Featured Matches - ISML 2015 Preliminary Period
Round 1, Day 1 — Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fujimiya Kaori (Isshūkan Friends.) vs.
Asami Lilith (Trinity Seven) vs.
Noel (Sora no Method) vs.
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Stephanie Dola (No Game No Life) vs.
Chaika Trabant (Hitsugi no Chaika) vs.
Tōjō Nozomi (Love Live!) vs.
Kafū Chino (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs.
Akame (Akame ga Kill!) vs.
Gasai Yuno (Mirai Nikki)
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As the members of Nova Group 1 line up for battle, just who will have the experience to stand up on top? Will it be Akame, the veteran assassin who has slain countless corrupt officials with her legendary katana? Or will the magical rifles of alchemist Asami Lilith and wizard Chaika Trabant pierce the way to victory? We have no shortage of bloodlust and knives with Yuno Gasai around. But violence isn't the only path to victory. Who says that a warm cup of coffee with a shy smile from our resident barista Kafū Chino won't kill? Or a friendly glomp from the cutest space saucer around, Noel? Fujimiya Kaori has long proved that perfectly measured sweetness is as deadly as any other weapon. There are other stories, too. Tōjō Nozomi relies on her fortune telling and music, and all Sakura Chiyo has going for her is earnest devotion - but that's way more than enough. And there's no doubt that if anyone can make it past the first round of preliminaries by simply being stupid, it'll be the clumsy but adorable Stephanie Dola. Sebagai barisan anggota dari Grup Nova 1 yang akan bertarung, siapakah yang akan merasakan pengalaman berdiri di puncak? Akankah Akame, seorang pembunuh bayaran veteran yang telah menghabisi pejabat korup tak terhitung dengan katana legendarisnya? Atau akankah senapan sihir dari ilmuwan Asami Lilith dan penyihir Chaika Trabant menembus jalan menuju kemenangan? Kita tidak akan kehabisan insting membunuh dan pisau dengan Yuno Gasai di sekitar kita. Namun kekerasan bukan satu-satunya cara menuju kemenangan. Siapa bilang secangkir kopi hangat degan senyum malu-malu dari barista Kafū Chino tidak dapat membunuh? Atau pelukan bersahabat dari piring terbang terimut di sekitar kita, Noel? Fujimiya Kaori sudah membuktikan bahwa tingkat kemanisan yang tepat terkendali sama mematikannya dengan senjata lainnya. Ada beberapa cerita lainnya juga. Tōjō Nozomi bergantung pada kemampuan membaca nasib dan musik, dan apa yang telah Sakura Chiyo lakukan bagi dirinya sendiri adalah dedikasi yang sungguh-sungguh - namun itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Dan tidak ada keraguan bahwa jika seseorang dapat melalui ronde pertama dari pre-eliminasi dengan hanya bertingkah bodoh, itu adalah Stephanie Dola yang kikuk namun menawan. 新星第一组的角色们列队准备战斗,谁拥有打倒一切光荣登顶的觉悟? 会是赤瞳,凭着太刀手染无数腐败官员鲜血的杀手吗?还是炼金术士浅见莉莉丝,或者巫师嘉依卡·托勒庞特,凭着她们的魔法去打开胜利之门?说到我妻由乃,自然也不会缺少鲜血与刀子。 但暴力并非通往胜利的唯一途径。谁说春风智乃的一杯温暖咖啡和羞涩笑容没有杀伤力?或者最可爱的飞行圆盘——诺艾尔的一个拥抱?还有藤宫香织,早就证明了亲切可以比任何武器更致命。 还有其他的故事:东条希可以依靠她的占卜与音乐,而佐仓千代则有最诚挚的热情。不过如果说只靠笨就可以通过难关,那肯定是笨拙却又可爱的史蒂芬妮·多拉了。 |

Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) vs.
Miyazono Kaori (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) vs.
Miyamori Aoi (Shirobako) vs.
Mikasa Ackerman (Shingeki no Kyojin) vs.
Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs.
Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) vs.
Inaba Himeko (Kokoro Connect) vs.
Sento Isuzu (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs.
Izayoi Miku (Date A Live) vs.
Shichimiya Satone (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!)
