Featured Matches - ISML 2015 Emerald Period
Emerald 1 — Sunday, August 30, 2015

Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs. Minami Kotori (Love Live!)
橘万里花(伪恋) vs. 南小鸟(Love Live!)
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As Marika walks down the hallway of Otonokizaka High School, she notices a door ajar and takes a peek inside. She then sees a girl with brownish hair using the sewing machine to make what seem to be costumes. As Marika enters the room, the brown-haired girl looks up and notices Marika who then starts talking to her. Kotori: May I help you? Marika: Oh, nothing really. Just observing you making these costumes, which look rather adorable. Kotori: Thank you. What's your name? You don't seem to be a student here in this school. Marika: I am Tachibana Marika, here on an exchange trip. What's yours? Kotori: Minami Kotori. I hope you enjoy your visit here. Hey, would you like to try your hand at sewing? Marika; That sounds fun. Count me in. Kotori: Great! Let me go get some more materials then... As Kotori rushes out to get some cloth, Marika thinks to herself how the ability to sew cute clothes like the ones she has just seen will be helpful in her quest to pursue her loved one's heart. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 橘万里花在音木坂高校的走廊走着,忽然发现一道半开的门。她探头进去看,看见一个啡发女孩正坐在编织机前制作看似制服的东西。万里花走进房间,那个女孩抬起头来,向她微微一笑并开始说话。 小鸟:有什么可以帮你吗? 万里花:噢,没什么。我只是看见你在制作这些制服,看上去好可爱啊。 小鸟:谢谢。你叫什么名字,你看来不是我们学校的学生呢。 万里花:我叫橘万里花,正在这里交流学习。你呢? 小鸟:我叫南小鸟。希望你享受在这里的经历哦。对了,你想试一下用这部编织机吗? 万里花:看上去很有趣。我可以试试哦。 小鸟:好的!让我多拿一些材料... 随着小鸟跑去多拿一些布料,万里花想象着自己编织一些可爱衣服的模样,并且藉以俘获意中人的心... Marika berjalan di koridor SMA Otonokizaka, dia sadar ada pintu yang terbuka dan mencoba untuk mengintip ke dalam. Dia kemudian melihat seorang gadis dengan rambut cokelat menggunakan mesin jahit untuk membuat sebuah kostum. Ketika Marika memasuki ruangan, sang gadis berambut cokelat melihatnya dan mulai berbicara dengannya. Kotori: Ada yang bisa kubantu? Marika: Oh, tidak ada apa-apa. Hanya sedang mengamatimu membuat kostum-kostum ini, terlihat sangat bagus. Kotori: Terima kasih. Siapa namamu? Kamu sepertinya bukan siswi dari sini. Marika: Aku Tachibana Marika, ke sini untuk kunjungan pertukaran siswa. Kalau kamu? Kotori: Minami Kotori. Kuharap kamu menikmati kunjunganmu. Hei, mau mencoba merajut? Marika: Sepertinya menyenangkan. Mari kucoba! Kotori: Bagus! Ayo kita cari bahan-bahannya... Sementara Kotori terburu-buru untuk mencari bahan-bahan, Marika berpikir bahwa tentang bagaimana kemampuannya untuk merajut pakaian lucu akan membantunya dalam pencariannya mengejar cinta yang dikasihinya. |

Miyazono Kaori (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) vs.
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
宫园薰(四月是你的谎言) vs. 佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君)
ISML Academy Kaori: How’s this pose? Sakura: Perfect, Kaori-chan! Kaori: Hihi, I can’t wait to see how this turns out. Kaori and Sakura aren’t that against each other. They both have bright personalities and are often happy-go-lucky people. Kaori takes the route she takes to make a legacy for herself. Sakura, on the other hand, stays positive because she has someone she wants be with. They met along the way and decided to have short fun after school. Sakura is painting Kaori holding her classic violin. Apparently, Kaori wants Sakura to introduce her to her Lorelei friend, Seo. Seo: Yo, the junior. Kaori: I’m so happy to meet the real Lorelei. Seo: Why, thank you. I heard you’re going against Sakura. You know she just won her necklace recently in a competition. Sakura: S-Seo, d-don’t scare Kaori. Kaori: *shakes head* I am aware of her achievement. She is a fun-loving person anybody could cheer for. Sakura: Don’t sell yourself short. Your series makes people’s hearts throb, too. You are a good opponent. Seo: Well, regardless, you gotta head out. Sakura and Kaori happily talk to each other as they head to the arena. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 世萌学园 薰:这个姿势如何? 千代:完美啊,薰酱! 薰:呵呵,我很期待出来的效果! 薰和千代对对方并没有什么敌意。她们都是非常阳光,乐天知命的女孩。薰为了让自己被众人记住,选择了自己的路;千代则为了自己所喜欢的人,而一直保持积极的努力着。她们半途相遇,并决定放学后一同玩一会。千代正在绘画薰拿着小提琴的姿态,而薰看来很想认识千代的朋友,有着罗蕾莱之声的结月。 结月:嗨,后辈。 薰:能看见罗蕾莱的真人,我好开心啊。 结月:噢,谢谢。我听说你要对上千代,你知道啊她刚赢了一条项链。 千代:结月... 别吓薰啊。 薰:*摇头* 我很清楚她的成绩。她是个喜爱欢乐的女孩,任何人都会支持她的。 千代:不要这么说。你的作品也让很多人心动啊。你是个很好的对手呢。 结月:嘛,怎么也好,你们需要出去了。 千代和薰,就这样愉快的一同踏上出战的路。 |

Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi) vs. Sonoda Umi (Love Live!)
桐崎千棘(伪恋) vs. 园田海未(Love Live!)
With a flick of her hand, she released the arrow with just the right amount of force, allowing the arrow to hit the bull’s-eye on the target. As Umi wipes away her sweat, she hears clapping from behind her and looks to see who it is. Her eyes then meet with a blonde beauty wearing a different uniform than that of Otonokizaka's. The blonde woman then approaches Umi and starts a conversation. Chtioge: Hey, that was an amazing shot right there, with your elegant form adding to the fantastic showcase. Umi: Thanks. Not to sound rude, but may I ask for your identity? You don't look like a student here. Chitoge: Well, I am Kirisaki Chitoge and I am here on a school exchange trip along with some others to your academy. Umi: I see. Well, I hope you enjoy your visit here. Chitoge: Oh yeah, have you seen an orange-haired girl with the same uniform by any chance? Umi: I'm afraid not. Chitoge: I thought so...Well, thanks for the performance there. Bye! As Umi waves goodbye, she realises she hasn't introduced herself yet. “Maybe I'll meet her again,” Umi thought as she returned to her training. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 随着手的一个挥动,箭以刚好适当的力度脱弦而出,正中箭靶的红心。园田海未轻轻一刷额边的汗,忽尔身后传来一阵掌声。她转过身来,只见站着一个非常漂亮的金发女孩,然而身上的制服却不是音木坂高校的。她走到海未身前,并友善地展开了谈话。 千棘:嗨,刚才那一发好厉害啊!技术固然高超,姿态更是非常优雅呢! 海未:谢谢。无意冒犯,不过你是谁啊?看来不是这里的学生呢。 千棘:噢,我是桐崎千棘,跟其他几个同学一起在这里交流学习。 海未:原来如此。祝你在这里有一段愉快的经历。 千棘:噢对惹,你有没有看见一个跟我一样制服的橙发女孩? 海未:没有。 千棘:我早知道诶... 嗯,感谢你,拜拜! 海未挥手道别,忽然想起自己还没有自我介绍。或许很快会再见面吧。 Dengan cepat, dia melepaskan anak panah dengan tenaga yang sesuai yang menyebabkan anak panah mengenai tepat sasaran. Seiring Umi membersihkan keringatnya, dia mendengar suara tepuk tangan dari belakang dan menengok untuk melihatnya. Matanya melihat seorang gadis pirang memakai seragam yang berbeda dari yang dimiliki Otonokizaka. Si perempuan pirang tersebut kemudia menghampiri Umi dan memulai percakapan. Chitoge: Hei, itu merupakan tembakan yang luar biasa, elegan ditambah dengan penampilan yang fantastis. Umi: Terima Kasih. Bukan bermaksud kasar, tapi boleh kutahu identitasmu? Kamu sepertinya bukan murid dari sini. Chitoge: Baiklah, Aku Kirisaki Chitoge dan aku ke sini untuk kunjungan pertukaran pelajar dengan beberapa murid dari sekolahmu. Umi: Oh begitu, kuharap kamu menikmati kunjungan ke sini. Chitoge: Oh ya, apakah kamu melihat gadis berambut oranye dengan seragam yang sama? Umi: Sepertinya tidak. Chitoge: Sudah kuduga... Baiklah, terima kasih untuk penampilannya. Dah! Seiring Umi melambaikan tangan, dia sadar untuk memperkenalkan dirinya. "Mungkin aku akan bertemu lagi dengan dirinya," pikir Umi kemudian kembali berlatih. |

Ayase Eli (Love Live!) vs. Yoshino (Date A Live)
绚濑绘里(Love Live!) vs. 四糸乃(约会大作战)
As Eli is on her way back home from school after a tiring day of Seitokai work, she decides to take a small detour by cutting through the park. Walking through, she notices a blue-haired girl sitting on a bench alone, as if she is waiting for someone. Eli surveys the area to check whether any adults around could be the girl's parents, but to no avail. Eli then decides to ask the girl on her current situation and see how she can help her from there. Eli: Hello, little girl. What's your name? Yoshino: Yos-Yoshino. Eli: Hello, Yoshino. Could you tell onee-chan where your parents are? Yoshino: U-ummmm..... Yoshinon: Hey! You're scaring her, you know that? Eli, surprised that the puppet is able to speak, was at a loss of words of what do with this girl, who was becoming less human-like, when suddenly someone yelled Yoshino's name. Eli turns around to see another blue-haired person, this time a boy running towards the park. The boy thanks Eli profusely for taking care of Yoshino before both of them go on their merry way. From that moment on, Eli promises herself to never take a detour again. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 绚濑绘里完成了一整天疲累的学生会工作,正准备回家,抄小径穿越一个公园。忽然她注意到一个独自坐在长凳上的蓝发女孩,样子像是在等人。绘里扫视四周看看有没有大人,但并没有看似女孩家长的人在附近。绘里决定问问女孩的情况,看看有没有什么能帮忙。 绘里:小女孩,你好啊。你叫什么名字? 四糸乃:四... 四糸乃。 绘里:四糸乃你好啊。可以跟姐姐说,你的父母在哪里吗? 四糸乃:呃... 呃... 四糸奈:喂!你知道你在吓怕她吗? 布偶竟然会说话,让绘里吃了一惊。正当不知所措之际,忽然听到有人大喊四糸乃的名字。 绘里转头一看,只见一个蓝发男孩正向这个方向跑。他向绘里道谢,接着才愉快的带着四糸乃离开。就在那刻,绘里默默跟自己说,以后都不再绕路回家了。 |

Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru) vs. Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
结城美柑(出包王女) vs. 青山七海(樱花庄的宠物女孩)
One fine day, Yūki Mikan was buying groceries in preparation of tonight's dinner. As she made her way back home, she was engrossed in her own world, wondering what she should make for dinner that night when suddenly she bumped into someone, causing both parties to fall. As Mikan tried to recover herself, she realised that her groceries has fallen all over the place and tried to pick them all up. The girl that Mikan bumped into also hurriedly helped. As they were picking up the groceries, both parties apologised to each other for being unaware of each other while they were walking. Seeing as they had the same reason to bump into each other, they laughed and stood up as all the groceries were picked up. The girl introduced herself as Aoyama Nanami and she apologised once again, which Mikan accepted and waved her goodbye as she made her way home, wondering why Nanami had looked so familiar.... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 有一天,结城美柑刚买完菜准备回家做晚饭,并沉醉于自己的脑海里盘算着晚餐应该做什么菜。突然,她碰到了一个人,双方都跌倒在地上。手里拿着的菜都散落一地,美柑赶忙把它们拾起来,而被她撞倒的那个女孩也匆忙地过来帮忙。在执拾之际,两个女孩互相为自己没有留神表达了歉意,并且微笑着站了起来。那个女孩自我介绍,名字叫作是青山七海。两人挥手道别,美柑继续走回家,并同时思考为何七海看上去那么眼熟... Pada suatu hari, Yuki Mikan sedang memebeli bahan makanan untuk persiapan makan malam hari ini dan sedang dalam perjalanan pulang. Ketika ia berjalan pulang, ia asik di dunianya, berpikir apa yang harus ia buat untuk makan malam pada malam itu Ketika tiba tiba ia bertubrukan dengan seseorang,membuat keduanya terjatuh. saat mikan mencoba memulihkan diri ia menyadari bahwa bahan pangan nya jatuh bertebaran dan mencoba untuk memungutnya. Wanita yang Mikan tabrak juga bersegera membantu mikan untuk memungut bahan makanannya. Saat mereka memungut bahan makanan keduanya meminta maaf atas ketidak hati-hatian nya selagi mereka berjalan. Melihat keduanya memiliki alasan yang sama, mereka tertawa dan berdiri saat semua bahan makanan sudah terambil. Wanita itu memperkenalkan diri sebagai Aoyama Nanami dan ia meminta maaf sekali lagi , yang mana mikan menerimanya dan melambaikan salam perpisahan, saat berjalan pulang, memikirkan mengapa Nanami terlihat tak asing.. |

Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs. Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!)
五河琴里(约会大作战) vs. 由依(Angel Beats!)
Itsuka Kotori and Yui-nyan both face the hardest time in their careers in the ISML Regular Season 2015. Itsuka Kotori, the bearer of Tiara 2014, shocked fans by winning the Tiara even though she didn't have any jewels in her hands. Not just that, the perfect record of 35-0 in Nova 2014 became her best achievement in ISML. But since transferring from Nova to Stella in 2015, Kotori lost some of her support and her score of 18-3 this season hasn't shown her true power. Yui-nyan finished her season in ISML 2014 at the 12th position of Stella with a 22-13 record that wasn't easy to achieve. She came back to Stella with the same power as last year, but it seems she needs more power if she wants to finish this season with the same result as last year or better. This time, Yui-nyan is at the 16th position with a 13-8 record. They need to bring back their best performance to get what they want, or it will be regrets and tears left for them. Can they manage to find the way out from this situation? The answer is in your hand. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 五河琴里和由依,都正面对她们2015世萌旅程最艰难的一关。 五河琴里,2014年在没有项链的情况下赢得世萌萌王,让天下震惊。不单这样,常规赛35-0的全胜记录,成为她最辉煌的战绩。不过2015年从新星晋级恒星之后,她似乎失去了一些支持者,暂时18-3的成绩并没有展现她最大的能力。 由依在2014年世萌以恒星第12名,22-13的成绩结束,殊不容易。她以接近去年的实力再次回到恒星,但想保持着去年的记录,大概需要更加一把劲。这次,她暂时以13-8的成绩排名第16。 她们想要得到想得到的东西,就必须回复最佳状态,否则剩下的可能是泪水和悔恨。她们可以走出这个困境吗?答案在你手。 |

Katsuragi Keima (Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai) vs. Hikigaya Hachiman (OreGairu)
桂木桂马(只有神知道的世界) vs. 比企谷八幡(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
Meet these two boys who consider their daily lives boring worlds. They prefer to step aside and create their own worlds. Katsuragi Keima, the god of games: no one can separate him from his game consoles, wherever, whenever, and in any situation. Games are all he needs and he will be okay sitting in his chair and playing all kinds of games simultaneously all day. "Games are my oxygen" or "2D is better than 3D" are some of his words that become the proof of his resistance against real life. Hikigaya Hachiman lives in what he calls a "flat" world. He considers the socialization of people in a group a way for weaklings to survive and gain social status, but that's not a matter for him. Sitting in his chair, reading some books while enjoying tea is his bliss, his own world that never bonds with the real world. Are they wrong? No; however, there are always some kind people who are able to take them back to reality and teach them about its beauties, the world where they live with all of the memories they have ever felt. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这两个男孩,都认为他们的日常生活非常无聊。他们宁愿投身于自己的世界之中。 桂木桂马是游戏的神,没有人可以把他从游戏机分开,无论在什么情况。只要有游戏,他就会安然无恙,坐在自己的座位玩各式各样的游戏度日。“游戏是我的氧气”、“二次元比三次元好”,是他的格言,也是他对抗现实的座右铭。 比企谷八幡住在一个他称之为“平淡”的世界。他认为与人社交是弱者藉以获得地位的方法,但这与他无关;坐在自己的位置,看着书喝着茶就好,并不需要与这个世界扯上任何关系。 他们错吗?不,但总会有善良的人可以把他们拉回现实世界,并让他们知道这个世界有多美好,体验着他们在现实所留下的各种回忆。 Temui dua orang pria ini, mereka yang menyebut keseharian mereka sebagai dunia yang membosankan. Mereka lebih memilih untuk menyingkir dan membentuk dunia milik mereka sendiri. Katsuragi Keima sang dewa game, tidak ada satupun yang mampu memisahkannya dengan konsol game; di manapun, kapanpun dan dalam keadaan apapun. Game adalah segalanya yang dia butuhkan, dia akan baik-baik saja; duduk di kursinya dan memainkan segala macam game secara simultan seharian. "Game adalah oksigen bagi diriku" atau " 2D lebih baik daripada 3D" adalah beberapa perkataan Keima yang menjadi bukti atas perlawanannya terhadap kehidupan nyata. Hikigaya Hachimanpun hidup dalam dunia yang dianggapnya sebagai dunia yang "datar". Sosialisasi dalam kelompok dianggapnya sebagai salah satu cara manusia-manusia yang lemah untuk mempertahankan hidupnya dan mencari kedudukan sosial, namun baginya itu semua tidak penting; duduk lalu membaca buku sambil minum teh dengan tenang adalah kebahagiaannya, dunianya sendiri yang tidak terikat dengan dunia nyata. Salahkah mereka? Tidak, bagaimanapun selalu ada orang-orang baik yang berhasil menarik mereka untuk kembali ke kenyataan dan mengajarkan mereka keindahan dari kenyataan, dunia tempat mereka tinggal dengan segala kenangan yang pernah mereka rasakan. |

Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Sora (No Game No Life)
可儿江西也(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 空(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
Amagi Brilliant Park *phone rings* Kanie: What?! What do you mean our booths are cleared out?! *runs outside to the booths Sora: Yo, can you help me carry all these prizes, and possibly refill the slots? Kanie: Who do you think you are cleaning the park? Sora: Me? I’m just a gamer. I play plenty of games with the intention to win them. Simple as that. You’re a worker here, right? Kanie: Me? Not only am I a worker, but an intelligent, strong, perfect, handsome manager that runs this place. Don’t underestimate me- Sora: Ah, the manager. Even better. You could get them to refill then, right? Kanie: Don’t interrupt my speech. Sora: Then let’s play a game. Obviously we’re stirring up a crowd listening in on us. Kanie: Mostly because of your prizes from us. Sora: We’ll have a vote from the people themselves. If I am chosen, I can play these booths for free whenever I want. Kanie: Then if I win, you leave, but can come back to anything but the booths. Sora: Huh? Not exiled? Kanie: I’d rather watch you glimpse at your loss. Sora: *smiles* Let the games begin then. ASCHENTE!! Kanie: I don’t speak Spanish. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 甘城光辉游乐园 *电话响起* 西也:什么?我们的摊位被扫光了? *西也跑出外到摊位那里* 空:嗨,你可以帮我搬走这里的奖品,并且重新添满你们的奖品栏吗? 西也:你以为自己是谁啊? 空:我?我只是个游戏玩家。我玩很多游戏,并且打算赢。就是那么简单。你是这里的员工,对吧? 西也:我?我不只是员工,我是这里聪明、强壮、完美、英俊的管理员。不要小看我... 空:啊,管理员,更好。你可以让他们重新添置奖品啊,对不? 西也:不要打断我的发言。 空:那我们来玩游戏吧。很明显我们正为围观的群众带来困扰。 西也:主要还是因为你那堆奖品。 空:我们会让大家投票。如果我被选中,我可以随时免费玩这里的摊位游戏。 西也:那如果我赢,你离开,但除了摊位之外可以回来任何地方。 空:哈?不是放逐? 西也:我宁愿你好好看看自己的落败。 空:*微笑* 那就让游戏开始吧。ASCHENTE! 西也:我不说西班牙文。 |

Yato (Noragami) vs. Maō Sadao (Hataraku Maō-sama!)
夜斗(野良神) vs. 真奥贞夫(打工吧!魔王大人)
Sadao was on his way home from work when he saw some graffiti on the wall, indicating that a handyman was offering his services at a low rate of 5 yen. Sadao remembered that the refrigerator at home was spoiled and thus took the opportunity to dial up the number and call for the handyman to service the broken refrigerator. Yato knocked on the door of the apartment, through which Sadao happily welcomed him. As Yato set to work, they engaged themselves in conversation. Sadao: So, erm, just asking, but why do you charge your services at such a low rate? Yato: No particular reason, really, just basing on the same amount as the offerings made to shrines. Sadao: I see....Well, you sure don't look like you are living well off now. Yato: I'm afraid so. But it is all for the dream of me,,.being worshipped by many, as are the most famous gods in the world! Sadao: You're a god of some sort? Yato: You could say that. Why the question? Sadao: Nothing, really. As Yato finishes up on the job, Sadao thinks about how troublesome this guy may be in his quest for world dominion... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 真奥贞夫正放工回家,忽然看见墙上有些涂鸦,说只需要五元就会有人提供任何服务。贞夫想起家里的冰箱坏了,于是就拨打那个号码去找这个人。 夜斗敲了敲贞夫的家门,贞夫快乐地欢迎他进来。展开工作之际,两人开始了聊天。 贞夫:呃,所以说,为什么你的服务收费那么低呢? 夜斗:没有什么特别原因,只是仿效神殿里奉献的金额。 贞夫:原来如此... 看来你的生活过得并不丰裕哦。 夜斗:恐怕是的。但这一切都是为了我的梦想,作为被世界所崇拜最受欢迎的神! 贞夫:你是某种类型的神? 夜斗:可以这样说。为何这么问? 贞夫:没什么。 夜斗完成工作之际,贞夫在心里盘算,或许这家伙会成为攻略世界的一个麻烦... |

Onodera Haru (Nisekoi) vs. Isshiki Iroha (OreGairu)
小野寺春(伪恋) vs. 一色彩羽(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
First impressions are usually important, and these two characters know that better than anyone. A fortunate, yet unfortunate, first day of school made Onodera Haru worry about what may come during her future. However, as long as she keeps a positive attitude and protects her sister from wary adversaries, Haru is sure to pull through for another day. Behind the cute persona of Isshiki Iroha lies a girl unsure about her abilities as a leading figure. But no matter what the obstacles are, with the help of her friends, Iroha will figure out a way to get things done within the deadline. Which of these two girls can maintain her outlook when all is said and done? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 第一印象很重要,这两个角色比任何人都清楚。一个幸运、同时不幸运的开学第一天,让小野寺春为未来而担心。然而,只要保持正面积极的态度,保护姐姐免受任何伤害,春一定可以安全度过每一天。在一色彩羽可爱的形象背后,是一个对自己领导才能充满怀疑的女孩。然而不管面对什么困难,在朋友的帮助下,她都可以在期限前想到应对的方法。这两个女孩,谁能坚持不动摇,度过这一关呢? |

Isla (Plastic Memories) vs. Hikigaya Komachi (OreGairu)
艾拉(可塑性记忆) vs. 比企谷小町(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
If it is advice that they want, it is advice one is going to receive. Isla is a quiet and soft-spoken girl who usually does things at her own pace. While she may be clumsy on her feet, the ideas she suggested for her company created the very group who strives to make everyone's lives as happy as possible. Hikigaya Komachi is an eccentric girl who probably knows a lot more about her family members than even they know about themselves. Komachi is a careful observer, making sure to listen and obtain every detail of a situation in order to give her two cents on the matter. Which of these two girls has what it takes to continue to be an extra hand when it is needed most? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 如果他们需要建议,那他们就会得到建议。艾拉是个文静的女孩,一切事情都按照自己步伐去完成。虽然有时会有点笨拙经常平地摔,但她对于公司的建议正正触发了现在这个单位的成立,为了所有人更快乐地生活而努力。比企谷小町是个特别的女孩,对家庭成员的了解比他们自己的还要深;她是个细心的观察者,对于任何情况都会用心聆听和关注所有细节,并给出最好的意见。这两个女孩,谁有能力继续在别人需要时伸出援手呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, itsukayuzuru, ~Baumkuchen-kun~, Momento10, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 2 — Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai) vs. Asada Shino (Sword Art Online)
夜夜(机巧少女不会受伤) vs. 朝田诗乃(刀剑神域)
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Finally the battle begins. Shino stares around to find a suitable place for her to shoot. After looking around, she finds a good place for her to use Hecate. “Yoshi, jyunbi, o.k.” Shino talks to herself, and with confidence waits for her opponent. On the other side, the unbreakable machine doll Yaya steps down to the arena. “If I win this, Raishin will give me a reward tonight.” She talks to herself while her face blushes. It will not be easy for Shino or Yaya to win the battle. Shino takes advantage from a high place to shoot silently, while Yaya has a really strong body as well as great combat ability. Battle start!! Yaya moves quickly to find where Shino hides, while Shino keeps her perimeter safe. As Yaya approaches, Shino shoots her first bullet, but unfortunately Yaya is able to dodge it. So who will win this battle? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 战斗终于开始了。朝田诗乃视察四周,寻找适合发射的地方;找到了,"准备完成",诗乃充满自信地等待她的下一位对手。就在对面,不会受伤的战斗人偶夜夜踏进战场。"只要我赢了,今晚雷真就会给我奖励吧。"夜夜跟自己说着,脸蛋都红了。无论是诗乃还是夜夜,要赢得战斗都不容易。诗乃有从高处狙击的优势,夜夜则有强壮且适合战斗的身体。战斗开始!夜夜迅速移动,寻找诗乃藏身的位置;诗乃保持警觉,确保四周安全。夜夜接近,诗乃发射第一发子弹,啊避开了。谁最终会获胜呢? Akhirnya pertarungan dimulai. Shino memandang sekitar untuk menemukan tempat yang cocok bagi ia tuk menembak. Setelah melihat sekitar, ia menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk ia menggunakan Hecate. “ Yosh junbi OK” Shino bicara pada dirinya sendiri dan dengan rasa percaya diri ia menunggu musuhnya. Di sisi lain, boneka mesin yang tak terkalahkan, Yaya turun ke arena. “Jika aku memenangkan pertarungan ini raishin akan memberiku hadiah malam ini.” Ia bicara pada dirinya sendiri dan mukanya pun memerah. Hal ini tidak akan mudah bagi Shino maupun Yaya untuk memenangkan pertandingan. Shino mengambil keuntungan dari tempat tinggi untuk menembak diam-diam, selagi Yaya memiliki ketahanan tubuh yang kuat dan kemampuan bertarung yang hebat. Pertarungan Mulai! Yaya bergerak cepat untuk menemukan dimana Shino bersembunyi selagi Shino menjaga sekitarnya aman. Saat Yaya mendekat, Shino menembakan peluru pertamanya, tetapi sayangnya Yaya dapat menghindar. Jadi siapa yang akan memenangkan pertarungan? |

Maō Sadao (Hataraku Maō-sama!) vs. Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
真奥贞夫(打工吧!魔王大人) vs. 野崎梅太郎(月刊少女野崎君)
Nozaki Umetarō's Interview Tuesday, September 1, 2015 Male Dormitory, Nozaki Umetarō's Room 09.00 GMT *ding-dong* Sadao: Nozaki-kun, I'm here! Umetarō: Oh, welcome. Sorry for calling you at this hour. Sadao: It's okay. I'm free today. Umetarō: I just want to ask you about something, can I? Sadao: Go on, but wait! I don't see any snacks on this table. Umetarō: Ah, my bad, I have some. Wait a minute. *Grabs something from refrigerator* Umetarō: This is all that I have, two McRonald's Burgers and French Fries. Is this okay? Sadao: Just for a day, I'm free from the atmosphere of that junk foods but here.... *sobs* Umetarō: You seem to have an emotional connection with this food... Sadao: I'm working there! I'm working at McRonald’s, you know! I just want to be free from the smell of that restaurant. Hiks...Hiks.... Umetarō: So beside your activity here as ISML Contestant, you also work as a part-timer at McRonald’s. Hmm... Sadao: When the ups heard that I'd be moved to this facility, they offered to transfer me to the nearest McRonald’s to this place so I would keep working there. Umetarō: This is an abuse of worker’s rights. I want to hear the details. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 野崎梅太郎的采访 2015年9月1日,星期二 男生公寓,野崎梅太郎的房间 09:00 GMT *叮咚* 贞夫:野崎君,我来了! 野崎:噢,欢迎。很抱歉在这个时间把你叫来。 贞夫:没关系,今天我有空。 野崎:我想要询问关于你的一些事情,可以吗? 贞夫:尽管问吧,不等一下!桌子上一点小吃都没有哇。 野崎:啊是我的错,我这里有,请等一下。 *从冰箱里拿了些东西* 野崎:冰箱里就这点东西了,两个McRonald的汉堡和一些薯条,这些可以吗? 贞夫:仅仅是一天,我可以远离这些垃圾食品,但是现在……*抽泣* 野崎:你看起来对这些吃的很有情绪嘛… 贞夫:我在那里工作啊!我在McRonald工作,你知道的!我只是想远离那家快餐店的气息。呜呜… 野崎:也就是说,除了在这里作为世萌参赛者之外,你还利用业余时间在McRonald打工。嗯… 贞夫:当上级听说我将搬到这里,他们让我调动到离这儿最近的McRonald工作。 野崎:这可是有损工人权利的事情,我想要听听细节。 Wawancara Nozaki Umetarō Selasa, 1 September 2015 Asrama Pria, Kamar Nozaki Umetarō 09.00 GMT *ding-dong* Sadao: Nozaki-kun, aku di sini! Umetarō: Oh selamat datang. Maaf memanggilmu di saat-saat seperti ini. Sadao: Tidak apa-apa, aku bebas hari ini. Umetarō: Aku hanya ingin bertanya sesuatu hal darimu, bisa? Sadao: Silahkan, tapi tunggu! Aku tidak melihat camilan apapun di meja. Umetarō: Ah maaf, salahku. Tunggu sebentar. *Mengambil sesuatu dari kulkas* Umetarō: Ini yang kupunya, dua burger McRonald dan kentang goreng, tidak apa-apa kan? Sadao: Hanya untuk sehari aku terbebas dari atmosfir makanan ringan itu namun di sini... *sobs* Umetarō: Kamu sepertinya punya hubungan emosional dengan makanan-makanan itu. Sadao: Aku bekerja di sana! Aku bekerja di McRonald, tahu! Aku hanya ingin terbebas dari aroma restoran itu. Hiks...Hiks... Umetarō: Jadi di samping aktifitasmu sebagai kontestan ISML, kamu juga bekerja paruh waktu di McRonald. Hmm... Sadao: Ketika petinggi mendengar bahwa aku akan pindah ke fasilitas ini, mereka menawarkanku untuk dipindahkan ke McRonald terdekat dari tempat ini dan tetap bekerja di sana. Umetarō: Ini pelanggaran atas hak-hak pekerja. Aku ingin mendengar detailnya. |

Isshiki Iroha (OreGairu) vs. Isla (Plastic Memories)
一色彩羽(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 艾拉(可塑性记忆)
Here lies a story, a journey to never give up, a road to pursuing what is least expected of her. For one, it is about finding the right person to express herself for who she really is. No matter what walls are presented to her, with a touch of courage she will be able to stand on her own and forge a path to her reasoning. For the other, it is a tale about trying her best when she knows her life is programmed to end soon. And though she may not be light on her feet, she expresses herself with determination, not wanting to give up and seeing things through to the end. Thus, this story must end, but who will gain her happy ending? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这里是一个故事,一场永不放弃的旅行,一条追寻内心期望之物的道路。对其中的一个女孩来说,这是一个寻找正确的人向她表达真正自我的故事。无论前方有着怎样的阻碍,凭借勇气,她将能够依靠自己,为前进的方向开辟道路。对另一个女孩来说,这是一个当她知道自己的生命即将被程序宣告结束而竭尽全力的故事。尽管她的时间所剩无几,她表达了自己的决心,不会放弃,直到最后。故事终将结束,谁将得到幸福的结局呢? Di sini terdapat sebuah kisah, sebuah ziarah yang pantang diserahkan, sebuah perjalanan demi melakukan hal yang paling tidak terduga. Bagi yang satu, adalah sebuah perjalanan mencari seorang yang tepat: seorang yang kepadanya ia dapat menampilkan dirinya yang sesungguhnya. Apapun rintangan yang berada di jalurnya tidak akan dapat menghentikannya. Dengan sedikit sentuhan keberanian, ia akan dapat berdiri di kakinya sendiri dan membuka jalurnya sesuai pemikirannya. Sementara, bagi yang lain, adalah sebuah dongeng tentang "melakukan yang terbaik di dalam sebuah pengetahuan bahwa hidupnya sudah diprogram untuk berakhir dalam waktu dekat." Walaupun beban yang ia pikul amat memberatkan kakinya, ia menunjukkan dirinya dengan tekad kuat, dengan tidak menyerah di tengah jalan dan melihat segala hal sampai detik terakhir. Sekarang, kisah ini mesti berakhir. Namun, siapakah yang akan memperoleh akhir bahagianya. |

