Featured Matches - ISML 2015 Elimination Period
Division Finals, Day 1 — Sunday, November 1, 2015

Nishikino Maki (Love Live!) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
西木野真姬(Love Live!) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
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Arigato (Song) By: Nishikino Maki and Kirisaki Chitoge Life is like a bowl of candy, sometimes sweet but sometimes sour and at times it can be bitter But meeting you was like a heaven's worth of sweet, sweet candy In that room where we first met, it was a start of a beautiful friendship As we got along closer through those wonderful moments I felt truly happy, for I enjoyed every single portion of that time we spent together And so I want to thank you, so very, very much, for what you have done for me And as our time spent together becomes closer and closer, I hope we can get to know each other more Through all the obstacles and struggles that I might face, I know that I can count on you to guide me through it all Sincerely, Arigato, for everything... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 歌曲:谢谢你 演唱:西木野真姬&桐崎千棘 生活像一碗糖果,酸甜苦辣的交集 但是我和你相遇,却似天糖般甜蜜 自我们在那房间初见,便萌发出美好的友谊 度过无数精彩时光,也变得越来越亲密 我真的真的很开心,与你享受点点滴滴 对于你做的所有,我想要谢谢你 希望更加了解彼此,纵然时光渐渐流去 无论前路多少艰难困苦,都有一个我能依靠的你 对于这一切,真心谢谢你..... |

Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi) vs. Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi)
小野寺小咲(伪恋) vs. 橘万里花(伪恋)
"Good friends in life, but rivals in love." Every school day, during every break, Marika needs to show her love to her beloved. Jumping on him, offering him gifts, or shooting him loving glances constantly, it seems she has no limits and that her momentum can only be stopped by his fake girlfriend. Kosaki might just be a bit jealous of her and this ability to communicate her feelings so easily. Fortunately, Marika doesn't know that they share the same love, which allows them to have a normal relationship between friends. Kosaki could never be angry with her about this though: she plays the game of love differently, watching from a distance and enjoying every moment she can spend with the one she loves. Although their common lover hasn’t made his choice yet, it's now time to make your own! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 每个上课日,每个课间,万里花都要向她所爱的人展现她的爱慕之情。扑向他,给他小礼物,或者时常给他送秋波,看起来她根本没有限度,而她的气焰也仿佛只有他的伪女友可以熄灭。小咲可能刚好有点嫉妒万里花,嫉妒她能如此轻松地表达心意。幸运的是,万里花并不知道她们所爱的是同一个人,这让她们还保持着正常的朋友关系。对于万里花所做的一切,小咲可能永远都不会生气,因为:小咲在以一个很不同的玩法进行着爱的游戏,仅仅是远远的注视着她所爱之人或者能够陪在他身边度过每一分每一秒就足够让她欣喜。 尽管她们共同的恋慕对象还没有做出他的选择,但现在,是时候做出你们的选择了! Setiap hari, ketika waktu istirahat, Marika merasa perlu menunjukkan cintanya pada seseorang yang dikasihinya. Melompat ke arahnya, memberinya hadiah, atau menatap mesra kepadanya setiap waktu, dan ini tampaknya tidak pernah ada batasnya dan momentumnya tidak bisa dihentikan oleh kekasih palsu sang lelaki. Kosaki bisa jadi sedikit cemburu akan Marika dan kemampuannya untuk menunjukkan perasaannya dengan mudah. Sayangnya, Marika tidak tahu bahwa mereka berbagi cinta yang sama, yang di mana membiarkan mereka untuk berteman dengan normal. Lagipula Kosaki tidak bisa marah akan hal ini: dia memainkan permainan cinta ini dengan cara yang berbeda, memandangi dari kejauhan dan menikmati benar-benar setiap momen dengan sang kekasih. Meskipun kekasih mereka belum bisa menentukan pilihan, sekarang adalah saatnya bagi kalian! Chaque jour d'école, à chaque pause, Marika ressent le besoin de montrer ses sentiments à son amour. Lui sauter dessus, le couvrir de cadeaux ou simplement lui envoyer constamment des regards amoureux, Marika n'a pas de limite et n'est stoppée dans son élan que par la fausse petite amie de celui qu'elle aime. Kosaki pourrait bien être un peu jalouse d'elle et de sa capacité à transmettre si facilement ses sentiments. Heureusement, Marika ne sait pas qu'elles partagent un amour envers la même personne, ce qui leur permet d'avoir une relation classique entre amies. Kosaki ne pourrait jamais lui en vouloir toutefois : elle joue au jeu de l'amour à sa façon, observant de loin et profitant à fond de chaque moment passé avec l'homme de ses rêves. Bien que leur amoureux commun n'ait toujours pas fait son choix, c'est maintenant à vous de faire le vôtre! "Buenas amigas en la vida pero rivales en el amor." En cada día escolar, durante cada descanso, Marika necesita mostrarle su afecto a su amado. Tirándosele encima, dándole regalos, o dedicándole miradas románticas constantemente, pareciera que no tiene límites y que su ímpetu sólo puede ser frenado por la novia falsa de él. Quizá Kosaki esté un poquito celosa de ella y de su habilidad para expresar sus sentimientos tan fácilmente. Afortunadamente, Marika no sabe que ambas tienen el mismo objetivo romántico, lo que les permite tener una relación normal de amistad. Por su parte, Kosaki nunca podría enfadarse por ello: Ella juega al juego del amor de forma diferente, mirando desde la distancia y disfrutando de cada momento que pasa con la persona que ama. Aunque su amado en común no haya tomado todavía su decisión, ¡ahora es el momento de que tú tomes la tuya! |

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs.
Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.)
“Can you read my poker face?” Silence my not say much, but can reveal a plethora of information. A gaze from Yukinoshita Yukino may be enough to silence any opposition and make people think twice about going against her ideas. But beyond Yukino's cynical personality lies a girl searching for someone to connect with and lean on whenever she needs a helping hand. Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko may have lost her ability to express her emotions, but that does not stop her from expressing her opinion on certain matters. Hidden in her voice is a wish to become stronger, to turn this supposed handicap to her advantage. Which of these two contenders will have the final say after all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 表面上的沉默,有时却包含着很多信息。雪之下雪乃的一个眼神有时就能让她的反对者不敢多言,并且重新考虑自己的反对意见。但雪乃看似愤世嫉俗的外表背后是一个渴望理解,寻求帮助的女孩。筒隐月子或许没有了表达情感的能力,但这不能阻止她在一些事情上发表观点。言语的背后,是想要变得坚强的欲望,将不能表达情感的缺陷化为力量。在二人无声的碰撞中,谁能掌握最终的话语权? "¿Puedes leer mi cara de póquer?" Puede que el silencio no diga mucho, pero puede revelar mucha información. Una mirada de Yukinoshita Yukino puede ser suficiente para silenciar cualquier oposición y para hacer que la gente se lo piense dos veces antes de ir contra sus ideas. Pero más allá de su personalidad cínica se encuentra una chica que busca a alguien con quien conectar y en quien poder apoyarse cuando necesite una mano que la ayude. Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko puede haber perdido su habilidad para expresar sus emociones, pero eso no la detiene a la hora de expresar su opinión sobre ciertos asuntos. Oculto en su voz se halla un deseo de hacerse más fuerte, de convertir este supuesto handicap en una ventaja. ¿Cuál de estas dos contendientes tendrá la última palabra al final del día? |

Jibril (No Game No Life) vs. Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live)
“Time is ticking away. Make your next move.”br/>What could be going in the minds of these two competitors as they attempt to get one step closer towards the Sapphire Circlet? The pressure may be on Jibril, as this is her ISML debut, but she is always ready for a challenge. Any opportunity to learn about her opponents and analyze possible ways to defeat them brings a grin to her face. However, Tokisaki Kurumi will not show any fear, she will not show any mercy, and she will not restrain herself from decimating her enemy. If push comes to shove, Kurumi will use any tactic necessary if it means seeing her goals bear fruit. With the stakes this high, can Jibril conjure up an idea to turn the tide to her favor, or will Kurumi make sure that time is on her side? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 两位竞争者踏上争夺蓝宝石头饰之路的时候,心里都在作怎样的打算?对于在世萌赛场首次登场的吉普莉尔来说,兴许会有些紧张。然而她早已准备好迎接任何挑战。她微微一笑,因为她即将能够有机会分析她的对手,并在脑中推演将其击败的方法。而另一边,时崎狂三心中毫无畏惧。她将收起心中的仁慈屠戮对手。如果情势需要,她可以为了达成满意的结果不择手段。在如此紧张的局势中,是吉普莉尔脑中灵光一现扭转局势,还是时崎狂三能够掌控天时,取得胜利呢? "Waktu Berjalan. Segera Melangkah." Apa yang akan ada di dalam pikiran jika kedua kompetitor ini semakin dekat dengan Penghias Kepala Safir? Tekanan mungkin akan lebih ke Jibril, karena ini adalah debut ISML nya namun dia selalu siap untuk tantangan. Segala kemungkinan untuk mempelajari musuhnya dan menganalisa kemungkinan-kemungkinan langkah untuk mengalahkan musuhnya membuatnya tersenyum. Bagaimanapun, Tokisaki Kurumi tidak akan menunjukkan rasa takut apapun, dia tidak akan menunjukkan belas kasihan, dan dia tidak akan menahan diri untuk membantai musuhnya. Jika makin tertekan, Kurumi akan menggunakan taktik apapun agar demi semua usahanya membuahkan hasil. Dengan harapan yang tinggi akan dirinya, dapatkah Jibril mendapatkan ide untuk membuat keadaan menguntungkan baginya, atau akankah Kurumi memastikan bahwa waktu sekarang berada disisinya? |

Shiro (No Game No Life) vs. Asada Shino (Sword Art Online)
“It's time to play the game.” An invitation sent out to only the strongest of players. A competition to see who is the better player. Things like this would only entice challengers such as Shiro and Asada Shino. Able to calculate multiple scenarios at once, there appears to be no task too difficult for someone of Shiro's stature. As nimble with her fingers as her mind, Shiro has no trouble controlling two avatars at once if it means obtaining the highest chance of success with as little to no consequence. An opportunity like this may be what Asada Shino always wanted. Meek in real life, when Shino dwells in the virtual world, she becomes more confident, her will is unwavering, and her aim straightforward. Which of these players will keep her focus until this match is over? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 一份只为最强者发出的邀请,一场群雄争霸的较量。这是专为白与朝田诗乃这样的强者准备的舞台。能够快速在脑中演算各种情势的白,对比赛信心满满。她灵巧的手指与大脑甚至能让她轻易操纵两台人形机器为她带来最终的胜利。而对于朝田诗乃来说,这是她梦寐以求的比赛。现实中柔弱的她,在虚拟世界中拥有钢铁般的意志与强大的信心。她将一往无前地向着她目标前进。这两者究竟谁够能坚持到最后,获得胜利? "Saatnya memainkan permainannya." Sebuah undangan dikirimkan kepada pemain-pemain terkuat. Sebuah kompetisi untuk melihat siapa pemain yang lebih baik. Hal-hal seperti ini menarik hanya kepada penantang seperti Shiro dan Asada Shino. Mampu untuk memperthitungkan banyak skenario sekaligus, tidak akan ada tugas yang sulit bagi seseorang seperti Shiro. Dengan kegesitan tangan dan pikirannya, Shiro tidak punya masalah dalam memainkan dua avatar sekaligus jika itu semua demi mendapatkan peluang yang lebih baik untuk sukses dengan konsekuensi minimal. Sebuah kesempatan seperti ini adalah yang selalu diidamkan Asada Shino. Lemah lembut di dunia nyata, namun ketika Shino masuk ke dunia virtual, dia menjadi lebih percaya diri, keyakinannya tak tergoyahkan, tujuannya lurus ke depan. Mana di antara pemain ini yang akan tetap mempertahankan fokus mereka sampai pertandingan berakhir? |

Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs. Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!)
结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域) vs. 由依(Angel Beats!)
At first glance, these two young women would seem to be very different, but both of them lived injured lives until they came to their own virtual worlds. Yui became the lead singer and head of a band, while Asuna became a commander in one of the most powerful guilds of her world. Although both were in powerful positions, they still felt unfulfilled. The demon-cat tried many other activities, none of which filled the hole in her heart until she found love. 'The Flash' went through a similar situation: her nickname and accolades weren't enough for her either, but love was simple and powerful enough to fill her life. Neither of their partners cared about their titles. In this battle, these two fight each other for the favor of the ISML voters. Will you support Asuna and her rapier, or Yui-nyan and her guitar and voice? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 第一眼看上去,这两位年轻女孩可能有着天壤之别,但她们在进入死后世界和游戏世界之前的生活的伤痕累累却又让二人同病相怜。由依成为了乐队的主场和领队,而亚丝娜成为了她世界中一个最强大公会的副团长。尽管她们均身居要职,却并没有为此而满足。‘由依喵’尝试过不少体育活动,但直到她找到了爱,她内心的空缺才得以填补。‘闪光之亚丝娜’也遭遇了相同的境况,称号与荣誉对她来说远远不够,但爱却轻易地、饱满地弥漫于她的生命。二人的同伴们也都对她们的头衔毫不在意,可是在如今这场比赛中,两人正为了世萌众的支持而战。你会支持亚丝娜和她的细剑,还是由依和她的吉他与声音? Sekilas, kedua gadis ini tampak sangat berbeda satu sama lain. Namun, mereka sebelumnya telah hidup dalam keseharian mereka masing-masing yang dipenuhi dengan kecacatan dan kekangan sampai akhirnya keduanya tiba di dunia "virtual" masing-masing. Yui menjadi vokalis utama dan pemimpin band-nya, sementara Asuna menjadi salah satu komandan dari guild terkuat di dunianya. Namun, walaupun keduanya telah berada di posisi yang kuat, mereka masih belum merasa terpenuhi. Si kucing-rocker, Yui, mencoba melakukan berbagai aktivitas; Tak satupun dapat memenuhi kekosongan di dalam jiwanya, hingga akhirnya ia menemukan cinta. "Si Kilat", Asuna, juga mengalami situasi yang serupa: semua julukan dan pujian dari rekan-rekannya tidaklah cukup baginya. Namun kemudian ia menemukan cinta dan itu cukup sederhana namun kuat untuk membuatnya merasa terpenuhi. Keduanya mencintai kekasih masing-masing dengan tulus dan apa-adanya dan kekasih merekapun tidak menuntut apa-apa dari mereka, tanpa memandang status dan gelar masing-masing. Kali ini, mereka berdua akan bertempur satu sama lain demi dukungan dari para pemilih ISML. Apakah anda akan mendukung Asuna dan pedang rapier-nya, atau Yui-nyan dengan gitar dan suara merdunya? |

Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
远坂凛(Fate系列) vs. 优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹(这个是僵尸吗?)
Welcome to the Postseason, guys. We have an important match today between two magic users: Tōsaka Rin, the young magician, and Eucliwood Hellscythe, the Necromancer. Tōsaka Rin awoke from her deep sleep in 2014 and is back to ISML. With her great moves in the Prelims and continuation in the Regular Season, Rin was able to answer all challenges by getting the top position of Stella with 30-5. Even though lots of her efforts failed in necklace matches, Rin still has a chance in two remaining jewels, the Circlet and, of course, the Tiara. Her rival is the silent Necromancer, Eucliwood. Her last necklace was in 2012 and since then it has been a hard road for Eucliwood, even just to reach the necklace matches. This year, Eucliwood finished 11th with 25-10, which is not good news for her career history in ISML. She really needs new motivation in this year’s Postseason. Will the returned Rin rise with a new power in 2015, or will Eucliwood fight for her existence as a strong candidate of the Tiara? The answer is yours. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 大家好,欢迎来到季后赛!今天我们有一场重要的比赛,一场两位魔法使用者之间的比赛,她们分别是:年轻的魔法师远坂凛以及死灵法师优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹。 远坂凛,从她2014年的沉睡中醒来,重回世萌战场。随着她预选赛时的巨大进步以及常规赛期的优异表现,凛以30-5的成绩夺得常规赛恒星头名,如今她已足够应对任何挑战。尽管在之前项链赛中她的努力都付诸东流,但她仍有机会冲击剩下的两件首饰:头环,当然还有皇冠。 凛的对手是沉默的死灵法师,优克里伍德。她上个项链夺于2012年,但那之后仅仅是进入项链赛对她来说都成了非常困难的事。今年,优克里伍德以25-10的成绩最终排名常规赛第11位,事实上这在她职业生涯中并不是个好结果。今年的季后赛她确实需要新的动力了,而一场胜利便是很好的激励。 谁将会继续走下去?带着新活力回归的凛,还是为自己的作为2015皇冠强力候选者的存在而战斗着的优克里伍德? 答案就掌握在你们手中! Selamat datang di Post Season, kawan. Kita punya sebuah pertandingan penting hari ini, pertandingan antara dua pengguna kekuatan sihir: Tōsaka Rin sang penyihir muda dan Eucliwood Hellscythe sang Necromancer. Mari kita ulas peforma mereka selama setahun ini. Tōsaka Rin, yang bangun dari tidurnya di 2014 telah kembali ke ISML. Dengan aksi luar biasanya di Pre-eliminasi dan terus berlanjut di Musim Reguler, Rin mampu menjawab segala tantangan dengan meraih posisi teratas di Stella dengan 30-5. Meski usahanya tahun ini banyak kandas di babak kalung, Rin masih punya kesempatan di 2 perhiasan tersisa, penghias kepala dan tentu saja Sang Tiara. Lawannya adalah sang Necromancer yang pendiam, Eucliwood. Kalung terakhirnya ada di 2012 dan semenjak itu Eucliwood menjadi sangat sulit bahkan hanya untuk mendekati pertandingan kalung. Tahun ini Eucliwood finis ke-11 dengan 25-10 dan itu bukan berita baik bagi sejarah perjalan Eucliwood di ISML. Dia butuh dorongan baru di Post Season tahun ini. Kembalinya Rin dengan kekuatan barunya di 2015, ataukah Eucliwood yang akan memperjuangkan eksistensinya sebagai kandidat kuat Tiara 2015? Semuanya kembali kepada kalian. |

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 仲村由理(Angel Beats!)
“Never going for less than second best.” Goals, dreams, aspirations. Some are granted through hard work, but others may need that extra fight to achieve the necessary resolution. An acclaimed artist, Shiina Mashiro seems to have everything going for her, but the world around her has always appeared barren and white. While achievement in art is success in its own way, Mashiro would like it if there were others with whom she could share this feeling. Nakamura Yuri has no trouble explaining what she wants done and how she wants to do it. Headstrong and gallant, Yuri does not give up until her sight is set on her target. With two contrasting personalities and two contrasting worlds, can Mashiro paint her way to the finish, or will Yuri gun her down on the spot? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 目标,梦想,愿望。有的可以靠努力实现,但其余的却需要另外去战斗来获得为了实现所必需的决心。作为一名饱受赞誉的艺术家,椎名真白看似已拥有了一切,但她周围的世界却总是显得那么荒芜与单调,艺术方面有了自己的成功,真白更希望有他人能够分享这份心情。仲村由理则毫无困难地宣示着她所要做的以及她将如何去做。倔强,英勇,由理一旦瞄准目标就绝对不会放弃。两个相反的人格,两个不同的世界,是真白将继续描绘着她直到终点的路,还是由理这一刻就能将她狙击? Tujuan, mimpi, dan cita-cita. Beberapa berhasil mencapainya melalui kerja keras, namun, bagi sebagian orang, dibutuhkan lebih dari sekadar kerja keras agar resolusi yang mereka inginkan dapat tercapai. Sebagai seorang seniman yang kegeniusan diakui, tampaknya segala hal berjalan dengan lancar dalam kehidupan Shiina Mashiro. Namun, sebenarnya bagi Mashiro, dunia di sekelilingnya tampak kosong sepi tanpa tanda-tanda pernah terusik. Walaupun pencapaiannya dalam bidang seni adalah sebuah kesuksesan tersendiri, Mashiro akan sangat senang apabila ada orang lain yang dengannya ia dapat berbagi segala perasaan bersama. Nakamura Yuri tidak kesulitan menyatakan apa yang ia inginkan untuk terjadi dan bagaimana ia akan membuat hal tersebut terjadi. Ia berani dan keras kepala, Yuri tidak akan pernah menyerah hingga ia berhasi menggapai tujuannya. Dengan dua personalita yang berbeda dan dua dunia yang berbeda, apakah Mashiro akan berhasil melukiskan langkahnya ke depan menuju garis finish? Atau apakah Yuri akan berhasil menembak musuhnya jatuh di tempat? |

Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门) vs. 逢坂大河(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎)
“Are you sure you should be here?” Hovering in the middle tier for so long after all the twists and turns, Makise Kurisu finally finds herself in contention for not just the Diamond Pendant, but quite possibly the Heavenly Tiara. The genius scientist hit all the right marks necessary to grant her this position, and it does not seem like her momentum is about to halt anytime soon. Having participated in ISML for so long, Aisaka Taiga still has a bit left in her to show that she has what it takes to keep up with any upcoming contenders. No matter how much time tries to take her down, Taiga has successfully and continuously clawed her way to postseasons since her debut. Now, these two girls who have different stories to tell will collide, and one small mistake will cost them something they may not get back come next year. Does Kurisu have what it takes to become someone others should look out for, or does Taiga have enough left in her to show that she can still pull the impossible? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 在中间梯队徘徊了这么久,所有曲折扭转过后,牧濑红莉栖终于在这场不仅仅是为了钻石吊坠而更可能是皇冠的争夺战中找到了自己的位置。天才科学家抓住了所有关键点以保证了她这个位置,而且完全没有给人她的气势很快就会消失的感觉。逢坂大河,参加了世萌这么久,仍然彰显着她的犹存的不输于任何即将面对的竞争者的力量。不管时间如何让她渐行渐弱,大河还是成功地不断用虎爪走出了自从她初次上场就一直进入季后赛的路。现在,这两位有着不同故事的女孩正针锋相对,一个哪怕小小的失误都可能让他们明年不会再出现在这舞台。究竟是红莉栖有足够的实力成为别人期待的人,抑或大河仍有足够的实力向大家证明她能够实现不可能? |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs. Takanashi Rikka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs. 小鸟游六花(中二病也想谈恋爱)
As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, but these two girls may be huge exceptions to that phrase as their curiosity shows no bounds whatsoever as they try to figure out how particular things work. For Eru, mysteries of all sorts immediately pique her interest as her eyes brighten with passion. She is determined to solve the case with her friends who reluctantly assist her in their mystery-solving stints. No matter how big or small it may be, nothing escapes the girl who might just be the embodiment of curiosity itself. In Rikka's case, her big questions are about love. Being foreign to that sort of feeling has left Rikka rather flustered as she explores this new emotion she has to deal with which just comes out of nowhere. Although unexpected for Rikka, there's no doubt that she wants to venture further into this whole new world of love that she is currently in. With all that being said, who will have her curiosity sated between the two of them? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 俗话说的好,好奇心害死喵,但这两个女孩确实超级的例外,因为她们想要探索某些东西、某些事如何运作时实在是展现了无穷无尽的超越俗话的好奇心。爱瑠,这个各种谜题都会让她双眼放光地产生兴趣的女孩,她正决心解决在他们的推理解谜上不情愿帮她的她朋友的问题。无论大事小情,都逃不过这个女孩的好奇,没准她就是好奇心的化身呢。而六花,她的大大的问号是关于爱情的。当她不得不面对有时不知从哪儿突然冒出来的这种感情时,对于它的完全陌生让她很是慌张。尽管很突然,但无疑六花还是想要在她已经置身其中的爱情这个新世界中去更深处探险。 那么话说回来,到底是谁将能满足自己的好奇心呢? Ada pepatah, Rasa ingin tahun membunuh kucing, namun kedua gadis ini membuat pengecualian besar akan kalimat itu dengan rasa ingin tahun mereka yang tidak kenal batas dalam mencari tahu bagaimana sesuatu dapat bekerja. Bagi Eru, segala jenis misteri dapat menarik minatnya. Sebagaimana matanya merekah karena penuh semangat, Eru bertekat untuk memecahkan kasus-kasus dengan temannya, yang terkadang membatunya dalam beberapa tugas pemecahan kasus. Tidak peduli betapa besar atau kecilnya itu, tidak ada yang bisa lari darinya yang merupakan perwujudan dari keingintahuan itu sendiri. Sementara bagi Rikka, pertanyaan besarnya adalah tentang cinta. Menjadi asing dengan perasaan seperti itu telah membuat Rikka bingung saat berusaha menyusuri emosi-emosi baru yang harus dirasakannya ketika semua itu datang tiba-tiba. Meskipun tiba-tiba, tidak diragukan lagi bahwa Rikka ingin menjelajah lebih jauh ke dunia akan cinta yang baru ini tempat dia berada. Akan semuanya itu, siapa dari mereka berdua yang akan terpuaskan rasa ingin tahunya. Como reza el dicho, la curiosidad mató al gato; pero estas dos chicas suponen una gran excepción a esta frase, pues su curiosidad no tiene límites a la hora de intentar dilucidar cómo funciona algo en particular. Misterios de todo tipo llaman la atención de Eru repentinamente; sus ojos se iluminan con pasión y se decide a resolver el caso con sus amigos, quienes la ayudan a regañadientes en estos periodos de resolver misterios. No importa lo grandes o pequeños que éstos sean, nada se le escapa a una chica que puede ser la personificación misma de la curiosidad. En el caso de Rikka, sus grandes preguntas se refieren al amor. Haber sido ajena a esa clase de sentimiento ha dejado a Rikka un tanto confusa a la hora de explorar este nuevo sentimiento que ha de afrontar y que ha surgido de la nada. Aunque haya sido repentino para Rikka, no hay duda de que quiere aventurarse más en este nuevo mundo del amor en el que se encuentra ahora. Dicho esto, ¿cuál de estas dos chicas saciará su curiosidad? |

Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Saber (Fate Series)
“When your best isn't enough.” Life isn't always fair. You try so hard to attain your dreams, but sometimes fate has other ideas. Consistent effort is not always rewarded, but these two girls will keep trying regardless. A diligent and determined girl, Nanami stops for no one in the quest to achieve her goals. She puts her heart and soul into everything she does, even if she feels worn out or hurts herself in the process. This hard working attitude of hers also applies to the pursuit of love. However, the feelings of others cannot be helped sometimes, and Nanami has to move on with her broken heart, hoping for a brighter future. Saber is a king who puts her people before herself. She disregards her needs and wants, all for the sake of building a strong nation that nobody will be able to challenge. Her best interests are not enough, however, as she is forced to live with the guilt of never being able to save her country from destruction. And for as long as she wanders, she will continue trying her best to find a way to save them. The world is cruel, but they will keep fighting until their last breath. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] "Ketika yang terbaik dari dirimu belum cukup." Hidup tidak selalu adil. Kamu berjuang sangat keras demi mimpimu, namun terkadang nasib berkata lain. Jerih payah tidak selalu berbalas, namun dua gadis ini selalu tetap berusaha. Seseorang yang rajin dan penuh tekat, Nanamu tidak pernah berhenti dalam perjalanannya dalam meraih mimpi. Dia mengerahkan segala jiwa dan hatinya untuk semua yang dia lakukan, bahkan jika sampai membuatnya lelah atau hingga membuatnya terluka. Kerja kerasnya juga berlaku dalam pencarian akan cintanya. Bagaimanapun, perasaannya tersebut tidak bisa diapa-apakan, dan Nanami harus terus melangkah dengan hati yang hancur, berharap akan masa depan yang lebih cerah. Saber adalah seorang raja yang mengutamakan rakyatnya dibandingkan dirinya sendiri. Dia mengesampingkan keperluan dan keinginannya sendiri, semua demi membentuk negara yang kuat di mana tidak ada yang mampu menantang. Segala usahanya masih belum cukup, dan dia terpaksa harus hidup dengan penuh rasa bersalah ketika tidak mampu menyelamatkan negaranya dari kehancuran. Dan sejauh dia berjalan saat ini, dia akan terus mencoba semua jalan terbaik untuk menyelamatkan rakyatnya. Dunia ini kejam, namun mereka tetap berjuang sampai nafas terakhir mereka. |

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Sakurada Akane (Jōkamachi no Dandelion)
友利奈绪(Charlotte) vs. 樱田茜(城下町的蒲公英)
Akane finally crept past the final camera near her house door and heaved a sigh of relief as she entered the gate when she saw a white-haired girl at the front. Wondering who she was, she tried to take a closer look, but was quickly thwarted as the girl suddenly disappeared then reappeared in front of her. Startled, Akane tried to escape using her powers, but was caught at her leg by the woman who introduced herself as Tomori Nao, her confidence trainer. She was apparently hired by her family to engage Akane in preparation for her speeches. For weeks, they trained on building Akane's confidence, with Nao throwing Akane directly into random crowds, forcing her to face her fears directly as she praciced her speeches. Even on Akane's few off-days, she had to work on other factors like her speech patterns or body gestures. After weeks of intense training, it was graduation day as Nao packed up her belongings and got ready to leave the kingdom. As she exited the house, Akane opened her balcony window and saluted to Nao, who returned the gesture with a smile as she walked off... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 茜匍匐着躲过家门附近的最后一个摄像机,终于进了大门后她长长地舒了口气。可是在那儿,她看见前方有一名白发女孩。茜很好奇这个人会是谁,正想走近一点儿看看,但下一秒她就改变了主意,因为这女孩突然从她的视野中消失,再次出现已来到了自己的眼前。茜吓了一跳,她想使用能力逃走,不过那个女孩抓住她的腿留住了她。直到女孩做了自我介绍后,茜才明白,原来,她叫友利奈绪,自己的信心训练师,是家人雇用了她来帮自己做些增强自信心的训练以便为演讲做准备。随后几个星期,奈绪随意把茜扔到各种人群之中,迫使她直面她做演讲般的恐惧。甚至在少有的休息日,茜也得做些其他方面的工作诸如设计演讲结构以及组织身体语言。几星期之后,到了茜毕业的日子,奈绪则已经打包好自己的行李准备离开这个王国。当奈绪出了房子之后,茜打开她阳台的窗户向着奈绪致敬,而奈绪回了一个微笑,便向远方走去... |
Thanks to BugH, Toady, Fuijiwara, Momento10, Tachibana Kanade, ssdcgaddq,
WarmMist, Bastion, Reverend, and Kurogarasu for contributing today's match previews and translations.
WarmMist, Bastion, Reverend, and Kurogarasu for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Division Finals, Day 2 — Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
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“In this story, I am Juliet.” While they may need to be swept up off their feet from time to time, both Sakura Chiyo and Kirisaki Chitoge have shown that they can afford to be independent. A slight miscommunication somehow got Chiyo to work under the boy whom she loves. Despite learning what he is like, Chiyo learns to think ahead of his pace and anticipate his next moves so that nothing fazes her anymore. To make up for her constant travels, Chitoge attempts to figure out what it is that people are thinking and how to respond appropriately. An encounter with the one she detests made her realize that being herself is just as important as forging bonds with others. Which girl can still hold down her fort when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “在这故事里,我是朱丽叶” 尽管有时她们需要从头到脚改头换面,佐仓千代和桐崎千棘仍然表现出了自己足够独立。一个小小的表达错误让千代为她喜爱的男孩工作。了解了他是怎样的人后,千代学着去先一步想他所想做他欲做,这也让她不再需要按部就班地工作。而千棘,为了补偿自己的不断旅行,一直尝试着弄清楚人们所想以及如何回应,直到一次与自己讨厌之人的遭遇,才让千棘明白,做自己与维系他人同样重要。那么,究竟哪个女孩能够守住自己的堡垒呢? |

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Jibril (No Game No Life)
“Knowledge is power.” One step ahead of the competition—the motto of both of these challengers. Yukinoshita Yukino awaits in the Service Club, preoccupying herself until someone seeks her assistance. Whenever she is given a task, she will do everything within her power to make sure the outcome of the situation is valid. Hungry for knowledge, Jibril shows no restraint when it comes to soliciting and exchanging information with other people. When it comes to games, Jibril shows no remorse, using every concept in her arsenal to her utmost advantage. Is Yukino's gaze enough to send shivers down Jibril's spine, or does Jibril's database have the information to grant her a positive predicament? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] |

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live)
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs. 时崎狂三(约会大作战)
“Legendary Shooter” Since the past, these two amazing shooters have fought each other. Shino always snipes from afar with Hecate II, and Kurumi flies around and shoots with her barrel gun. Finally, their prowess takes them to the quarterfinal of the ISML. Kurumi: Huh, not bad. You are quite the formidable opponent. Shino: You are, too, though no one could escape from my Hecate before. Kurumi: Hahaha...but now is the end for you. I will show you my true ability. Shino: Yeah, stop playing around and show me your ability. I will make you eat your own words. Kurumi: Alright, let's start! Shino: Yoshi!! Shino and Kurumi usually keep fighting until one of them loses. But this time is different. The more votes they gain from the audience, the stronger they are. So who is your favourite shooter? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “传奇射手的对决” 过去,这两位传奇射手各自征战:诗乃使用黑卡蒂Ⅱ远距离展现着狙击的艺术;狂三则用她的枪跳出了射击之舞。终于,不凡的实力使她们在新星区四分之一决赛狭路相逢。 狂三:嗯,还不错,你是一个很强的对手。 诗乃:你也不弱,不过,以前从没人逃过我的黑卡蒂。 狂三:哈哈,你这纪录就到此为止吧!我绝不会手下留情的! 诗乃:好啊,那就不要废话了,放马过来吧!我会让你后悔地收回你的狂话! 狂三:当心,我要出招了! 诗乃:来吧! 诗乃与狂三将不败不休,但现在这段时间对她们却至关重要,因为作为观众的你们的每一票都会让他们更加强大。那么,这两位选手,你将如何选择? “Penembak Legendaris” Sejak dulu, kedua penembak yang luar biasa ini bertarung satu sama lain. Shino yang menembak dari jauh dengan Hecate II dan Kurumi yang berterbangan menembak dengan senjatanya. Akhirnya Mereka berhasil masuk per-empat final ISML. Kurumi: huh, bagus juga. Kamu adalah musuh yang cukup tangguh Shino: Kau juga musuh yang cukup kuat, tidak ada yang bisa lolos dari Hecate ku sebelumnya. Kurumi: Hahaha.. Tapi sekarang adalah akhir bagi mu. Aku akan menunjukan kemampuanku yang sesungguhnya. Shino: yeah, Berhenti bermain dan tunjukan kemampuanmu. Saya akan membuat kau menelan kata mu sendiri. Kurumi : Ok, Shino: yosh ! Shino dan Kurumi bertarung sampai salah satu dari mereka kalah. Tapi berbeda dari sebelumnya, semakin banyak vote yang mereka dapat semakin kuat mereka. Jadi siapa penembak idola anda? |

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
“Your eyes reveal all secrets; your heart reveals the story.” While their beauty shines from the outside, Aragaki Ayase and Kuroyukihime have feelings even they cannot share out in the open. A school model and a fashion model, it is not hard to understand why everyone can't keep their eyes off of Ayase. Ayase can be very straightforward and blunt, leaving no gaps in her opinion of those who speak ill about her or any of her comrades. Kuroyukihime’s calm and composed manner makes anyone blessed to simply chat and share tea with her. Kuroyukihime seeks power, power to not only become the strongest player in the game, but enough power to protect those who are dear to her. When the dust settles, will it be Ayase or Kuroyukihime left standing? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “Matamu menunjukan seluruh rahasia; hatimu menunjukan cerita” Sementara kecantikan mereka bersinar dari luar, Aragaki Ayase dan Kuroyukihime memiliki perasaan yang tak dapat di bagikan keluar. Model sekolah dan model fashion, Tidak lah sulit untuk mengerti mengapa orang-orang tertarik pada Ayase. Ayase dapat menjadi seseorang yang blak-blakan dalam menyampaikan opininya kepada siapa yang berbicara buruk tentangnya atau temannya. Kuroyukihime dengan tenang dan ber-manner membuat semua orang merasa terberkati dengan hanya mengobrol minum teh dengannya. Kuroyukihime, mencari kekuatan, bukan hanya untuk menjadi yang terkuat di permainan tetapi juga untuk melindungi orang yang ia sayangi. Ketika mereka bertemu, akan kah Ayase? Atau Kuroyukihime yang akan tersisa? |

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门)
“Perseverance is the key to success.” Geniuses in their own rights, Shiina Mashiro and Makise Kurisu have proven time and time again why they are the best at their crafts. Before she arrived to Japan, Mashiro's works were already presented in various art galleries. Despite switching into a new type of medium, Mashiro's new works were quickly published in Japan, making her one of the top rising stars in the manga world. At a young age, Kurisu was already giving lectures about various difficult concepts. If there is a scientific explanation to a certain phenomenon, Kurisu will get to the bottom of it until she is satisfied with her observations. Which of these two contestants has enough brainpower to get her through this predicament? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “毅力是成功的秘诀” 具有天资的椎名真白和牧濑红莉栖一次次地证明着她们在各自领域是多么的优秀。到日本之前,真白的作品就已在各种美术馆展出。换了另一种作画的媒介之后,真白的新作品亦迅速在日本出版,使她成为漫画界一颗耀眼的新星。而红莉栖,尽管很年轻,却已经开始了有关多种复杂设想的讲座。只要某一现象存在科学的解释,红莉栖一定会探究到底直到自己满意。如今,这两位参赛者究竟是谁足够睿智以摆脱困境? “Kesabaran adalah kunci kesuksesan” Kejeniusan disisi kanan-nya, Shiina Mashiro dan Makise Kurisu telah terbukti oleh waktu mengapa mereka adalah yang terbaik dalam karyanya. Sebelum tiba di Jepang, Karya Shiina Mashiro telah di pajang di banyak galeri seni. Terlepas dari berubah ke medium yang baru, karya baru Mashiro dengan cepat di terbitkan di Jepang, membuatnya menjadi salah satu bintang utama yang top di dunia manga. Dalam usia belia, Kurisu telah mengajar tentang bermacam konsep yang sulit. Jika ada penjelasan sains sampai ke fenomena tertentu, Kurisu akan bejuang habis-habisan sampai ia puas dengan observasinya. Yang mana dari ke dua kontestan ini yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir untuk melewati keadaan sulit ini? |

Otosaka Ayumi (Charlotte) vs. Lala Satalin Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru)
乙坂步未(Charlotte) vs. 菈菈·萨塔琳·戴比路克(出包王女)
“Happiness is the strongest energy for every creature.” The warmth of the summer has brought many smiles for the people, and, of course, also for Otosaka Ayumi and Lala Satalin Deviluke who are cheerful every moment we see them. Even though she's the youngest in her family, Ayumi has the biggest spirit and optimism. She wants to spread a bit of her excitement to the people around her. A warm greeting and smile in the morning or even a lunchbox with encouraging words are some of her ways to show a positive aura before the start of a day. Lala, the Deviluke princess, always starts her morning with a huge explosion of spirit. Near her, you won't get bored—she has surprises in every tool and device that sometimes can make you annoyed but happy at the same time. Ayumi and Lala with the flowers of happiness scattered in the arena fill the Quarterfinal match of ISML Summer 2015 today. Which girl will you support? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “快乐是最强大的能量” 夏天的热情给人们带来许多欢笑,当然,每次出现在我们视线中时都元气满满的乙坂步未和菈菈·萨塔琳·戴比路克也不例外。 尽管在家里最年幼,步未却最精神与乐观,并且想要感染身边的每一个人。早晨笑的问候、便当盒中写上鼓励的话语都是她在一天之初就开始传递快乐的写照。 而当我们把目光转移到戴比路克的公主菈菈身上便会发现,她同样是从早晨开始就热情洋溢。在她的身边,你绝不会感到无聊,因为她总会用各种小玩意儿给你带来哭笑不得的惊喜。 今天,步未与菈菈的快乐之花已开满2015夏番表演赛四分之一决赛的舞台。你会支持哪个女孩儿呢? "Rasa bahagia adalah energi terkuat bagi semua makhluk" Suasana musim panas yang hangat telah membawa banyak sekali senyuman bagi orang-orang yang menikmati musim ini, dan tentu berlaku juga untuk Otosaka Ayumi dan Lala Satalin Deviluke yang selalu terlihat ceria tiap kali kita melihat mereka. Meski merupakan yang termuda di keluarganya, Ayumi punya semangat dan optimisme lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kakaknya dan dia ingin menyebarkan sedikit semangat tersebut kepada orang-orang didekatnya. Sapaan dan senyuman pagi yang hangat ataupun bekal makan siang dengan tulisan penyemangat di atasnya adalah sebagian caranya menebarkan aura positif sebelum mereka memulai hari. Atau kita temui Lala, putri Deviluke yang selalu memulai harinya dengan pancaran energi yang luar biasa. Di dekatnya anda akan tidak pernah merasa bosan, peralatan dan alat-alat yang dibuatnya selalu saja membuat kejutan yang terkadang membuat anda kesal namun tertawa bahagia di saat yang sama. Ayumi dan Lala beserta dengan segala bunga kebahagiaan yang tertebar di arena akan mengisi pertandingan perempat final musim panas ISML 2015, hari ini. Mana yang akan kalian dukung? |
Thanks to BugH, itsukayuzuru, Tachibana Kanade, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Division Finals, Day 3 — Thursday, November 5, 2015

Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
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"Ready for the highlight of my youth!" Sometimes, surprises come in ways unimaginable. When Sakura Chiyo confessed to a boy she was interested in, she got his autograph as a reply and an invitation to work on his manga series. Although this was not the ideal scenario Chiyo wanted, being near him once in a while did have its benefits, and if it could get her closer to him, she would be willing to make her situation work. When Onodera Kosaki realized that her admirer still held onto his promise after ten years, she was elated. With a possible key to open the answers to all questions, Kosaki hopes to one day fully open up to her admirer and tell him about her feelings. Which of these two girls will be able to see the end of her story with a smile on her face? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我已准备好绽放青春” 惊喜,时常以人意想不到的方式到来。 当佐仓千代向她感兴趣的人告白后,她得到了他的亲笔签名以及去他那儿工作的邀请。虽然这与千代的预想并不一样,但一旦有机会更进一步的话,千代就一定会去努力改变现状。 当小野寺小咲意识到她爱的人依然守着十年前的诺言之后,她欣喜若狂。现在,手中握着能揭开一切真相的钥匙,她希望有朝一日能够打开自己的心锁,向他吐露心事。 两个女孩谁能笑着走到故事的结局呢? Parfois, certaines surprises prennent une forme inimaginable. Quand Sakura Chiyo fit sa confession à un garçon qui l'intéressait, elle obtint en retour un autographe et une offre d'emploi comme assistante pour son manga. Bien que ce n'était pas le scénario idéal qu'elle espérait, être à ses côtés de temps en temps avait ses avantages; et si elle pouvait parvenir à se rapprocher de lui, peut-être pourrait-elle améliorer le statut de leur relation. Quand Onodera Kosaki se rendit compte que celui qu'elle aime tenait encore sa promesse d'il y a dix ans, elle fut folle de joie. Avec une clé qui pourrait possiblement permettre d'accéder aux réponses de tous les mystères du passé, Kosaki espère un jour pouvoir s'ouvrir et enfin transmettre ses véritables sentiments. Laquelle de ces deux filles parviendra donc à garder le sourire jusqu'à la fin de son histoire? |

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs.
The highest position in Nova is getting closer. On this third day, four girls remain to fight for two seats in the Nova Division final match. Two of them are Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui who are back to meet again in the same arena. Yukino couldn’t expect what happened to her in 2015. Having finished in the 15th position of ISML, many doubts arose about her chance to take the spotlight this year. But Yukino did prove that she was able to take the very first Necklace, the Aquamarine. We can say that Yui is one of the more successful newcomers in ISML history. Even though she couldn't get any titles in the Regular Season, her 5th position might be enough to get rid of fans’ doubts built up from the prelims stage. She still has a good chance for the Nova Circlet, or maybe the Tiara. In the previous match in Ruby 5, Yukino was able to make Yui admit her loss. But as the tournament continued, the situation changed quickly. Will Yukino keep her way smooth to the next jewel, or will Yui get her revenge? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 今天,季后赛第一阶段的第3个比赛日,距离决出分区最强者的时刻日益临近,四强们将为分区决赛之席展开争夺。雪之下雪乃和由比滨结衣,这一次将作为新星区的四强进行两人之间的第二次交锋。 雪乃以第15名的成绩结束了她的2014年世萌之旅,很多人都不再对她抱有期待。然而,雪乃用行动证明了自己:强势夺得了意义非凡的海蓝宝石项链。 结衣,即使细数世萌历史,也是表现非常优异的一年生。尽管她之前没有拿到项链,但常规赛第5的成绩多少让她的粉丝坚定了决心,而眼前正是一个能让她获得新星头环甚至是皇冠的良机。 在红宝石阶段第5轮比赛中,雪乃击败了结衣,但随着比赛愈加激烈,形势早已变幻莫测。这场比赛会是雪乃顺利地向她第二件首饰进发,还是结衣成功复仇? Posisi tertinggi di Nova semakin dekat, tersisa empat gadis yang akan memperebutkan dua kursi di babak Final Divisi Nova pada hari ke-3 ini. Dua dari antara mereka adalah Yukinoshita Yukino dan Yuigahama Yui, yang kali ini kembali berhadapan di arena yang sama. Yukino tentu saja tidak akan menyangka apa yang akan terjadi pada dirinya di 2015. Berakhir di posisi 15 ISML 2014, banyak keraguan muncul akan kemungkinan Yukino untuk mengambil alih sorot lampu ISML tahun ini. Namun Yukino membuktikan bahwa dia mampu dengan menjadi pemenang Kalung pertama tahun ini, Aquamarine. Yui boleh dikatakan salah satu pendatang baru tersukses dalam sejarah ISML. Meski mengakhiri musim tanpa gelar sama sekali, posisi 5 di klasemen akhir sudah cukup untuk menyingkirkan segala keraguan para fans sejak babak pra-eliminasi. Masih terbuka lebar kesempatannya untuk Penghias kepala Nova atau mungkin Tiara 2015. Pada pertarungan sebelumnya di Ruby 5, Yukino memang mampu membuat Yui mengaku kalah. Namun seiring dengan perjalanan turnamen, keadaan dapat sangat cepat berubah. Akankah Yukino dapat memastikan jalannya tetap mulus menuju perhiasan berikutnya ataukah Yui yang akan mampu membalaskan kekalahannya? |

Jibril (No Game No Life) vs. Kurousagi (Mondaiji)
Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the finals of the Game Fiesta 2015. Having been through round after round of ambitious competitors vying for the ultimate prize, we have finally reached the ultimate round to decide this year's Game Fiesta's Emperor, or rather Empress, as we have two woman humanoids as our final contestants. On the blue side, we have a pink-eared bunny by the name of Kurousagi. Blessed with hyper-fast reflexes, this bunny is no mere girl gamer here as she takes things to the maximum, having completely obliterated all her opponents in the past few rounds. She seems to be confident about her chances here. But, a certain Flugel will not take that for an answer as on the left side, we have Jibril. With her intense knowledge on several games, Jibril can always find a way to execute a flashy move to finish off her matches in style, to the point where even her opponents have been charmed by her gameplay. With all that said and done, let us move on to the voting portion. With 20% of the votes contributing to the final result, who shall be your final victor? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Pemirsa sekalian, selamat datang di final game fiesta 2015, Setelah melalui ronde demi ronde Kompetitor yang ambisius berlomba-lomba untuk hadiah spektakuler, Kita akhirnya telah sampai pada ronde atas untuk menentukan kaisar atau lebih tepatnya permaisuri seperti yang kita miliki dua humanoid sebagai kontestan final kita. Di sisi biru kita, ada Kelinci bertelinga pink yang bernama Kurousagi. Dengan reflex yang sangat cepat, kelinci yang satu ini bukan pemain biasa saat ia mengambil hal-hal secara maksimal, setelah benar-benar menghapuskan semua lawan nya dalam beberapa putaran terakhir dan tampaknya menjadi yakin tentang peluangnya di sini. Tetapi Flugel tertentu tidak akan menerima itu karena di sisi kiri kita punya Jibril. Dengan pengetahuannya yang intense di beberapa permainan, Jibril selalu dapat menemukan langkah cepat untuk menyudahi pertandingan dalam gaya, sampai ke titik dimana lawannya terpesona dengan langkah permainannya. Dengan semua yang telah dikatakan dan dilakukan, mari kita beralih ke bagian pemungutan suara. Dengan 20% suara yang berkontribusi terhadap hasil akhir, yang mana akan menjadi pemenang akhir Anda? |

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs. 结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域)
Which is better: being loved or to love? some may ask. To some, the feeling of being idolized and loved by many is most important. But neither of these two girls lacks fandom, and the love they have matters more. As a teenage model, the flashlight of cameras and the spotlight of being the front face of a magazine's cover and the highlight of showbiz are parts of Aragaki Ayase's day. Tiring as it is, she enjoys such a life because she has a friend whom she treasures most. She will do anything to keep her close. "Lightning Flash" Asuna, as she is famously known, has lots of fans in the virtual world where she and 10,000 other players are trapped. While she is, on one hand, a powerful figure in the world's strongest guild, she is also a beauty in a community populated by men. But the praise and love of her surroundings mean nothing to her. She had been seeking a goal to fight, and found them in a person she now loves as her boyfriend. With the love they possess, they strive forward everyday. But today in the Semifinal of Stella Division, which one will prevail? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 有人可能会问:爱与被爱哪个更好?不少人可能会觉得,能够像偶像一样被许多人爱戴着是很美妙的事。但对于这两个不缺粉丝的女孩,她们所独有的那份爱重要的多。 作为青少年模特,闪光灯、聚光灯让她出现于杂志封面及娱乐界已成为绫濑的家常便饭。尽管很枯燥,她依然享受着这样的生活。因为她有一位珍视的朋友,为了彼此更加亲密,她愿意做任何事。 而“闪光之亚丝娜”,正如她的头衔一般,在她所陷的虚拟世界中有着众多的支持者。她既是公会中强大的一员,又是被男性包围着的美丽女孩。但这一切对她来说并不重要,她想要的是一个旗鼓相当的对手,她找到了,这个人现在正是她的爱人。 带着她们各自拥有的爱,两人走到了恒星区半决赛的战场,那么,谁会胜出呢? |

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Chitanda Eru (Hyōka)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 千反田爱瑠(冰菓)
“And so, we try and see things through a different lens...” Despite their upbringings, Shiina Mashiro and Chitanda Eru will not let their pasts chain them to limited futures. At first, Mashiro's world was white, as close to none was willing to interact with the quiet, yet talented artist. Now that Mashiro has other people to interact with and lean on, her world is full of color and unlimited possibilities to go alongside her art. Eru is expected to settle down with her family and take over as head of her farmland. Still, this won't stop Eru from questioning even the simplest of things, determined to find an answer that will satisfy her. Which of these two girls is ready to take the next step forward when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “所以说,我们看事物的视角很独特...” 不管被培养成了什么样的人,椎名真白和千反田爱琉绝不会让过去限制住自己的未来。 最初,真白的世界是苍白的,几乎没有人愿意与这个安静但天赋异禀的画家交流。但现在,真白的世界已经如她的画作一般五彩缤纷,有着无限可能。 而爱瑠,一直被期望着能与家人安定下来接管农场。而这并不会阻止她探究着哪怕是最微小的事,直到找到满意的答案。 那么,谁能够向前迈出重要的一步呢? |

Kuroyukihime (Accel World) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
“Leadership isn't given; it's earned.” Leaders in their own ways, Kuroyukihime and Nakamura Yuri prepare to fight for what may be a critical moment for the right to battle for the Heavenly Tiara. Kuroyukihime hid behind the shadows of her game, worried that returning would only bring her more unnecessary pain and memories she did not want to recollect. With the help of her friends, Kuroyukihime decided to stand once more, determined to prove why she should be considered the strongest of the elite. In collaboration with her peers, Yuri created a society dedicated to adding an extra spice in life while annoying those of authority. The bonds that she has made with them are special, and she will do whatever it takes to make sure all are safe from harm’s way. Will Kuroyukihime or Namakura Yuri prove that they have the superior leadership skills? |

Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
“Nya, nya, nyan~” The power of a cat is terrifying: it can do anything it wants in the house. It's so cute, you'll forgive it anyways. But each cat has its own little kingdom and if they happen to meet each other, a crazy catfight may happen. But the fight today is not simply between two cats, because they both happen to also be a singer and a guitarist! On the left, Yui-nyan is a cat by choice and will use the power of rock music to send chills down your spine. Her everlasting smile makes hearts melt. On the right, Azusa, nicknamed Azu-nyan by the other members of the light music club, will put on her cat ears and interpret a cute and gentle song. Now it's time for the audience to vote: which gave the best perfornyance? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “Nya, nya, nyan~” Kekuatan kucing menakutkan; dapat melakukan apapun yang ia inginkan di rumah, dan sangat imut sehingga anda akan memakluminya. Tetapi setiap kucing memiliki kerajaan kecilnya sendiri dan jika mereka bertemu satu sama lain, pertarungan kucing mungkin terjadi. Tetapi pertarungan hari ini bukanlah tentang dua kucing saja, karena keduanya juga penyanyi dan gitaris! Disisi kiri, Yui nyan, kucing dari pilihan, akan memakai kekuatan music rock untuk menenagkan saraf. Senyuman abadinya membuat hati meleleh. Di sisi kanan, Azusa dipanggil Azunyan, dengan member gurp music ringan lainnya, akan memakai kuping kucingnya dan menghasilkan lagu lembut dan imut. Sekarang waktunya pemirsa yang memilih, yang mana Perfonyance yang terbaik? |

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Ebisuzawa Kurumi (Gakkō Gurashi!)
友利奈绪(Charlotte) vs. 惠飞须泽胡桃(学园孤岛)
“Motivation from the past” As student council president, Tomori Nao has a lot of jobs related to stopping the misuse of special powers by several people. Even though she is quite introverted around her classmates, she is a great leader in her member's eyes. Her past experience with her brother became a stepping-stone for her current life and her reason to stop misuse of special ability wielders. On the other side, Kurumi is quite dependable for her friends. She is in charge of patrolling and make sure the perimeter is clear of zombies. This purpled-haired girl also had a bad experience that motivated her to protect her friends. She is a brave girl and willing to sacrifice herself for their sakes. Other than that, her actions also never fail to amuse us. So who is your choice? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “过去是她们的动力” 作为学生会长,友利奈绪有很多工作需要做。在班级上的其他人眼中奈绪可能比较内向,但她圈子的朋友们却深知她是一位出色的领袖。与哥哥经历的痛苦过去使她变成了现在的自己,这过去也成为她阻止某些人滥用超能力的动机。 胡桃,这个紫发女孩同样有着糟糕的过去,也是这过去促使她保护着她的朋友们。她负责着巡逻保证边界处没有丧尸,对她朋友来说非常可靠。她很勇敢,为了朋友甚至可以牺牲自己。另外,超元气的她总能给我们带来欢笑。 两人之间,你会作何选择? “ Motivasi dari masa lampau” Sebagai ketua OSIS, Tomori Nao memiliki banyak pekerjaan berkenaan dengan menghentikan penyalahgunaan kekuatan special oleh sebagian orang. Walupun ia cukup tertutup dengan teman sekelasnya, tetapi dimata tim nya ia adalah pemimpin yang hebat. Masa lampau dengan kakaknya menjadi batu penjuru bagi hidupnya dan menjadi alasan ia menghentikan penyalahgunaan kekuatan special. Di sisi lain, Kurumi cukup bisa diandalkan bagi teman-temannya. Dia bertanggung jawab untuk patroli dan memastikan areanya aman dari zombie. Wanita berambut ungu ini juga memiliki pengalaman buruk di masa lalu yang memotivasinya untuk melindungi teman-temanya. Ia wanita yang berani dan akan mengorbankan dirinya untuk kepentingan temannya. Selain itu, Aksinya juga tak pernah gagal dalam menghibur kita. Jadi siapa pilihanmu? |
Thanks BugH, itsukayuzuru, Tachibana Kanade, Reverend, Momento10, Toady,
and Fuijiwara to for contributing today's match previews and translations.
and Fuijiwara to for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Division Finals, Day 4 — Sunday, November 8, 2015

Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi) vs. Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu)
小野寺小咲(伪恋) vs. 雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
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“A never-ending pursuit” Snicker at it or agree with it, there's no denying that love is just one unfathomable mystery no one can solve at all. That applies as well to our lovely finalists who have been struck by love's arrows. Once known as the fearsome Ice Queen, Yukino now finds that she cannot control her feelings well, struck vulnerable by a particular arrow. She begins to follow her heart instead of doing what's right and carries out the important mission known as love in order to find the answer to all of her questions. Kosaki, on the other hand, has long been enchanted by the spell of romance and has followed its commands to captivate the person she loves. Be it through simple methods like Valentine's chocolates or through unconventional ways, she hopes that one day she can finally break out of the spell by capturing the heart of the person she loves. With both girls here undergoing trials of their own, who shall claim victory here and discover the answer that will solve love once and for all? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “无尽的追寻” 无论你承认与否,爱始终是任凭谁都难解的玄妙,被爱之箭射中的决赛选手们亦逃不脱。 雪之下雪乃,一度是令人生畏的冰雪女王,但在明白了并不能如愿地控制自己的情感后,她的心上之冰悄悄出现了裂痕,那支不同寻常的箭趁虚而入直射她的心。现在,她不再单纯地去做所谓正确的事,而是聆听自己的内心,遵照心意开始了追寻解开所有疑问的答案之路。 小野寺小咲,久已为爱着魔的她,如今正依着魔咒的指引去追逐她的爱人。时而使用如赠送情人节巧克力这种朴素直白的方式,时而耍些小花招,她希望有朝一日自己能打破魔咒俘获那个她所爱之人的心。 此时正是对她们内心的考验,究竟谁能够宣告胜利并且找到她一直追寻的答案? |

Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
“Courage lies in the eyes of its beholder.” The ability to step up to the plate when no one wanted to take that step forward—a key quality that Yuigahama Yui and Kirisaki Chitoge possess. Yui usually follows along with the crowd in hopes of not making too many enemies with those around her. But, when things seem clearly awry, Yui will not hesitate to address the issue and solve it as soon as possible. Chitoge tries to do as much as she can if it means gaining the trust of those around her. By being around as many people as possible, Chitoge hopes to learn how to properly interact with them so she can finally gain some comrades. Will either Yui or Chitoge be able to advance forward after the dust settles? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “旁观者的眼中亦深藏着勇气” 由比滨结衣和桐崎千棘有着至关重要的品质,那就是在所有人都止步不前时能够迈出第一步。 结衣经常在人群之中随波逐流,但当事态即将扭曲时,她会毫不犹豫地站出来进行调解。而千棘,一直在尽她所能获取周围人的信任。她总是使自己置身于人群之中,与他们接触,以便求得几个伙伴。 尘埃落定之后,能够向前一步的人会是谁呢? |

Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs. Jibril (No Game No Life)
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
“Time to leave my mark!” No turning back now. Sakura Chiyo and Jibril need to throw in everything they have if they are looking for a beneficial spot for the race to the Tiara. It is not easy for a girl in love like Chiyo to go through probably the oddest of antics surrounding her peers and co-artists. Of all of her acquaintances, Chiyo may be the only one to keep a level head while keeping everyone in check. Knowledge is power, and Jibril knows and follows that phrase to a T. If there is anything she can learn, Jibril is more than willing to add it into her already large files of data. Is Chiyo's tenacity enough to grant her the victory, or is Jibril's spontaneity too much for her opponent to handle? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “是时候闪耀我的光芒了!” 终于,无路可退:为了能在角逐皇冠的队列中占有一席之地,佐仓千代和吉普莉尔必须赌上她们所拥有的一切。 对于像千代这样陷入爱情的女孩来说,在她与同伴们所遭遇的种种囧况中出淤泥而不染并不容易。何况,在自己的朋友圈中,她可以说是最一视同仁的了。 “知识就是力量”,吉普莉尔深深地了解并遵从着这格言。一旦能学到什么,她会非常乐意地扩展她早已非常庞大的数据库。 千代的百折不挠能否使她获得胜利?或者,吉普莉尔的率真早已让她无心应战? "Saatnya menandai!" Tidak ada kata mundur sekarang. Sakura Chiyo dan Jibril harus mengerahkan segala yang mereka miliki jika mereka mencari posisi menguntungkan untuk Tiara. Tidak mudah bagi gadis yang sedang jatuh cinta seperti Chiyo melewati segala lelucon aneh yang berada di sekitar kawan dan teman sejawatnya. Dari semua kenalannya, Chiyo mungkin satu-satunya yang tetap waras sembari menjaga yang lain tetap terkontrol. Ilmu pengetahuan adalah kekuatan, dan Jibril tahu itu dan benar-benar mengikutinya. Jika ada sesuatu yang bisa dia pelajari, Jibril akan sangat bersemangat untuk menambahkannya ke dalam arsip-arsip data besar yang sudah dimilikinya. Apakah kegigihan Chiyo cukup untuk membawanya pada kemenangan, ataukah spontanitas Jibril terlalu kuat untuk ditangani oleh lawannya? |