The girls in this group are linked through something sad - heartbreaks. Love is not the only cause for heartbreaks, there can be other reasons as well, and the people standing here will not be who they are today without these stories. Inaba Himeko came off as cold-hearted and selfish, yet deep down she merely wanted to make true friends. Her personality hindered her from befriending people easily, so she decided to isolate herself instead, but that could really bring painful emotions. Izayoi Miku wanted no more than singing for her fans who appreciated her music, but an incident caused her to lose everything, and ironically those same fans were the exact reason it happened. Unable to shake the sadness off, she eventually became a Spirit. Mikasa Ackerman witnessed numerous deaths of people around her, falling one after one as she failed to protect them. Despite shedding tear after tear, she still had to stand up big and fight titan after titan. Miyamori Aoi had her own challenges, and faced various setbacks in her career of anime production. She was to take responsibility for anything that cropped up, even though it might not be her fault to begin with. Miyazono Kaori was an excellent violinist, but the curse of an illness limited her vibrant story. Behind that bright warm smile worn on her face, she had hidden endless tears of despair that were shed quietly in the corner. Sento Isuzu knew that her park was on track to being shut down, and she could do nothing to save it, lacking both the experience and the smarts. Maintaining order was the best she could do, yet the feeling of incapability and helplessness were overwhelming. Shiba Miyuki was glamoured with star status both within the family and at school, yet her brother whom she truly cared about was locked down by family rules, prohibited from positions of any significance despite outstanding abilities. Standing at the side unable to do anything was truly frustrating. Shichimiya Satone had her life driven by love towards a cool classmate she called 'Hero', yet when harsh reality befell and her Hero fell in love with another girl, all she could do was to smile at a distance and send her blessings. Yazawa Nico ran on dreams of becoming a school idol, but this dream was short-lived and ended in failure. With all efforts shattered in such a short time, it took much encouragement before she could stand up and try once more. Yona had it all, but lost it all in a flash: her wealth, her status, and most importantly her family. She did not even have the time to mourn, because what followed was life as a fugitive, despite doing nothing to be blamed, and she could only raise her weapon to defend herself and memories of her father. In spite of so many heartbreaking experiences, these girls have stood up once again so they can move on. Shouldn't you show your support towards these 10 strong girls? Grup Nova kelima berhubungan dengan sesuatu yang negatif- lebih spesifiknya, sebuah sakit hati. Sakit hati yang tidak hanya karena cinta, ini juga dapat disebabkan dari banyak hal lainnya dan itu semua berperan penting sehingga mereka dapat menjadi diri mereka sekarang ini. Inaba terlihat sebagai seseorang yang berhati dingin dan egois, padahal yang sesungguhnya dia menginginkan teman sejati. Oleh karena kepribadiannya, dia tidak mampu berteman dengan mudah. Sehingga, dia memutuskan untuk menutup dirinya, yang kemungkinan bisa menyakitkan secara emosional. Miku hanya ingin bernyanyi bagi para fans yang mengapresiasi musiknya namun karena sebuah insiden, dia mulai kehilangan segala yang ia miliki dan tak mampu untuk menahannya yang kemudian mengarahkannya menjadi seorang roh. Apa yang ia inginkan adalah bernyanyi untuk para penggemarnya namun secara ironis para fans lah yang membuatnya berhenti bernyanyi. Mikasa melihat dengan mata kepalanya sendiri, kematian dari orang-orang di sekitarnya yang terus terjadi sebagai ketidakmampuannya mencegah kematian mereka. Terlalu banyak pandangan dan dia harus berdiri bangga sebagai seseorang yang memerangi titan demi titan, menghapus tetes demi tetes air mata. Sementara Aoi, sebagai seorang asisten produser, tidak menemui banyak masalah seperti yang sebelumnya, namun tetap saja dia akan menemui banyak tantangan dan bermacam-macam halangan di karirnya dalam memproduksi anime. Dia harus menerima omelan dari segala kesalahan yang terjadi, meski itu bukan kesalahannya sendiri. Kaori adalah seorang pemain violin yang dikutuk dengan penyakit yang membatasi cerita dari permainan violinnya. Di balik senyum indahnya tersimpan banyak sekali air mata, merasa hilang harapan. Isuzu menemui situasi yang mirip, di mana dia tahu bahwa taman akan ditutup namun apa yang dapat dia perbuat, dia tidak punya pengalaman atau tidak punya ahli yang mampu menjalankan taman, yang dapat dia lakukan adalah dengan tetap memerintah yang justru membuatnya tampak sangat tidak kompeten. Miyuki boleh jadi anak kesayangan di keluarganya sebagaimana statusnya sebagai kelompok pelajar sihir, namun keinginan sebenarnya akan kakaknya dihalangi oleh peraturan keluarga yang melarang kakaknya untuk memegang posisi penting di keluarga, mengesampingkan kemampuannya yang luar biasa. Ini sangat membuatnya frustrasi dan hanya dapat berdiri disana tanpa mampu berbuat apa-apa. Cinta adalah salah satu ha yang mengarahkan Satone maju, dengan teman yang dipanggilnya sebagai "pahlawan"nya, sekarang adalah sebuah kenyataan yang menyakitkan di mana akhirnya dia melihat bahwa "pahlawan" nya menemukan cinta lain. Yang bisa dia lakukan hanyalah tersenyum dan mendoakan mereka. Namun, untuk secara paksa menghancurkan sebuah cinta tidak pernah memberikan hasil terbaik bagi siapapun. Sperti halnya Satone mengejar cinta, Nico mengejar mimpinya- sebuah mimpi menjadi pujaan sekolah. Bagaimanapun, mimpinya tampak prematur bahkan berpeluang tidak terwujud, seluruh kerja keras runtuh dalam sekejab. Butuh banyak penghiburan sebelum akhirnya Nico dapat mencoba sekali lagi. Akhirnya, Yona dapat memiliki segalanya, namun kehilangan segalanya seketika, dia kehilangan hartanya, terlebih lagi kehilangan status dan keluarganya. Dia bahkan tidak dapat berkabung untuk ayahnya dan akhirnya hidup sebagai seorang buronan, meski itu bukan kesalahannya. Dia berkabung dalam pelariannya dan dia berpikir akan almarhum ayahnya yang meninggal layaknya dia menggenggam senjata untuk mempertahankan diri. Meski mengalami banyak sakit hati, gadis-gadis ini telah berdiri kembali sekali lagi sehingga mereka dapat melangkah maju, masih enggankah diri kalian untuk tidak mendukung mereka? 令人心碎的经历,把这一组的角色们连系了起来。心碎的原因并非只有恋爱,还有其他东西。 稻叶姬子予人形象冷漠自私,但其实她只是想要真正的朋友。个性使然导致交友困难,她选择封闭自己,但伴随而来却是内心的悲伤。 诱宵美九只想为欣赏她的歌迷唱歌,然而一次事故让她失去所有。无法摆脱过去,最终成为精灵,而讽刺地一切起因正正是她一直为之努力着的歌迷们。 三笠.阿克曼见证着身边人的死去,却无力守护他们。屡次受创,她却依然需要忍着眼泪,继续勇敢地挡在巨人面前。 宫森葵也有她身为创作助理的苦恼,日常动漫制作以及工作前景上的各种难关。任何出错,责任都得由她负起,纵使犯错的并不是她。 宫园薰是个杰出的小提琴家,但疾病的诅咒窒碍了她谱奏的故事。灿烂笑容的背后,收藏着多少绝望的眼泪。 千斗五十铃知道她所经营的主题公园快将倒闭,但她缺乏应对难关的经验与智慧。唯一可以做的只有维持员工守序,但同时也为自己的无力而沮丧。 司波深雪在家族和学校里都是众人的宠儿,但她真正在意的兄长却受家规所制,纵使能力突出却被投闲置散。目睹一切却无力改变,因而深感气馁。 七宫智音对那被称为“英雄”的帅气同学,一直抱着憧憬与爱慕,而这也成为她生活的动力。然而现实残酷,这个英雄如今爱上了另一个人,她所能做的却只有微笑并默默祝福。 矢泽妮可渴望成为校园偶像,但为梦想的一切奋斗因失败而在刹那间告终。要爬出挫败的深渊实在无比困难,而只有无数的鼓励才能让她重新站起来再试一次。 尤娜拥有一切,但霎眼间又失去了一切:财富、地位、亲人。吊唁的时间,很快就被逃亡的生涯所取代,纵使她没有任何错。心存对父亲的想念,她只能举起武器去保护自己。 纵使一再心碎,这十个坚强的女孩却能再次站起继续前行。你们何不给予她们你的支持? |

Senjōgahara Hitagi (Monogatari Series) vs.
Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs.
Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!) vs.
Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs.
Matō Sakura (Fate Series) vs.
Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs.
Haqua du Lot Herminium (Kami nomi zo Shiru sekai) vs.
Fujibayashi Kyō (CLANNAD)
"They exist aren't a coincidence, it's the fate." Their existence is indeed designed to take the interest and sympathy of the fans of entertain world nowadays. They designed in appearance to fight for the sake of their glory in the future world, where the people will always talk about them. And in this arena, they'll fight again in free-for-all match arena for a hot seat in Stella Group. Fujibayashi Kyō has many superior aspects in her: Athletic, smart, energetic and many other positive things. But the fans are more attracted to her tomboyish side, where her moe-ness aura is more emitted when she's in her tomboyish mode. It seems Haqua also don't want to miss the ISML this year, even in her business of catching the ghost. Not too good in previous year, Haqua aims for one more chance to prove the toughness of her to the rivals. Nothing that can't be done is her motto this year. Running around without lost the breath is really the typical of Last Order, for now you can see her but in any seconds she can disappear or suddenly pop out in other place without you realize. Her characteristic looks bit off compared to her sisters. Matō Sakura is a quiet girl but diligent in doing something, where everything is carried with full of dedication. Likewise her dream to enter the regular session, the result will be much depended on her performance and dedication in this round. Sits quietly in the corner of club room, Nagato Yuki seems to enjoy her days with reading some books, efficient when talking with her mind focus in what she reads. Even quiet, it's no doubt that Yuki is aiming back for her place in Stella this year. A beautiful palace decorated with beautiful flower garden is a part of Nagi's daily life. A mission that she takes with her is to bring those beauties that she ever felt to this arena, so the people able to feel the same happy feeling too. Everyone will be nervous in facing this girl, even just to greet her. The strong aura is emitted from Hitagi, domination aura to conquer every people that she met. Is it possible if her domination will be used to take some votes from the fans? Yui-nyan with cool, picks her guitar and performs a nice song to attract the mass to hear her song. Concentration is one of the most important things for musicians in their performance in stage, especially for Yui-nyan who stands in the arena. Asuna shows her impatience to dash to the arena and meet her rivals. Full of confidence, she swears to give her best this year, even beyond her achievement last year that considered unfavorable for her. Already full with house chores and the school, Mikan also spares her time to appear in the arena. Relying on her brother's supports, at least she able to believe in her own ability even it must to face the great opponents in arena. They came by their own feet. And this was not a coincidence they met each other, there was a heart-to-heart connections among them that made them united in this arena. ISML proudly presents the fight of Stella Arena 1. Where they will go is very depended of your choices. To the top, to the heaven of the gods or to the bottom, to the endless pit? So now, Pick! Their fate is in your hands. "Mereka ada bukan kebetulan, melainkan takdir" Keberadaan mereka memang dirancang untuk mengambil minat dan simpati dari para pengagum dunia hiburan sekarang. Mereka di desain untuk bertarung secara penampilan demi kejayaan mereka di masa yang akan mendatang, di mana orang-orang akan membicarakan tentang mereka. Dan di arena ini, mereka akan kembali bertarung dari arena bebas demi bangku panas di Grup Stella. Fujibayashi Kyō punya banyak aspek plus dalam dirinya: atletis, pintar, enerjik dan banyak hal positif lainnya. Namun para fans lebih tertarik dengan sisi tomboynya, di mana aura moe-nya lebih dapat terpancar ketika dia dalam mode tomboy. Haqua sepertinya juga tidak mau ketinggalan di ISML tahun ini meski sibuk dengan urusan penangkapan hantunya. Kurang sukses tahun lalu, Haqua mengincar kesempatan sekali lagi di tahun ini untuk membuktikan