Onodera Haru (Nisekoi) vs. Hikigaya Komachi (OreGairu)
小野寺春(伪恋) vs. 比企谷小町(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
This is a bout between two little sisters, and they are not afraid to throw a mean right hook. Onodera Haru is protective, wanting to make sure her older sister finds the right person to fall in love with. However, it would be nice if she could also see the world through her sister's eyes tinted with love. Hikigaya Komachi is a bundle of energy waiting to be released. While she may be too much for her older brother to handle, she gives advice from time to time whenever she sees her brother disgruntled. Of the two competitors, whom would one rather have as a younger sister? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 这是一场妹妹之间的比赛,她们从不会畏惧丢出一个漂亮准确的勾拳。小野寺春是一个有保护欲的妹妹,想要确保她的姐姐找到了正确的爱人。然而,事情将会更好,如果她也能够通过她姐姐那双充满爱的眼睛来看世界,一切将更加美好。比企谷小町是一团将要释放的能量。看到哥哥不开心的时候,她总是一次又一次地献上建议,尽管这可能够她哥哥受的。这两位竞争者中,你更想要哪一个妹妹呢? Di arena ini, tersaji sebuah pertempuran di antara dua adik perempuan dan mereka tidak akan segan melempar pukulan hook yang keras. Onodera Haru adalah seorang adik yang sangat protektif, dan ia ingin memastikan bahwa kakak perempuannya yang tercinta menemukan pria yang tepat untuk dicintai. Namum, akan sangat baik jika seandainya ia juga dapat melihat dunia melalui sudut pandang kakaknya yang penuh dengan warna kasih sayang. Hikigaya Komachi adalah bagaikan seikat energi yang menunggu untuk dilepaskan. Walaupun mungkin ia sedikit terlalu sulit untuk dapat diatur oleh kakak laki-lakinya, ia sering memberikan nasihat, dari waktu ke waktu, saat ia melihat kakaknya sedang bersungut-sungut di tengah sebuah kesulitan. Di antara kedua kontestan, yang manakah yang kira-kira anda lebih inginkan sebagai adik? |
Thanks to BugH, itsukayuzuru, Just, FISHING, Momento10,
and Reverend for contributing today's match previews and translations.
and Reverend for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 3 — Thursday, September 3, 2015

Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance) vs.
Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.)
提露密努斯·艾斯特(精灵使的剑舞) vs. 筒隐月子(变态王子与不笑猫)
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Est is an adorable spirit for everyone. Her cute face melts our heart. Who can resist her face when she is begging with you? She really cares about her master, Kamito. Her innocence makes it easy for her to get fooled by Rinslet, but at the end her acts never fail to amuse us. Not only from her face, acts, and personality, but her combat ability as hardest legendary sword also makes her famous. She is a perfect spirit for Ren Ashbell: Kamito. Similar to Est, Tsukiko has a cute and adorable face. Even though she can’t express her emotions since they were taken by Nekokami, she never gives up on pursuing Yokodera’s attention. She secretly fell in love with him, but can’t express it. She draws Yokodera’s attention so he will take care of her every time. Her innocence and actions never fail to amuse us. Her words also sometime make us laugh uncontrollably. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 提露密努斯·艾斯特是人见人爱的精灵。她可爱的脸庞,能让任何人的心溶化。在她向着你撒娇的时候,谁能对她置之不理?她非常关怀她的主人;虽然天真无邪的个性让她容易被欺骗,但她的行动永远都能够触动我们的心灵。美丽的外表,行为和个性,还有她高强的战斗能力,作为史上最强大的传奇之剑,让她被世人记住。 跟艾斯特一样,筒隐月子拥有可爱的外表。虽然因为猫神而失去了表情,但她从来不会放弃对自己喜欢的人表达自己的情感。她默默的坠入爱河,却苦无传递心意的方法。每次只能尽量引起他的注意,让他来照顾自己。她的纯善,让我们为之心动。她的言行,也为我们带来欢笑。 Est adalah roh yang di kagumi semua orang. Wajah imutnya membuat hati kita meleleh. Siapa yang mampu menahan ekspresi wajahnya ketika ia memohon pada mu? Dia selalu perhatian pada tuannya, Kamito. Kepolosannya selalu membuat ia mudah di bodohi oleh Rinslet, tapi pada akhirnya aksinya tak pernah gagal dalam menghibur kita. Tidak hanya dari wajah, tingkah dan kepribadian, kemampuan bertarungnya sebagai pedang terkuat legendaries juga membuat dirinya popular. Ia adalah roh yang cocok bagi Ren Ashbell, kamito. Mirip dengan Est, Tsukiko memiliki wajah imut dan cantik. Walau ia tak mampu mengungkapkan ekspresinya semenjak diambil oleh Neko Kami, ia tak pernah menyerah dalam mencari perhatian dari Yokodera. Ia diam-diam Jatuh hati pada Yokodera tapi tak mampu mengungkapkannya. Ia menarik perhatian Yokodera supaya dia memperhatikannya tiap waktu. Kepolosan dan aksinya juga tak pernah gagal mengibur kita. Kata-katanya juga terkadang membuat kita tak henti tertawa. |

Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live) vs. Shokuhō Misaki (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
时崎狂三(约会大作战) vs. 食蜂操祈(魔法禁书目录)
For both them, this year is the second time they stepped their feet into the Regular Session. Passing through a fatiguing season without any title or achievement, they meet each other at the Emerald 3 Arena this time. Even though she's a middle schooler, Shokuhō Misaki has succeeded in reaching the highest stage of Academy City, Level 5. The fifth strongest student or the third strongest girl in the whole Academy City, Misaki gets her "Queen" title because of her ability to lead and control the mass just like a real queen. Misaki will depend on this power, because her next opponent is Tokisaki Kurumi. Appearing with her gothic dress, Kurumi can be the most difficult opponent to be beaten. Attached with high intelligence, Kurumi is able to plan some strategies and make the right decision even in a hard situation. To surpass the army of Misaki's, it looks like Kurumi will depend on her ability to make an army of clones. This encounter isn't the first. Ruby 5 in 2014 is the eyewitness of their very first battle when Kurumi successfully humiliated Misaki, and it is possible that Misaki will use this match as the chance to take revenge. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对她们两人而言,这是她们在常规赛阶段走过的第二个年头。经历了一个疲劳无为的赛季之后,她们在绿宝石阶段第3场的赛场上见面了。 尽管是一名中学生,食蜂操祈已经登上了学园都市的最高舞台,Level 5。作为整个学园都市第五强的学生同时也是第三强的女生,操祈凭借她心理掌握的能力获得了“女王”头衔,正如真正的女王一样。操祈需要依靠这份能力,因为她的下一个对手是时崎狂三。身着哥特装登场的狂三,或许是最难击败的对手。凭借她出人的智力,狂三能够制定策略,即使在困难的情况下制定正确的决定。为了战胜操祈的军队,看上去狂三需要凭借她的能力制造一支克隆军团。 这并不是她们的初次邂逅。2014年的红宝石第5场见证了她们的首战,狂三轻松地打败操祈。或许操祈可以在这场比赛打一个翻身仗作为反击。 Bagi keduanya ini adalah tahun kedua mereka menapakkan kaki di Musim Reguler. Menjalani musim yang melelahkan tanpa gelar dan prestasi yang memuaskan, mereka berdua bertemu di Arena Emerald 2 kali ini. Meski masih SMP, Shokuhō Misaki sudah berhasil mencapai tingkatan tertinggi di Kota Pelajar, Level 5. Merupakan pelajar terkuat kelima atau gadis terkuat ketiga se-Kota Pelajar, Misaki mendapatkan titel "Ratu" oleh karena kemampuannya untuk memimpin dan mengendalikan massa layaknya seorang ratu sungguhan. Misaki akan sangat bergantung akan kekuatan ini, sebab lawannya adalah Tokisaki Kurumi. Tampil dengan gaun gotiknya, Kurumi bisa jadi adalah lawan yang sulit dikalahkan. Dibekali intelijensia tinggi, Kurumi mampu menyusun strategi dan mengambil keputusan tepat meski dalam keadaan terdesak. Untuk mengungguli pasukan Misaki, Kurumi sepertinya juga akan bergantung pada kemampuannya membentuk pasukan kloning. Pertemuan mereka ini bukan yang pertama. Ruby 5 di 2014, adalah saksi pertarungan pertama mereka saat Kurumi berhasil mempermalukan Misaki. Bukan tidak mungkin Misaki akan menjadikan pertandingan ini sebagai kesempatan ajang balas dendamnya. |

Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs. Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi)
司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs. 小野寺小咲(伪恋)
“Oni sama!” Miyuki called for her dearest brother. Miyuki is a perfect sister for everyone. She has a beautiful face and a good personality. She cares a lot for her brother as well as her friends. She has an amazing combat ability as well that is proven during Tournament where she knocks down her opponent. Overall, she is an adorable girl for everyone, but keep in mind that she is a really jealous person. She will freeze you if you cheat with other girls. On the other side, Kosaki is also a caring person. She cares a lot for everyone, even for animals in her school. She has been in love with Raku since childhood, but never could express her feelings. Fortunately, Raku also has the same feelings towards Kosaki, but neither of them dares to express it first. The journey of her love has also become harder since several “competitors” have appeared. But this situation never makes her give up. In summary, both Miyuki and Kosaki are adorable girls. Who is yours? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] "兄长大人。" 这是司波深雪对哥哥的称谓。深雪称得上是完美的妹妹,拥有漂亮的外表和贤淑的性格,非常照顾她的哥哥和朋友。她也拥有高强的战斗能力,在比赛中屡次击败对手的成绩就是最佳的证明。虽然她是能让任何人喜爱的类型,但记着她也是一个会吃醋的女孩;胆敢欺瞒她勾搭其他女孩,她会让你结成冰柱。 小野寺小咲也是一个温柔的人,在学校无论是朋友还是小动物她都非常关怀。她从小就对一个男孩倾心,但从来无法表达自己的心意。幸运地,原来那个男孩对她也有相同的感觉,只是谁都不敢踏出第一步。她的恋爱之路,随着多名"情敌"出现,变得更加艰辛了。虽然如此,她还是不会放弃。 深雪和小咲都是讨人喜欢的女孩。你更喜欢哪一位? “Oni sama” Miyuki memanggil kakak tersayangnya. Miyuki adalah adik perempuan yang sempurna untuk semua orang. Dia memiliki wajah cantik dan kepribadian yang menawan. Ia sangat perhatian kepada kakaknya juga teman-temannya. Ia juga memiliki kemampuan bertarung yang mengagumkan. Hal ini terbukti ketika ia mengalahkan lawannya dalam turnamen. Singkatnya ia wanita yang dikagumi semua orang, tetapi ingatlah ia orang yang irian. Ia akan membekukan mu jika kau selingkuh dengan wanita lain. Di sisi lain, Kosaki juga orang yang penuh perhatian. Ia perhatian pada teman-temannya bahkan dengan binatang di sekolahnya. Ia jatuh hati pada Raku sejak masa kecilnya tapi tidak pernah mampu munggungkapkan perasaannya. Untungnya Raku juga memiliki perasaan yang sama pada Kosaki, tapi tidak ada yang berani mengungkapkan terlebih dulu diantara mereka berdua. Perjalanan cintanya menjadi lebih sulit sejak “competitor” baru muncul. Tapi situasi ini tak membuat ia menyerah. Ringkasnya, Baik Miyuki maupun Kosaki adalah wanita yang mengagumkan. Siapa pilihan mu? |

Stephanie Dola (No Game No Life) vs. Latifa Fleuranza (Amagi Brilliant Park)
史蒂芬妮·多拉(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
While they may have existed in different times and perhaps different worlds, they possess something similar in status. They each hold the role of the princess in their kingdoms—the one to take the role of empress should no other heir be available to take up the throne. However, despite their best efforts, they realised that they themselves are unable to handle the whole kingdoms by themselves, to the point that they enlisted help from an unknown source—geniuses that brought prosperity and fortune to their respective kingdoms. So while they are now only princesses in name, they still have the ambition to bring their kingdoms further for different reasons. They try to contribute to the best of their abilities, through food, bookkeeping, and even games—they shall take on the task to bring their kingdoms forward to a brighter future such that their civilians can enjoy fulfilled lives without strife and violence in the streets. This, they vow to.... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 虽然诞生于不同时间和不同的世界,但她们身处非常接近的处境。她们都是各自王国的公主,并且都应该是将来王位的继承人。然而,虽然她们非常努力,但终究还是发现仅凭一己之力并无法好好处理整个王国的问题,不得不对外寻求协助:天才,不但拯救了她们,还为她们的王国带来了名誉和财富。虽然现在她们只是名义上的公主,但她们依然满腔热忱,希望为自己的王国尽一分力。无论是准备食物,帐本还是游戏,她们都乐意承担起推动王国前进的任务,希望可以带领国民们走向一个光明的未来,不需要承受穷苦和欺压。对此,她们立誓... Sementara mereka mungkin telah berada di waktu yang berbeda dan dunia yang mungkin berbeda, mereka memiliki sesuatu hal yang mirip, dalam hal status. Mereka memegang peran sang putri di kerajaan mereka- yang satu mengambil peran permaisuri dan tidak bisa ada ahli waris lainnya yang tersedia untuk mengambil takhta. Namun, terlepas dari usaha terbaik mereka, mereka menyadari bahwa mereka tak dapat mengurusi seluruh kerajaan sendiri, sampai pada ke titik bahwa mereka telah meminta bantuan dari sumber yang tidak diketahui- jenius yang telah membawa kemakmuran dan keberuntungan untuk kerajaan masing-masing. Jadi walau sementara mereka sekarang hanya putri dalam gelar saja, mereka masih memiliki ambisi untuk membawa kerajaan mereka lebih jauh untuk alasan yang berbeda. Mereka mencoba untuk memberi kontribusi terbaik mereka dari kemampuan mereka, melalui makanan, pembukuan dan bahkan game, mereka harus mengemban tugas untuk membawa kerajaan mereka maju, dan masa depan yang cemerlang sehingga warga sipil yang dapat menikmati hidup yang dipenuhi tanpa perselisihan dan kekerasan di jalan-jalan. Ini lah sumpah mereka.. Aunque puedan haber existido en diferentes épocas, y quizá en diferentes mundos, ambas tienen algo en común en lo referente al estatus. Tienen el rol de princesa de sus reinos -la que tendrá el rol de emperatriz si no hay otro heredero disponible para tomar el trono-. Sin embargo, pese a sus mejores esfuerzos, se dieron cuenta de que no podían manejar sus reinos ellas solas, hasta el punto de tener que reclutar ayuda de origen desconocido -genios que han traído prosperidad y fortuna a sus respectivos reinos-. Así que mientras que ahora son princesas sólo de nombre, aún tienen la ambición de hacer progresar a sus reinos por diferentes motivos. Intentan contribuir lo mejor que pueden, a través de comida, de llevar las cuentas, e incluso de juegos. Ellas se harán cargo de la tarea de hacer avanzar a sus reinos hacia un futuro más brillante en el que sus ciudadanos puedan disfrutar de una vida plena, libre de conflictos y violencia en las calles. Esto es lo que prometen... |

Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series) vs. Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦(Fate系列) vs. 逢坂大河(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎)
While they may be small in size, their power and ferocity more than make up for what they lack, perhaps even greater than the disadvantage of being small in stature. With an infamous reputation in school, Taiga has been dubbed the title 'Palmtop Tiger' to greater amplify the violent nature Taiga has and show that she will not hesitate to strike anyone who dares to piss her off in some way or another. For Illyasviel, she is a specialized homunculus able to maximise the usage of her abilities, to the point that she is able to become a Master herself, wielding the control of her Servant who crushes anything that dares oppose his lady, making a very deadly Master-Servant combo. However, behind all the fierce power also lies two girls in need of family warmth, something they have been deprived of since a young age. So, with the upcoming battle between the two of them, will the Tiger prevail or will the Master herself take the lead? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 尽管她们的身材很小,她们的力量和凶猛却远远弥补了她们所缺少的事物,或许比她们身材小这一缺点要多得多。大河在学校被赋以“掌中老虎”的坏名声,夸张了她暴力的本性,和她从不会犹豫给敢于招惹她的人送上一击的作风。对伊莉雅而言,她能够以独特的能力最大限度地利用自身的力量,控制可以破坏一切的从者,这名从者能够破坏一切敢于反抗她的主人的事物,她们构成了一对致命的主人-从者组合。然而,在凶猛的力量之后,同样有着两个需要家庭温暖的女孩,那是她们从小就被剥夺的事物。在即将到来的这场比赛中,是老虎将会胜利,还是主人将会领先呢? |

Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!) vs. Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!)
平和岛静雄(无头骑士异闻录) vs. 折原临也(无头骑士异闻录)
"IIIIIIIIIZAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The loud roar was enough to send chills down the spines of all passersby, especially those whose name had been shouted out. It was no secret that Heiwajima Shizuo, the strongest man in Ikebukuro, absolutely hated the crafty informant from Shinjuku, Orihara Izaya. Like two sides of the same coin, they are complete opposites, yet if a citizen knows one of the men, the other almost instantly comes to mind. Shizuo, representing strength but with a soft and caring interior, rips a sign post out from the concrete as if it were paper mesh, lifting it above his head to throw at the smirking raven-haired man across the street. Izaya, the man of superior intelligence but also an almost chilling degree of sadism, hopped to the side playfully, dodging anything the blonde had to throw at him. On-lookers could only watch in fear, as the cat and mouse chase around town between mortal enemies commenced once more. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] "临也!" 一声巨喝,让任何路过的人都为之全身一震,尤其是被喊出名字的那个人。众所周之,全池袋最强大的男人平和岛静雄,非常讨厌来自新宿的折原临也。就像硬币的两面一样,他们是截然相反的两个人,然而看到其中一个人就会不期然的想到另外那个。四肢发达但内心温柔的静雄,轻易地把路旁的混凝土路牌像粘土那样折下来,高举过头并用力掷向街道对面一个正在冷笑的男人。拥有极高智慧但内心隐藏着腹黑属性的临也,轻松地闪在一旁,玩弄的眼神等待着金发男人扔过来的任何东西。 旁观者只敢从远处静静观看,城镇里猫捉老鼠的游戏又要再度开始了。 "IIIIIIIIIZAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Suara aungan keras yang cukup untuk menggigilkan para pejalan yang lewat, terutama kepada seseorang yang namanya di teriakan. Ini bukan hal rahasia jika Heiwajima Shizuo, lelaki terkuat di Ikebukuro yang benar-benar membenci informan licik dari Shinjuku, Orihara Izaya. Seperti 2 sisi koin yang sama, mereka benar-benar bertentangan, tetapi jika penduduk tahu salah seorang pria tersebut, maka mereka bisa menebak yang lain. Shizuo melambangkan kekuatan tetapi dengan sisi yang lembut dan perhatian, merobek tanda keluar dari beton seolah-olah itu jala kertas, mengangkatnya diatas kepalanya dan melemparkan ke pria berambut raven menyeringai di seberang jalan. Izaya adalah pria dengan intelegensi super tetapi juga memiliki tingkat sadis yang menggigilkan, melompat ke sisi main-main,dan mengelak dari apa yang di lemparkan si pirang kepadanya. Dari sisi penonton hanya bisa menonton dalam ketakutan, bagai kucing dan tikus mengejar di sekitar kota, diantara musuh bebuyutan dimulai sekali lagi. |

Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Maō Sadao (Hataraku Maō-sama!)
可儿江西也(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 真奥贞夫(打工吧!魔王大人)
On his way to work, Sadao walks past the recently popularized Amagi Brilliant Park. Thinking about the amusement park, he laments about how he would love to visit such a place one day, but is unable to do so due to the tight funds. As he attempts to make his way to the restaurant, he is approached by a man wearing a suit with the title 'Manager ' who then strikes up a conversation with Sadao. Seiya: I noticed that you have been eyeing this park for quite some time already. Is there any reason why you don't want to enter? Sadao: I would love to enter this park, but if I do, I'll have to survive the next two months through burgers and konjac..... Seiya: You sure seem har- Hey, you're my next ISML opponent. Sadao: I am? Seiya: Right, how about this? If you win against me, I will gift you two passes that allow you to enter the park and visit the various attractions free of charge. Sadao: Really?! Let's battle now. Seiya: Ok.... Time to use this new word I learnt. ASCHENTE! Sadao: I don’t speak French. Seiya: It's Spanish, dude. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 正在上班的途中,真奥贞夫路过著名的甘城光辉游乐园。啊,主题游乐园,如果有一天可以游览这种地方有多好啊,不过从现在的财政状况看来是不可能的了。正准备走回工作的餐厅,他被一个身穿制服戴着"管理员"名牌的人截停了。 西也:我发现你注目这个游乐园已经很久了。有些什么原因,让你不想进来吗? 贞夫:我非常希望进来,不过如果我进来的话,接下来两个月我就要吃汉堡包过日子了。 西也:你看来的确很... 喂,你是我的下一个对手。 贞夫:是么? 西也:对。不如这样,如果你能击败我,我会给你两张通行证,让你免费游览我们的游乐园。 贞夫:当真?那现在就战斗吧。 西也:好的,是时候活用我新学的词语了。ASCHENTE! 贞夫:我不说法文。 西也:这是西班牙文啊,老兄。 |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, Kurogarasu, WarmMist, itsukayuzuru,
Just, and FISHING for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Just, and FISHING for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 4 — Sunday, September 6, 2015

Kurousagi (Mondaiji) vs. Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei)
黑兔(问题儿童都来自异世界?)vs. 司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生)
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Blessed with both beauty and power, Kurousagi and Shiba Miyuki are both women adored by society due to their seemingly perfect statuses. However, their lives do not revolve around them being Miss Popular. Rather, they dedicate their lives to somewhere or someone that they have fond memories with. For Kurousagi, the village where she resides is what she finds dear to her heart. Once a country with glorious days, it has since then been reduced to a small village in the danger of extinction. With such a situation at hand, Kurousagi will do all she can to allow the village to survive, to the extent of devoting her body to friendly opposition. For Miyuki, all that matters to her is her dear brother, the only thing truly deemed as an important entity in her life. To her, her brother is the best magician in the world, even better than her, and to be related to him as a younger sister fills her with joy and ecstasy. She would do whatever she can just to please her brother, even just to showcase her talents to him. Who do you think here deserves the award for her dedication? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 拥有美貌与能力,黑兔和司波深雪都是备受社会尊崇、地位高贵的女性。然而,她们的人生可不仅是享受这种地位那么简单;为了喜欢的人和地方,她们可以奉献出自己的生命。 黑兔在她所居住的乡村找到了温暖。曾经是一个辉煌的国家,在经历大变之后沦为一个濒临灭亡边缘的小村庄;为了摆脱如斯困境,黑兔会拼尽全力去让村落维持下去,纵使可能要献上自己的身体。 对司波深雪来说,兄长就是她的一切,是生命里唯一有意义的东西。兄长是世界上最棒的魔术师,比她自己本人还要棒,能够当他的妹妹让她无比喜悦。为了兄长的快乐,她愿意做任何事情,包括与他并肩作战。 她们的奉献,谁更值得表扬? |

Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu) vs. Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi)
由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)vs. 橘万里花(伪恋)
Yui reached the fast food restaurant, the destination implied on the letter she received. As she made her way into the restaurant, she wondered about this mysterious person and what her potential request was. As she climbed the stairs to the second floor, she saw a waving hand, indicating that her requester was over there. She made her way towards the woman waving her hand wildly and sat down. As she looked at the person, she realised that she was about the same age as her, suggesting that her request could be about high school problems. Sure enough, the requester, who introduced herself as Tachibana Marika, wanted Yui to assist her with her romantic life. As Marika described her past with her love, Yui realised that they were similar in that love was not kind to them and that she could sympathize with her. At the end of the story, all Yui could say was, “Just be yourself, for that is your main selling point and your true nature, I think.” Marika, having heard the advice, profusely thanked Yui before leaving the restaurant. Yui then sat there, wondering if that advice could apply to her as well.... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 由比滨结衣按照所收到信件的指示,来到了一所快餐店,一边思考着邀约她的神秘人是谁以及有什么目的。走上楼梯来到二楼,她看见有人正向她挥手,示意自己就是她找的人。她走到那人身边坐了下来,打量着对方;她跟自己差不多年纪,相信请求大概跟高中的苦恼有关吧? 那个女孩自我介绍,是叫作橘万里花,希望结衣可以对她的恋爱问题提供帮忙。听着她讲述自己的过去和恋爱故事,结衣发现对方跟自己一样,正在经历一段没有回报的恋爱,因而感同身受。到最后,结衣可以说的只有: “只要做自己就可以了,因为那是你最真实的一面和最大的特点。” 万里花听完了这份意见,对结衣表示了谢意,离开了餐厅。结衣坐着,思考这份意见是否对自己也适用... |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs. Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!)
仲村由理(Angel Beats!) vs. 由依(Angel Beats!)
Yui walks into the classroom, identifying herself as a transfer student who had just moved here along with her family. After a small introduction, she then sat next to a purple-haired girl, who happened to be the class monitor as well. During lunch break, the purple-haired girl introduced herself to Yui. Yuri: Well, transfer student, before I show you around this school, I think a proper introduction of myself is needed. I am Nakamura Yuri, the class monitor. Yui: Hello, Yuri..... Yuri: What's wrong? Yui: I don't know. I have this feeling I met you somewhere before. Yuri: That's impossible; we just met today. Yui: Yeah…you're probably right. Yuri: Come on, I shall take you on your exclusive school tour lead by yours truly now. Yuri brought Yui around the school, visiting various facilities before ending the tour at the classroom. Yui: Wow, that was an amazing tour around the school! Yuri: Yeah. Hey, I know this is kinda sudden, but would you like to join the SSS? Yui: That sounds fun! Sign me up. Yuri grunts in delight as both girls make their way to the faculty office to collect the form. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 由依刚刚跟随父母搬家,转校来到了这个课室。自我介绍完毕后,坐到了一个紫发女生旁边,而她刚好就是班长。午饭时间,紫发女孩跟由依搭话。 由理:嗨,转校生。在我带你看看校舍之前,我想我需要好好的介绍自己。我是仲村由理,这班的班长。 由依:你好,由理... 由理:有什么问题? 由依:我不知道。我有种感觉,以前曾经在哪里碰过你。 由理:不可能,我们今天才第一次见面。 由依:嗯... 大概是的。 由理:来吧,由我来带你进行一个特别的校园参观。 由理带着由依参观学校的不同设施,最后回到了课室。 由依:哇,刚刚的参观真棒! 由理:嗯。这虽然有点突然,但你想不想参加我的SSS团? 由依:看来很有趣!我要参加! 由理轻轻一笑,两人一起到办公室去拿表格。 |

Akasaka Ryūnosuke (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs. Hikigaya Hachiman (OreGairu)
赤坂龙之介(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs. 比企谷八幡(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
Deemed outcasts by society, and loners shunned by others, these two didn’t take the comments to heart and lived out their lives in their own respective ways in spite of others. To Ryūnosuke, being cooped up at home was his ideal lifestyle choice and changing it would have been a drag to him, as seen by how he would only attend school on certain days to fulfill the small amounts of responsibility he had, as well as develop an A.I to answer all forms of communication that were directed towards him. Whereas for Hachiman, due to his loner attitude, he lived by his own ideology and rules that might have creeped other people out who might have even considered him trash. Hachiman ignored them, for he knew very well how words could be more hurtful than actions, and thus steeled himself as he lived his everyday life with the loner ideology. With two outcasts fighting against each other, who do you feel has lived and felt better with their respective lifestyles? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 被社会视为异类,独行者一直被排挤;然而这两人并不把这放在心上,各自活出属于自己的精彩人生。 对赤坂龙之介来说,整天躲在家中就是他的理想生活,任何改变只是造成麻烦而已。他上学只是为了满足出席率的要求,而任何与别人沟通的需要他都交给自己设计的人工智能软件去代为处理。 比企谷八幡我行我素的风格以及独具一格的人生哲理,让别人为之恐惧甚至视为垃圾,但八幡并不在乎,因为他清楚知道言语可以比行动更伤人心,因此铁定会把自己封闭起来,独自去度过每一天。 现在这两匹孤独的狼碰上了对方,你认为哪一位活出了更精彩的人生呢? |

Ebina Nana (Himōto! Umaru-chan) vs.
Nachetanya Loei Piena Augustra (Rokka no Yūsha)
海老名菜菜(干物妹小埋) vs. 娜榭塔妮亚·露伊·彼埃纳·奥古斯特(六花的勇者)
The season has changed. Spring has successfully brought back life from its winter sleep. The spring is gone, and now it’s summer's turn to show its face to us, the season where passion and excitement are at their peak. Ebina Nana is well known among her friends as a shy girl. Her face will redden every time she talks with someone, even with her close friend. Ebina tried to overcome the excessive shyness; she tried to collect all of the courage she had to deal with her weakness. We also meet the lively and cheerful princess, Nachetanya. Possessing the power of the Saints, she used it to protect her people from the raid of the fiends that tried to dominate the world. She realized that she wasn’t all-powerful, but was fearless and eager in every battle against them. “Do it with guts!” Short but meaningful, it teaches us to not be afraid of facing problems. Even though every man has his own weakness, we need to keep believing that there's always a way to solve everything. Just like Ebina and Nachetanya, don't lose and surrender, but keep your moves straight into the future. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 季节改变了。春季已经成功把众人从冬眠之中唤醒过来。现在春季过去,迎来充满热情与刺激的夏天。 海老名菜菜是众所周知的害羞女孩。每次跟别人说话都会脸红,包括非常亲近的朋友。为了克服这份过度的害羞,菜菜非常努力,会用尽所有的勇气去面对自己的这个弱点。 娜榭塔妮亚·露伊·彼埃纳·奥古斯特是个活泼开朗的公主。拥有神圣的能力,她会保护自己的人民免受侵略世界的野心所伤害。她明白自己并非万能,但这无阻她在每一场战斗之中的无惧和激情。 “倾尽自己的勇气去做吧!” 简短却精警,这格言教导我们不要害怕困难。虽然每个人都有自己的弱点,但要解决问题就必须继续相信自己。就像菜菜和娜谢塔妮亚那样,不要放弃不要投降,保持着向前方迈进。 Musim kini telah berganti, musim semi telah berhasil membawa kembali kehidupan yang tertidur saat musim dingin. Dan kini Semi berlalu, giliran musim panas menampakkan wajahnya pada kita, musim di mana semangat dan gairah sedang berada di puncak. Ebina Nana terkenal di antara teman-temannya sebagai gadis yang pemalu. Ketika mengobrol dengan siapapun, muka Ebina akan terlihat memerah bahkan dengan teman dekatnya sendiri. Ebina berusaha untuk mengatasi rasa malunya yang berlebihan, dia mencoba untuk mengumpulkan semua keberaniannya demi mengatasi kelemahannya ini. Atau kita hendak melihat Putri Nachetanya yang sangat lincah dan periang. Dianugerahi kekuatan Saint yang digunakannya untuk melindungi rakyatnya dari para monster kegelapan yang berusaha menguasai dunia. Dia sadar bahwa dia tidaklah kuat, namun dia berani dan penuh semangat dalam setiap pertarungannya dengan para monster. "Lakukan dengan penuh nyali!" Kalimat pendek yang sarat makna, menyatakan bahwa dalam menjalani hidup jangan takut untuk berhadapan dengan masalah-masalah. Meski kita punya keterbatasan, yakinlah bahwa selalu ada cara untuk memecahkan semuanya. Seperti Ebina dan Nachetanya, kitapun jangan mau kalah dan menyerah namun tetaplah berjalan lurus menuju masa depan. |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 5 — Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Aihara Enju (Black Bullet) vs. Tina Sprout (Black Bullet)
蓝原延珠(漆黑的子弹) vs. 缇娜·斯普朗特(漆黑的子弹)
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They are tiny....They are strong....They are super cute....They are Tenchū Girls! No….no....no...they are not! Sorry for the wrong introduction. I was very excited when I heard about a derby between Tenchū, I mean Black Bullet girls in the Nova Arena. I can't hide my joy to see these kids fight for glory. They are Aihara Enju and Tina Sprout in the arena. As you all know, Enju is a cute and cheerful girl. She is a Model Rabbit and jumping around is the specialty of her class. On the battlefield she's invincible, running and jumping through the mass of Gastrea and then taking them down in one kick. Tina Sprout, you will find her with a sleepy face during the daytime. She is a Model Owl, active in the night and sleepy in the noon. Her eyes are the worst enemy for every opponent; just like an owl, she can see the movement of enemies from afar. Enough about the profiles and let's enjoy the derby. Tina Sprout versus Aihara Enju! Live from ISML Emerald Period Round 5. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 她们细小... 她们强大... 她们超级可爱... 她们是Tenchu Girls!噢,不对! 介绍出错了非常抱歉。我听到这场漆黑的子弹在新星区进行内战,实在太兴奋了。我无法掩饰自己的喜悦。蓝原延珠,缇娜·斯普朗特,为了荣誉而战! 众所周知,延珠是个可爱开朗的女孩。她的基因模型是兔子,因此四周跳来跳去是她的特色。在战场上,她所向无敌;在原肠生物群里跳来跳去,送他们致命的一脚。 缇娜在日间,会让你看到她磕睡的脸。她的基因来自猫头鹰,日间睡觉夜间出动。她的眼睛是所有敌人的剋星,能够从远距离侦测对手的行动,就像猫头鹰一样。 介绍完毕,是时候享受比赛了。世萌绿宝阶段第五场,蓝原延珠 vs 缇娜·斯普朗特! Mereka kecil... Mereka kuat... Mereka sangat imut... Mereka adalah Gadis-gadis Tenchuu! Bukan...bukan...bukan... Bukan itu! Maaf untuk perkenalan yang salah. Aku sangat bersemangat ketika mendengar bahwa akan ada derbi antara Tenchuu, maksudku antara para gadis Black Bullet di Arena Nova. Aku tidak dapat menyembunyikan kegembiraanku untuk melihat anak-anak kecil ini bertarung demi sebuah kejayaan. Di arena sana sekarang ada Aihara Enju dan Tina Sprout. Seperti yang kamu telah ketahui, Enju adalah seorang gadis imut dan periang. Dia adalah Model Kelinci dan meloncat kesana-kesini adalah keahlian dari kelasnya. Di arena tempur, dia tidak terkalahkan; berlari dan meloncat melewati para Gastrea dan menjatuhkan mereka dalam sekali tendangan. Tina Sprout, kalian akan menemukan dia dengan wajah mengantuk di siang hari. Dia adalah Model Burung Hantu, di mana aktif di malam hari namun tidur di siang hari. Matanya adalah musuh terburuk bagi para lawannya; seperti seekor burung hantu, dia dapat melihat pergerakan musuh dari jauh. Cukup dengan profil-profil mereka dan mari nikmati derbi ini. Tina Sprout versus Aihara Enju! Langsung dari ISML Periode Emerald Ronde 5! |

Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs. Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)
橘万里花(伪恋) vs. 桐崎千棘(伪恋)
Both Marika and Chitoge are falling in love with the same guy, Raku. Marika is the type of girl willing to sacrifice anything for her loved one. It reflects in how she tries to meet Raku’s criteria from when she was a child. Different from Chitoge, Marika approaches Raku in bold ways. Chitoge tends to hide her feelings, but Marika expresses hers in obvious way. Even though her ways are a bit too bold, she can sometimes show her femininity and shyness. Chitoge also tries to get Raku’s heart. Her story began when she had to pretend to be Raku’s lover. But as time went by, her feelings turned true. She has the “perfect body,” as what she says many times. Even though she seems like a harsh woman, sometimes she can make our hearts race with her cute face and actions. Not really different from Marika, she also has a promise with a boy from when she was young and she hopes that boy is Raku. So who do you think is the best for him? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 橘万里花和桐崎千棘同时爱上了一个男孩。 万里花是那种可以为爱牺牲任何东西的女孩,从她自小就为了成为男孩心中的理想女人而努力就可见一斑,而且绝不羞于用各种突出的方法去表现出自己的心意。虽然有时会过于大胆,但同时又能展现出她女性化一面的魅力。 千棘也非常努力去尝试夺得男孩的心。故事始于他们假装恋人,然而随着时间过去感情逐渐弄假成真。她拥有完美的身躯,虽然有时表现得比较刻薄,但可爱的脸孔和样貌也能让人心跳加速。 两个女孩都在年幼时跟一个男孩有一个约定,而对象很可能就是他。对他来说,谁是最适合的女孩呢? Baik Marika dan Chitoge jatuh cinta pada lelaki yang sama, Raku. Marika adalah tipe wanita yang akan mengorbankan segalanya demi yang di cintainya. Hal ini terpancar dari bagaimana ia mencoba untuk memenuhi criteria Raku ketika ia masih kecil. Lain halnya dengan Chitoge, Marika mendekati raku dengan cara terang-terangan. Chitoge lebih memilih untuk menyembunyikan perasaannya tapi marika menunjukannya dengan sangat berani. Walau ia terlalu berani, Tetapi terkadang ia mampu menunjukan sisi feminim dan malu-malunya. Di sisi lain, Chitoge juga mencoba untuk mendapatkan hati Raku. Cerita di mulai sejak ia bepura-pura pacaan dengan Raku. Tapi selang waktu berlalu, perasaannya berubah menjadi sungguhan. Ia memiliki “perfect body” seperti apa yang ia sebutkan berulang kali. Walaupun ia tampak seperti wanita yang kasar, tapi terkadang ia mampu membuat hati kita berdecak dengan dengan wajah dan aksinya yang imut. Tidak jauh berbeda dengan Marika, ia ia juga berjanji pada seorang lelaki ketika ia kecil dan ia berharap lelaki itu ialah Raku. Jadi siapa yang anda pikir pantas untuk Raku? |

Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate) vs. Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
牧濑红莉栖(命运石之门) vs. 长门有希(凉宫春日的忧郁)
ISML Library Tuesday, September 8 2015 09.00 GMT Kurisu: Excuse me, can you help me find a book? Yuki: What book? Kurisu: One about theory of relativity. I can't remember the writer's name. Yuki: Come with me. Kurisu: You're really a shy girl; can I know your name? Yuki: Name? Yuki. Nagato Yuki. Kurisu: I am Makise... Yuki: Kurisu, Makise Kurisu. A researcher and the title you're looking for is The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time by Stephen Hawking. Kurisu: Yes, Mr. Hawking. That's the name! But, how do you know about that? Yuki: This is our 14756th conversation. From that number, 1025 times you asked for a cooking book, 845 times for a history book, and 392 times for a gardening book. There were 2591 times you came with casual clothes, 243 times with sunglasses, and 910 times wearing ribbon. Kurisu: Whaaatt?? Hello, are you okay? I just approached you this morning to ask your assistance in finding a book. Where do those numbers come from? Yuki: Today is our match day. From the 14756 times we met, you lose 7232 times and 35 times ended with a tie. Kurisu: Oh come on, not again! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 世萌图书馆 2015年9月8日(星期二) 格林尼治标准时间09.00 红莉栖:不好意思,可以帮我找一本书吗? 有希:什么书? 红莉栖:一本关于相对论的书,但我记不清楚作者名字。 有希:跟我来。 红莉栖:你真是个害羞的女孩呢。你叫什么名字? 有希:名字?有希。长门有希。 红莉栖:我是牧濑... 有希:红莉栖。牧濑红莉栖。一位研究学者,你在找的书是斯蒂芬·霍金的"时空的大尺度结构"。 红莉栖:对,霍金先生。就是这个名字!不过你是怎么知道的? 有希:这是我们第14756次对话。过去这么多次,1025次你找烹饪书,845次历史书,392次园艺书。2591次你穿便服,243次戴太阳眼镜,910次戴发带。 红莉栖:什么?你还好吧?我刚刚今早才找你帮忙找一本书。那些数字哪里来的? 有希:今天是我们的比赛日。14756次相遇,7232次你落败,35次打成平手。 红莉栖:天啊,不是又来吧! Perpustakaan ISML Selasa, 8 September 2015 09.00 GMT Kurisu: Permisi, dapatkah kamu membantuku mencari sebuah buku? Yuki: Buku apa? Kurisu: Tentang teori relativitas, namun aku tidak ingat nama pengarangnya. Yuki: Ikut denganku. Kurisu: Kamu benar-benar pemalu, siapa namamu? Yuki: Nama? Yuki, Nagato Yuki. Kurisu: Aku Makise... Yuki: Kurisu, Makise Kurisu. Seorang peneliti dan buku yang kamu cari adalah "The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time" dari Stephen Hawking. Kurisu: Yeah, Tuan Hawking. Itu namanya! Tapi, kenapa kamu bisa tahu? Yuki: Ini adalah percakapan kita ke-14756 kali. Dari jumlah itu, 1025 kali kamu bertanya tentang buku memasak, 845 kali tentang bukus sejarah, and 392 kali tentang buku berkebun. Ada 2591 kali di mana kamu datang dengan pakaian kasual, 243 kali memakai kacamata, 910 kali memakai pita. Kurisu: Apaaa?? Helo, apa kamu baik-baik saja? Aku baru saja menghampirimu pagi ini untuk meminta bantuan mencari sebuah buku. Dari mana asal angka-angka itu? Yuki: Hari ini adalah hari pertandingan kita. Dari 14756 kali kita bertemu, kamu kalah 7232 kali dan 35 kali berakhir seri. Kurisu: Oh ayolah, jangan lagi! |

Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs. Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru)
五河琴里(约会大作战) vs. 金色暗影(出包王女)
“How dare you hurt my dear brother!” said Kotori with a loud voice. “I’m just following my order to kill him,” Yami replied with flat expression. With her capability, Yami turns her hair into several sharp blades. In response, Kotori in her spirit form also readies by holding elohim Gibor, the sharp and strong axe. “You are in my way, so I have to kill you first,” said Yami. She flew to Kotori’s place with open wings to try and strike her from above. Kotori dodged it and tried to counter attack with her axe. The battle continued for a long time, as both of them are formidable opponents. Kotori: “There will be no winner if we keep going like this; how about we change the battle?” Yami: “I will not lose in every battle with you. Bring it on.” Kotori: “Alright, then, let’s see who is the most charming between us. We will let other people vote for us. The most votes will determine winner.” Yami: “As I said to you, I will not lose…” Kotori: “Alright then, VOTING START!!” [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 琴里:"你竟敢伤害我的哥哥!" 小暗:"我只是在执行把他杀死的任务而已。" 金色暗影运用她的变身能力,把头发变成多把利刃。五河琴里也变身成灵装模式,手中拿着名为灼烂歼鬼的巨大战斧。 "你阻挡着我,我要先杀死你。"小暗背上出现了翅膀,飞往琴里的方向从上方攻击。琴里一个闪避,并挥斧还击。战斗持续一段时间,打成旗鼓相当。 琴里:"这样持续下去只会没完没了。不如我们改变一下战斗的模式?" 小暗:"什么模式的战斗,我都不会落败。来啊。" 琴里:"好,让我们看看我们俩谁更有魅力。让大家给我们投票,得票多者胜。" 小暗:"就像我说的,我不会落败。" 琴里:"好的,投票开始!" “Beraninya kumu melukai kakak tersayangku.” Kata Kotori dengan suara nyaring. “saya hanya menjalankan perintah untuk membunuhnya,” Yami menjawab dengan ekspresi datar. Dengan kemampuannya, Yami mengubah rambutnya menjadi beberapa pedang tajam. Sebagai respon, Kotori juga bersiap dengan elohim gibor, kapak yang tajam dan kuat. “Kamu menghalangi ku, jadi aku harus melenyapkan mu terlebih dahulu” Kata Yami. Ia terbang ke tempat Kotori dengan sayap yang teruka, mencoba untuk menyerang dari atas. Kotori menghindar dan mencoba menyerang balik dengan kapaknya. Pertarungan tetap berlangsung untuk waktu yang lama karena keduanya adalah lawan yang tangguh. Kotori: Tidak akan ada pemenang jika kita tetap seperti ini, bagaimana kalau kita mengubah pertarungan? Yami: Aku tak akan kalah di setiap pertarungan dari mu, Ayo. Kotori: Baiklah, kita lihat siapa yang paling mempesona diantara kita. Kita biarkan orang lain untuk memilih kita. Suara terbanyak akan menang. Yami: Seperti yang aku katakan, aku tak akan kalah. Kotori: baiklah, Voting MULAI! |

Albedo (Overlord) vs. Inami Mahiru (WORKING!!)
雅儿贝德(OVERLORD) vs. 伊波真昼(迷糊餐厅)
To these two, the power of love has compelled them to be braver than before, to be more than just themselves. To them, the people they like, adore, or even worship are the ones that have brought them happiness and they would gladly serve by their sides—whether it be in a castle or a restaurant, the motives are the same. To Albeldo, this guy may not be even of the same race as her, but the assertiveness and confidence he has shown to lead his tomb of servants in his conquest of world domination has left her rather impressed. She wants to worship his very presence in hopes of him noticing her newly found love towards him, a love she treasures ever so deeply. Whereas for Inami, this love of hers is a first for her, the same girl who detested every male in sight, but right now has actually fallen in love. This guy helped her remove this phobia of hers that impacted her life negatively, to the point where all interaction with that guy has caused her to fall in love with him. Love brought them forward and now they face against each other, their wills to express their love strong. Who here will take the crown known as love? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对这两人来说,爱情的力量让她们得到了勇气,超越自己。对她们来说,她们所喜欢或崇拜的人,是她们快乐的泉源;能够留在他们的身边,就会有无尽的喜悦,无论是在城堡内还是餐厅里。对雅儿贝德来说,这个男孩不一定跟自己同一个种族,但他所拥有的力量和自信,带领着他的忠仆去征服世界;对这样的他,她感到无比的敬仰,甚至陷入爱慕,一份会永远在心中珍重的感情。至于伊波真昼,这是她第一次出现这种感觉;曾经是个看见男孩就觉得讨厌的女孩,现在竟然恋爱了。这个男孩,帮助她克服了恐惧,扫除了一直笼罩着她生命的阴霾,深深的吸引住她。爱带领她们一路走下来,并在今天狭路相逢。谁对于爱的执着,可以引领她走到新的高度? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, itsukayuzuru, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 6 — Thursday, September 10, 2015

Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs. Yatogami Tōka (Date A Live)
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs. 夜刀神十香(约会大作战)
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When the wind blows, a strong, purple-haired spirit stands up. She holds a big sword named Sandalphone. With this blade, it’s really easy to cut off the enemy. Her eyes grow dark as she sees her dearest Shino covered with blood. “Yurusanai!” she screams with a really loud voice. Her voice can be heard from long away. As the condition gets worse, legendary sniper Shino hides from Tōka, waiting for the right time to release her second bullet. “I don’t accept that boy will jump and protect that spirit,” she says to herself. Shino grabs Hecate tightly and wishes that her second bullet hit the target. She moves around seeking the best place to shoot as Tōka goes on a rampage by destroying anything surround her. Shino received a special bullet from the anti-spirit organization that can shoot through the spirit. Will Shino shoot Tōka first, or will she get caught by Tōka? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 在微风的吹送下,紫发的精灵持着大剑"鏖杀公"站了起来;凭着这片刀锋,她曾经把无数的敌人劈成两半。看着最重要的那个男孩满身鲜血,她的眼睛蒙上了一层黑影。"不能原谅!"即使在远处,都能听见夜刀神十香的吼叫。 传奇的狙击手朝田诗乃躲了起来,等待着发射第二发子弹的机会。"我没有想到那个男孩会跳起来保护那只精灵呢。"她手里握着赫卡蒂,自言自语着。她快速移动,寻找最适合发射第二次的地点。十香正愤怒地四处破坏,只有自己的子弹可以贯穿她。 诗乃能够击倒十香吗?还是会首先被震怒的精灵发现? Ketika angin berhembus, roh berambut ungu yang kuat pun berdiri. Ia memegang pedang besar bernama Sandalphone. Dengan pedang tersebut, sangat mudah untuk memotong lawannya. Matanya menjading gelap saat ia melihat Shido kesayangannya berlumuran darah. “Yurusanai” ia berteriak dengan suara lantang. Suaranya mampu terdengar dari kejauhan. Ketika kondisi menjadi semakin buruk, penembak legenda Shino bersembunyi dari Tōka, menunggu saat yang tepat untuk menembakan peluru ke duanya. “Aku tak menyangka anak itu akan lompat melindunginya” kata Shino pada dirinya sendiri. Shino mengambil Hecatenya erat-erat dan berharap peluru kedua mampu mengenai sasarannya. Ia berpindah ke sekeliling mencari tempat yang pas untuk menembak saat Tōka menjadi tak terkendali dengan menghancurkan apa yang ada di sekelilingnya. Shino menerima peluru special dari organisasi anti spirit yang mampu menembus roh. Apakah Shino mampu menembak Tōka dulu atau ia akan tertangkap oleh Tōka duluan? |

