adalah orang-orang yang dipanggil jenius di bidangnya masing-masing; Ryūnosuke di komputer dan Rita di seni,namun mereka berdua benar-benar berbeda satu sama lain. Rita seorang yang periang namun terkadang sedikit menyebalkan dengan sikap intervensinya, hal itu yang membuat Ryūnosuke menjadi sedikit terganggu ketika memutuskan untuk keluar dari kamarnya. Ryūnosuke meskipun penyendiri punya pikiran bijak yang pandangan yang jauh ke depan; ini yang membuat luluh hati Rita meskipun terkadang perkataan Ryūnosuke sedikit agak tajam di telinganya. Sudah kalian lihat bukan, betapa kuat sebuah cinta mengubah seseorang? Ini bukan delusi ataupun imajinasi, kalianpun bisa memilikinya karena cinta adalah hak setiap orang. |

Latifa Fleuranza (Amagi Brilliant Park) & Fujimiya Kaori (Isshūkan Friends.)
Ikkyū Tensai (Ryūgajō Nanana no Maizōkin) & Shionji Yūko (Alice) (Kamisama no Memochō)
拉媞珐·芙尔兰札(甘城光辉游乐园)& 藤宫香织(一周的朋友)
一级天灾(龙娘七七七埋藏的宝藏) & 紫苑寺有子 (爱丽丝)(神之记事本)
Four girls' memories are on the line as they try to team up and secure a win against their adversaries. Latifa Fleuranza is a kind girl who treats everyone with respect as she governs her land. Fujimiya Kaori may not be friendly at first, but by understanding her, she can easily become one's best friend. Ikkyū Tensai loves a challenge when she sees one, and she will stop at nothing to see a problem solved. Shionji Yūko is the centerpiece of her team, giving them various advice when dealing with a situation in hand. Can Latifa and Kaori figure out a way to get out of their predicament, or will Tensai and Yūko unlock their door to triumph first? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 四个女孩的回忆被赌上,为了在与对手的对决之中得胜。 拉媞珐是个温柔的女孩,在管理自己领土的同时,不忘对所有人都时刻保持尊重。藤宫香织或许起初并不友善,但只要慢慢理解她,她可以成为一个最好的朋友。一级天灾喜欢面对任何出现的挑战,为了解开谜题绝不会因任何事情止步。紫苑寺有子是队伍的中流砥柱,在面对难关时可以给予他们最佳的指引。 拉媞珐和香织可以找到冲出难关的钥匙吗?还是天灾和有子率先打开通往胜利的大门? Ingatan keempat gadis ini dipertaruhkan saat mereka bergabung dan mencoba menang dari saingannya. Latifa Fleuranza adalah gadis baik yang memperlakukan orang dengan pernuh rasa hormat layaknya dia memerintah negerinya. Fujimiya Kaori boleh tidak terlihat berkawan pada awalnya, namun jika kita mengerti dia maka dia bisa jadi salah satu teman terbaik. Ikkyū Tensai senang akan tantangan dan saat mendapatkannya, dia tidak akan berhenti sampai semuanya terpecahkan. Shionji Yūko menjadi pusat bagi kelompoknya, memberikan bermacam-macam nasihat ketika menghadapi sebuah permasalahan. Dapatkah Latifa dan Kaori mencari jalan keluar dari keadaan sulit, ataukah Tensai dan Yūko mampu membuka pintu menuju kemenangan lebih dahulu? |

Li Syaoran (Cardcaptor Sakura) & Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon) & Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon)
李小狼(魔卡少女樱) & 木之本樱(魔卡少女樱)
地场卫(美少女战士) & 月野兔(美少女战士)
A story about magic. A story about overcoming the odds. A story about love. Li Syaoran is a proud young warrior who sometimes takes things a little too seriously. Kinomoto Sakura is a bright, bubbly girl, willing to help out anyone and tries to see the brighter things in life. Their first encounter was that of rivals, as both sought the same thing. As time moved on, both started to become aware of each other, and the distance between the two started to get closer than ever before. Chiba Mamoru has time to crack jokes and make fun of a silly-looking girl, but secretly yearns for whatever it is that is missing in his heart. Tsukino Usagi tries to make the most out of her life, even when she knows she is quite clumsy and gets into trouble more often than not. Their initial meeting was of two people teasing each other and trying to get under each other's skin. As their story progressed and they learned more about themselves and each other, a more intimate relationship started to grow between the two. Which of these two teams have it in them to keep on fighting, even when things seem tough? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 一个关于魔法的故事。关于排除万难突破障碍的故事。一个关于爱的故事。 李小狼是个自豪的年青勇士,有时会倾向对事情过分认真。木之本樱是个开朗活泼的女孩,愿意帮助任何人,对世界所有事都用比较积极乐观的态度。他们初次相遇时是宿敌,为了相同的追求而战斗;不过随着时间过去,他们开始在意对方,而两人之间的距离也不断收窄贴近。 地场卫有空会取笑和调戏一个看上去笨笨的女孩,但同时在秘密地寻求可以填补内心的某处空缺。月野兔希望活出生命之中的意义,纵使知道自己比较笨拙且容易制造而非解决问题。他们的初遇是互相嘲讽取笑戏弄,但随着对自己对彼此的认识加深,逐渐建立起羁绊,编写出属于他们的灿烂故事。 这两对伙伴,谁能在最大的困境面前保持战意继续奋斗? Sebuah cerita tentang keajaiban. Sebuah cerita tentang mengatasi kejanggalan. Sebuah kisah cinta. Li Syaoran adalah pejuang muda yang terkadang menanggapi pemasalahan terlalu serius. Kinomoto Sakura adalah gadis yang bersinar, periang dan rela menolong siapapun yang berusaha mencari terang dalam hidupnya. Pertemuan pertama mereka adalah sebagai rival, keduanya sedang mencari hal yang sama. Seiring perjalanan waktu, kedua mulai menyadari satu sama lain, dan jarak di antara keduanya makin dekat dibandingkan sebelumnya. Chiba Mamoru punya waktu untuk leluconnya dan membuat candaan dari gadis yang terlihat bodoh, namun diam-diam merindukan yang hilang dalam hatinya. Tsukino Usagi mencoba untuk berusaha sebaik mungkin dalam hidupnya, meski dia tahu terkadang agak ceroboh dan banyak tertimpa masalah. Pertemuan pertama mereka ketika saling menggoda satu sama lain dan mencoba untuk masuk dalam kehidupan lawannya. Dengan semakin bergeraknya cerita, mereka belajar banyak tentang diri mereka satu sama lain, sebuah hubungan yang lebih intim mulai berkembang di antara mereka berdua. Di antara kedua tim ini, manakah yang akan tetap berjuang meskipun segalanya nambak sulit? Una historia sobre magia, una historia sobre la superación de las probabilidades. Una historia sobre el amor. Li Syaoran es un joven guerrero orgulloso que a veces se toma las cosas demasiado en serio. Kinomoto Sakura es una chica brillante, dispuesta a ayudar a cualquier persona y trata de ver las cosas más brillantes en la vida. Su primer encuentro fue como rivales, ya que ambos buscan lo mismo. al pasar el tiempo, ambos comenzaron a tomar conciencia el uno por el otro, y la distancia entre los dos comenzó a disminuir. Chiba Mamoru tiene tiempo para bromas y burlarse de una niña de mirada tonta, pero secretamente anhela lo que sea que no se encuentra en su corazón. Tsukino Usagi trata de sacar el máximo provecho de su vida, incluso cuando sabe que es muy torpe y se mete en problemas a menudo. Su encuentro inicial fue de dos personas bromeando una con la otra y tratando de entrar en la piel del otro. Su historia avanzaba y aprendieron más sobre sí mismos, una relación íntima comienza a crecer entre los dos. ¿Cuál de estos dos equipos lo tiene todo para seguir luchando, incluso cuando las cosas parecen difíciles? |

Horizon Ariadust (P-01s) (Kyōkai senjō no Horizon) & Chii (Chobits)
Hoshino Yumemi (Planetarian ~Chiisana Hoshi no Yume~) &
Flower (Kowarekake no Orgel)
赫莱森·阿利亚达斯特 (P-01s)(境界线上的地平线)& 小唧(人形电脑天使心)
星野梦美(星之梦)& 小花(即将凋逝的音乐盒)