ketangguhannya kepada saingan-saingannya. Tak ada yang tak bisa dikerjakan adalah motonya tahun ini. Berlari-larian tanpa lelah memang sudah menjadi ciri khas Last Order, sekarang kau melihatnya disini namun beberapa detik kemudian dia bisa menghilang atau tiba-tiba muncul di tempat lain tanpa kau sadari. Karakternya sedikit melenceng dengan saudara perempuannya yang lain. Matō Sakura adalah gadis pendiam namun tekun dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, di mana segala sesuatu dilaksanakan dengan penuh dedikasi. Demikian pula keinginan besarnya untuk dapat masuk babak Reguler akan sangat ditentukan oleh dedikasi akan penampilannya di ronde kali ini. Duduk terdiam sendiri di pojokan ruang klub, Nagato Yuki sepertinya menikmati hari-harinya membaca buku, efisien ketika berbicara dengan pikiran fokus pada buku bacaannya. Meski diam, tak diragukan bahwa Yuki juga mengincar tempatnya kembali di Stella. Istana yang indah berhiaskan taman bunga yang indah merupakan bagian dari Nagi dalam kesehariannya. Satu misi yang hendak dia bawa ke arena adalah untuk membawa keindahan-keindahan yang pernah ia rasakan ke tempat ini, sehingga orang-orang lain juga mampu menikmati perasaan bahagia tersebut. Setiap orang pasti gugup ketika berhadapan dengan gadis ini, bahkan hanya sekedar menyapanya. Aura yang kuat terpancar dari Hitagi, aura dominasi untuk menguasi setiap hati orang-orang yang ditemuinya. Dan mungkinkah dominasinya ini juga akan digunakan untuk meraih dukungan dari para fans? Yui-nyan dengan kerennya memetik gitar dan melantukan lagu yang indah untuk menarik massa mendengar suaranya. Konsentrasi adalah hal yang paling penting dari seorang musisi dalam penampilannya di panggung, terutama bagi Yui-nyan yang berdiri di arena. Asuna sepertinya tak bisa sabaran untuk melejit ke arena dan bertemu dengan lawan-lawannya. Dengan penuh percaya diri, dia bersumpah untuk memberikan yang terbaik di tahun ini, bahkan melampaui prestasinya di tahun lalu yang dia rasa kurang memuaskan baginya. Sudah lumayan sibuk dengan pekerjaan rumahnya atau dengan sekolahnya, Mikan juga menyempatkan diri untuk tampil di arena ini. Bermodalkan dukungan dari kakak laki-lakinya, dia setidaknya mampu untuk yakin akan kemampuan dirinya meski harus menghadapi lawan-lawan yang juga hebat-hebat di arena. Mereka datang dengan kaki mereka sendiri ke tempat ini. Bukan kebetulan mereka bertemu satu sama lain, ada koneksi batin di antara mereka yang membuat mereka bersatudi arena ini. ISML dengan bangga mempersembahkan pertarungan di Arena Stella 1. Ke mana mereka melaju akan tergantung kalian. Ke atas, ke surga dewa-dewi ataukah ke bawah, ke jurang tanpa dasar? Oleh karena itu sekarang, Pilih! Takdir mereka di tangan kalian. “她们的存在并非偶然,而是命中注定。” 她们确实是为勾起动漫迷的兴趣与实感而设计的。她们被设计去为了光荣而战,并被世人所记住。今天在这个赛场,她们会再次为了恒星的一个参赛席位而战。 藤林杏拥有不少超卓的特质:运动好、聪明、活泼、还有更多优点。然而更吸引人的或许是她男性化的一面,散发着更强烈萌的气场。 白娅纵使忙着捉拿鬼魂,但同样不想错过今年的世萌,虽然去年表现未如理想,但今年她的目标是获得再次证明自己实力的机会,没有任何东西是不可能的。 最后之作深入人心的形象是不断四处跑动而毫不喘息,这刻尚在你眼前下一秒已经失去踪影、或是在意想不到的地方突然出现。相比她的姐妹,她明显有她的独特之处。 间桐樱可以很文静,但凭着拼劲办起事情却毫不逊色。跟进入常规赛的梦想一样,结果将取决于她在这场比赛的表现与投入。 长门有希似乎很享受安坐在房间角落静静看书、专注书中内容却又能有效对外沟通。然而,沉默并不否定她再次进入恒星常规赛的决心。 三千院凪的日常生活,就是在一个拥有漂亮花园的华丽宫殿之中。她给予自己的任务,就是把这些美丽带在身边,在比赛中与所有人分享这一种喜悦。 战场原黑仪所散发的强劲气场,足以让所有人在她面前连打招呼都会紧张。无论碰上谁都能把对方压倒的强气,是否能成为吸引大家手中一票的武器? 由依弹起吉他开腔歌唱,可以吸引大众去聆听她的音乐。专注力对于演奏中的音乐家是至关重要的,而在这个赛场里面也同样有效。 结城明日奈对于冲往战场面对宿敌可以说是急不及待。充满自信的她,誓要再次展现自己最强的一面,比去年的佳绩更上一层楼,纵使这正可能是一个带来不利影响的隐忧。 结城美柑虽然忙于家务与学业,但仍抽空参与比赛。依靠着哥哥的支持,即使面对多么强劲的对手,她都可以相信自己的能力。 她们的相遇,并非偶然,正是藏于深处的心愿,让她们相聚于这里。世萌预选赛恒星组第一场。 她们能走到哪里,取决于你们的选择。是通往天堂的阶梯,还是掉进无底的深渊?选择吧!她们的命运就在你手。 |
Thanks to Fujiwara, BugH, blaZofgold, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 1, Day 2 — Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Nishikino Maki (Love Live!) vs.
Kawai Ritsu (Bokura wa Minna Kawai-sō) vs.
Miyauchi Renge (Non Non Biyori) vs.
Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs.
Himeki Chifuyu (Inō-Battle wa Nichijō-kei no Naka de) vs.
Azuki Azusa (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.) vs.
Onodera Kosaki (Nisekoi) vs.
Enomoto Takane (Mekakucity Actors) vs.
Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live) vs.
Kurousagi (Mondaiji)
西木野真姬(Love Live!) vs.
河合律(我们大家的河合庄) vs.
宫内莲华(悠哉日常大王) vs.
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs.
姬木千冬(日常系的异能战斗) vs.
小豆梓(变态王子与不笑猫) vs.
小野寺小咲(伪恋) vs.
榎本贵音(目隐都市的演绎者) vs.
鸢一折纸(约会大作战) vs.