Yoshino (Date A Live) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
四糸乃(约会大作战) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
“Understanding ourselves under a snowy sky...” They may be small, but underneath the quiet exteriors lie fires waiting to burst. Yoshino prefers not to fight, wishing to settle conflict with as little physicality as possible. However, if pushed into a corner, Yoshino will not hesitate to freeze her opponents solid if it means getting her friends out of danger. Shiro is usually seen next to her brother when attempting to formulate strategies to conjure a victory. But, even if her brother is not on her side, Shiro still proved to be a capable tactician, willing to go the distance for a chance to win. Will Yoshino fall under Shiro's trap, or will Shiro be left in the cold by Yoshino? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “于飘雪的天空下理解自己” 身体虽然娇小,却在沉默中隐匿着待迸发的烈焰。 每当遇到冲突,四糸乃都希望能化干戈为玉帛。但若被逼入绝境,为了能使朋友脱险,她会毫不犹豫地将敌人冰封。而白,尽管在为夺取胜利而谋划策略时常常会有她哥哥的陪伴,但她已不断地证明着,即使没有哥哥在身旁,自己依然是一个为了胜利能坚持到底的合格的战略家。 白能否用陷阱诱捕四糸乃?四糸乃又能否用严寒让白绝望? "Memahami diri sendiri di bawah langit bersalju..." Mereka boleh jadi kecil, tapi di balik penampilan yang tenang ada api yang siap untuk menyeruak. Yoshino tidak suka berkelahi, lebih memilih untuk menyelesaikan konflik dengan seminimal mungkin kontak fisik. Bagaimanapun, jika terpojok, Yoshino tidak akan ragu untuk membekukan lawannya demi menyelamatkan temannya dari bahaya. Shiro biasanya terlihat di samping kakaknya ketika menyusun komposisi strategi untuk sebuah kemenangan. Namun, meskipun kakaknya tidak ada di dekatnya, Shiro tetap terbukti seorang ahli strategi yang mahir, bersedia berjauhan demi sebuah kesempatan menang. Akankah Yoshino jatuh dalam perangkap Shiro, atau akankah Shiro akan kedinginan oleh karena Yoshino? |

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs. Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs. 椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Ayase wandered through the woods, diverting from the forest path to a secret cave hidden by the trees and bushes surrounding it. As she approached the entrance, the cave, blocked by a stone door, spoke in a mechanized voice to display the item on the pad that slowly revealed itself as the metal casing slid up. Ayase then unzipped her bag and took out a sharpened kitchen knife and placed it on the pad. It scanned the knife and turned green, indicating that Ayase could pass through as the cave’s door moved towards the side, revealing a room. Entering the room, she was greeted by Mashiro, who was attempting to practice her Plan C attacks on a training dummy while waiting for her comrade. Seeing Ayase's presence, she stopped and blankly greeted her friend. Without warning and certainly without returning the greeting, Ayase quickly leapt towards Mashiro in an attempt to silence her comrade, but was quickly deflected by Mashiro as she jumped back in response. Both sides stood on opposite ends, knowing very well what this battle was for: the Circlet. Both sides stared at each other and then the fight began.... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 绫濑漫步林间,沿着通幽曲径来到一处隐匿于重重草木的洞穴。随着被石门封闭的洞口处发出的机械声,洞外置物平台上的金属壳应声滑落。她拉开包,取出了磨砺得闪着寒光的菜刀放在了上面。平台发出示意允许来者通过的绿光,随后洞门缓缓开启。绫濑坚定地走了进去,终于见到了她的决赛对手——椎名真白。余光扫过,地面凌乱地倒着些许假人,显然,真白正努力地练习着Plan C。看到绫濑的出现,真白毫无表情地问候了一句。然而绫濑并没有回应,而是直接挥刀跃向真白,真白则迅速后跳躲过了绫濑的这一击。她们相互看着对方,也看到彼此眼中闪烁着的对此战战利品——钻石头环的渴望。下一秒,大战开始了... |

Saber (Fate Series) vs. Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
Saber(Fate系列) vs. 牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门)
“One Step Ahead to the Future” What kind of future lies in front of us? No one knows exactly. Saber doesn't know what will wait for her when she decides to join the Holy Grail War and makes a contract with her Master; will she lose and disappear, or will true victory be the one she will get? Even though the future is still blurred, Saber will stay with her commitment for the sake of her people. Makise Kurisu would have never expected what happened to her life when she started the research on a time machine, about how precious and important the papers and experiments she had would be and keep going. Makise only wishes that she had done something right and would be able to help the people in the future. The future isn't as far as we imagined; when we open our eyes in the morning, when we open the door, or when we turn on our smartphone, there is our future. Yes, the future is one step ahead. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “未来就在眼前” 未来会是怎样的?没有人会知道。 Saber不知道。她不知道当她决定参加圣杯战争、联系了她的Master后等待着她的会是什么。失败,消失?抑或得到自己所期待的胜利?纵然未来并不明朗,Saber却誓要为了她的人民而与自己的诺言共存亡。 牧濑红莉栖不知道。她不知道当她开始时光机器的研究后她的人生将发生怎样的改变,她不知道她所做并一直坚持的论文与实验是多么的珍贵。她仅仅是期冀着能够做些对的事、能够对后人有些贡献的事。 未来并不像我们所想的那么遥远,当我们清晨睁开双眼,当我们打开窗子,当我们按开手机,是的,这都意味着未来。未来就在眼前。 "Selangkah menuju masa depan" Masa depan seperti apa yang ada di hadapan kita? Tidak ada satu orangpun yang tahu kepastiannya. Saber tidak tahu apa yang akan menantinya ketika mengikuti Perang Cawan Suci dan membentuk kontrak dengan Masternya; apakah dia akan kalah dan lenyap ataukah kemenangan sejati yang akan didapatkannya? Meski masa depan masih sangat buram, Saber tetap pada pendiriannya demi kepentingan rakyatnya. Makise Kurisu tidak akan pernah menyangka apa yang akan terjadi pada hidupnya ketika melakukan penelitian mesin waktu, tentang betapa berharga dan pentingnya karya tulis serta penelitian yang telah dan akan terus dilakukannya. Makise hanya berharap dia melakukan sesuatu yang benar dan dapat membantu manusia di masa yang akan datang. Masa depan itu tidak sejauh yang kita kira; ketika kita membuka mata di pagi hari, ketika kita membuka pintu, atau ketika kita membuka smartphone, itu semua adalah masa depan. Ya, masa depan itu hanya satu langkah ke depan. |
Thanks Fuijiwara, BugH, Tachibana Kanade, and Momento10 to for contributing today's match previews and translations.
League Finals, Day 1 — Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹(这个是僵尸吗?)
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“You cannot stay quiet forever.” They say silence is the most powerful form of speech, and when these girls raise their voices, one should be wary. Yukinoshita Yukino was put in a service club with the hope that she would open up to other people. Yet Yukino is the most insightful of her club members, taking the time to dissect a person's issues and giving him or her as many options as possible to resolve the problem. Eucliwood Hellscythe has to keep her emotions in check, as her words alone are enough to cause an effect around her. But when her friends are in danger, Eucliwood will use her voice to save her comrades, even if she harms herself in the process. Who will have the final say once the dust settles? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中灭亡” 有人说,沉默是最强大的话语,当沉默着的女孩儿决定开口时,你可要当心了。雪之下雪乃抱着帮助他人并让自己敞开心扉的想法创建了侍奉部。至今,她仍是部中最具洞察力的人,花些时间就可以为来寻求帮助的人剖析问题并给出一系列解决问题的选项。优克莉伍德·海尔赛兹因自己的言辞会对周围产生莫大影响而不得不控制自己的情绪。但若是朋友们陷入危机,她会立刻开口用自己的魔力解救他们,尽管需要自己来承受那份痛苦。 尘埃落定之后,谁将会赢得最终的发言权? "Kalian tidak bisa diam selamanya." Mereka bilang bahwa diam adalah bentuk perkataan terkuat, ketika gadis-gadis ini bersuara, tiap orang harus waspada. Yukinoshita Yukino ditaruh di klub pelayanan dengan harapan dia mampu membuka diri bagi orang lain. Namun Yukino adalah orang yang paling berwawasan di antara anggota klub yang lain, menghabiskan waktunya untuk menganalisa masalah orang-orang dan memberikan beberapa pilihan yang memungkinkan untuk dapat memecahkan masalah. Eucliwood Hellscythe harus tetap menjaga emosinya, di mana ucapan dari mulutnya cukup untuk memberikan masalah bagi sekelilingnya. Namun saat teman-temannya dalam masalah, Eucliwood akan menggunakan suaranya untuk menyelematkan mereka, meski harus menyakiti dirinya sendiri. Siapa yang akan bersuara paling akhir ketika semua ini selesai? |

Yoshino (Date A Live) vs. Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
四糸乃(约会大作战) vs. 结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域)
“I'm trying to warm my heart to others. Have you done that?” It may take a while, but getting to know Yoshino and Yūki Asuna is time worth investing. Yoshino is quiet, reserved, and fears harm. If she is suddenly attacked by anonymous people, Yoshino simply freezes them in their place and runs away, hoping to find another area where she can roam in peace. She simply wants to make contact with people and chat with them normally without the fear of getting captured behind her back. Asuna doesn't trust people much, usually relying on her own set of skills and striking when it is most convenient for her. She prefers not acquainting herself with anyone, as one never knows what could happen to him or her in this virtual world. An encounter with another adventurer made her consider opening up to others and possibly joining a guild that she could trust. Can Yoshino or Asuna keep on fighting until they have found proper places they can call home? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我正在努力温暖自己的心,也希望将这温暖传递给他人。你呢?” 这可能需要一点时间,但了解下四糸乃和结城明日奈是很有意义的。四糸乃沉静,寡言,害怕伤害。如果遭到来历不明的人的攻击,她会把他们冻在原地,然后自己溜走,去寻找下一处能安静漫步的场所。四糸乃单纯地希望能与人正常地接触和交流,而不是一直怀着对有人从背后捉住自己的恐惧。总是靠握好时机用自己的技能去战斗的亚丝娜也不是很信任别人,因为在这样的一个虚拟世界中,谁都不知道将会发生什么。而与另一位冒险家的相遇让她开始考虑去向他人敞开心扉以及加入一个自己能信任的公会。 四糸乃和亚丝娜谁将最终找到自己真正能称之为家的地方呢? "Aku mencoba memberikan kehangatan hatiku pada orang lain. Apakah kalian sudah melakukannya?" Ini mungkin butuh waktu, tapi waktu yang terbuang pantas demi mengetahui lebih dalam Yoshino dan Yūki Asuna. Yoshino itu pendiam dan takut terluka. Jika dia tiba-tiba diserang oleh orang asing, Yoshino cukup membekukan mereka di tempat lalu kabur, berharap ada area yang damai baginya. Yoshino hanya ingin berhubungan dengan orang-orang dan bercakap dengan mereka secara normal tanpa perlu takut diculik dari belakang. Asuna tidak begitu percaya pada orang lain, biasanya cukup bersandar pada kemampuan dan serangannya sendiri yang merupakan hal ternyaman baginya. Dia tidak suka memperkenalkan dirinya pada orang lain, di mana tidak ada yang pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi kepada mereka di dunia virtual ini. Sebuah pertemuan dengan pengelana lainnya membuatnya berpikir untuk membuka dirinya bagi orang lain dan memungkinkan baginya untuk bergabung dengan perkumpulan yang dapat dipercaya. Dapatkah Yoshino dan Asuna tetap berjuang sampai mereka menemukan tempat yang dapat mereka sebut rumah? |

Shiro (No Game No Life) vs. Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
*On the ISML Arena* Shiro: Hello, Mashiro. I heard you are one of Stella’s strongest. Mashiro: Hmm. Shiro: What’s wrong? Mashiro: White-blue hair, red-gold eyes, 11-years-old, and a queen. Shiro: Quite observant of you. I can see why you are seen as a well-crafted artist. Mashiro: *pulls out a sketchbook and draws intensely* Shiro: I tend to never fight without knowing my enemy. You are a world famous artist who then became a popular mangaka. Still only in high school. Your biggest flaw is your lack of common sense, but that seems to be a plus with the audience. Mashiro: *finishes and shows her drawing* Do you want it? Shiro: *amazed by the drawing* I-I can see why you are famous for your art. *takes it for herself* You’re not one to talk, I see. Mashiro: Not much to say except I’m like you. There is a boy by my side who cares for me. He wants to keep up with me while I try to be the symbol of achievement for him. You cannot read emotions as well as I can. Shiro: W-wow. Mashiro: That’s why I’ll win. Shiro: E-EH?! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] (在世萌的赛场上) 白: 你好,真白。我听说你是恒星区最强的选手。 真白:……嗯。 白:有什么不对吗? 真白: 蓝白色的头发,金红色的瞳孔,11岁的年龄,并且是一位女王。 白:你具有相当敏锐的观察力。我明白你为什么被视作是一位天才的画家了。 真白:(拿出素描本认真的画了起来) 白:我从不试图与一位我不了解的敌人战斗。你是世界级的出色画家,并且在之后成为了一位流行的著名漫画家。尽管如此却还只是在上高中。你最大的缺陷就是你在常识上的匮乏,但对于观众而言这似乎是一个加成。 真白:(完成并展示她的画作)……你想要它吗? 白:(惊叹于画作的精湛)我——我看出来你在艺术上的天赋。(把画拿走)我觉得你不是一个可以谈话的对象。 真白:不用再说除了我和你相似之外的东西了。在我的身边,有一个关心着我的男孩子,当我在试着成为他成就的象征时。他想要追赶上我,你不可能在感受情绪方面像我一样好。 白:……哇哦。 真白:这就是为什么我会赢。 白:——诶?! |

Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs. 青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
ISML Gazette Reporter: Hello! This is Charlotte Dunois reporting for the ISML Gazette, and with me are two strong opponents: Nanami and Chiyo. They both beat the strongest of their divisions, am I right? Nanami: W-well, I got lucky. I’m glad people still vote for me at all. Chiyo: As did I. I didn’t think I stood a chance. Reporter: Such modesty between them. You can guess why they’re liked so much. So rumor has it you both have somebody you’re fighting for? Chiyo: W-well, I do have a guy I like and learned to love more after some time learning his job. Reporter: What’s stopping you? Chiyo: The guy can’t exactly read emotions well. Reporter: U-uh, Nanami, do you have a guy you want to impress? Nanami: *blushes * I-I don’t have a guy I l-l-like, b-but I have friends I want to show what I can do. My friend, Mashiro, who’s in the competition as well, Ryūnosuke, and so on. Reporter: What about Sorata? He’s in the competition, too. Nanami: *blushes red* N-No way. Why would I do this for him?! Reporter: Understood. Off to Sorata next. Nanami: No! Come back here, Charlotte! Chiyo: *pats her back* It’s hard, I know. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 世萌公报 记者:大家好!这里是世萌赛场,夏洛特·迪诺亚为您报道。在我身边的是两位强力的参赛选手七海和千代,她们都曾击败了各自分区的最强者,我说的对么? 七海:呃...嗯,我运气比较好。很高兴大家还会给我投票。 千代:我也是。当时并没想到有机会获胜。 记者:多么谦虚的两个人啊!怪不得大家这么喜欢你们。哦对了,有传言称你们都是为某个人而战的,是么? 千代:是—是的,的确有个我喜欢的人。与他一起工作之后我更加喜欢他了。 记者:是什么让你们的关系停滞不前呢? 千代:那家伙根本没读懂我的感情! 记者:好吧。那么,七海呢,你不是也有一个想要给他留下深刻印象的人么? 七海:(脸颊绯红)我—我并没有我喜—喜欢的人,但—但是我有朋友们,我想向他们展现一下我能做的。同样在赛场上的我的朋友,真白,龙之介,等等。 记者:空太呢?你怎么不提他? 七海:(脸更红了)没—没什么。别问我了。 记者:了解!那我去采访他。 七海:别!夏洛特,回来! 千代:(拍着七海的背)我知道,确实很难说出口。 |

Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Gilgamesh (Fate Series)
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs. 吉尔伽美什(Fate系列)
“The One, The Strongest” What does it mean to be The Strongest? No one is stronger than him, and that means only one person can bear that title. On Day 1 of Male Finals, two guys claim themselves as "The Strongest": Accelerator and Gilgamesh. Accelerator, the strongest Level 5 in Academy City whose name can be heard from the dark side of the city, makes people shiver. Every one of his fights is a one-way-match; in other words, you'll certainly lose. Rank 1 isn't an urban legend of Academy City or a bedtime story. Pray for yourself to not meet this boy. Gilgamesh, King of Kings wrapped in his golden armor, laughs from the arena. His laughter isn't because of something funny, but because he believes victory is in his hand, even without moving his body from the place he stands. His enemy will never know what artifact he'll use to ensure his win. Remember, there's only one winner! What strategies or surprises that will happen in the arena, we can’t know. Only one thing is certain, The Scepter is getting closer! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “唯一,最强” “最强者”是怎样的概念?没有人比他更强,也就意味着,只有一个人能享有这个称号。而在世萌决赛期男子组的第一个比赛日,出现了两个自称“最强者”的人:一方通行和吉尔伽美什。 一方通行,学园都市的最强Level 5,即使在暗部组织中也响彻着他的大名,令人不寒而栗。他的每一场战斗都呈现了一边倒的局势,换句话说,你一定会输。他排名第一绝不是都市传说或者睡前故事,你能做的只有祈祷着不要遇到他! 吉尔伽美什,这个英雄王正身着他金闪闪的黄金铠甲放声大笑。他笑绝不是因为遇到了有趣儿的事,而是他认定自己不用迈出哪怕一步就能把胜利纳入囊中。而他的敌人永远不知道他将会用何种宝具将自己击败。 记住,胜利者只有一个。战场上出现任何战略或奇袭我们都无法预知。只有一件事确定无疑,那就是,权杖越来越近了! "Yang Utama, Yang Terkuat" Apa artinya menjadi paling kuat? Jawabannya tentu saja tidak ada yang lebih kuat dari dirinya, yang artinya hanya ada satu orang yang mampu menyandang gelar tersebut. Di Hari pertama Final Pria ini, ada dua orang pria yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai yang terkuat: Accelerator dan Gilgamesh. Accelerator, Level 5 terkuat di Kota Pelajar, mendengar namanya dari sisi gelap kota saja sudah membuat orang gemetaran. Setiap pertarungannya adalah pertarungan satu arah, atau dengan kata lain kalian pasti akan kalah. Ranking 1 bukanlah sebuah legenda kota Pelajar atau bukanlah sebuah cerita sebelum tidur. Berdoalah agar tidak bertemu dengan bocah ini. Gilgamesh, Raja segala Raja, berbalut baju zirah emas, tertawa dari atas arena. Tertawa bukan karena sebuah kelucuan melainkan karena dia yakin akan kemenangan di tangannya, bahkan tanpa perlu menggeser tubuhnya dari tempat dia berdiri. Musuhnya tidak akan pernah tau artifak apa yang akan dia pakai untuk memastikan kemenangannya. Ingat, cuma ada satu pemenang! Strategi apa yang akan mereka pakai atau kejutan apa yang akan terjadi di arena, kita tidak akan pernah tahu. Hanya satu hal yang pasti, Tongkat Kekuasaan semakin dekat! |