Sento Isuzu (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live)
千斗五十铃(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 时崎狂三(约会大作战)
Isuzu walked up to the porch of the abandoned building, as stated by a menacing letter mailed to the park. Wanting to resolve this without any trouble, she decided to settle this issue herself. She walked up the musty stairs to the ominous and creepy building. Suddenly, a bullet shot out of nowhere and Isuzu, with her fast reflexes, shot the bullet with ease with her pair of muzzleloaders and called for the attacker to reveal herself. From the shadows came Kurumi, a psychotic smile on her face. They then engaged in a small conversation. Isuzu: I would assume you are the one who dares threaten the park's safety. Kurumi: Nah, it was just a ploy to lure you out. But maybe I should... Isuzu: If you have the audacity to endanger the park's inhabitants... Isuzu then shot out a lightning fast bullet at Kurumi, barely missing her nape, which surprised Kurumi. Isuzu: I missed on purpose. Kurumi: Ohoho, so you want to play serious, eh? Then serious it shall be. Kurumi then sent out her clones to attack with a vicious yell to kill their target, causing the battle to start. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 千斗五十铃依照寄往游乐园一封信里的指示,走上一座荒废的建筑。内心抱着能独自解决问题的希望,她沿着楼梯登上了这座散发着阴森气息的大厦。突然,一发子弹激射而出;凭着惊人的反射,五十铃避开了攻击,抽出了自己的手枪,高呼攻击者现身。从阴影里,时崎狂三带着神经质的笑容出现了。 五十铃:看来你就是胆敢对游乐园发出威胁信的那个人呢。 狂三:哈,这只是引你出来的一个陷阱。不过或许我应该... 五十铃:你胆敢危害游乐园内居民安危的话... 五十铃手枪内发出一发子弹,仅仅擦过了略显惊讶的狂三。 五十铃:刚刚是故意射失的。 狂三:呵呵呵,看来你想认真玩呢。那么... 狂三的分身出现,高呼着要杀死目标。战斗就这样开始。 Isuzu berjalan ke atas ke teras bangunan yang ditinggalkan, seperti yang tertera dalam surat ancaman yang di kirimkan ke taman. Ingin menyelesaikan hal ini tanpa masalah, ia memutuskan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini sendiri. Ia berjalan keatas tangga yang apak, bangunan yang menyeramkan dan buruk. Tiba-tiba, sebutir peluru ditembakan dari entah mana asalnya dan Isuzu dengan reflek yang cepat menembak peluru dengan mudah dengan sepasang muzzleloadersnya dan menyerukan penyerang untuk mengungkapkan dirinya. Dari bayang-bayang, datang Kurumi, dengan senyum psikotik di wajahnya. Mereka kemudian terlibat dalam percakapan kecil. Isuzu: Saya kira, anda adalah orang yang berani mengancam keselamatan taman. Kurumi: Nah, itu hanya siasat untuk memikat Anda keluar. Tapi mungkin aku harus… Isuzu: Jika kamu memiliki keberanian untuk membahayakan penduduk taman.. Kemudian Isuzu menembakan peluru secepat kilat kearah Kurumi. Ia nyaris kehilangan tengkuknya, hal itu mengejutkan Kurumi. Isuzu: Yang tadi disengaja meleset Kurumi: ohoho, Jadi kamu mau main serius, itu sudah seharusnya. Kurumi kemudian mengirimkan klon nya untuk menyerang dengan teriakan setan untuk membunuh target mereka, menyebabkan pertempuran dimulai. |

Gilgamesh (Fate Series) vs. Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
吉尔伽美什(Fate系列) vs. 一方通行(魔法禁书目录)
The evening air is tense as two male figures make their ways to the center of the soon-to-be battlefield. One with shining golden armor to showcase his immeasurable wealth, the other holding a crutch in his hand for balance, his bored expression betraying the true ferocity inside. Both are deemed the strongest in their own trades, but there can only be one who rises above the other. Gilgamesh, the famed king of heroes, is the keeper of many treasures. Through the access of the Gate of Babylon, his wide array of swords and chains that rain down on his opponents are not easy to deal with. Accelerator, however, is not one to be taken likely. Wielding the ability to alter the vector of anything he touches, projectiles that fly his way would mostly certainly be reflected. To win, strategy has to come in play. The meeting of the strongest men will most definitely not end in peace. Shall the victor of this battle be the Great King of Uruk, the first and self-proclaimed most powerful of heroes? Or the man who stands above everyone in the city as the strongest level five esper? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 黄昏的空气非常沉重,战场上的两个男人向着对方慢慢走近。其中一人全身金闪闪的盔甲,炫耀着他的财富;另一人手撑拐杖,漠不关心的表情隐藏着内里的杀气。两人都被誉为最强,但只有一人可以在战斗完结时站着。 被称为英雄之王的吉尔伽美什,收藏着无数宝藏。通过巴比伦之门,他可以挥洒无尽的剑和链,让敌人手忙脚乱。可是一方通行并不是一个简单的对手,拥有着改变任何向量的能力,所有往他飞的东西都肯定会被弹开。要赢,需要使用策略。最强男人的交战,必定不会和平结束。 在这场比赛胜出的,会是自称众英雄之中最强的乌鲁克之王?还是在学园都市站在所有人之上,最强的Lv5超能力者? |

L Lawliet (Death Note) vs. Okabe Rintarō (Steins;Gate)
L Lawliet(死亡笔记) vs. 冈部伦太郎(命运石之门)
Geniuses are often known by those around them for their eccentricities rather than their achievements, and none make this more clear than these two. At first glance, L's odd mannerisms and appearances would deceive one into thinking he is no more than a lousy shut in. Understandably, messy hair, unhealthy eating habits, and severely inappropriate sitting postures don't exactly scream "best detective in the world". As unbelievable as it is, L is the working mind behind almost every impossible case solved globally, keeping his identity secret until the serial killer Kira forces him to set his life on the line for justice. Not to be mistaken for a crazy fool babbling nonsense, Okabe is the founder of the Future Gadget Laboratory who seeks to study the prospect of time travel, though his odd contraption for doing so would lead people to question his sanity. The phone microwave, however, is far from a fluke. It stems from the great intellect of this mad scientist, who is affectionately remembered for his melodramatic and eccentric nature. Never judge a book by its cover, for the mind of the odd and weird is often the mind of a genius. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 天才,旁人总是在意他们的怪诞,而非他们的成就。这两个男人,正好展现了这一点。 初次见面,L的特异行为和外表,让人感觉像个隐蔽死宅。零乱的头发,不健康的饮食习惯,奇怪的坐姿,都不像"世上最优秀的侦探"。然而,L正正就是破解世界上无数悬案,一直保持身份隐密的天才侦探;直到连环杀手奇拿的出现让他不得不露脸主持正义。 虽然经常口吐让人无法理解的奇特话语,但冈部伦太郎可是未来道具研究所的创办人,致力研究时空旅行,疯狂程度让人以为他是疯子。电话微波,绝不是误打误撞的产物,而是这个疯狂科学家呕心沥血之作,虽然他的行为荒诞不羁但他的成就让人无法忘记。 永远不要以貌取人。奇特古怪的脑袋,可能是一个天才的脑袋。 Orang-orang jenius lebih dikenal oleh lingkungan sekeliling mereka karena ke-eksentrikan mereka dibandingkan karya dan pencapaian mereka. Dan, tidak ada yang contoh yang lebih baik dibandingkan kedua kontestan kita kali ini. Sekilas, penampilan dan perilaku ganjil L akan membuat semua orang kecele dan menganggapnya hanya seorang yang "kuper" dan hanya mengurung diri. Itu dapat dimengerti; rambut berantakan, pola makan buruk, dan bermacam-macam posisi duduk yang aneh tidak mencerminkan seorang yang dikenal sebagai "Detektif Terbaik di Dunia." |

Ebisuzawa Kurumi (Gakkō Gurashi!) vs. Shiragami Yōko (Jitsu wa Watashi wa)
惠飞须泽胡桃(学园孤岛) vs. 白神叶子(其实我是)
One, a warrior amongst her teammates in their bid to save their lives, the other, a vampire, a supernatural creature of noble status. There's no doubt that these two have to act more mature than the rest of their friends to fulfill their roles. For Kurumi, it means steeling herself in the face of death, withholding the tears and anguish she has inside. Whereas for Yōko, it means hiding her identity in fear of being found out in a human-populated school. Despite their circumstances, they are still girls, teenagers who possess innocent hearts and will take any opportunity to relax the serious natures they put up. Kurumi treasures each and every relaxing moment, for it allows her to let down her hair and just be herself instead of someone who has to be brave even when she wants to let it all out. For Yōko, days where she can go out and play without risking her identity are fantastic to her, for she can be with her dear friends that keep her secrets well. In the end, who do you feel plays the role each of them acts well? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 一人,是团体之中的勇士,致力拯救同伴;另一人,是拥有高尚身份的超自然存在,吸血鬼。无可置疑,她们都比她们的同侪表现得更为成熟,才能担当起自己的职责。惠飞须泽胡桃必须冷然面对死亡,把内心的愤怒和泪水深深藏起。白神叶子,则需要在四周尽是人类的学校里面隐藏自己的身份。 虽然她们处身于特殊的情景,但毕竟还是女孩,拥有着年轻人纯真的心,有机会的话也想放松自己的神经从紧张的日子里休息一下。胡桃非常珍惜每个轻松的时刻,可以放下头发做回自己,而非在自己想尽情发泄情感时仍要强装坚强的人。对叶子来说,能够不担心身份外泄而尽情玩乐就是最棒的时刻,而且身边还有能够保守秘密的好朋友。 你觉得,谁更能恰如其份地扮演自己的角色呢? |

Rory Mercury (GATE: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri) vs.
Koshigaya Komari (Non Non Biyori)
萝莉·麦丘利(GATE 奇幻自卫队) vs. 越谷小鞠(悠哉日常大王)
Age and height, don't ask of these forbidden matters to a woman. What if the physical appearance of someone doesn't reflect the personality, especially for women? Maybe we can see that through these loli, Rory Mercury and Koshigaya Komari. Rory Mercury is a priestess who serves the god Emloy and travels the entire kingdom to spread his teachings. Because she's the true envoy of the god, she can live for eternity. Rory will always look ageless in her tiny body with her favorite dark gothic clothes; she thinks the clothes are the most suitable for a priestess. But one more warning, don’t ask about her age! We move to the countryside of Asahigaoka where Koshigaya Komari lives. At a glance, you will see Komari as an elementary school kid because of her height, but do you know that Komari has a younger sister? Don't be surprised, she's the shortest member of her family, but that can't hide the fact that she's beloved, mature, kind, and, moreover, cute. Is it Rory with her teachings, or Komari with the warmth of her heart? One thing is certain, they're moe! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 年纪和身高。永远不要问女人这些问题。外表并不反映一个人的个性,尤其是女人。看这两个萝莉就知道了:萝莉·麦丘利和越谷小鞠。 萝莉是伺奉神的女主教,并在王国里四处游历去散布神的教育。由于她是神的代言人,她长生不老,永远保持着幼女的体型。她喜欢穿哥特萝莉装,认为这是最适合自己身份的服装。不过不要问她的年纪,因为很重要所以说两遍! 现在我们移步到郊区,去到小鞠居住的地方。第一眼看到她的身高,你必定会以为她是个小学生;但你知道她其实还有个妹妹吗?虽然她是全家最矮的,但她却备受众人宠爱;成熟,温柔,更重要的是可爱。 萝莉的教育,小鞠的温暖。谁更吸引?然而可以肯定的是,她们都很萌! Umur dan tinggi badan, jangan tanyakan dua hal terlarang ini pada wanita. Bagaimana jika keadaan fisik seseorang tidak mencerminkan pribadi orang tersebut, terutama pada para wanita? Mungkin bisa terlihat dari dua loli ini, Rory Mercury dan Koshigaya Komari. Rory Mercury adalah seorang pendeta yang melayani Dewa Emloy dan berkelana ke seluruh kerajaan untuk menyebarkan ajaran Dewa Emloy, dan karena dia utusan langsung dewa maka dia dapat hidup abadi. Rory akan selalu awet muda dengan tubuh kecil yang dibalut pakaian gotik gelap favoritnya; dia mengganggap bahwa pakaian itu adalah yang paling pas bagi seorang pendeta. Tapi sekali lagi peringatan, Jangan tanya umur! Atau kita berkunjung ke pinggiran kota Asahigaoka, di mana Koshigaya Komari tinggal. Sepintas dilihat Komari terlihat seperti anak SD oleh karena tinggi badannya, tapi tahukah kamu bahwa Komari justru punya seorang adik perempuan? Jangan kaget, dia memang anggota paling kecil di keluarganya namun hal itu tidak menghilangkan kenyataan bahwa dia disukai; dewasa, baik hati terlebih lagi dia sangat imut. Apakah Rory dengan ajarannya ataukah Komari dengan kehangatan hatinya? Satu hal yang pasti, mereka Moe! |
Thanks to BugH, Kurogarasu, Fuijiwara, Reverend, itsukayuzuru, and Just
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald 7 — Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sento Isuzu (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu)
千斗五十铃(甘城光辉游乐园) vs. 由比滨结衣(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题)
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“Chocolate for Love” ISML Nova Female Dormitory, Sento Isuzu’s Room Saturday, September 12, 2015 09.00 GMT Isuzu: Sorry, Yuigahama-san, for calling you to my place. Yui: No problem at all, I’m free. Can I help you? Isuzu: Mmm…I need some advice about a present for someone. Yui: For someone? Hehe…Let me guess, is it Ka... Isuzu: Stop that! It’s not like you think. I just want to say thanks for his help. Yui: Hoo...I got it. How about chocolate? Isuzu: Chocolate? Yui: Yes! Homemade chocolate. He will love it. Isuzu: If you say so. Let’s make it. Yui: Yes! Wait a minute. I will bring the stuff. *10 minutes later and they started to make chocolate Isuzu: Wonderful, you’re an expert. Are your hands good in making anything? Yui: Hehe...actually I’m bad at making any sweets or other dishes. I know the steps in making chocolate because I made it once in the past. Isuzu: You did? For whom? Yui: Can we skip that? Isuzu: Please continue, WHO IS THIS GUY? Yui: Calm down, Sento-san, I’ll tell you later, but let’s focus on the chocolate this time, okay? Isuzu: I’ll wait. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] “恋爱的巧克力” 世萌新星女生宿舍,千斗五十铃的房间 2015年9月12日(星期六) 格林尼治标准时间 09.00 五十铃:不好意思,让由比滨桑过来我的地方。 结衣:没有问题,我有空。有什么可以帮你呢? 五十铃:唔... 我需要一份关于礼物的建议。 结衣:给别人的么?嘻嘻... 让我猜,是可... 五十铃:不要!不是你想象的那样。我只是想对他的帮忙表达谢意。 结衣:呵... 明白了。巧克力怎样? 五十铃:巧克力? 结衣:对!自制的巧克力。他一定会喜欢。 五十铃:你这样说的话,好吧。动手吧。 结衣:好!等等,我去拿材料。 *十分钟后,她们开始制作巧克力* 五十铃:太棒了,你真是个专家。你制作什么东西都那么厉害吗? 结衣:嘻嘻... 其实我制作糖果和其他食物都很糟糕。我懂得做巧克力,只是因为以前试过。 五十铃:你有?给谁? 结衣:不说这个可以吗? 五十铃:说啊,是谁? 结衣:冷静一点啊千斗桑,我待会告诉你。现在先专心做巧克力吧,好不? 五十铃:好吧,我等。 “Cokelat untuk Cinta” Asrama Wanita Nova, Kamar Sento Isuzu Sabtu, 12 September 2015 09.00 GMT Isuzu: Maaf Yuigahama-san untuk memanggilmu kemari. Yui: Tidak masalah, aku sendang bebas. Ada yang bisa kubantu? Isuzu: Mmm.. Aku butuh saran untuk sebuah hadiah kepada seseorang. Yui: Untuk seseorang? Biar kutebak, apakah Ka... Isuzu: Hentikan! Ini tidak seperti yang kamu pikirkan. Aku hanya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuannya. Yui: Hoo.... Aku paham. Bagaimana kalau cokelat? Isuzu: Cokelat? Yui: Ya! Coklat rumahan. Dia pasti menyukainya. Isuzu: Jika kamu berkata demikian. Ayo kita buat. Yui: Ya! Tunggu sebentar, akan kuambilkan bahan-bahannya. *10 menit kemudian dan mereka mulai membuat cokelat Isuzu: Luar biasa, kamu ahlinya. Apakah tanganmu cukup lihai dalam membuat apapun? Yui: Hehe... Namun sebenarnya aku cukup buruk dalam membuat manisan ataupun makanan lainnya. Aku tahu langkah-langkah membuat cokelat karena aku pernah membuatnya sekali dulu. Isuzu: Kamu pernah? Untuk siapa? Yui: Bisakah kita lewati hal itu? Isuzu: Tolong lanjutkan, SIAPA LELAKI ITU? Yui: Tenang Sento-san, aku akan memberitahumu nanti, namun sekarang mari fokus ke cokelat, ya? Isuzu: Aku akan menunggu |