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In this Nova Group, we are going to talk about love. Love is subjective, be it affection, a liking, or appreciation towards something. The girls here have loved or been loved so much by the people around them and now they are ready to display it. Asada Shino found love in her admiration towards the mysterious girlish male that joined the world of GGO. He was daring, able to wield the energy sword, and win matches with ease. He was the one that saved her from accepting the life she had—one filled with trauma and bullying. While she knows that her admiration will not be returned, at least she knows she has someone that backs her as she shoots. Azuki Azusa found her love with someone that accepted her for what she is. This guy may be a pervert and a huge loser, but at least he has a kind heart that touched her. She is able to share her feelings with him through the façade she puts up that disguises what truly lies inside her. Enomoto Takane may seem complacent and nonchalant to the only male and classmate she has in the special class they have, but in truth, she really appreciates the company he gives and soon those feelings develop into love. Sadly, they were separated as both of them transformed into new people. While she may look happy-go-lucky, she still remembers him. Himeki Chifuyu is a small genius able to produce whatever results she wants, getting 100s or 0s depending on her mood. But when she met Jurai, who truly cared for her when no one else did, her romantic feelings for him began to develop as she spent time in the literature club just so that she could be by him, seeing what interesting things he did every day. Kawai Ritsu was a loner that loved books more than anything else in the world. The books she indulged in allowed her to immerse herself in another world, to escape the reality she lived in. But when a new boy moved in, suddenly, her life began to change slowly, but surely. While she walked home, engrossed in the books she read, there was a new someone that protected her, and slowly the feelings bloomed. While Kurousagi may not have a love interest among anyone she knows, the people around her love her dearly, be it for her kind nature or her personal assets that "some people" certainly appreciate. The fact that, despite her ability, she was willing to stay in a low-ranked village really let the people appreciate her for what she has done. Miyauchi Regne faces the similar situation where everyone around her simply just adores her, no matter what she does. Whether it is the curious actions she does, or the cute catchphrase “Nyanpasu”, people seem to just adore her as an adorable child growing up in the countryside. Nishikino Maki does not love someone, unlike the people mentioned, but rather something. In specific terms, the idol group she formed with eight others. This group has allowed her to be herself and enjoy her school life through the many lives she has or the bonding moments they have together. The idol group has allowed her to grow stronger and have more friends that care and laugh with her. Onodera Kosaki has been in love with a guy living in a yakuza house. Ever since she was young, she has loved his playfulness, his personality, and his smile. To her, a confession is tough but she knows that the day she does it will be a dream come to life, all her fantasies a reality. And so she waits for the day she is able to do so. Finally, the short, white-haired girl named Tobichii Origami might seem cold in nature but she is actually yearning for warmth. Thus, she is eternally grateful towards the guy who offered her his hand. She would willingly sacrifice herself just so that he can be safe. And so you see, love has developed them into better people that aspire to do better for love. 这一组的主题,是"爱"。爱是主观的,可以是好感、喜欢或者仰慕的感觉。这里的女孩,都准备展现她们的爱。 朝田诗乃对于游戏世界里一个神秘而女性化的男生出现了好感。他勇敢,擅使剑,能轻易赢得比赛。他把她从备受创伤和欺负的生命中拯救出来,虽然知道这份仰慕不会有任何回报,但最少知道发射子弹时身后会有人保护着自己。 小豆梓在寻找一个会真正接受自己的人时,堕入了爱河。虽然他是个变态又是个失败者,但他善良的心让她感动,而且能够打开自己平常戴着的面具,去与他分享真正的感受。 榎本贵音在特别班唯一的男同学面前,形象或许是神经大条又不拘小节。然而,她内心其实很感激他的陪伴,甚至发展出了好感。虽然别离让他们都改变了,但她心里依然牢记着他。 姬木千冬是个能随心所欲做事的小天才,随着心情想得满分或者零蛋都是轻而易举。不过碰上了一个真正关怀她的人,爱慕的感觉逐渐萌芽,并且陪伴他参与社团活动,只是为了观察他每天所做的有趣事情。 河合律是个独来独往的人,爱书本胜于世上一切,可以醉心于另一世界而逃避现实。然而一个男生搬了进来,生命开始改变。当她沉醉于所爱的书走回家的时候,会有个人在身边保护自己,而感觉也慢慢随之而来。 黑兔不一定对谁有恋爱的感觉,但身边的人都深深地爱着她,无论是她善良的个性还是其他的特质。纵使能力出众,但依然甘愿留在一个等级较低的部落,众人都对她心存感激。 宫内莲华也同样受欢迎,无论做什么事情,身边的人都无比喜欢她。无论是所做一些奇怪的事情,还是"喵帕斯"这句可爱的口癖,大家都喜欢着她,在他们眼里她就是一个在郊外成长的可爱女孩。 西木野真姬并非跟哪个人有很深的羁绊,而是跟其他八位伙伴共同建立的校园偶像团体。在这里,她可以面对真正的自己,享受校园生活以及大家共同度过的时间。这里让她成长起来,并且拥有互相关怀的朋友一起欢笑。 小野寺小咲爱上了与自己同住一屋里的男生。从小就喜欢他的有趣、他的个性、他的笑容。对她而言,这不是轻松的经历,但她知道有一天她的梦想会成真,并且会一直等待自己能够做到的那一天。 鸢一折纸外表看来冷漠,但内心她其实非常渴望温暖。因此,对于那个在她需要时伸出援手的男孩,她永远感恩。只要能保护他的安全,她即使牺牲自己也在所不计。为了爱,她们都能成为一个更优秀的人,并且为了所爱去更加努力。 |

Hiradaira Chisaki (Nagi no Asukara) vs.
Seo Yuzuki (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Sonoda Umi (Love Live!) vs.
Saegusa Mayumi (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs.
Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance) vs.
Latifa Fleuranza (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs.
Yoshino (Date A Live) vs.
Shokuhō Misaki (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Esdeath (Akame ga Kill!) vs.
Konno Yūki (Sword Art Online)
比良平千咲(来自风平浪静的明天) vs.
濑尾结月(月刊少女野崎君) vs.
园田海未(Love Live!) vs.
七草真由美(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs.
提露密努斯·艾斯特(精灵使的剑舞) vs.
拉媞珐·芙尔兰札(甘城光辉游乐园) vs.