Kamijō Tōma (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
上条当麻(魔法禁书目录) vs. 爱德华·爱力克(钢之炼金术师)
“You can knock me down, but I'll keep standing up!” Tenacity, integrity, defiance—these are the building blocks that make Kamijō Tōma and Edward Elric who they are today. If things seem to go awry, Tōma is usually the first one to notice and the first one to jump into the situation. There may be moments when he knows that the enemy may be many times stronger than him, but he will not falter. With his right hand, he will shatter everything to protect the city and those he cares about. Edward may be working for the government, but he is by no means chained to their laws. If he knows that there is something that does not add up, he will get to the bottom of it, even if it means opening up old wounds. The pursuit to his dream may be important, but he will not sacrifice others for the sake of it. Can Tōma knock his opponent down for the count, or will Edward find a way to trap his opponent for the final blow? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “不屈亦不挠” 顽强、正直、无畏,它们如砌砖一般,堆积成现在的上条当麻与爱德华·爱力克。每当事态略有差池,当麻常常会首当其冲站出来面对。即使有时敌人的实力会强过他很多倍,他依然不会退缩。凭借着自己的右手,为了守护这个都市以及自己在意的人,他不惜粉碎一切。爱德华·爱力克看似身任公职,但他绝不会让法律束缚自己。只要发现有不合理之处,他也一定会坚持到底,哪怕深究下去会揭开旧伤。尽管如此,爱德华并不会为了梦想选择牺牲他人。 当麻能否一击即让对手彻底失败?爱德华能否捕获对手并给予他致命一击? "Kalian dapat menjatuhkanku, tapi aku akan tetap bangkit kembali!" Kegigihan, integritas, memberontak - Hal-hal ini yang menjadikan Kamijō Tōma dan Edward Elric menjadi sekarang ini. Saat situasi sedang kacau, Tōma biasanya yang pertama menyadarinya dan akan langsung bertindak. Terkadang ada momen saat dia tahu benar bahwa musuhnya berkali-kali lipat lebih kuat daripada dirinya, namun dia tidak mundur. Dengan tangan kanannya, dia akan menghancurkan segalanya demi melindungi kota dan segala yang dia sayangi. Edward memang bekerja untuk pemerintahan, namun bukan berarti dia terikat dengan hukumnya. Jika dia mengetahui ada sesuatu yang tidak beres, dia akan langsung ke akar permasalahan meski harus membuka kembali luka lama. Pencarian mimpinya boleh jadi sangat penting, namun dia tidak akan mengorbankan orang lain demi tujuan ini. Dapatkah Tōma memukul jatuh musuhnya, atau akankah Edward mencari jalan menjebak lawannya dan melancarkan serangan terakhir? |

Hoto Mocha (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs. Felia (Comet Lucifer)
On the busy streets of Colmar, Mocha was dragging her luggage along in search of Rabbit House when she chanced upon a rainbow-haired girl dressed in a floral dress of sorts alone. With her big sister senses tingling, she decided to approach the girl to try and help find her guardian. Mocha: Hello, little girl. Are you perhaps lost? Felia: Lost? Mocha: Yes. Perhaps you could tell me your name? Felia: Name? Mocha: Yes. Felia: Uhhhhh....FELIA! Mocha: Ahh, Felia, My name is Mocha. Felia: Mocha! Mocha: Yes, yes. Oh wait, I have a great idea! Why don’t you accompany me to Rabbit House and wait there with onee-chan? Felia: Rabbit House? Mocha: Yes. I promise you it will be a fun place to be. Felia: Rabbit House! Rabbit House! Mocha: Okay, let's go, Felia-chan! And so with a common goal, the two of them held hands as they travelled in the city of Colmar in search of the cafe known as Rabbit House. Will they be able to find it? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] |

Hanekawa Tsubasa (Monogatari Series) vs. Nishinosono Moe (Subete ga F ni Naru)
Problems run amok in our lives and are entirely common for anyone to have, but the worse ones involve family. Unfortunately, that applies to our two girls here, Tsubasa and Moe. For Tsubasa, her relationship with her family has always been on and off. Drastic changes happened, causing her to grow more distant towards the source that was supposed to provide her with much needed warmth and love that she requires and needs, eventually leading to an oddity. In Moe's case, separation from both her loved ones has caused her to view family as a rather sensitive topic, one that invokes sorrow in her. The memories she wants to put down immediately start to flood back in her mind, locking her up in a room of grief. While their families have caused them much sadness, it's time for them to move on and be stronger. Who shall overcome her first obstacle to make that come true? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] |
Thanks BugH, Momento10, Tachibana Kanade, ~Baumkuchen-kun~, Fuijiwara, and LittleWater to for contributing today's match previews and translations.
League Finals, Day 2 — Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jibril (No Game No Life) vs. Chitanda Eru (Hyōka)
吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs. 千反田爱瑠(冰菓)
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“I'm curious to see how you will advance to the next round.” Curiosity may have killed the cat, but not even that will keep the likes of Jibril and Chitanda Eru away from the deepest, unanswered questions. Jibril is most likely to be found in a library, reading as many things as she can to store in her database. She will waste little time in trying to obtain anything that she does not know since the data she collects could be useful for any future strategies and battles. Eru may be meek and calm, but under a mystery, she does whatever she can to see the questions solved. She will invest her time in the mystery in hopes of getting one step closer to a possible solution. Which of these two contestants will have her curiosity intact when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “你将如何保证自己进入下一轮?我很好奇。” 好奇心会害死猫,但这并不能阻止吉普莉尔和千反田爱瑠对那些最深奥、无解的问题的喜爱。如果你要找吉普莉尔,最有可能的地方会是图书馆,她会在那儿读尽可能多的书然后存储在自己的数据库中。只要有不懂的东西,吉普莉尔就会花时间去学习以备不时之需。爱瑠是个温柔恬静的女孩,但一旦遇到不能理解的疑团,她就会尽她所能直到问题解决。爱瑠总会将时间投入到各种推理题中,以求更接近可能的解。最后将会是谁仍能安然地保持自己的好奇心呢? "Aku penasaran untuk mengetahui bagaimana caramu untuk melaju ke babak selanjutnya." Rasa ingin tahu mungkin akan membunuh kucing, namun tidak akan pernah membuat orang-orang seperti Jibril dan Chitanda Eru jauh dari kedalaman akan pertanyaan tak terjawab. Jibril dapat kita temui di perpustakaan, membaca banyak sekali untuk ditampung di bank datanya. Untuk segala sesuatu yang tidak diketahuinya, dia akan merelakan sedikit waktunya untuk mendapatkan data yang dapat sangat berguna untuk strategi dan peperangan di masa depan. Eru boleh jadi rendah hati dan tenang, namun ketika berkaitan dengan misteri, dia akan melakukan segala cara agar dapat memecahkan pertanyaan tersebut. Dia akan memberikan waktunya demi misteri ini, dengan harapan dapat selangkah lebih dekat dengan solusinya. Siapakah di antara dua kontestan yang akan tetap mempertahankan rasa ingin tahunya ketika semuanya selesai? |

Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi) vs. Saber (Fate Series)
小野寺小咲(伪恋) vs. Saber(Fate系列)
“Here I stand” Despite participating in ISML since its inauguration, Saber remains one of the contestants to still stand her ground while trading victories and losses with newcomers and veterans alike. Finding herself near the top of the mountain once again, Saber wastes little time trying to cut down her competition. The King of Knights is focused; she will not quit until she draws her last breath to get one step closer to the tiara. Meanwhile, newcomer Onodera Kosaki has been on a roll of her own, creating a strong base for herself in her ISML debut. Few manage to get in the race for the Tiara on their first try, which makes Kosaki's presence here all the more important. Kosaki doesn't plan on stopping here; she is going to push forward as far as she possibly can. In a clash between veteran and newcomer, can Saber hold her position, or will Kosaki charge to the next round? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我就在这里!” 尽管从世萌伊始就开始参赛,Saber与许多新人或老兵征战尝尽胜败后,今天仍在世萌有立足之地。既然又一次接近了世萌的顶峰,Saber为了拿下这场比赛绝不会有丝毫的懈怠。这位宝刀不老的骑士王正全神贯注,向着皇冠迈进,不死不休。Saber的对手,新人小野寺小咲则在自己的第一年就确保了自己的地位。考虑到很少有新人能初次登场就有赢得皇冠的实力,小咲的出现意义非凡。她也并没打算止步此轮,而是尽全力战斗到终点。 新老的碰撞中,Saber会守住自己的阵地还是小咲成功进入下一轮? "Di sinilah aku berdiri." Meski telah berpartisipasi dengan ISML sejak awal, Saber menjadi satu dari banyak kontestan yang tetap berdiri meski saling jual beli menang-kalah dengan para pendatang baru ataupun para veteran. Menemukan dirinya kembali di puncak gunung, Saber menghabiskan sedikit waktu untuk menjatuhkan lawannya. Raja. Usahanya untuk masuk ke dalam perebutan Tiara di percobaan pertama telah membuat kehadiran Kosaki disini menjadi sangat penting. Kosaki tidak berniat untuk berhenti di sini; dia akan terus mendorong maju sejauh yang dia bisa. Di pertemuan antara veteran dan pendatang baru, dapatkan Saber mempertahankan posisinya, ataukah Kosaki yang akan berlanjut ke babak selanjutnya? |

Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu) vs. Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门)
This match will be very special for Yuigahama Yui and Makise Kurisu, but why? Yes, because this is their very first step in the ISML Tiara arena. This is the first year of Yui and she has proven herself already to stand in the top list of Nova. Her splendid performances in the Regular Season and Division Finals must be considered by her enemies. Her merry nature may be one of her strengths to go through match by match, and she needs to keep that. The last two years were quite unfriendly to Kurisu, but this time will be different. Her position was enough to enter the Postseason this year and it seems Fortune won't stop there. The Division Finals have become the stage for Kurisu to show her existence in ISML. The proof? One seat in the Tiara Finals. It will be a great match because excitement is at the peak for both of them; this is their first Tiara match. Will Kurisu make her dream come true, or is it Yui who will make surprises? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这场比赛对于由比滨结衣和牧濑红莉栖来说很特别,因为这是她们的首场皇冠赛。 第一年参赛的结衣已经证明了自己处于新星的第一梯队。她在常规赛和季后一分区赛中卓绝的表现值得所有敌人慎重考虑。兴致勃勃地天性让她闯过了一场又一场的比赛,如今她要做的,就是继续下去。 而红莉栖,尽管前两年的战绩并不如意,但这次却不再一样。她成功的闯进了季后赛,而且仿佛好运气并没有用尽。分区赛已经成了她的最好证明,毕竟,她已经来到了皇冠赛阶段。 这将是一场精彩的比赛,因为两人都有着相当的斗志,自己的第一场皇冠赛怎么能输? 是红莉栖能够实现梦想,抑或结衣创造更大的惊喜? Pertandingan ini pastinya sangat spesial bagi Yuigahama Yui dan Makise Kurisu, kenapa? Ya, karena ini adalah langkah pertama mereka di ajang Tiara ISML. Tahun pertama bagi Yui dan ia langsung membuktikan dirinya mampu menjadi jajaran atas Nova. Penampilan-penampilan apiknya di Musim Reguler dan Final Divisi harus menjadi pertimbangan bagi lawannya. Pembawaannya yang riang bisa jadi salah satu kekuatannya dalam menjalani pertandingan demi pertandingan, dan ia harus tetap seperti itu. Dua tahun terakhir adalah tahun-tahun yang kurang bersahabat bagi Kurisu, namun tahun ini berbeda. Posisinya sekarang cukup untuk dapat memasuki babak Post Season dan Dewi Fortuna tidak hanya berhenti di situ saja, Final Divisi menjadi ajang kebolehan Kurisu untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya di ISML. Buktinya? Satu kursi di Final Tiara. Ini akan menjadi arena yang sangat seru sebab semangat mereka sedang dalam puncaknya; ini adalah pertandingan Tiara pertama mereka. Mampukah Kurisu mewujudkan mimpinya ataukah Yui yang kembali akan membuat kejutan? |

Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi) vs. Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto)
桐崎千棘(伪恋) vs. 新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
Tsundere vs. Yandere Finally, ISML reaches the top of the selection today. Here joining us are two beautiful girls who will compete with each other. Let’s hear words from Chitoge-san. “Hello, my name is Kirisaki Chitoge. I’m a high school-er right now. For this match, I will not lose to Ayase. I have a perfect body that amazes everyone. My blonde hair also attracts lots of attention from our voters. This does not mean that I ask you to vote me, but…ahh, you know what I mean, right?!” Whoa, Chitoge’s tsundere charm; it seems that Chitoge-san is really confident in winning. All right then, let’s hear from the other side, Ayase-san. “Hello, my name is Aragaki Ayase. It seems that everyone already know me well. I’m a model, so I will not lose to Chitoge’s perfect body charm. I also have long, beautiful black hair that will not lose to her either. Everyone (while holding a knife) please vote for me!!” So, everyone, who is you favorite between these two? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 傲娇 vs. 病娇 终于,世萌比赛已进入白热化阶段。现在将要在这儿对阵的是两位美女。让我们先来听听千棘的战前宣言。 千棘:“大家好!我叫桐崎千棘,现在是一名高中生。这场比赛呢,我是绝对不会输给绫濑的。正如你们所见,我有着完美的身材呢,一头漂亮的金发也吸引了不少投票者。哎?我可不是在拉票,不是!只不过...呃,你们懂的!” 哇哦,千棘这傲娇的风姿,貌似她非常有信心呢!接下来我们听一下绫濑有什么想说的。 绫濑:“你们好,我叫新垣绫濑。想必大家已经很了解我了吧。尽管千棘身材很好,但我可是个模特呢!而且,黑长直怎么会输给金发呢?请大家务必投我一票(故作礼貌状然而手里握着刀)!” 那么,傲娇与病娇,你喜欢哪个? Tsundere Vs Yandere Akhirnya ISML mencapai sesi akhir pada hari ini. Bersama kita telah bergabung dua wanita cantik yang akan bertarung satu sama lain. Mari dengar kata-kata dari Chitoge san. “ Hello, nama saya Kirisaki chitoge saya siswa SMA saat ini. Untuk pertarungan kali ini aku tak akan kalah dari Ayase, Aku punya postur yang sempurna yang mengejutkan semua orang. Rambut pirangku juga menarik perhatian para voters. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk meminta mu memilih ku, tetapi… Ah kau tahu kan maksudku!” Woah, Tsundere poin dari Chitoge, sepertinya Chitoge sudah yakin dengan kemenangannya. Baiklah mari kita dengar dari sisi lain, Ayase san. “ Hello, nama saya Aragaki Ayase, sepertinya semua sudah mengenalku. Aku seorang model jadi au tak akan kalah dari postur Chitoge. Saya juga memiliki rambut hitam panjang yang menawan yang juga tak akan kalah dari punya Chitoge. Semuanya (sambil memegang pisau) tolong pilih aku ya!!” Baikalh, jadi siapa favorite mu ? |

Archer (Fate Series) vs. Okazaki Tomoya (CLANNAD)
Archer(Fate系列) vs. 冈崎朋也(CLANNAD)
“And so I pray...” What could be going on in the minds on two men who think all is lost in the world? Archer barely wishes to talk about his past or what he has done to make it this far in his journey. Speaking in puzzles, twisting words, trying to psyche the opponent out, Archer appears to be in a must-win scenario. Archer may not wish to speak about his wish, but it must be something he truly desires to be granted if he is fighting this hard to obtain the grail. The last thing Okazaki Tomoya wants to do is go back home where all he sees is a man whom he used to consider his father. With nothing to push him forward, Tomoya spends a majority of his day wondering if there is something he can do in this world. An encounter with a girl may be the key to unlocking the many possibilities he has yet to come across. Will either Archer or Tomoya have his prayers answered at the end of this match? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我祈祷着...” 这两个曾认为失去一切的男人,脑海中会想些什么呢?Archer不愿谈论他的过去以及他所做的事,而是常谎称自己什么都没有做。总会说些令人困扰的扭曲的话语想在精神上先胜对手一筹,Archer仿佛已经想到了必胜的方法。尽管他并没有说出愿望,但既然他如此努力的去争夺圣杯,他所真正想要的东西一定值得授予他。而冈崎朋也,他在最后想要做的事是回到家,回到只有那个他还当做是父亲的人的家。在他失去生活的动力时,他陷入了对自己在这世上究竟还能做些什么的无尽思索中。最终,与一个女孩的相遇成了打开他有着无限可能的未来的钥匙。 Archer与朋也,谁的祈愿能够得到回应? |

Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats!) vs. Emiya Kiritsugu (Fate Series)
音无结弦(Angel Beats!) vs. 卫宫切嗣(Fate系列)
“If you plan on wielding a gun, be prepared to bite the bullet.” In their perspective dog-eat-dog worlds, two men try to make sense of the chaos they are thrown into. Otonashi Yuzusu happened to wake up in the middle of a battlefield with no recollection of how he got there. Preferring words over violence, Yuzuru tries to calm everyone down and help them think in a rational manner rather than jumping the gun. If Yuzuru is caught in a corner, he will fight to fend for his life. Emiya Kiritsugu enters the Holy Grail war with one method in mind: to use everything in his arsenal necessary to come off victorious. He may not be as magically gifted as his contenders, but what he lacks in power, he makes up with his tactics. When things take a turn for the worse, Kiritsugu will not hesitate to take the gloves off and solve matters with his own hands. Who will stand tall when the dust settles? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “想要用枪,就要做好中弹的准备” 在各自的互相残杀的世界中,音无结弦和卫宫切嗣想要弄清楚他们所陷入的混乱世界存在的意义。音无结弦突然从战场中醒来,却记不起怎么到的那儿。总想化干戈为玉帛的他,会去努力安抚每个人使他们平静下来交谈而不是直接大打出手。哪怕被逼到绝境,他也会赌上生命背水一战。卫宫切嗣加入圣杯战争只抱有一个想法,那就是不惜一切取得胜利。尽管与其他角逐者相比,切嗣显得并没那么有魔法天赋,但他会用战术去弥补自己的力量。当事情变得糟糕时,他会毫不犹豫地摘下手套,亲手去解决问题。 最终将会是谁仍能昂首挺立? |
Thanks to Momento10, Tachibana Kanade, BugH, and itsukayuzuru for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Tiara Quarterfinals — Sunday, November 22, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
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“How cold of you to think that you are going to win...” This match is about to get chilly as these two combatants square off for the right to fight in the semi-finals. Yukinoshita Yukino enters the arena with a piercing gaze and a sharp tongue. Yukino became a member of the service club in hopes that her supervisor would get off her case when dealing with a variety of people. Over time, Yukino's heart began to melt, as she slowly understood what it took to become someone people could trust as a person and a friend. In contrast, Yoshino is quite shy, but can enter a competition with gusto. Unable to find reliable companions in her new realm, Yoshino started to doubt whether there was any worth in coming to this planet. An encounter with a fellow stranger gave her the courage to find the good in human hearts and seek the warmth she was searching for. Which of these two contenders can keep on fighting as the battle heats up? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “你究竟多么冷酷才会觉得自己能赢。。。” 这两位参赛者为了半决赛名额的争夺,仿佛让这战场都变得寒冷。雪之下雪乃带着她标志性的犀利眼神与毒舌走进了赛场。雪乃为了让老师放下对她的担心而加入侍奉部,开始与形形色色的人接触。随着时间的流逝,当雪乃渐渐明白了如何成为值得他人信任的人以及朋友之后,她的心开始慢慢融化。四糸乃比较腼腆,但依然兴致勃勃地来参加比赛。在身边无法找到可靠的同伴,四糸乃开始怀疑是否值得来到这世界。然而,与一位陌生人的邂逅让她发现了人心的美好并且找到了她一直追寻着的温暖。 当战斗持续升温,两人谁能坚持到最后? "Betapa dingin dirimu sehingga dapat berpikir untuk dapat menang..." Pertandingan ini akan mendingin ketika dua petarung ini berhadapan untuk tempat di semi final. Yukinoshita Yukino masuk ke arena dengan sorot mata dan lidah yang tajam. Yukino menjadi anggota dari klub pelayanan dengan harapan agar pengawasnya dapat berhenti mencampuri urusannya ketika berhadapan dengan banyak orang. Waktu demi waktu, hati Yukino mulai meleleh seiring perlahan dia mengerti apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seseorang yang dapat dipercaya orang lain dan juga menjadi teman. Kontras, Yoshino cukup pemalu, namun bersemangat ketika memasuki kompetisi. Ketidakmampuan mencari partner yang dapat diandalkan di dunia nyata, Yoshino mulai meragukan kelayakannya ketika datang ke planet ini. Sebuah pertemuan dengan orang asing memberinya kekuatan untuk mencari kebaikan di hati manusia dan mendapatkan kehangatan yang selama ini dia cari. Yang mana dari kedua penantang ini yang akan tetap bertahan saat pertarungan memanas? |