Robots. Some are massively large. Some are very destructive. Theses four are known to melt away hearts and bring tears to one's eyes. Horizon Ariadust may appear cold and harsh, but she cares very much about those who are dear to her. Chii may not yet know how the world works, but she tries her best to make ends meet in hopes of having her master come home with a smile on his face. Hoshino Yumemi is compassionate and willing to help anyone who is in need and will protect those who are in her care. Flower is always seen smiling, trying to make the most out of her life while being useful to the one she cares about. Which of these girls will remain functional when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 机械人。有些是庞然巨物,有些具有强大破坏力,然而这四个则以溶化人心带来眼泪而闻名。 赫莱森·阿利亚达斯特看上去冷酷,但其实对于珍重的人非常着紧。小唧并不清楚这个世界如何运作,但她努力尝试让主人回家时可以在脸上挂上笑容。星野梦美富有同情心,愿意帮助并保护任何需要她的人。小花永远在欢笑,希望活出生命的意义,为了她在意的那人而成为重要的存在。 一切结束之时,哪位机械女孩会继续如常运作? Robot. Beberapa sangat besar. Beberapa bisa jadi mesin penghancur. Keempat gadis ini terkenal mampu meluluhkan setiap hati dan membuat air mata mengalir. Horizon Ariadust boleh terlihat dingin dan kasar, namun dia sangat peduli dengan orang-orang yang terkasih. Chii belum mengerti bagaimana dunia bekerja, namun dia mencoba yang terbaik agar pada akhirnya Tuannya dapat pulang dengan senyum di wajah. Hoshino Yumemi itu bersemangat dan rela menolong siapapun yang membutuhkan bantuan dan melindungi mereka yang dijaganya. Flower selalu terlihat tersenyum, mencoba untuk membuat kehidupannya bermanfaat bagi yang dia sayangi. Pada akhirnya di antara gadis-gadis ini, manakah yang akan tetap berfungsi? |

Shimizudani Ryūka (Saki) & Onjōji Toki (Saki)
Takayama Haruka (Sakura Trick) & Sonoda Yū (Sakura Trick)
清水谷龙华(天才麻将少女)& 园城寺怜(天才麻将少女)
高山春香(樱Trick)& 园田优(樱Trick)
Two best friends fight it out to see who will take home the victory. Shimizudani Ryūka is a kind girl who comforts her friends when they are in trouble. Onjōji Toki may appear quiet, but at the table, she can be a fierce competitor to deal with. Takayama Haruka may be light-headed, but she knows exactly what to do and say to get others flustered. Sonoda Yū's energy knows no limits, as she continues to find ways to turn boring things more exciting. Which of these two sets of friends has it in them to give it everything they have to make sure they come out as victors? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 两对最好的朋友进行决斗,看谁能把胜利带走。 清水谷龙华是个温柔的女孩,在朋友陷进困境时会给予慰藉;园城寺怜看上去很安静,但在桌上可以是一个难以对付的棘手竞争者。 高山春香或许有点天然,但对于如何挑动他人的情绪非常精通;园田优拥有无限的精力,会不断寻找方法把沉闷的东西变得有趣。 这两对好朋友,谁能倾出所有,确保自己能成为赢家? Dua orang sahabat baik berjuang untuk membawa pulang kemenangan. Shimizudani Ryūka adalah gadis baik hati yang selalu menghibur kawannya saat mereka sedang dalam masalah. Onjōji Toki boleh terlihat pendiam, namun kenyataannya dia dapat menjadi lawan yang tangguh. Takayama Haruka boleh jadi gadis yang linglung, namun dia tahu persis apa yang harus dilakukan dan harus dikatakan untuk membuat orang lain kelabakan. Energi Sonoda Yū tidak ada batasnya sebagaimana dia selalu lanjut mencari cara untuk sebuah kebosanan menjadi hal yang lebih menarik. Yang manakah di antara kedua pasangan teman ini yang akan mengerahkan segalanya untuk mereka keluar sebagai pemenang? |
Thanks to BugH, Fuijiwara, Curisu, Just, Momento10, houreki, Tokei Shikake Tenshi, and Shmion84 for contributing today's match previews and translations.