四糸乃(约会大作战) vs.
食蜂操祈(魔法禁书目录) vs.
艾斯德斯(斩·赤紅之瞳!) vs.
"Start to make your dreams come true!" Nova arena is ready to welcome the arrival of 10 girls are ready to compete for ISML Regular tickets this year. It's too rare to find a girl with strong leadership aura just like Esdeath. Hard work is one of her characteristics that take her to the ladder of successfulness—a cold leader, but respected by all of her subordinates. Anyone opposes her must be aware of this dominant aspect of Esdeath. Or we will meet a sweet girl from underwater, Chisaki. Finding something interesting in the arena, Chisaki braces herself to take her body out of the comfort zone and try to accept the challenge of the ISML arena. Her silence but full devotion seems to fit with her graceful appearance in front of the fans. Nothing can stop Yuki from moving freely in her world. Reaching the dream to be the best swordsman is possible, even if only in virtual world. The bitterness that happens in the real world becomes the spirit and motivation for her to show the best in that game world. Hidden behind big walls of a palace, we can meet a princess with proper manners who always serves her guests with smiles. It's the reason why people admire Latifa and remain always loyal to her. Born in a famous clan specialized in magic, Saegusa Mayumi takes the spotlight from everyone around her. High expectations of Mayumi became the reason for why she must show the best of herself as a representative of her family. President of the student council, brilliant in academics, and an expert in magic battle made Mayumi the perfect figure for her fans. Appearances sometimes can deceive, especially for Seo Yuzuki. Who can tell that behind her chaotic act, a wonderful talent is hidden, her voice? Even her friends can't believe the difference between her appearance and her golden ability. Still don't believe? Come, see and hear for yourself. Or you will visit Academy city where a Level 5 is sitting sweetly in the garden with a cup of tea in her hand. Shokuhō Misaki, called a Queen, who is respected in her school and especially in her clique. It's not only because of her Level-5 power she gained all respect, but more from her ability to manage her group neatly. Coming from a traditional family doesn't mean you have to shut yourself from any changes of the world. Sonoda Umi proves that she can collaborate two worlds, the world of her family that keeps the traditional customs and her obsession as an icon of modern idols. Terminus Est swears to her master to be always by his side and protect in any danger. The loyalty level must be appreciated from this little girl. Est will always be a sword for her master and ready at any time. An ice spirit can't be this cute! That line will be shouted when you meet Yoshino. Her tiny body with a cute voice is irresistible by the fans, but that doesn't mean we can deceive her. In fact, it is we who must be warned because we don't know what kind of surprise Yoshino has in the arena. Their first step this year will decide their fate. The seats are already presented in the Nova Group, but the ones who will take those places depend on the girls' efforts and the supports from the fans. Let's begin the party, guys! 「追逐梦想吧!」 常规赛的门票机会落在这十名女孩的身上。艾斯德斯的领导能力无与伦比,成功须苦干,作为她的部下,你不得不尽忠于她;作为她的敌人,你不得不提高警戒。镜头一转,我们看到风平浪静的千咲。千咲放弃了舒适的生活,而进入了世萌这个世纪大坑,望坑轻叹的千咲只能寄望自己能拿到好成绩。没有什么能阻挡得到优纪立意为最强VR世界剑士的脚步,她以自己在现实世界所受到的痛苦为动力,化悲伤为活力,留下了自己的名字。在深宫之处,我们经常能看到拉媞珐面对客人们的微笑,微笑缩短了自己跟子民的距离,令子民崇拜自己,从而做好自己的本份。在龙傲天魔法世界出生的真由美,成为了众人的焦点。她背负着家族对她的期望及压力,身为学生会长、学霸、魔法万能,成为了魔法世界的偶像。眼看未为真,以貌取人太天真,濑尾结月糟糕的演技背后,隐藏着非凡的天赋--「结月好声音」。连她的朋友都不知道,也不敢相信她的这个天赋。艾斯特尽忠职守保护主子。萝莉外表的背后的绝对的服从及忠诚,嘿嘿嘿。咳咳,暴露了,总而言之,说艾斯特是属于主子的一把利剑也不为过。作为一名冷冰冰的萝莉,四糸乃深得人心。可爱的外表,可爱的声音,叔叔不行鸟!咳咳,离题了,要说的是,四糸乃在可爱的背后,隐藏着绝对的实力。 所谓「一年之计在於春」,在世萌这里,一年之计在于预选,竞争已经开始--到底谁能在这场激烈的比赛中胜出? 然而,没了你的一票,这并没有什么卵用。 因此,各位,花三分钟时间,为喜欢的角色投上一票,参与这场派对吧! "Mulailah mewujudkan mimpi kalian !" Sedikit sekali gadis yang punya aura kepemimpinan yang kuat layaknya Esdeath. Pekerja keras adalah salah satu sifat yang membawanya menuju tangga kesuksesan, seorang pemimpin yang dingin namun sangat dihormati bawahannya. Mereka yang menjadi lawannya harus berhati-hati akan aspek dominan dari Esdeath yang satu ini. Ataukah kita akan bertemu gadis manis dari bawah air satu ini, Chisaki. Menemukan sesuatu yang menarik di arena, Chisaki memberanikan dirinya keluar dari zona nyamannya dan mencoba untuk menerima tantangan di arena ISML. Sifatnya yang pendiam namun penuh dedikasi dinilai sangat cocok dengan penampilannya yang anggun di depan penggemarnya. Tidak ada yang bisa menghalangi Yuki untuk bergerak bebas di dunianya. Menggapai impian menjadi ahli pedang terbaik merupakan hal yang mungkin, meski hanya di dunia maya. Kepahitan yang dia alami di dunia nyata menjadi semangat dan dorongan baginya untuk paling tidak dapat menunjukkan yang terbaik di dunia permainan. Tersembunyi di balik dinding istana besar, maka kita dapat bertemu dengan Latifa Fleuranza. Latifa adalah seorang putri dengan tata krama yang baik dan selalu menjamu pendatang dengan ramah dan penuh senyum. Tak khayal banyak yang kagum pada diri Latifa dan tetap setia menemaninya. Berasal dari klan ternama yang ahli dalam sihir, menjadikan Saegusa Mayumi menjadi sorotan banyak orang. Ekspektasi yang tinggi akan dirinya menjadikan Mayumi selalu tampil dengan yang terbaik sebagai representasi dari keluarganya. Ketua OSIS, cemerlang dalam akademis, dan handal dalam pertarungan sihir menjadikannya sosok yang sempurna bagi penggemarnya. Penampilan bisa menipu, terutama bagi Seo Yuzuki. Siapa sangka bahwa dibalik