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君)
“I am the main character of this story!” Artists in their own ways, Shiina Mashiro and Sakura Chiyo bothenter combat with an inkbottle in one hand and a pen in the other. Mashiro has always worked in her own, unbeknownst to her that her works would effect her surrounding peers. Since coming to Japan, she was able to understand what it was like to work as a community and see something grow when art is created as a group project. Chiyo only wanted to confess her love, but found herself helping out as a mangaka's assistant. Still, if her artwork is recognized by the person she cares deeply about, she cannot ask for anything more. Who will show to the other that her pen is mightier than a sword? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我是故事的主角!” 作为两位美术家,椎名真白和佐仓千代一手拿着墨水瓶一手握着笔,将展开决战。真白总是默默地工作,而不知道她的努力对周围同伴们的影响。但自从来到日本,她了解到团队工作的样子并且开始注意集体创作艺术过程中的种种变化。千代本想向一位漫画家吐露她的爱意,却成为了他的助手。如今,倘若自己的工作能得到那个自己在意的人的赏识,她已别无所求。 究竟谁能向对手证明,自己的笔比剑还要强大? "Akulah karakter utama cerita ini!" Sebagai seniman di bidangnya masing-masing, Shiina Mashiro dan Sakura Chiyo memasuki medan pertempuran dengan botol tinta di satu tangan dan pena di tangan lainnya. Mashiro selalu bekerja sendiri, tanpa pernah tahu bahwa hasil karyanya mempengaruhi orang-orang di sekelilingnya. Namun, semenjak datang ke Jepang, ia dapat memahami bagaimana rasanya bekerja di dalam sebuah komunitas dan melihat berbagai hal berkembang saat seni dikerjakan sebagai sebuah proyek grup. Chiyo, pada awalnya, hanya ingin menyatakan cintanya, namun kemudian ia menemukan dirinya menjadi asisten seorang mangaka. Tetapi, apabila hasil kerjanya diakui oleh orang yang ia sayangi, maka ia tidak akan meminta lebih. Siapakah yang akan menunjukkan kepada kita bahwa pena lebih tajam dari pedang? |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
“I'm sorry, but I have to move on.” If there is anyone in a state of disarray, these two girls are ready to lend an ear for his or her concerns. Chitanda Eru is a kind, sophisticated girl, eager to find the answers to various questions. When a good friend is in a slump, Eru is willing to help out to the best of her abilities to help him or her proceed to the next step of the mystery. Onodera Kosaki is a gentle, compassionate girl who prefers solving matters with a calm demeanor than a short outburst. Kosaki is usually quick to figure out when something is a misunderstanding, but prefers it when people are open to her about the situation they are or were in. Which of these two girls will remain on her feet when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “对不起,我得继续走下去” 如果有人陷入困惑之中,这两位选手都会去倾听。千反田爱瑠是一个善良老练的女孩,总是想要找出各种问题的答案。当好朋友意志消沉时,爱瑠很愿意尽自己所能帮他/她走出困境。小野寺小咲是一个文静、富有同情心的女孩,解决问题时她总能保持冷静的态度,而不是爆发出来。小咲通常都能很快地找出问题所在,而且很愿意别人敞开心扉向自己诉说他们的处境。 最终,会是谁仍能站在这里? "Maaf, tapi aku harus terus maju." Ketika ada yang sedang galau, dua gadis ini siap untuk mendengarkan segala keluh kesahnya. Chitanda Eru itu baik, berkelas, penuh hasrat untuk mencari jawaban atas banyak pertanyaan. Ketika kawan karibnya sedang lemas, Eru bersedia membantu dengan seluruh kemampuannya demi menolong mereka untuk dapat berlanjut ke tahapan misteri berikutnya. Onodera Kosaki itu adalah gadis yang lemah lembut dan penuh kasih sayang yang lebih suka menyelesaikan masalah dengan tenang daripada dengan emosi. Kosaki biasanya cepat untuk tahu ketika ada kesalahpahaman, namun lebih suka agar orang terbuka kepadanya tentang keadaan mereka saat itu. Siapakah dari kedua gadis ini yang akan bertahan ketika semua usai? |

Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
To these two, high school serves as one of the final platforms they have living out the student life and thus, they want to make every single moment count. For Yui, what she wanted was a normal high school life. A life where everyday as she stepped into the classroom, she would be met by her friends who would stick with her through thick and thin as they experienced all the various events in high school with the intention of creating memories that she could take along with her even after she graduated, serving as her joy. Chitoge, on the other hand, wanted to finally settle down and make some close friends once and for all, friends that she could count on through tough times and share joy and sadness. And maybe, just maybe, a relationship with someone as a cherry on top, if she could find her ideal man anywhere... Have they achieved this sort of life yet? Maybe, maybe not, but right now they have the Tiara in sight. Whom will you support here? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对于这两个女孩,高中是她们最后一个享受学生生活的平台之一,因此,她们想认真过好每一瞬间。由比滨结衣期待着正常的高中生活,期待着与同学们抱着创造即使毕业后也能伴随自己的美好回忆的初衷体验过高中的种种之后在每天步入教室后能被人或多或少地包围的快乐。桐崎千棘则希望最终能定居下来并再一次交到一些好朋友,一些能同甘共苦的朋友。当然,或许,仅仅是或许,能找到理想的另一半,就再好不过了。 她们已经过上期望着的生活了么?也许有,也许没有。但现在,皇冠就在眼前,你会支持谁呢? Bagi mereka berdua, SMA adalah panggung terakhir dari kehidupan sekolah mereka dan dengan demikian mereka ingin setiap momen terabadikan. Bagi Yui, apa yang dia inginkan adalah kehidupan sekolah yang normal. Sebuah kehidupan di mana tiap kali dia melangkahkan kakinya ke ruangan kelas, dia dapat ditemui oleh teman-temannya yang akan selalu bersama dalam suka maupun duka seiring dengan berbagai pengalaman dari berbagai momen di SMA dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan kenangan yang dapat dibawanya ketika lulus dari SMA, sebagai sumber kebahagiaannya. Di lain pihak, Chitoge ingin menetap dan berteman karib sekali untuk selamanya, teman yang dapat diandalkannya sewaktu-waktu baik suka maupun duka. Dan mungkin, jika boleh, sebuah hubungan dengan seseorang sebagai pelengkap, jika dia mampu mendapatkan lelaki ideal di manapun... |

Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series) vs. Takasu Ryūji (Toradora!)
阿良良木历(物语系列) vs. 高须龙儿(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎)
The heat of the Scepter! This Sunday, we will show you two more male matches, great and hard to ignore. One of them is a K.O. match between Araragi Koyomi and Takasu Ryūji. “Araragi-kun won't lose. Even though he looks like a fool, he always has his own way,” asserted Mrs. S.H. Koyomi briefly slipped from any attention from the beginning to half way through the tournament. But in the Emerald period, surprisingly, he appeared in the list of finalists and successfully became the first bearer of the Emerald Pendant. “Ryūji is feared by a lot of people. Just look at his eyes; no one dares to look directly into those eyes!” cried Mrs. A.T. Ryūji was invisible during the Regular Season. Taking advantage of his chance against weaker enemies, Ryūji was able to manage his strength bit by bit to keep his position in the safe zone for the Pendant. Before this match, they met each other in Emerald 4 where Koyomi took down Ryūji with an 845-vote gap. It's not impossible for Ryūji to seek revenge in this match. For Koyomi, victory will be very important to warn other male contestants. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 权杖之热!本周末,我们将有两场男子组的比赛,精彩绝不容忽视。其中一场便是阿良良木历和高须龙儿间的淘汰之战。 “垃圾君不会输的。尽管看起来很傻,但那实际上是他的我行我素。”战某某黑某女士如此说到。 直到今年的比赛接近半程时,历才引起了大家的注意。在绿宝石阶段,他很意外地出现在垂饰争夺赛中并最终拿下了绿宝石垂饰。 “很多人都害怕龙儿。看看他的眼睛吧,没人愿直视那双眼睛!”逢某大某女士如此说到。 龙儿在常规赛几乎是透明的存在。但他总是抓住机会击败弱些的敌人,如今更是一点一点地闯到了自己现在的安全位置。 这场比赛之前,两人曾在绿宝石阶段第四场相遇,历以845票的票差胜了龙儿。如今,正是龙儿将要复仇的时机!而对厉来说,这场的胜利将会是对其他对手的示威。 Pertandingan Panas Scepter! Minggu hari ini akan menampilkan dua lagi pertandingan pria yang seru dan pastinya sulit untuk diabaikan, dan salah satunya adalah babak K.O. antara Araragi Koyomi melawan Takasu Ryūji. "Araragi-kun tidak akan kalah. Meskipun terlihat agak bodoh, dia selalu punya jalan." oleh Nona S.H. Koyomi sempat luput dari perhatian para fans dari awal hingga pertengahan turnamen. Namun di babak Emerlad, secara mencengangkan dia muncul di daftar finalist Liontin dan akhirnya berhasil menjadi pemenang pertama dari Liontin Emerald. "Ryūji ditakuti banyak orang. Lihat saja matanya, tak ada yang berani menatap langsung mata itu!" oleh Nona A.T. Ryūji pun bergerak tidak terlihat selama Musim Reguler. Memanfaatkan peluang menangnya melawan kontestan yang tidak terlalu kuat, Ryūji berhasil mengumpulkan kekuatan sedikit demi sedikit untuk paling tidak dapat bertahan di zona aman Scepter. Sebelumnya mereka berdua pernah bertemu di babak Emerald 4, di mana Koyomi berhasil menaklukan Ryūji dengan selisih 845 suara. Bukan mustahil bagi Ryūji untuk menjadikan pertandingan penting ini sebagai ajang balas dendamnya. Bagi Koyomi, kemenangan di pertandingan ini sangat penting untuk memberikan sinyal waspada bagi kontestan pria lainnya. |

Hikigaya Hachiman (OreGairu) vs. Katsuragi Keima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai)
比企谷八幡(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 桂木桂马(只有神知道的世界)
“Mind over matter” They may not be the most sociable people to come across, but when it is necessary, they will speak out and make their opinions heard. Hikigaya Hachiman wanted a normal life where he is not bothered by various people. Yet, a position in a service club may be what he needs to vocally point out everything that may be wrong and try to correct the situation to his utmost potential. Katusragi Keima would rather focus on the world of 2D than try to make sense of how the 3D world tends to interact with others. An unusual contract allowed him to see the benefits of making contact with others and how it could benefit them in the future. Which of these two characters has enough energy to say what is needed to be said before time runs out? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “精神超越物质” 比企谷八幡和桂木桂马都不算是个社会人,但必要的时候,他们也会直言不讳地表达自己的意见。八幡想要过正常的生活,而不是总被形形色色的人烦扰。在侍奉部工作刚好可以满足他的需求,他可以单刀直入地指出种种错误并尽自己最大的能力去改变局面。桂马热衷于二次元,对三次元中与人打交道却不屑一顾。但一场不寻常的遭遇让他意识到了与他人有着羁绊并在以后也能使他人受益的好处。 时间截止之前,谁能够道出自己必须要说的话语? "Pikiran mengalahkan fisik" Mereka mungkin bukan orang yang pandai bersosialisasi, tapi ketika dibutuhkan mereka akan bicara dan membuat semua orang mendengarkan pendapat mereka. Hikigaya Hachiman menginginkan kehidupan normal di mana dia tidak diganggu oleh orang-orang. Tapi, keberadaan klub pelayanan mungkin adalah yang dia butuhkan untuk dapat mengungkapkan segala sesuatu yang mungkin salah dan mencoba untuk memperbaiki situasi dengan sekuat tenaga. Katsuragi Keima lebih suka fokus ke dunia 2D dibandingkan untuk memahami cara interaksi di dunia 3D. Sebuah kontrak tidak biasa membawanya untuk melihat kelebihan bersosialisasi dengan orang lain dan bagaimana dampaknya di masa depan. Di manakan dari dua karakter ini yang punya cukup energi untuk mengatakan yang ingin mereka katakan sebelum waktunya habis? |

Stella Vermillion (Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry) vs.
Hoto Mocha (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?)
史黛菈·法米利昂(落第骑士英雄谭) vs. 保登摩卡(请问您今天要来点兔子吗?)
Having found Felia's guardian, Mocha then made her way towards the bridge that spanned between the eastern and western sides of the town. As she drew closer, she noticed a woman with hair as red as scarlet who seemed to be having some problems. With her instincts kicking in once more, she decided to approach this woman. Mocha: Hello, is there something wrong? Vermilion: Errrr, I was wondering if there is an area designated for... l-love locks... Mocha: *laughs* Oh, silly you, love locks are not located here, at least not on this bridge. Vermilion: Really…? Oh, damn. I really wanted to do that with Ikki-kun... Mocha: Well, there are other romantic things you can do in this town… Vermilion: REALLY?! Mocha: Yes. For example, you could have tea together at a cafe. Just think about it, sipping coffee in a rustic environment... doesn't it sound lovely? Vermilion: That does sound lovely. Alright then, could you recommend some cafes or places for me to visit? Mocha: Of course! I know exactly a place for you to visit. The two of them took a stroll together, gleefully chattering about many things as they made their way towards Rabbit House. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 帮菲莉亚找到了监护人后,摩卡走向了横跨小镇东西的桥。离桥越来越近时,她发现了一个有着红紫相间发色的女孩貌似陷入了麻烦。本性又一次激发,摩卡决定去帮帮那个女孩。 摩卡:你好呀,怎么了? 史黛拉:额,我在找有没有能挂同心锁的地方。。。 摩卡:(笑了起来)傻孩子,这没有那种地方,至少桥上不行。。。 史黛拉:是么?好吧,可是我真的很想跟一辉君一起挂同心锁。。。 摩卡:这样啊,不过镇上还有其他浪漫的事情你们可以一起去做呀。。。 史黛拉:真的吗? 摩卡:嗯。比如说,你们可以一起去咖啡店。想一想,在乡下品着咖啡。。。是不是很美妙? 史黛拉:确实!那好,你能推荐下哪家比较好么? 摩卡:当然!我确实知道一家非常适合你们。 于是,两人信步闲谈,向着Rabbi House走去。。。 |

Julis-Alexia van Riessfeld (Gakusen Toshi Asterisk) vs.
Oikura Sodachi (Monogatari Series)
尤莉丝·爱雷克西亚·冯·里斯妃特(学战都市Asterisk) vs. 老仓育(物语系列)
Wishes are what everyone yearns to make reality for they represent the ideal settings that they desire, whether it is to bring joy to others or to one's self. Be it ambitious or simple, the passion to make that come true is certainly not to be underestimated and these two are no exceptions. For Julis, a childhood spent with a certain orphanage left her wanting to keep that institution alive as her way of gratitude and is her driving force in her conquest to be the champion in the upcoming tournaments. The motivation to preserve the orphanage has certainly caused Julis to be even more determined to make a name for herself. Sodachi, however, faces a much different situation. Her wish consists of having a happy family, even if the odds are against her. She will persist in making that simple dream come true, although reality might be more of a threat than a platform to making that wish come true. With each of their respective wishes, whom will you help succeed? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 人人都希望愿望成真,因为无论这会给他人还是自己带来快乐,这愿望必定是内心最深处的渴望。而为了实现愿望的热诚之心是绝不能低估的,这两个人也不例外。对尤莉丝来说,在孤儿院所过的童年生活让她怀着感激之情想要保护孤儿院的存在,这也是她在接下来的比赛中击败对手的动力。也正是想要保留孤儿院的意志,使她下定决心让自己出名。育,则面临着不同的境况。她希望能有个快乐的家,几率却很渺茫。尽管现实那么残酷,她仍然在努力以求实现小小的愿望。 那么,你想要帮助谁实现她的愿望呢? Harapan adalah sesuatu yang setiap orang inginkan menjadi nyata demi menunjukkan bentuk ideal dari apa yang mereka inginkan, apakah membawa kebahagiaan bagi orang lain atau bagi dirinya sendiri. Apakah itu ambisius ataukah simpel, semangat untuk menjadikannya nyata tentu tidak bisa dianggap remeh dan tidak terkecuali bagi dua gadis ini. Bagi Julis, masa kanak-kanak yang dia habiskan dengan sebuah panti asuhan membuatnya berambisi untuk tetap mempertahankan keberadaannya sebagai caranya berterima kasih dan juga pendorongnya untuk menjadi pemenang dari turnamen yang akan diselenggarakan. Motivasi untuk mempertahankan panti asuhan tersebut tentu membuat Julis lebih tergerak untuk memenangkannya. Sodahchi, bagaimanapun telah menjumpai banyak sekali situasi. Impiannya adalah punya keluarga yang bahagia, meski itu bertentangan dengan takdirnya. Dia tetap bersikeras untuk mewujudkan mimpi sederhanan itu, meskipun kenyataan mungkin lebih menjadi penghambat daripada menjadi sebuah panggung untuk mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi. Dengan masing-masing mimpi yang mereka miliki, siapakah yang akan kalian bantu untuk berhasil? |
Thanks to BugH, Fuijiwara, Tachibana Kanade, Momento10, and Reverend for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Tiara Semifinals — Thursday, November 26, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
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We must admit that this match of Yukinoshita Yukino and Shiina Mashiro will be the greatest match before the Final. Many say that the winner of this match will decide the final result for the Tiara. Both of them performed their best from the Prelims, to the Regular Season, and until the Division Finals. Yukino shined brightly in her second year in ISML compared to her debut in 2014, and the boost of support and encouragement from the fans are real this year. The Aquamarine Necklace in the beginning of the tournament and the Nova Circlet at the end of the Division Finals became hers, and her eyes focus on one thing, the Tiara. Mashiro was the first girl who was able to secure a necklace three times in a row; she won the Topaz Necklace in 2013, 2014, and now 2015. Even though she failed to get the Stella Circlet, many fans are still hoping for her best performance in today’s Tiara match. The wind blows hard in the arena as if it wants to join in the heat of the Semi-finals. Who will advance to the Final, Yukino or Mashiro? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 我们必须承认,雪乃和真白的对决是决赛前最精彩的一场。很多人甚至会说,这场的结果将决定皇冠的归属。 雪乃和真白两人从预选到常规再到分区赛都有着优异的表现。 雪乃一扫2014年的颓势,在她参赛的第二年闪耀夺目,粉丝们的支持与鼓励无比地真切。赛季首条项链——海蓝宝石项链与象征新星区最强的蓝宝石头环皆被雪乃收入囊中,她现在正致力于夺得皇冠。 真白,则是世萌有史以来连续三年夺得同一条项链的第一也是唯一一人,她在13,14,15年全都拿到了黄玉项链。尽管没得到恒星区的钻石头环,但显然头环并不是最终目的。她的支持者们希望真白先走好脚下的这一步,取得今天这场比赛的胜利,进而向皇冠进发。 风儿正喧嚣,仿佛也想加入激烈的比赛当中。谁会晋级决赛呢?雪乃还是真白? Kita harus mengakui bahwa pertandingan antara Yukinoshita Yukino dan Shiina Mashiro ini akan menjadi pertandingan paling seru sebelum final. Banyak yang bilang bahwa pemenang dari pertandingan ini akan menentukan hasil akhir Tiara. Keduanya tampil sangat baik mulai dari babak Pre-eliminasi, Musim Reguler sampai Final Divisi. Yukino sangat bersinar di tahun keduanya ini jika dibandingkan debutnya di ISML 2014, suntikan dukungan dan semangat para fans begitu nyata tahun ini. Kalung Aquamarine di awal musim dan Circlet Nova di akhir Final Divisi sudah didapatnya, dan sekarang matanya dan pikiran tertuju ke satu benda, Tiara. Mashiro adalah gadis pertama yang berhasil mengamankan kalung tiga kali berturut-turut; Mashiro sudah memenangkan Kalung Topaz dari ISML 2013, 2014 dan 2015. Meski gagal mengamankan Circlet Stella, banyak fans yang masih berharap lebih akan peforma Mashiro di Babak Tiara ini. Angin begitu kencang di arena, seakan-akan ingin turut serta dalam panasnya pertandingan Semi final ini. Siapakah yang akan melaju ke final, Yukino ataukah Mashiro? |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
"Almost there..." For two girls who cannot be any more different, a victory here will grant one of these girls major momentum heading towards the finals. Citanda Eru is a soft-spoken, kind-hearted girl who is always trying to help others as much as she can. When dealing with a mystery, Eru searches for every clue imaginable, evaluates it, and tries to deduct how this information is relevant to the case in hand. Kirisaki Chitoge is an outspoken, tenacious girl who has no trouble speaking her mind about various characters and affairs. Behind the strong exterior lies a girl wishing to be accepted into society as someone who can relate to others and give them helpful advice. Does Eru have enough heart to make it to the finals, or will Chitoge's determination pave the way to the prize ahead? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “就快要到了...” 对这两位非常不同的女孩来说,一场胜利将成为其中一位冲击决赛的绝对动力。千反田爱瑠是音轻心善的女孩,总想要尽她所能去帮助别人。解各种谜题时,爱瑠会搜寻能想到的每条线索推断其可能性以及与当前事件的关联。桐崎千棘则是个率直坚韧的人,说出对种种人与事的想法对她来说轻而易举。然而在强大的外表下隐藏着的,是一个想要被社会接收,想与他人产生牵绊并帮助他们的女孩。。 爱瑠的内心是否足够强大以进入决赛?千棘的决意又能否使她离皇冠更近一步? “Hampir sampai” Untuk dua wanita yang tidak bisa menjadi berbeda, Kemenangan di ronde ini akan mengabulkan salah satu dari wanita ini momentum menuju final. Chitanda Eru adalah wanita lembut dan baik hati yang selalu mencoba untuk menolong orang semampunya. Ketika berhadapan dengan sebuah misteri, Eru selalu mencoba mencari petunjuk, mengkajinya dan mencoba untuk menarik kesimpulan dari bagaimana informasi yang ia dapat relevant dengan kasus ditangannya. Kirisaki Chitoge adalah orang yang vokal dan gigih yang tidak keberatan untuk mengungkapkan pikirannya tentang bermacam karakter dan hubungan. Dibalik sisi luar yang kuat terbaring sesosok wanita yang ingin diterima oleh lingkungan sebagai seseorang yang dapat berhubungan dengan orang lain dan memberi mereka saran. Apakah Eru memiliki hati yang cukup untuk mencapai final, atau apakah determinasi Chitoge membuka jalan menuju hadiah didepan? |

Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Sakamaki Izayoi (Mondaiji)
可儿江西也(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 逆回十六夜(问题儿童都来自异世界?)
"This is one carnival you don't want to miss!" Leaders in their own rights, Kanie Seiya and Sakamaki Izayoi battle it out to see who will advance to the next round. Initially, Seiya did not want to have any part in helping out an amusement park that clearly had no way of reviving itself. However, after interacting with the employers, Seiya decided to take a shot at creating the best theme park possibly imaginable, establishing an area where people could relax, have fun, and be entertained. Because Izayoi claimed that there was nothing in his current world that would alleviate him from boredom, a mysterious letter that could transport him to another realm may have been something he needed to kill some time. An encounter with a small guild made him realize that there was some use for this power he possessed, allowing challenges from those who were much stronger than him to push his own limits while helping those in need of his services. Will it be Seyia or Izayoi who will come up with a plan that will help him get one step closer to the scepter? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “这是你绝不该错过的狂欢” 作为各自世界中的领袖,可儿江西也和逆回十六夜将战斗以决出进入下一轮的人。最初,西也对那个已危在旦夕的游乐园并不想施以援手。但在与那儿的工作人员接触之后,他改变了主意,决定帮忙建立个最棒的游乐园,一个人们可以在此处真正放松、寻欢、作乐的地方。而十六夜在表明这个世界已经没有什么能打发他的无聊之后,收到了一封能将他传送到另一个可以消磨时光的国度去的神秘的信。他在异世界遇到了小小的共同体后,终于发现自己的能力有了用武之地,能够帮助有需要的人而且可以与更强者对战以求突破自己。 西也和十六夜谁能够谋划出最好的作战方案让自己更靠近权杖? "Karnival kali ini yang jangan dilewatkan" Pemimpin pada sisinya, Kanie Seiya dan Sakamaki Izayoi bertarung untung melihat siapa yang akan lanjut ke babak berikutnya. Awalnya, Seiya tidak ingin memiliki bagian dari membantu sebuah taman hiburan yang jelas tidak punya cara untuk memulihkan dirinya sendiri. Tetapi, dari interaksinya dengan para pekerja, Seiya memilih untuk mencoba membuat taman bermain terbaik yang pernah dibayangkan, membangun area baru dimana orang bisa bersantai, bersenang-senang dan merasa terhibur. Karena Izayoi mengklaim bahwa tidak ada di dunia saat ini yang akan meringankan dia dari kebosanan, sepucuk surat misterius yang bisa mengangkut dia ke alam lain mungkin sesuatu yang ia butuhkan untuk membunuh waktu. Pertemuannya dengan sekelompok kelompok kecil membuat dirinya menyadari bahwa kekuatan yang ia miliki ada gunanya, memungkinkan menantang orang-orang yang lebih kuat dari dia untuk mendorong batas-batas diri sambil membantu mereka yang membutuhkan jasanya. Apakah Seyia atau Izayoi yang akan dapat datang dengan rencana yang akan membantu dia mendapatkan satu langkah lebih dekat untuk tongkat kekuasaan? |

Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
"Dependable Vs. Dependent " Aoyama Nanami is a dependable person, especially in Sakurasō. Previously, she lived in a normal dormitory, but due to financial conditions, she moved. She helps with the house chores, as well as helps Sorata take care Mashiro. Nanami is a diligent student, a hard worker, and never gives up on achieving her goals. Even though she seems harsh towards Sorata, she is actually in love with him. Different from Nanami, Shiro is a dependent girl. This was proven when she asked Dola to wash her hair. But don’t take it the wrong way; her dependent side actually is an attractive point. She has what we called an “imōto” figure that makes it so we can’t turn away from her. Besides that, she also has a really great ability to play any kind of game. Even though Shiro does not have a crush like Nanami, she is really attached to her brother. So between a dependable woman and a dependent girl, which one is your type? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “被依靠 vs. 依靠” 青山七海是一个非常可靠的人,尤其是在樱花庄。本来她住在普通宿舍,但因经济条件所限,她搬到了樱花庄。在那里她几乎包揽了各种家务琐事,包括帮空太照顾真白。七海是个勤勉的学生,努力的工作者,为实现自己的目标从不放弃。尽管她看起来对空太比较刻薄,但实际上她正深爱着他呢。与七海不同,白是个非常依赖他人的女孩。比如她叫多拉帮忙洗头发就是个证明。不过别想太多,这种依赖分明是一个萌点啊!而且这货还有“妹属性”哦!另外,当然,她玩儿各种游戏相当厉害。白妹不像七海那样独立,而是常年粘在哥哥身边。 那么,被人依靠的与依靠人的,哪个是你的菜? "Diandalkan Vs Mengandalkan" Aoyama Nanami, adalah sosok yang dapat diandalkan, terutama di Sakurasou. Sebelumnya ia tinggal di asrama biasa tetapi karena kondisi financial ia pindah ke Sakurasou. Ia membantu untuk mengurus rumah tangga di sakurasou dan juga membantu Sorata dalam mengurus Mashiro. Nanami adalah pelajar yang giat, pekerja keras, dan tak pernah menyerah menggapai mimpi. Walau ia terlihat kasar pada Sorata, tetapi sebenarnya ia jatuh hati padanya. Berbeda dengan Nanami, Shiro adalah sosok yang bergantung. Hal ini dibuktikan ketika ia meminta Dolla untuk mencuci rambutnya. Tapi jangan salah, sisi bergantungnya justru menjadi poin tersendiri. Ia memiliki aura “imouto” yang membuat kita tidak bisa berpaling darinya. Disamping itu ia juga punya kemampuan yang luarbiasa dalam bermain permainan. Walaupun ia tidak memiliki seseorang yang ia suka seperti Nanami, tetapi ia sangat tertarik pada kakaknya. Jadi diantara wanita yang dapat diandalkan dan gadis yang bergantung, manakah tipe anda? |

Saber (Fate Series) vs. Jibril (No Game No Life)
Saber(Fate系列) vs. 吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
When one would willingly serve someone and acknowledge the title of “Master”, it means that, most likely, they share the same ideals and that their master is competent enough to follow that ideal through. The two mentioned here are no different. Saber acknowledged the man that summoned her as her master as part of the contract at first, but soon, she felt her master's will and dedication to carry out his motto in life, which deeply impressed Saber. Jibril, on the other hand, was forced into servitude after a loss towards her future master in a game. But during that game, she was amazed by how knowledgeable her master was and how crafty he could really be if he chose. She would willingly follow this human who managed to outsmart her in all sorts of ways. Right now, they fight to bring glory to their respective “kings.” Whom would you aid in their quest to do so? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 当一个人乐意服侍某人并承认其“Master”之名,就意味着,很可能他们有着共同的理想,也说明主人有着足够强大的能力去实现这理想。此战的两位选手亦不例外。Saber最初仅仅因为契约而将召唤她的人当做御主,但很快,她便感受到了御主意欲践行自己的铭言的奉献精神,而这,深深地影响了Saber。吉普莉尔,在游戏中输给某人后,被强迫成为他的奴仆。不过,她发现主人的知识异常渊博而且很工于心计后,很愿意追随这个各方面都胜于她的人类。 现在,她们想要创造荣耀带给她们各自的“王”,你选择帮谁一把呢? Ketika dirimu mau melayani seseorang dan menganggapnya sebagai “tuan” berarti, mereka memiliki cita-cita yang sama dan bahwa tuan mereka cukup kompeten untuk mengikuti cita-citanya. Kedua yang disebutkan disini tidak jauh berbeda. Saber mengakui bahwa pria yang memanggilnya sebagai tuannya seperti di bagian kontrak pada awalnya, tapi segera Dia merasa akan keinginan tuannya dan dedikasi untuk melaksanakan motto hidupnya, yang sangat mengesankan Saber. Jibril, di sisi lain, dipaksa menghamba setelah kalah dari tuan masa depannya dalam sebuah permainan. Tapi selama pertandingan itu, dia kagum dengan bagaimana pengetahuan tuannya itu dan bagaimana ia benar-benar bisa licik jika ia mau. Dia rela akan mengikuti manusia ini yang berhasil mengakali nya dalam segala macam cara. Sekarang, mereka berjuang untuk membawa kemuliaan bagi masing-masing "raja." Siapa yang akan Anda bantu dalam pencarian mereka dalam laganya? |

Hoto Mocha (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs. Nase Mitsuki (Kyōkai no Kanata)
保登摩卡(请问您今天要来点兔子吗?) vs. 名濑美月(境界的彼方)
Having waved goodbye to Stella and Ikki, Mocha chatted with her little sister as well as the other waitresses at Rabbit House. As she surveyed the surrounding tables, she noticed a long and black-haired girl who looked rather anxious based on her expression. Mocha decided to approach her. Mocha: Hello, there. What's the matter? Mitsuki: It's closing on my big brother's birthday, so I decided to get something unique for him this year. However, after wandering around town for days, there wasn't anything suitable for him. My flight takes off in six hours and it really bothers me that I wasn't able to get him anything. Mocha: Oh dear…that does sound like a crisis. Well, is there anything he really likes? Mitsuki: Well...I guess he does have a liking towards scarfs. Mocha: Wait right here. I'll get you something. Mocha then rushed to get a beautiful muffler for Mitsuki from her room. Mocha: Here you go. I hope this will suffice? Mitski: Oh, thank you, miss. I will return the kindness to you one day. Mitsuki then waved goodbye to Mocha, who smiled back as she made her way into Rabbit House. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对史黛拉和一辉挥手道别后,摩卡正在Rabbit House中与她的妹妹和其他服务员闲谈。目光扫过桌椅,她发现了一个有着一头黑长直的女孩,看起来很是焦急。摩卡走向了她。 摩卡:你好。请问有什么需要帮忙的吗? 美月:呃,其实,我哥哥的生日快到了,我想送他件特别的礼物。不过,我在这镇上找了好多天都没有找到合适的东西。飞机6小时后就起飞了,看来这愿望达不成了 T_T。 摩卡:果然陷入危机了啊,亲。那个,他有什么喜欢的东西么? 美月:嗯...貌似他比较爱好围巾。 摩卡:等我,我去找找。 不一会儿,摩卡跑了出来,手里拿了条漂亮的围巾。 摩卡:给你。这回可以了吧? 美月:嗯。太感谢了!有朝一日我一定会回报你的好意! 美月挥手向摩卡道别,摩卡回了个微笑后走进了Rabbit House. Setelah melambaikan salam perpisahan pada Stella dan ikki, Mocha berbincang dengan adik kecilnya dan pelayan yang lain di Rabbit House. Ketika ia melihat sekitar meja-meja, ia menyadari wanita berambut hitam panjang yang sedang terlihat gelisah dari raut wajahnya. Mocha memilih untuk mendekatinya. Mocha : Hello, ada apa? Mitsuki: Saat ini mendekati ulang tahun kakakku, jadi aku memutuskan untuk memberinya sesuatu yang unik pada tahun ini, tetapi setelah berkeliling kota berhari-hari, tidak ada yang pas untuknya. Penerbangan ku akan berangkat 6 jam lagi dan hal ini sangat memberatkan karena aku tidak bisa mamberi apa-apa untuknya. Mocha: Wah kedengarannya sangat parah, Apa yang ia suka? Mitsuki: saya pikir sebuah syal Mocha: Tunggu disini, aku akan membawakanmu sesuatu. Mocha kemudian bergegas untuk mendapatkan selendang yang indah untuk Mitsuki dari kamarnya. Mocha: Ini dia, ku harap ia menyukainya. Mitsuki: Terima kasih, aku akan membalas kebaikanmu suatu hari. Mitsuki kemudian melambaikan selamat tinggal pada Mocha, yang tersenyum sembari dia berjalan kembali ke Rabbit House. |
Thanks to itsukayuzuru, Fuijiwara, BugH, Momento10, and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Tiara Final, Scepter Quarterfinals — Sunday, November 29, 2015

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Chitanda Eru (Hyōka)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 千反田爱瑠(冰菓)
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Yukino was adorned in an icy blue gown thought to portray her character best. As she took step after step on the red carpet, she reminisced of the times she had in this particular tournament, thinking of the ups and downs she had here. As she opened the grand doors to the final stage, her gaze was met by her opponent, Eru. Eru was robed in a dress adorned with bright colours of yellow and orange, as well as various symbols. With a pure smile and the sparkles in her eyes shining fervently, she wished her opponent good luck. Likewise, Yukino returned the blessing and gave the audience the sight of a rare smile shown on her face. As both girls stepped to their respective corner stages, they hoped that they would be awarded the final prize of them all...the Heavenly Tiara. But both sides know well how this will be the hardest fight of all, for a moment's slip-up could easily result in failure. As the stage dimmed and the spotlight shone, they stepped forward for the fight of their lives. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 雪乃身着最能彰显自己气质的冰蓝色礼服,一步一步地走在红毯上,回忆着在这特别的比赛中的点点滴滴、风风雨雨。推开决赛舞台的大门,她的眼神与对手爱瑠的交汇。妆饰着爱瑠的是一件黄橙相间的亮色系礼袍,上面点缀着种种符号。嘴角翘出微笑,眼中闪着热诚,爱瑠向她道出好运。雪乃回了祝福后,望了一眼观众,脸上的笑容极浅极淡。两个女孩静静走向了舞台的对角,期冀着自己能得到那终极的奖赏——皇冠。她们都知道,这将是一场苦战,一着不慎会满盘皆输。舞台变暗,聚光灯亮起,赌上生命的战斗开始了! Yukino sangat indah dengan balutan gaun biru yang menunjukkan betul karakter aslinya. Saat dia melangkah di atas karpet merah, dia mengenang momen-momen yang dia alami di turnamen ini, saat-saat naik turun yang pernah dia alami. Dia membuka pintu utama menuju panggung final, tatapannya bertemu dengan lawannya, Eru. Eru dibalut dengan gaun berwarna kuning dan jingga terang dengan pernak-pernik lainnya. Dengan senyum yang murni dan kilau di matanya yang benar-benar bersinar, dia berharap yang terbaik bagi lawannya. Begitu pula sebaliknya, Yukino membalasnya dan memberikan para penonton sebuah senyuman langka dari wajahnya. Seiring dengan langkah para gadis di masing-masing penjuru panggung, mereka berharap dapat memenangkan hadiah utamanya... Mahkota Surgawi. Namun kedua sisi tahu betul bahwa ini akan menjadi pertarungan tersulit dari yang pernah dialami, kesalahan sedikit dapat mempengaruhi hasil akhir. Seiring dengan cahaya panggung meredup dan lampu sorot mulai menerangi, mereka melangkah maju untuk bertarung demi hidup mereka. |

Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs. 爱德华·爱力克(钢之炼金术师)
“I have the power!” If it is a beat down he wants, it is a beat down that the opponent is going to get. Said to be the strongest esper in the world, Accelerator would waste little time proving that statement. More unconcerned about his own safety than the safety of others, Accelerator will wreak havoc if something does not go his way or if people try to pick a fight with him. Either way, another fight is another boring chore for him. Don't let Edward Elric's size fool you. Edward is quick on his feet as well as his mind, easily adapting to his opponent's style while figuring out a way to leave the battle unharmed. Edward would use every trick in the book possible in other to seize an opening to his advantage. Who will fall on his knees first when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “力量与我同在” 只要他想胜,对手就一定会败。一方通行被称为最强超能力者这点根本无需去证明。与自身相比,他往往更在意他人的安危。如果某事不如意或者有人来挑衅,一方通行定给他带来浩劫。 千万不要被爱德华·爱力克的身材所蒙蔽,他的脚步如思想一般迅捷,可以轻易地适应对手的套路并全身而退。爱德华会利用书中的种种计策打开对自己有利的局面。 最终,会是谁先倒下? |

Archer (Fate Series) vs. Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats!)
Archer(Fate系列) vs. 音无结弦(Angel Beats!)
“Just one reason to keep me alive.” Both Archer and Otonashi Yuzuru have dreams to chase in this life, and those dreams are what have kept them alive until now. Archer was one of the Heroic Spirits to join the Holy Grail war in Fuyuki City. Inspired by another, young Archer committed himself to becoming a hero of justice. That's not an ordinary kid's dream, but Archer's passion lies all over it. This member of the SSS has an unpleasant past; the pain and feeling of losing became his regrets for a long time. But there came a point when Yuzuru decided to stand again and try to be a better man, especially to make someone special proud. Nothing is as fancy as a second chance, but these guys are trusted with this blessing to accomplish what they had started. And in this arena, there are no third or fourth chances. They must be ready to bury their dreams. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “我活着的原因只有一个” Archer和音无结弦都是当前世界的追梦者,也正是梦想支撑着他们生存至今。 Archer,参加冬木市圣杯战争的一位英灵。受着父亲的影响,年幼的Archer立志成为正义的英雄。这对一个孩子来说并不是普通的梦想,但Archer却有着超乎寻常的热忱。 结弦,这个SSS的成员,有着悲惨的过去。痛苦以及失去的煎熬使他长久遗恨,但结弦想重新站起来做一个更好的人尤其是为了妹妹的决定成了一个重要的转折。 没有什么能比重来一次的机会更诱人,这两人由着这恩赐要去走完他们已动身的路。但机会不会再有第三第四次,两人必须做好将埋葬自己梦想的准备,然后,奋力一战! "Cukup satu alasan untuk membuatku bertahan." Ada cita-cita yang mereka ingin kejar dalam kehidupan ini;baik Acher ataupun Otonashi Yuzuru, keduanya punya satu tujuan yang membuat mereka terus hidup sampai saat ini. Archer, salah satu roh pahlawan yang bergabung dengan perang Cawan Suci di Kota Fuyuki. Terinspirasi dari sang ayah, maka Archer muda bertekat untuk menjadi seorang pembela kebenaran. Bukan mimpi seorang anak kecil biasa, sebab semangat hidup Archer terletak pada mimpi itu. Anggota Brigade SSS ini punya masa lalu yang pahit; kesakitan dan rasa kehilangan menjadi penyesalannya selama ini. Tapi di satu titik, Yuzuru memutuskan untuk bangkit dan mencoba menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik dan terutama dapat dibanggakan adiknya. Tidak ada yang lebih indha dari kesempatan kedua, namun pria-pria ini dipercaya mendapatkan berkat ini demi menyelesaikan apa yang telah mereka mulai. Dan di arena ini, tidak ada kesempatan ketiga atau keempat dan berarti mereka harus siap untuk mengubur mimpi mereka. |

Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series) vs. Hikigaya Hachiman (OreGairu)
阿良良木历(物语系列) vs. 比企谷八幡(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
“You're not the only one who has someone's burdens dumped on his shoulder...” Life isn't sunshine and rainbows for either of them, but, at the end of the day, they make do with what they have. Araragi Koyomi spends most of his days lazing about, hanging out with his girlfriend, or trying to keep his two younger sisters in check. When a client is in need of his services to deal with the supernatural, Koyomi is on the task, trying to figure out some way for this mysterious phenomenon to be removed without harming anyone in the process. Hikigaya Hachiman is suddenly thrown into a club where he is supposed to help people with their concerns. While helping other is unlike him, Hachiman decides to give it a try in hopes that there will be some sort of merit when he helps as many as he is told. Who will be able to keep his mind intact once the dust settles? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “你并不是唯一被人依靠着的人” 生活并非阳光明媚,但最终,他们仍有所作为。阿良良木历终日与女友一起悠闲度日,或者偶尔去“照顾”下自己的两个妹妹。不过,若有人需要他去对付一些超自然的事时,历则会严阵以待,并尽力去处理神秘现象而不伤害他人。比企谷八幡被丢进了一个需要帮人解决困难的社团。尽管帮助他人不是他的风格,但他依然决定试着去尽可能地去帮忙,因为那也不失为一分功德。 尘埃落定之后,谁能坚守自己的意志? |

Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Sora (No Game No Life)
可儿江西也(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 空(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
“Think you can outsmart me?” Intellectuals in their own rights, Kanie Seiya and Sora challenge each other to see who the best competitor is. The last place Seiya would see himself working is at a nearly run-down amusement park, but if his services are needed, he may lend his hand. Still, when it comes to work, Seiya is the type who prefers to see things through to the end, whether the work they did was a success or failure. When the current world was boring, Sora wasted little time jumping into a new realm where everything was decided through games. No matter what kinds of challenges await him, Sora is more than capable of coming up with various tactics and choosing the best courses of action. Who will be able to take the next step towards the scepter? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “觉得比我更聪明?” 作为足智多谋的两个人,可儿江西也和空将决出谁更胜一筹。西也唯一一处能开心工作的地方是一个濒临倒闭的游乐园,只要必需,他就会施以援手。而且,一旦决定去做,西也就会不论成败,坚持到底。而空,离开无趣的现实来到了一处任何事都通过游戏来决定的世界。不管等着他的是何种挑战,空都能找到绝佳的策略,做出最好的选择。 谁能够朝着权杖再进一步? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, Momento10, and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Tournament of Champions Semifinals, Scepter Semifinals — Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
立华奏 (天使)(Angel Beats!) vs. 御坂美琴(魔法禁书目录)
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Finally, the long-awaited legendary ISML match is in front of us now. They're back! The Tiara victor of 2011 and 2012 face each other in a one-on-one duel at the Tournament of Champions Semifinals match today. "I bring enough coins for today’s match." Misaka Mikoto, the Railgun, looks very determined. The smile on her face is a sign of her confidence to win this match. The electric spark that comes from her body shows how excited she is to fight with her eternal rival; she loses her patience. "Hand Sonic... Ready!" Tenshi, meaning angel, is what friends called Tachibana Kanade, and that title isn't given without reason. Look! Kanade, with a pair of angel wings on her back, gracefully comes down to the earth to welcome Mikoto who already stands in the arena. The sky is rumbling with shouts from the audience. The earth is shaken with the footsteps of all the impatient fans. Euphoria is everywhere because this match is as great as the Necklace or Tiara match. How about you, are you ready? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 终于,我们期待已久的传奇大战来临了。她们回来了! 2011与2012年的萌王将在今天这萌王大赛半决赛上再次展开对决! “我可带够了硬币。” 御坂美琴,“炮姐”,看起来非常坚决。脸上的笑容透露着她对拿下这场比赛的自信,身上的电光洋溢着她能与永恒的对手战斗的激动之情。她早已迫不及待。 “Hand Sonic... Ready!” 立华奏,“天使”,这是朋友们对她的称呼,无缘无故却又异常贴切。看,优雅的天使正挥着她洁白的羽翼,飞向地面,迎接站在那儿的御坂美琴。 观众欢呼阵阵,天空隆隆作响,大地也因之震颤。这是一场比之项链赛甚至萌王赛亦有过之无不及的比赛。你,准备好了吗? Akhirnya, pertandingan legendaris ISML yang sudah dinanti-nantikan sekarang berada di hadapan kita. Mereka kembali! Sang Pemenang Tiara 2011 dan 2012 berhadapan kembali dalam duel 1 lawan 1 di arena Semi final Turnamen Pemenang pada hari ini. "Aku bawa cukup koin untuk pertandingan hari ini." Misaka Mikoto, sang Railgun, datang dengan penuh determinasi. Senyuman di wajahnya pertanda begitu yakinnya dia akan kemenangan hari ini. Listrik yang keluar dari tubuhnya menandakan begitu semangat Mikoto untuk berhadapan dengan lawan abadinya; dia sudah tidak sabar. "Hand Sonic...Siap!" Tenshi, artinya malaikat, begitulah Tachibana Kanade dipanggil di antara teman-temannya dan bukan tanpa sebab panggilan itu diberikan. Lihatlah! Bagaimana dengan anggun, Kanade berhiaskan sepasang sayap malaikat turun dari langit untuk menyambut Mikoto yang sudah ada di arena terlebih dahulu. Langit bergemuruh, penuh dengan suara sorakan para penonton. Bumi bergetar, diderap langkah kaki para fans yang tak sabar melihat pertandingan ini. Euforia di mana-mana sebab pertandingan ini tidak kalah seru dari pertandingan Kalung atau Tiara. Bagaimana dengan kalian, sudah siap? |

Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Archer (Fate Series)
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs. Archer(Fate系列)
"How long will you fight in order to save?" The road to an ideal lifestyle may prove difficult, but as long as he is willing to face the challenges, he is sure to find a way forward. With everyone trying to target him to test out his or her own strength, Accelerator wished to relive the times when he wasn't used as some sort of human project for a supposed greater goal. An encounter with an eccentric girl may give him another reason to keep on righting all those who stand in his way. Archer acts more like a lone wolf than a team player, taking matters into his own hands even when plans were discussed on how to go about a certain mission. Archer is searching for a way to make his wish come true, and he will do whatever it takes to see it bear fruit. Who can continue fighting, even as he draws his last breath? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “为了拯救你会坚持到何时?” 通向理想生活的路可能会布满荆棘,但只要乐于面对那些挑战,必能披荆斩棘而前行。人人都将一方通行当做目标以检验自己的实力,他希望能重温没加入超能力者进化计划的时光。不过与一名古怪女孩的遭遇使他找到了理由去报复同时也矫正那些妨碍他的人。Archer,即使在某些任务已经讨论出了切实的计划后,仍会努力让局面掌控在自己手中,他并不是一个团队合作者,而是一匹孤狼。Archer正想办法实现自己的愿望,而为了取得成果,他会做任何事。 谁能够战斗直到生命的最后一刻? "Sampai kapan kalian akan bertarung demi sebuah keselamatan?" Jalan menuju kehidupan yang ideal mungkin sulit, namun selama mereka mempunyai niat untuk menghadapi tantangan tentu saja mereka akan mudah menemukan jalan untuk terus maju. Diincar banyak orang sebagai bahan percobaan kekuatan, Accelerator berharap dapat menghidupkan kembali kenangan saat dia belum digunakan sebagai kelinci percobaan untuk sebuah tujuan besar. Pertemuan dengan gadis eksentrik memberinya alasan lain untuk menghalau setiap orang yang berada di jalannya. Archer lebih suka menyendiri dari pada harus bekerja sama, mencoba mengatasi masalah-masalah dengan caranya sendiri meski rencana telah didiskusikan tentang bagaimana misi akan berlangsung. Archer mencari cara untuk mewujudkan keinginannya dan dia akan melakukan segala sesuatu untuk memastikan usahanya membuahkan hasil. Siapakah yang akan melanjutkan perjuangannya sampai dengan nafas terakhir? |

Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series) vs. Sora (No Game No Life)
阿良良木历(物语系列) vs. 空(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
"Make your next move..." It's not easy when the fate of an entire city or country happens to fall on one’s shoulders, but if that is the burden to carry, then so be it. With his mentor away, Araragi Koyomi knew that it was his time to control fate and put knowledge to the test as he encountered supernatural phenomena. He may be reckless and act before he thinks, but Koyomi is determined to protect the city and his friends at any cost. Many people do not seem to trust Sora as their ruler, as he is too carefree and lax in their point of view. But, Sora studies daily the history of this new world in hopes of figuring out the deeper mystery behind these times of war and chaos. With much at stake, the two cannot afford to lose. Does Koyomi have enough power to go through another day, or will Sora be able to maneuver his way towards victory? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “再一步...” 当整个城市或者国家的命运全落于一个人的肩上,要去挽回并不是件容易事,但倘若这是必须去承担的重任,他们必赴汤蹈火在所不辞。阿良良木历,没有了老师的帮忙,决定自己去支配命运,并像对待种种怪异事件一样,将自己的知识运用到测验中去。他可能做事不假思索甚至有些鲁莽,但他为了保护这个城市以及自己的朋友不惜付出任何代价。而空,很多人并不信赖这个统治者,在他们的眼中他太过无忧无虑甚至有些懒散。但实际上,空每天都在研究这个新世界的历史,探究数次战争与混乱背后的奥秘。 如今正是生死存亡的时刻,两人谁都输不起。历是否有足够的优势进入决赛?空又能否想出锦囊妙计取得胜利? "Giliranmu melangkah..." Tidak mudah ketika takdir seluruh kota atau negri tersandar di pundak satu orang, namun ketika beban itu yang harus dipikul maka biarlah. Dengan kepergian mentornya, Araragi Koyomi tahu betul bahwa ini adalah saat baginya untuk mengendalikan takdirnya sendiri dan menggunakan pengetahuannya untuk mengadapi fenomena-fenomena supranatural. Dia mungkin gegabah dan bertindak sebelum berpikir, namun Koyomi berusaha untuk menjaga kota dan teman-temannya. Banyak orang tidak percaya akan Sora sebagai penguasa mereka, oleh karena dia terlalu masa bodoh dan lalai menurut pandangan mereka. Namun Sora belajar setiap hari tentang sejarah di dunia baru ini dengan harapan dapat menguak misteri dibalik semua perang dan kekacauan. Dengan begitu banyaknya yang dipertaruhkan, mereka berdua tidak menghendaki kekalahan. Apakah Koyomi punya cukup kekuatan untuk melanjutkan hari-hari selanjutnya, ataukan Sora yang akan mampu melenggang maju menuju kemenangan? |
Thanks to BugH, Momento10, and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Tournament of Champions Final, Scepter Final — Sunday, December 6, 2015

Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
五更瑠璃 (黑猫)(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs. 立华奏 (天使)(Angel Beats!)
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Queen of queens was the most dreamed of title for every victor of ISML when they came into this year’s Tournament of Champions. From the eight possible winners of the Tiara, two girls are left in the Final Match. One of them will get the highest honor to be crowned as Queen of ISML. “This arena will be surrounded by the dark power of Kuroneko...” Tiara 2013 wasn’t the end for Gokō Ruri, and 2014 might have been the fall for her, but she refused to surrender. She won't waste this golden chance in this year’s Tournament of Champions, and it seems Kuroneko will try to release her secret power in today’s match. "Hand Sonic Final Version...Ready!" After succeeding in taking down her eternal rival in the Semifinal, Kanade seems untouchable in this tournament. The wings of Tenshi will cover the arena of the Tournament of Champions and Kanade is in battle mode already; no one can run from her now. Just one more step to rule the tournament. Kanade the "Tenshi," or Ruri the "Kuroneko"? Everything will be settled now. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 当所有的萌王了解到今年将有萌王大赛时,“萌王之王”便是她们梦寐以求的称号。八位萌王经过激烈的战斗,最终,决赛上只剩下两位,而只有一人将得到世萌这无上的荣耀。 “这舞台必将充满我的黑暗力量...” 对五更瑠璃来说,13年的萌王远非结束。尽管14年有所下滑,但她绝不会屈服,她绝不会浪费今天这个黄金时机。看来,黑猫已经准备好显露一下自己的神秘力量了。 “Hand Sonic Final Version...Ready!” 击败了自己那永恒的对手之后,立华奏仿佛已变得触不可及。天使之翼将覆盖这赛场的天空,立华奏早已做好准备,没有人能够逃脱。 距离统治世萌只有一步之遥,“天使”立华奏还是“黑猫”五更瑠璃?决定,就在今天! Ratu di atas segala Ratu, panggilan yang mungkin sangat diimpi-impikan oleh para pemenang ISML ketika berlaga di ajang Turnamen Pemenang tahun ini. Dari delapan pemenang Tiara ISML, tersisa dua yang berhasil sampai di babak final ini. Dan salah satu dari mereka akan mendapatkan kehormatan tertinggi untuk dimahkotai sebagai ratu ISML. "Arena ini akan dikelilingi kekuatan kegelapan dari Kuroneko..." Tiara 2013 bukanlah akhir bagi Gokō Ruri; 2014 mungkin menjadi kejatuhan baginya, namun dia menolak untuk menyerah. Kesempatan emas tak disia-siakannya di Turnamen Pemenang tahun ini dan Sang Kuroneko akan mencoba melepaskan kekuatan rahasianya di pertandingan hari ini. "Hand Sonic versi terakhir... Siap!" Setelah berhasil menjatuhkan rival abadinya di semifinal, Kanade seakan tidak tersentuh pada turnamen ini. Sayap Tenshi kembali melingkupi arena Turnamen Pemenang hari ini dan Kanade sudah dalam mode bertarungnya pada saat ini; tidak ada yang bisa lari darinya sekarang. Hanya tinggal selangkah lagi untuk menguasai turnamen ini; Kanade sang Tenshi ataukah Ruri sang Kuroneko? Semuanya akan ditentukan sekarang. |

Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series)
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs. 阿良良木历(物语系列)
"And so, we stand and fight for what we believe is right..." Two fighters stand in a ring fighting for what could be the biggest chance in their careers. With someone to protect and people who have some meaning in his life, Accelerator is willing to put everything on the line his way. No more walking as a lone wolf, Accelerator fights for the safety of those he cares about, making sure that picking a fight with him would be the last thing any enemy would want to have in mind. Araragi Koyomi knows that he is not alone when it comes to dealing with situations bigger than he can handle. With his friends willing to lend a helping hand, Araragi uses their strength to give himself the courage to stand and fight for those whom he cannot afford to lose. Their eyes are set on each other; their minds, calm; their hearts, at ease. One move is all it takes to turn the tide to one’s favor. The two run towards each other, and the fight for the Scepter commences! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “于是,我们为了各自的正义而战...” 两位战士即将为了这个他们一生难遇的良机而展开对决。一方通行,有着想要保护的人、在意的人,他想将一切都掌控在自己手中。战斗以保护自己生命中意义非凡的人,同时这些人也使自己不再孤单。一方通行保证自己的敌人做的最后悔的事就是向他挑战。阿良良木历现在即使遇到了解决不了的问题,也知道,自己已不再是独自一人。他借着朋友们的援手,带着他们的鼓舞,挺身而战。两位选手,眼睛,望着彼此;思绪,相似的安定;心境,同样的自在。强者对决,一招就足以扭转局势。他们奔向对方,权杖之战开始了! |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs. Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs. 御坂美琴(魔法禁书目录)
"What kind of story will we discuss today?" Gossip, mysteries, and urban legends are popular material around many girls, especially when they talk together with friends who have the same interests as them. Misaka Mikoto and Chitanda Eru are no exception, who actually have a huge interest in those kinds of stories. "Urban Legends are nonsense, but there's no harm in us finding out." Mikoto often discussed the urban legends of Academy City with her friends, usually in the nearest restaurant or cafe. A girl is still a girl, and Mikoto still loves the city's legends, even though she is one of the most feared Level 5 in the town. "I'm curious!" Just give up and surrender when Eru shows her curiosity to you, especially over some mysteries happening around her. What, who, where, why, or how will be in the air until her thirst in looking for the answer is satisfied. In this Tournament of Champions, they will try to make their stories. A story about their existence, and also a story about a great battle. Mikoto. or Eru? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “今天我们讲个什么故事好呢?” 流言、异事和都市传说很受女孩子们欢迎,尤其是如果有相同爱好的朋友们可以谈论的话。御坂美琴和千反田爱瑠也不例外。 “都市传说都是无稽之谈,但是去探索一下也不坏嘛。” 美琴常常与朋友们讨论学园都市的都市传说,通常是在附近的餐厅或者咖啡厅。毕竟是一个女孩子,即便是最令人生畏的Level 5, 她依然热爱着那些传说。 “我很好奇!” 当爱瑠向你透露出了好奇之心,你还是直接选择投降吧。什么?谁?哪?为什么?怎么做到的?这些问号将布满空气,除非她的问题得到满意的答案。 萌王大赛上,她们将创造属于自己的故事,关于自己的存在,同时也将是关于一场伟大的战斗的故事。做出你的选择吧,美琴还是爱瑠? "Cerita apa yang akan kita bahas hari ini?" Cerita-cerita mistis, gosip ataupun mitos merupakan salah satu bahan obrolan yang paling disukai oleh para gadis, apalagi jikalau dibicarakan bersama teman-teman yang punya minat yang sama. Tidak terkecuali bagi Misaka Mikoto dan Chitanda Eru yang ternyata punya minat yang besar akan cerita-cerita seperti itu. "Legenda itu omong kosong, namun tak ada salahnya kita cari tahu." Mikoto sering membahas cerita-cerita legenda Kota Pelajar bersama teman-temannya; biasanya di restoran atau di kafe terdekat. Seorang gadis tetaplah gadis, Mikoto tetap menyukai hal semacam ini meski dia adalah salah satu Level 5 yang ditakuti di kota. "Aku Penasaran!" Menyerah dan pasrahlah ketika Eru mengungkapkan rasa penasarannya pada dirimu, terutama atas hal-hal misterius yang terjadi di sekitarnya. Apa, siapa, di mana, mengapa dan bagaimana akan terus terngiang dengar sampai rasa ingin tahunya terpuaskan. Di arena Turnamen Pemenang kali ini, mereka berdua akan mencoba membuat sebuah cerita; cerita tentang mereka sendiri. Cerita tentang eksistensi mereka, dan juga cerita tentang pertarungan hebat mereka. Mikoto ataukah Eru? |

Kirigiri Kyōko (Danganronpa) vs. Tsunemori Akane (Psycho-Pass)
A detective: someone who investigates and solves crimes committed by felons who choose to commit them. A title worthy of these two, one an Inspector in a dystopia disguised as an utopian world, the other trapped in a school forced to solve the countless murders committed by the students caused by the atmosphere of despair. Despite their unfavourable circumstances, they chose to keep calm, to not just simply give up and admit defeat, but rather to solve the crimes laid before them, no matter how complex or dangerous they can really be. Why, you may ask? Well, one might say they are foolish people, people who would not leave any stone unturned despite knowing the consequences. However, others say they are the real-deal, detectives that their respective worlds need. And so these two detectives face for the very first time and possibly the last. To whom will you give credit? |

Rurutie (Utawarerumono) vs.
Kōgami Yuriko (Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru)
Despite them looking like average teenagers in their worlds, the will for the things they have passion in is certainly rather abnormal and amazing for what they have done to uphold this passion they have. Rurutie might be small in stature, but her fascination for the 'fine arts' has crafted her into a big woman capable of listing out the various names of famous artists who have created the ''fine art' that she so adores. Whereas for Yuriko, her resolve to never leave a case unsolved has motivated her to do things she thought she would never do in order to learn the actual truth of the situation, the truth she wants to bring to light to the people involved. With strong wills behind their backs, who shall prevail in this battle of wills? |

Nase Mitsuki (Kyōkai no Kanata) vs.
Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs.
Isla (Plastic Memories) vs.
Katō Megumi (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata)
Isla was frantically looking for her dropped earring on the ground, having not noticed it being loose and, as a result, losing it. As she was just about to give up, a figure in a long midnight blue dress appeared and asked whether what she was holding in her hand was what she was so anxious about. Isla looked upon the item and realized that it was indeed her precious earring that she had carelessly dropped earlier. Profusely thanking the person, Isla asked for her benefactor's name. The girl introduced herself as Nase Mitsuki, one of her opponents. Initially surprised, Isla then asked whether both of them could walk towards the grand hall together. Mitsuki agreed with a warm smile and the two of them, hand in hand, made their way towards the final arena, chattering about the incident that had just happened. Meanwhile on the other side, Nao, dressed in a ravishing white dress, was struggling her way to her destination in high heels when she met one of her opponents, Megumi, who was dressed in a delicate light blue gown. Megumi had appeared to be having troubles finding her way, but despite that, her face was still blank in expression. Initially, Nao had ignored the girl and walked away, but she quickly came back and dragged her along with her. As both parties soon met, they stood in front of the door that was the arena of their final battle this year. With a deep breath, they held hands and took the first step into their battle. |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, Momento10, and Tachibana Kanade for contributing today's match previews and translations.