Himeragi Yukina (Strike the Blood) vs. Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai)
姬柊雪菜(噬血狂袭) vs. 夜夜(机巧少女不会受伤)
Honoka walks past the dressing rooms, wanting to quickly get into her own personal room and relax for the day. As she approaches her room, she hears a squabble happening close by and decides to take a look. Upon reaching the area where the noise came from, she realises it is an argument between two contestants, Himeargi Yukina and Yaya. In order to get a closer hear on their engagement, Honoka quickly rushes to the wall just beside them. She then listens in to their squabble: Yaya: As I told you, my Raishin is so much better than whatever your man could hope to achieve. Just give it up. Yukina: No, my senpai is totally much better than your man. I bet he heavily relies on you just to achieve something in his life. Rather pathetic, don't you think? Yaya: Why, you jungle woman… Yukina: Bring it on then, mere doll. Yukina and Yaya then slam their heads together, glaring at the opposition and angrily staring each other down. Honoka, wanting no part of it, decides to just head back into her room, trying to forget all that just happened. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 高坂穗乃果快步走过更衣室,希望回到自己的房间休息一下。正快要走到的时候,忽然听到附近有点声音;好奇的她决定去一探究竟,只见两名参赛者正在吵架,却是姬柊雪菜和夜夜。悄没声的慢慢走近,听到她们吵架的内容。 夜夜:正如我所说的,我的雷真比你的男人要棒得多,可以说是望尘莫及,放弃吧。 雪菜:才不,我的前辈优秀得多呢。他一直在依赖你,去达到生命里的某些目的。真是差劲呢,对不? 夜夜:你,你这个野女人... 雪菜:来啊,你这个人偶。 雪菜和夜夜开始动起手来,要喷出火来的目光怒视着对方。不想被牵涉在内的穗乃果静悄悄的离开,尝试把刚刚看见的东西从记忆抹除掉。 |

Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu) vs. Shiro (No Game No Life)
雪之下雪乃(我的青春恋爱喜剧果然有问题) vs. 白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生)
At first glance, these two girls are no doubt rather fearsome to face against, one a total ice queen with a glib tongue that could shut anyone down instantly, the other a genius that is able to process more than a hundred ways to beat you in every single game. But, that is just merely touching the surface, as in order to find their true nature, you have to delve a bit deeper. For Yukino, she is just someone requiring the care of someone else in her life, a life that she would gladly exchange with another for. That is how much loneliness she felt by herself, having to put up the cold mask everyday in order to dissuade anyone from suspecting her weakness. Whereas for Shiro, her brother, while not as smart as her, is what keeps her going in life and is her pillar of life. Without him, she cannot function normally. This showcases the love and bond she has with her brother that truly are what's most important in her life, as loneliness is something she never wants to experience.... Having known your characters’ true sides, would you still pick them? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 第一眼看去,这两个女孩都是令人惊栗的对手。其中一个是冰雪女王,如簧之舌可以让任何人哑口无言;另一个是个天才,可以想出超过一百种方法让你在每个游戏里落败。然而,想要认识真正的她们,不能只看外表,需要更深入的尝试了解。 雪之下雪乃深切的需要别人的关怀,渴求得愿意跟任何人交换彼此的生活。只有她自己可以明白的孤独,每天戴着冰冷的面罩去隐藏自己脆弱的一面。 对白来说,她的兄长是她生命的支柱和泉源。没有了他,她不可能正常的过活。跟兄长的爱和羁绊,对白而言是生命中最重要的事物,孤单是她永远不想体会的滋味。 看到了她们的真正一面,你还会选择她们吗? |

Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series) vs. Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online)
伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦(Fate系列) vs. 结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域)
Asuna rushed past the fallen trees as she made her way deeper into the destroyed forest, hoping to catch the perpetrator of this mess. As she made her way into the middle of the forest, she noticed a girl with her back facing Asuna. She then turned around and Asuna instantly recognised her face as Illyasivel von Einzbern, one of her opponents she had not yet faced. She then questioned her: Asuna: Are you the one that caused this? Illyasivel: What if I did? Asuna: That's totally unacceptable. How could you take down this forest? This was a sacred forest in the area for the villagers. Illyasivel: I see it as a mere tool to lure you out. Berserker, NOW! Berserker then jumped in out of nowhere and slammed the ground hard, causing a fissure to form. Luckily, Asuna evaded the blow and flew away to safety as she materialized her wings, avoiding the dreadful combo. But, luck wasn't on her side, as both of them, with Illaysivel having turned into Archer using her kaleidostick, were furiously chasing Asuna down, forcing her to fight back if she wanted to live through this ordeal. She then began to cast her spell.... [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 结城明日奈快步走过树木纷纷倒塌的密林,追赶着造成这次混乱的元凶,就是前方那个背对着自己的女孩。忽然那女孩停步转身,亚丝娜立刻认出她是伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦,是一个自己从来不曾碰上过的对手。 亚丝娜:是你造成现在这个状况的么? 伊莉雅:是又怎样? 亚丝娜:这完全不能接受。你为什么要破坏这个树林,这对附近的村民来说可是神圣的地方。 伊莉雅:我只把它视作引你出来的工具。狂战士!就是现在! 狂战士突然出现,重击地面,打出了一道裂缝。亚丝娜敏捷地避过了冲击,凭借背上出现的翅膀一飞上天。伊莉雅一挥魔棒,往亚丝娜疾冲而来;亚丝娜不得不应战,开始发动咒语... |

Takanashi Rikka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs. Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto)
小鸟游六花(中二病也想谈恋爱) vs. 新垣绫濑(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
From 2013 to now, Aragaki Ayase has been well known as a unique contestant of ISML history. She has crushed many strong opponents that she couldn't beat before, and recorded 6th place in 2013, 4th place last year. She is still proving she herself is a big shot of ISML by beating top tier contestants this year despite a handicap of Kuroneko's absence. In front of this Ayase, a girl who wants revenge on her, Takanashi Rikka, has appeared. For Rikka, Ayase is an unforgettable opponent. Back in 2013, Takanashi Rikka, who was considered Nova Top 2 then, was sunk in vain by Ayase's improvement at the first round of the final league. Perhaps this might be why she couldn't reach a higher round in contrast with Ayase. Even though she is still suffering in this regular season, she wants to present Ayase her lethal move, “Judgement Lucifer.” Finally, after two years, these two enemies meet again! [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 从2013年到现在,新垣绫濑一直在世萌的历史享有独特的地位。在2013年,她击败了无数从前望尘莫及的强劲对手,并且获得第六名,去年更上一层楼获得第四。今年,虽然黑猫缺席,但她依然击败了很多Lv1的对手,证明自己依然是列强之一。 在绫濑面前,出现了一个想报仇的少女,小鸟游六花。对她来说,绫濑是个难忘的对手;2013年作为新星最强二人的其中一位,六花在联盟总决赛的第一轮就被突飞猛进的绫濑淘汰,并成为她无法获得高名次的关键。虽然今年暂时表现普通,但对着绫濑她必定会施展浑身解数。 相隔两年,这两名对手终于再次碰上了! |

Kamijō Tōma (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Gilgamesh (Fate Series)
上条当麻(魔法禁书目录) vs. 吉尔伽美什(Fate系列)
What do you think about these guys? One is a guy surrounded by unfortunates as long as he lives, and the other once was a great king in his era. We can see a huge gap of reality between them. Kamijō Tōma has lived in Academy City since he was a kid. His father was the one who sent him in there in order to cure the illness he had, the bad luck. People called him the plague because of this; that's why his father wants to move Tōma to the place where any kind of mystics doesn't exist. But there's an anomaly, the girls started to gather around him and there’s no explanation about this phenomena. Gilgamesh is known as one of greatest king in human history and that's why he was called back to this era as a Heroic Spirit. King of kings, he called himself, as the leader of all kings in the world and claimed that all kinds of treasures belonged to him. Arrogant and overconfident, that's Gilgamesh, but someday, those things will be the cause of his fall just like the other humans. And this is it, the bad-luck-high-schooler versus the glorious king. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 你对着两个男孩有什么看法?其中一个是生命中备受不幸缠绕的少年,另一个是全时代里其中一位伟大的王。他们的处境,大概是南辕北撤吧。 上条当麻从小就居住在学园都市,被父亲送来尝试医治他的一个疾病:不幸。因为这个原因,别人视他为瘟疫,因此父亲希望把他送到一个这些蜚语不存在的地方。然而,他身边开始被一大群女生包围,而这个现象并没有一个合理的解释呢。 吉尔伽美什被视为人类史上其中一位最伟大的王,并且以英雄之灵的身份被召唤到这个时代。作为众王之王,他自称为所有王的领袖,所有宝藏都应该属于他。过剩的自我意识和自大,正是吉尔伽美什,然而终有一天这些特质会让他跟其他人类一样倒下。 就是这样,不幸的高校生对伟大的王。 Apa yang kalian pikirkan tentang kedua pria ini? Yang satu dikelilingi oleh ketidakberuntungan selama hidupnya, dan yang lainnya adalah raja yang hebat di masanya. Kita dapat melihat celah yang lebar di antara realitas mereka berdua. Kamijō Tōma sudah tinggal di Kota Pelajar sejak kecil. Ayahnya adalah orang yang mengirimnya ke sana dengan tujuan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit yang dimilikinya, nasib buruk. Orang-orang memanggilnya wabah karena hal ini, itulah mengapa ayah Tōma mau memindahkannya ke tempat di mana hal-hal mistis tidak ada. Namun ada satu anomali, para g adis mulai berkumpul di sekitarnya dan tetap tidak ada penjelasan atas fenomena ini. Gilgamesh dikenal sebagai satu dari raja-raja terhebat sepanjang sejarah manusia dan itulah sebabnya dia dipanggil kembali ke masa ini sebagai Roh Pahlawan. Raja atas raja, dia memanggil dirinya sebagai pemimpin atas seluruh raja di dunia dan menyatakan bahwa semua harta peninggalan adalah kepunyaannya. Arogan dan terlalu percaya diri, itulah Gilgamesh, namun suatu saat hal-hal itulah yang akan menjadi penyebab kejatuhannya seperti pada manusia lainnya. Dan inilah dia, siswa SMA bernasib buruk melawan raja yang terhebat. |

Doma Umaru (Himōto! Umaru-chan) vs. Kohashi Wakaba (Wakaba Girl)
土间埋(干物妹小埋) vs. 小桥若叶(若叶女孩)
No matter how you say no, there is no denying the fact that both Umaru and Wakaba are two very adorable beings not just in looks, but in personality, as well. This feature of theirs has certainly attracted many fans who simply cannot resist the cute charms from the two of them. For Umaru, she lives a double life—one of a perfect student, with perfect grades, excellent in sports, as well as graceful in nature. But, behind the closed door of her home, she turns into another human altogether, living a life of a total otaku. Gaming, reading manga, watching anime—you name it. Whereas for Wakaba, having lived a life of a sheltered rich girl for so long, she has not been exposed to many things in the outside world. So, with the entrance to a normal high school, she has embraced the life she has wanted for so long—the life of a gyaru girl, a stylish girl in today's society, and she continues to embrace it with her friends as she learns new things each and every day. However, as these two meet early, only one can move on. Whom shall it be? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 无论你怎么否认,都改变不了土间埋和小桥若叶氏两个可爱女孩的事实;不单是她们的外表,还有她们的个性,让无数支持者为之倾倒。 埋过着两种不同的生活:在学校她是个完美学生,成绩优秀运动也非常出众,性格也很可人。但一旦在家里,她就完全变成一个死宅,玩游戏看漫画看动画,诸如此类。 若叶几乎毕生都过着受保护的富贵女孩生活,并没有很多机会接触外面的世界。进入高中之后,她终于得到她梦寐以求的生活:以一个潮流少女的身份,与朋友一同度过每一天,学习不同的事物。 然而二女碰上,只有一人能够晋级。会是谁呢? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, LOveLive!, BugH, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Emerald Necklace Showdown — Thursday, September 17, 2015

Yoshino (Date A Live) vs.
Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Yatogami Tōka (Date A Live) vs.
Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown) vs.
Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi) vs.
Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs.
Yuigahama Yui (OreGairu)
四糸乃(约会大作战) vs.
椎名真白(樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs.
夜刀神十香(约会大作战) vs.
楪祈(原罪之冠) vs.
桐崎千棘(伪恋) vs.
中野梓(K-ON!) vs.
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There lived a faerie named Emeraldlina, who descended from a clan of faeries with the ability to create something special—the Emerald Necklace. Each year, a representative of the clan would present the necklace to one was most deserving, and it is now Emeraldlina's turn. On the day of the event, she set off from the village, notified of the arrival of the seven potential candidates. Enthusiasm flowed through her veins as she wandered about, hoping to find the first person. As she approached the river, she noticed a blonde, long-haired girl drawing a portrait for a blonde beauty, a beauty that even faerie models could not compare to. As she took a peek at the picture, she was mesmerised by the picturesque drawing, which alerted her presence to both girls. Having realised her mistake, she quickly flew off to prevent them from seeing her. As she flew around, suddenly a happy tune could be heard, which attracted the attention of Emeraldlina as she made her way to the source of the music. The source turned out to be a twin-tailed girl strumming a tune with her guitar. The girl attracted the attention of various animals singing along with the tune, the very sight of which amused her. Emeraldlina then flew up high to see whether she could spot the remaining four contestants, having seen three amazing ones so far, when she saw two girls who seemed to have been caught up in some sort of faerie trap. With a twist of her finger, Emeraldlina cast a small spell that set free both girls, one with blue hair, the other purple, both of which seemed to be bewildered by the phenomenon that had happened but moved on regardless. Finally, after awhile, Emeraldlina spotted the final duo, one a bubbly orange-haired girl who seemed to be trying to motivate a silent pink-haired girl to be happier and who seemed to have no response to any of her antics. Having spotted all of the contestants, Emeraldlina then used her magic to amplify her voice as she sang a song, which spoke of the necklace only given to one who overcomes all in the middle of the forest. Having finished the song, she approached the ground and slowly walked to the middle, hoping to meet the winner. [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 传说中居住着一群仙子,她们具有制造绿宝石项链的能力。每年,她们会选出一位代表,去寻找最配得上项链的主人,而今年的代表是翡翠莉娜。她出发往村庄去寻找这位合适的主人,内心充满着热情和振奋。走近河流,只见一名长金发的女孩正在替另一名金发女孩画画像,那名女孩非常美丽,连仙子都比不上;而那双巧手所画出的画像,更是让这种美跃然纸上。沉醉于震撼之中的她,几乎惊动了两名女孩,赶忙在被发现之前离去。飞着飞着,忽然听到一阵悠扬的音乐,吸引了她的注意;飞往音乐的源头,却原来是个双马尾的女孩正在弹奏吉他,动听的音乐甚至把四周的动物都吸引过来了。继续寻找其他候选人,途中发现两名女孩似乎被某种精灵的陷阱困住了;悄悄地施法帮助她们脱困,只见其中一位是个蓝发的小女孩,另一位则是紫色头发。继续她的旅程,终于找到了最后两位候选的女孩:一个活泼有阳光气息的橙发少女似乎正在努力尝试让一个粉红色头发的女孩心情好起来,但看似是徒劳无功。看过所有女孩之后,她施展魔法放大自己的声线,高歌一曲,诉说关于项链的故事:只有跨越所有挑战,最先抵达森林中央的女孩,才能得到它。一曲既毕,她缓缓的飞到森林的中央,等待着胜利者的来临。 Ada hidup seorang peri bernama Emeraldlina, yang telah di turunkan dariketurunan peri yang mampu menghasilkan sesuatu yang special- kalung Emerald. Setiap tahun, perwakilan dari keturunan tersebut memberikan hadiah itu bagi siapa yang pantas mendapatkannya, dan sekarang adalah giliran Emeraldlina. Di hari eventnya, Emeraldlina berangkat dari desanya saat ia deberi tahu tentang 7 kadidat potensial. Antusiasme mengalir dalam pembuluhnya dan sembari ia berpikir, berharap menemukan orang pertama. Saat ia mendekati sungai, ia melihat seorang gadis berambut panjang pirang menggambar potret untuk kecantikan pirang, keindahan yang bahkan model peri tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan nya. Saat ia mengintip gambar tersebut, ia terkagum oleh keindahan gambar tersebut, yang mengingatkannya tentang kehadiran 2 perempuan. Setelah menyadari kesalahannya, ia dengan cepat terbang untuk mencegah kedua gadis dari melihat nya. Saat ia terbang di sekitar, tiba-tiba, lagu yang bahagia dapat didengar, hal itu menarik perhatian Emeraldlina saat ia berjalan ke sumber musik. Sumber itu ternyata seorang gadis twintailed yang memetik sebuah lagu dengan gitar. Dia kemudian melihat gadis itu menarik perhatian berbagai hewan yang bernyanyi bersama dengan lagu, yang membuatnya tertarik oleh pemandangan yang sangat indah. Emeraldlina kemudian terbang tinggi untuk melihat apakah dia bisa melihat sisa empat kontestan lainnya, setelah melihat tiga yang menakjubkan sejauh ini, ketika ia melihat dua gadis yang tampaknya telah terperangkap dalam semacam jebakan alam gaib. Dengan jentikan jarinya, Emeraldlina membaca mantra kecil yang membebaskan cewek itu, satu dengan rambut biru, ungu lainnya, yang kedua tampaknya bingung dengan fenomena yang terjadi tapi tetap berpindah. Akhirnya, setelah beberapa saat, Emeraldlina akhirnya melihat duo akhir, satu gadis berambut oranye bergelembung yang tampaknya mencoba untuk memotivasi gadis berambut merah muda pendiam untuk menjadi lebih bahagia, yang tampaknya tidak memiliki respon apapun dari kejenakaan nya. Setelah melihat semua kontestan, ia kemudian menggunakan sihirnya untuk memperkuat suaranya saat ia menyanyikan lagu, yang berbicara dari kalung hanya diberikan kepada satu yang mampu mengalahkan semua yang berada di tengah hutan. Setelah selesai lagu, ia kemudian mendekati tanah dan perlahan-lahan berjalan ke tengah, berharap untuk bertemu sang pemenang. |