kelakuannya yang berantakan terdapat sebuah talenta luar biasa, suaranya. Bahkan teman-temannya sekalipun tidak percaya bahwa penampilannya sangat tidak kompatibel dengan kemampuan emas Yuzuki. Tidak percaya? Coba lihat dan dengarkan saja sendiri. Ataukah kalian akan berkunjung ke kota pelajar, di mana seorang Level 5 sedang duduk manis di taman dengan segelas teh di tangannya. Shokuho Misaki, dengan sebutan Ratu, disegani di sekolah terutama di perkumpulannya. Bukan hanya karena kekuatan Level 5 maka ia disegani, namun lebih karena kemampuannya dalam mengatur kelompoknya dengan teratur. Terlahir dari keluarga tradisional bukan berarti harus menutup dari segala perubahan jaman. Sonoda Umi membuktikan bahwa dia mampu mengkolaborasikan dua dunia yang dia jalani, keluarganya yang masih memegang adat tradisional serta obsesinya sebagai seorang ikon idol modern. Terminus Est berjanji kepada tuannya bahwa akan selalu berada bersamanya dan melindungi tuannya ketika dalam bahaya. Tingkat loyalitas yang patut diacungi jempol ditunjukkan gadis kecil manis ini. Est akan selalu menjadi pedang bagi tuannya dan siap sedia kapan saja bagi dia. Roh es tidak mungkin seimut ini! Mungkin itu yang akan kalian teriakkan ketika bertemu Yoshino. Tubuh mungil dan suara imutnya tidak tertahankan untuk dipendam oleh para penggemarnya, namun bukan berarti dia mudah diperdaya, justru kitalah yang harus berhati-hati sebab kita tidak tahu kejutan apa yang dimiliki Yoshinon ketika di arena. Langkah pertama mereka tahun ini akan menentukan takdir mereka selanjutnya. Kursi sudah tersedia di Grup Nova, namun siapa yang akan mendapatkannya tergantung usaha para gadis serta dukungan dari penggemar mereka. Ayo kita mulai pestanya, kawan! |

Aihara Enju (Black Bullet) vs.
Yasuhara Ema (Shirobako) vs.
Tachibana Marika (Nisekoi) vs.
Tedeza Rize (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs.
Kōsaka Honoka (Love Live!) vs.
Tsunemori Akane (Psycho-Pass) vs.
Ayase Eli (Love Live!) vs.
Yaya (Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai) vs.
Jibril (No Game No Life) vs.
Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
天天座理世(请问您今天要来点兔子吗? vs.
高坂穗乃果(Love Live! vs.
常守朱(心理测量者) vs.
绚濑绘里(Love Live!)vs.
夜夜(机巧少女不会受伤 vs.
吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
To start off this Nova Group, we shall display the strengths each character has that are unique to them. Strength comes in many forms, be it physically, mentally or personality-wise. All of it contributes to building them up to what they are today. Eli may not be from Japan, but that does not stop her from adapting to a new environment, even becoming the school's Seitokaichou. Enju knows her physical limits as a Gastrea will soon cause her to become a mindless monster, but even then, she selflessly fights for her loved ones so that she can see their bright smiles. Jibril is a person who displays her strengths in more ways than one—one as part of Disboard's strongest clan, the other as a person seeking for more knowledge—all contributing to her desire to win. While it may be overbearing, it shows her spirit to gain victory over victories. We also have Honoka, the girl whom you will always see smiling, even in difficult times. Her smile has taught many that even in the worst situations, staying calm and smiling throughout the duration will eventually result in success. Whereas Kyōko finds strength in her pursuit to find something she can protect. After seeing her beloved ones separated from her, despite her powers as a magical girl, she is now trying to find something that she can devote her life to. Marika may not be the strongest among the girls here physically, but her will to marry her childhood love is unrivalled. She will do whatever it takes so that the puzzle is solved and she finally knows whether the efforts she has taken have paid off or not. Rize's strength is the friendships she makes at work, where the people are the ones that she can do so much with, be it from study dates to having sleepovers. Such bonds between her and her friends empower her to do more for them. Akane has seen so much with her two bare eyes, many nightmares and memories that she has to keep in her heart as an Inspector, such that her inexperience was soon covered up as she takes a confident stance in her line of work. Ema knows the meaning of failure, as she has experienced it firsthand how a moment of sloppy work can result in so much complication. From that embarrassing experience on, she knows that it is only through failure that she can move on to do better. Finally, we have Yaya, who uses her physical prowess to display the power of love. She uses it so that she can display her affection towards that special someone. Through the many strengths observed by all 10 girls, they all want to advance on, and prevent elimination. Take your pick wisely, for the one vote might just be the clincher. 在这个赛场,我们会展现各位角色独特的力量。力量有很多种,物理上的、精神上的、个性上的,全部都构成了她们今天是一个怎样的人。绚濑绘里并非生于日本,但这个并没有成为她的限制。没有妨碍她融入新环境,甚至成为了学生会长。蓝原延珠知道她身体的限制,很快就会变成一只丧失理性的怪物;然而,她依然无私地战斗,为了保卫在意的人的灿烂笑容。吉普莉尔的力量并不仅限于一面:身为最强部族的成员,以及对知识的强烈渴望,都是她追求胜利的动力。高坂穗乃果即使在艰难的时候,都依然保持笑容。她的乐观积极,教会了很多人即使面对最困难的状况,保持冷静正面就能通往成功。佐仓杏子为了想守护的东西而寻求力量。看见挚爱的人相继离开,即使身有魔法少女的力量,她依然寻找可以奉献自己生命的目标。橘万里花不一定拥有最强壮的体格,但她要嫁给童年初恋的决心却无人能比。为了解开谜题她会竭尽所能,直到找到答案知道自己的努力是否得到回报。天天座理世的力量源于工作所获得的友情,工作的伙伴可以大家一起做那么多的事情,一起温习一起度夜,而这些羁绊又让她有能力去交更多的朋友。常守珠见证了太多事情,太多恶梦与记忆却需要埋藏心里,然而正是如此才让她建立起自信去弥补缺乏的经验。安原绘麻明白失败的意思,因为她亲身经历过一刻的松懈可以衍生多么多的问题。从丢脸的那一刻起,她就醒悟只有通过失败才能学会成长。夜夜善用她体格上的优势,展现爱的力量,并且以行动去证明自己对于那特别的人是有多么强烈的爱。这十个女孩各自拥有自己的力量,并想通过晋级去避免被淘汰。慎重投出你的一票,因为一票可以举足轻重。 |

Honma Meiko (AnoHana) vs.