Accelerator (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Araragi Koyomi (Monogatari Series) vs.
Gilgamesh (Fate Series) vs.
Sora (No Game No Life) vs.
Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs.
Shiba Tatsuya (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs.
Kanda Sorata (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
一方通行(魔法禁书目录) vs.
阿良良木历(物语系列) vs.
吉尔伽美什(Fate系列) vs.
空(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
可儿江西也(甘城光辉游乐园) vs.
司波达也(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs.
Deep in the heart of the forest lies the Emerald Pendant, an artifact meant for those who understand the meaning of growth. Accelerator had always fought for himself, but an encounter with a little girl gave him something other than himself to think about. Araragi Koyomi tries to make his vampiric powers useful for others, mainly to help them realize the mistakes they are going to make. Even the great and proud Gilgamesh is willing to be humble when he finds a worthy candidate to stand toe to toe against. Sora is willing to put himself on the line if it means figuring out the secrets behind his opponent's plan. Although claiming to work at his establishment for a certain period of time, Kanie Seiya believes that there is much more he can give back to the community. Shiba Tatsuya's encounter with people whom he can truly call his peers gave him a reason to fight for his cause. Kanda Sorata is willing to do whatever it takes to see his dream come forth, even if it means accepting failures several times. Which of these characters show that he has developed into a stronger character as his story progressed? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 在森林的深处,埋藏着绿宝石垂饰,等待着明白"成长"真正意义的人来获取。一方通行一直为了自己而战斗,但跟一个小女孩的相遇令他有了除自己外另一个值得为之牵挂的人。阿良良木历希望自己的吸血鬼能力对他人能有帮助,通过认清自己所犯的错误。即使是伟大的吉尔伽美什,面对配得起的对手时也能学懂谦卑。空为了找出对手背后的计划和秘密,即使要赌上自己也在所不计。虽然已经工作了一段时间,可儿江西也依然相信自己有更多可以回馈社会。司波达也跟能称得上朋友的人相遇,令他找到了努力奋斗的原因。神田空太为了达成理想愿意做任何事情,包括多次面对并接受沉重的失败。随着故事发展,哪名角色真正成长成为当中的最强? |

Fate Testarossa (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha) vs.
Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs.
Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) vs.
Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!) vs.
Gokō Ruri (Kuroneko) (Ore no Imōto) vs.
Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live)
菲特·T·哈洛溫(魔法少女奈叶) vs.
桂雏菊(旋风管家) vs.
秋山澪(K-ON!) vs.
御坂美琴(魔法禁书目录) vs.
立华奏(天使)(Angel Beats!) vs.
五更瑠璃(黑猫)(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs.
In the beginning there was the sky, lead by the brilliant, alluring Heavenly Striker Fate Testarossa. She oversaw much, but to see it all was beyond her grasp of time and space. Then from the Earth rose the Strong and Beautiful Katsura Hinagiku seeking to better her people. She crashed against the Heavenly Striker, sending sparks that ignited passion and ambition amongst beings in many corners of the Universe. First, from the East rose fair dragon-queen Akiyama Mio out of a fountain of music that covered her legs in a bluish green haze. Then from the South flew swift, sparkling phoenix Misaka Mikoto, whose lightning shattered many who stood before it. Against this fury came calm Tachibana Kanade of the West, pure as white, deadly as a tiger, and followed by the Dark Enigma of North, Kuroneko, who is cunning like a snake, yet patient like a turtle. Amidst all the strife, where most humans and other intelligent beings chose sides, some humans decided to go their ways, lead by fiery young cuteness, Itsuka Kotori, who strikes the flame of revolution that may engulf them all. Alas, this isn’t all. There is a rumor of yet another, fair and strong, who may challenge the four and three for the ultimate control of the universe. The prophecy tells that before the rise of the final one, the rise and fall of the four and the three will let the world enjoy watchful peace of the tripod. In this cataclysmic clash of the four and three, which three will become the three legs of the tripod that will lead to the balance known as the three kingdoms? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 最初的时候,有来自天空的菲特·T·哈洛溫,优秀的魔法少女空中战士。她掌握了很多,但时空的限制让她无法支配一切。从地面崛起了强大而美丽的桂雏菊,带着领导人民寻求进步的希望,与翱翔的魔法少女战斗,热情与斗志的火花洒遍银河系。在东方升起的,是从音乐之泉冒出的女王秋山澪,遍身覆盖着一股青蓝色的烟雾。南方飞来了雷电的凤凰御坂美琴,吞吐着风雷把眼前任何障碍击得粉碎。西面传来的愤怒,是名为立华奏的天使;像白雪一样纯洁,像老虎一样凶狠。最后是北面的黑暗势力五更瑠璃,像蛇一样狡猾,却又拥有像乌龟般的耐心。在混乱之中,有些人选择投靠其中一方;然而也有人类决定奋起抵抗,领导着他们的是可爱的烈焰五河琴里,煽动着革命之火吞噬一切。 啊,还没有结束。传言还有最后的一位强者,会挑战这里的其中三个人,夺取最终的支配权。预言还说在这名最后的王者诞生前,这里其中三人会冒起,世界会享受短暂的和平。究竟是哪三位会获得这里的胜利,建立起短暂处于平衡状态的三个王国? |

Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats!) & Otonashi Hatsune (Angel Beats!) vs.
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) & Nunnally Lamperouge (Code Geass)
音无结弦(Angel Beats!) & 音无初音(Angel Beats!) vs.
鲁路修·兰佩洛基(反叛的鲁路修) & 娜娜莉·兰佩洛基(反叛的鲁路修)
How much is one willing to sacrifice when it means spending time blissfully with the one whom one cares about, trying to forget all the worries and burdens carried to go this far? Would one be willing to sacrifice school life and socialization with classmates and work multiple part time jobs if it means spending the most time with that dear person? Why would it matter to interact with mere strangers when the person bedridden is the one whom one wanted to save the most for so long? Maybe all that person ever wanted was for the other to genuinely smile? Is one willing to be the enemy of all, become the face of those whom people scorn? How far and long will one person play this intriguing game of chess when what is on the line is a time when one was able to spend time in peace with loved ones? To create that perfect realm, is one ready to become the judge, jury, and executioner on a global scale? Yet, it does not matter where they go; as long as they stay together, nothing else matters. When all is said and done, who will have their prayers answered? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 一个人为了跟真正在意的人共度更多的时间,愿意牺牲多少?又能够忘记多少过去所承受的担忧和负担?他会不会愿意牺牲学生生活和跟朋友相处的时间,去做多项兼职,以得到更多时间跟那人一起相处?为什么为了一个长卧病床的人,要不停的应对着无数不认识的陌生人?或许那个人所热切盼望的,只是能够看见对方的真挚微笑?他会不会愿意与天下所有人为敌,成为人见人厌的脸孔?一个人可以投身于这场漫长累人的棋局多久,只是为了能够跟所爱的人共度一段平安的日子?要创造完美的世界,是否能准备好担当世界的审判者和执行者?然而,他们走往哪里其实完全不重要。只要是跟对方一起,其他什么都不要紧。一切尘埃落定之时,谁的祷告会得到回应? |

Tachibana Jun'ichi (Amagami SS) & Tachibana Miya (Amagami SS) vs.
Ichimiya Taishi (Servant x Service) & Ichimiya Tōko (Servant x Service)
橘纯一(圣诞之吻 SS) & 橘美也(圣诞之吻 SS) vs.
一宫大志(Servant×Service) & 一宫塔子(Servant×Service)
It is the simple interactions that make the most out of time. Tachibana Jun'ichi is the kind and caring older brother who tries to help his friends out whenever he has the time. Tachibana Miya is the energetic younger sister whose smile is infectious and whose energy knows no bounds. Whether it be finding a home for cats, or figuring out the right way to spend the holidays, their interactions with each other are sweet, showing how much they care for each other. Ichimiya Taishi is the hard-working social worker who usually has a difficult time making choices in intense moments. Ichimiya Tōko comes over to his work place every now and then to make sure things are going all right with work. While their relationship may appear strained, they care about each other a lot and just want the other to feel happy in his or her environment. Which pair of siblings will show that they have nothing to lose in this battle? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 最简单的互动,收藏着最珍贵的价值。橘纯一是个温柔体贴的哥哥,无论什么时候都会尽力帮助朋友;橘美也是活泼的妹妹,拥有病毒性的欢笑和无穷的精力。无论是帮助小猫找一个家,还是找方法去度过假期,他们的互动都那么甜蜜,显示出他们是多么的在意对方。一宫大志是个努力的社会工作者,面对困难状况时会有选择困难;一宫塔子偶尔会去他工作的地方探望他,并且确保工作一切顺利。虽然关系有时有点紧张,但事实上他们只是太着紧对方希望彼此快乐。哪对兄妹,能够成功迎击这场挑战? |

Yūki Rito (To LOVE-Ru) & Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Kōsaka Kyōsuke (Ore no Imōto) & Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto)
结城梨斗(To LOVE-Ru) & 结城美柑(To LOVE-Ru) vs.
高坂京介(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) & 高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
Which is better for you, being an only child, or having a sister or brother? Almost all of the people said having a sibling is better than being an only child, because at least they won't be alone when the parents are too busy with their jobs. But it doesn't mean they will have the same personalities, and of course we can't make sure they will get along with each other. The Yūki siblings, Rito and Mikan, have been accustomed to independence since early ages because of the works of their parents. Their father is a mangaka always troubled with his deadline, and their mother is a well-known designer who always travels overseas. Even so, Rito and Mikan never feel alone. Rito, the brother, is always at Mikan’s side to keep loneliness away from his beloved sister. While Mikan looks more mature than most kids her age, she does her chores nicely because Mikan is trying to fulfill the needs of a brother. A bit different was the Kōsaka family, Kyōsuke and Kirino, who filled their days with apathy and ignorance. But thanks to a certain incident, their relationship began to improve. Kyōsuke once lost his role as a brother and tried to take it back, as someone caring and able to give advice to his little sister. And Kirino did her best to be an ideal little sister, a spoiled one who always asked for attention from her older brother. They show us the happiness of a family, especially between siblings: sharing tears and joy, giving some experiences, or telling the contents of their hearts freely. What kind of relationship would you have with the siblings in your house? ___ There may be a lot of unexpected circumstances happening around them, but some things never change. Despite being a responsible person, Yūki Rito often ends up in situations that can be taken the wrong way. Yūki Mikan is always ready to keep in check on what suspicious things may occur around his brother. Mikan is ready to give advice whenever her brother needs it, while Rito is ready to come in and save her whenever his sister is in danger. Kōsaka Kyōsuke can't seem to understand what is going on in the mind of his little sister these days. Kōsaka Kirino is usually seen ignoring her brother and doing things at her own pace. An unexpected finding led the two to try and understand each other more, and, with their newfound interaction, they rekindled the tight bond they once had many years ago. Which of these siblings is in reach to show the other what they are made of? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] 对你来说哪个更好?当独生子,还是有兄弟姐妹?几乎所有人都说有兄弟姐妹比较好,最少在父母忙碌的时候不会感到孤独。然而,这并不代表彼此性格会融洽或者能好好相处。 结城梨斗和美柑从小就习惯独立,因为父母的工作非常忙碌:父亲是一个经常要在期限前赶工的漫画家,母亲则是常要到海外的知名设计师。虽然如此,梨斗和美柑并不会感到孤单,因为梨斗永远会陪伴在妹妹身边不让她寂寞,而美柑则会尽责地完成家务照顾哥哥的需要。 高坂京介和桐乃有一点不同,彼此一般都是互不理睬互相无视。然而某次事件之后,他们的关系出现微妙的变化。曾经失去兄长地位的京介正努力重拾身份,关爱着妹妹并给予良好的指引;而桐乃则努力成为一个最优秀的妹妹,一个被宠爱着常希望得到哥哥注意的妹妹。 他们向我们展现了家庭的快乐,尤其是兄妹之间的爱:分享喜悦与哀愁,互相扶持,诉说自己的心事。你跟你的兄弟姐妹,关系又是怎么样呢? Mana lebih baik menurut kalian, menjadi anak tunggal atau punya saudara kandung entah kakak atau adik? Hampir seluruh orang bilang bahwa punya saudara kandung lebih baik daripada menjadi anak tunggal, karena paling tidak kalian tidak akan sendiri ketika kedua orang tua sibuk bekerja. Tapi menjadi saudara belum tentu sifatnya sama dan yang pastinya belum tentu juga akur. Yūki bersaudara, Rito dan Mikan, sejak kecil sudah hidup mandiri karena pekerjaan orang tua mereka. Ayahnya seorang komikus yang selalu dikejar-kejar deadline dan ibunya adalah designer terkenal yang selalu bepergian ke luar negri. Meski begitu, Rito dan Mikan tidak pernah merasa kesepian. Rito yang menjadi kakak selalu menemani Mikan dan sebisa mungkin menjauhkan rasa kesepian dari adik perempuan tersayangnya itu. Sedangkan Mikan terlihat lebih dewasa dari anak-anak seumurannya, pekerjaan rumah dilakukannya dengan sangat baik, karena Mikan berusaha agar kebutuhan kakaknya terpenuhi dengan baik. Sedikit berbeda untuk Kōsaka bersaudara, Kyōsuke dan Kirino, di mana hari-hari mereka awalnya dipenuhi oleh rasa cuek dan tidak perhatian. Namun berkat suatu kejadian, hubungan mereka berdua mulai membaik. Kyōsuke pernah kehilangan perannya sebagai seorang kakak dan kini mencoba untuk mengambilnya kembali, seorang kakak yang perhatian dan mampu memberikan saran dan nasihat kepada adik perempuannnya. Dan Kirino mulai kembali mencoba menjadi adik perempuan yang ideal, adik yang manja dan selalu ingin diperhatikan oleh kakak laki-lakinya. Mereka menunjukkan pada kita kebahagiaan sebuah keluarga, terutama di antara saudara sedarah; membagi suka dan duka, berbagi pengalaman, bercerita ataupun meluapkan isi hati dengan bebas. Seperti apakah hubungan kalian dengan saudara di rumah? ___ 他们身边或许有无数无法预测的挑战,但有些事情永不会变。虽然算是个有责任感的人,然而结城梨斗老是陷于困难之中;因此结城美柑总要准备好应对哥哥身旁出现的奇怪状况,并且在哥哥需要时给予宝贵的意见,而梨斗也会在妹妹处于危机时出手拯救。高坂京介一直无法明白妹妹的脑里在想什么,高坂桐乃似乎总是在无视他并按照自己的步伐去做事。一次意外的发现,终于让他们开始尝试了解对方,而这个新的互动重新燃起了彼此间曾经拥有过的羁绊。这对兄妹,哪一对可以证明彼此之间的感情? |
Thanks to Fuijiwara, BugH, maglor, itsukayuzuru, Just, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews and translations.