Nymph (Sora no Otoshimono) vs.
Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series) vs.
Ryōgi Shiki (Kara no Kyōkai) vs.
Ibuki Fūko (CLANNAD) vs.
Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs.
Nibutani Shinka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Louise Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) vs.
Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!)
本间芽衣子(面码) vs.
(我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字) vs.
尼姆芙(天降之物) vs.
羽濑川小鸠(我的朋友很少) vs.
远坂凛(Fate系列) vs.
两仪式(空之境界) vs.
伊吹风子(CLANNAD) vs.
平泽唯(K-ON!) vs.
丹生谷森夏(中二病也想谈恋爱) vs.
露易丝·瓦利埃尔(零之使魔) vs.
"The future must be better than the present and the past." We can tell that Stella division is a prestigious division and its seats are worth being contested. If you can imagine, the division is filled with ISML veterans whose powers are unchallenged. Even to be nominated to this group is a pride, and the girls in Stella bring these feelings when get called to the Preliminary Round. Exactly fifty-fifty of the Stella composition are those who succeeded and those who failed to get a seat in Stella Regular 2014. And they're realized that only a few of them will get the ticket to this next phase. Tōsaka Rin, Nymph, Ryōgi Shiki, Ibuki Fūko, and Louise Vallière take their oath to fight as hard as they can to take the place they deserve. Being knocked out doesn't make them losers, but more as a motivation for them to try harder in the next chance. And this is the chance to steal a seat of Stella that they couldn't reach the previous year. Meanwhile, for five other girls who were able to enter Regular 2014, are these days the perfect time to relax? Absolutely not! On top of that, they must see the warning signs this round, a little mistake or a careless act can be the end of them in ISML 2015. It's clear enough that their important task is to secure their place that they already achieved last year. Aisaka Taiga, Hasegawa Kobato, Hirasawa Yui, Honma Meiko, and Nibutani Shinka must prepare to face any surprises in this round because nobody knows what will happen in this phase. Each of them is special and that's the reason they all are here. Either they're affected by Chūnibyō syndrome, struggling in world of magic and supernatural, a school punk, master in music, or just a normal student in their school, but one thing is certain: to gain as many votes as possible will be an absolute task for the sake of their glory in the arena. So, have you harbored your heart to one, two, or three girls above? Now, just hurry to set your love for them. "未来一定会比过去和现在更好" 恒星席位竞争的激烈,有目共睹。充斥着实力饱受考验的世萌元老,可以想象仅仅通过提名已经是一项荣誉。这一组里面,在去年恒星进入常规赛以及失败的,刚好参半。然而她们的共同点,就是意识到只有几个可以通过进入下一阶段。远坂凛、尼姆芙、两仪式、伊吹风子、以及露易丝,誓要拼尽全力去争取她们应得的席位。被淘汰不代表她们是失败者,反而是机会重临时更努力的推动力,而现在就是重返常规赛的机会了。然而对于去年进入常规的五人来说,决非可以松懈的时候!稍不留神,随时可以意味她们这个赛季提早完结。现在最重要的任务,就是保住去年的位置。逢坂大河、羽濑川小鸠、平泽唯、本间芽衣子、丹生谷森夏,都必须为了任何意外状况做好准备,谁都不知道会发生什么事情。 每一个女孩都是独特的,并且有她们在这里的原因。可能是中二病、在充斥魔幻的世界里挣扎、在学校被遗弃的孤儿、音乐大师、或者只是一个普通学生。然而可以肯定的是,她们要胜出就需要得到尽量多的票。你的心,是否已经交予她们的其中几个?快动手去表达对她们的爱吧! "Masa depan harus lebih baik dari sekarang dan masa lalu" Divisi Stella boleh dibilang adalah divisi yang bergengsi dan kursinya pantas untuk diperebutkan. Bagaimana tidak, divisi ini diisi oleh para-para veteran ISML yang kekuatannya tidak usah diragukan lagi. Bahkan untuk dicalonkan untuk memasuki grup ini saja sudah merupakan suatu kebanggaan, dan perasaan inilah yang dibawa oleh gadis-gadis kita di Stella 7 ketika dipanggil ke babak pre-eliminasi. Tepat 50-50 komposisi Stella 7 kali ini adalah mereka yang berhasil dan mereka yang gagal untuk meraih kursi Stella Reguler 2014. Dan mereka sadar bahwa hanya beberapa dari mereka yang akan meraih tiket ke babak selanjutnya. Tosaka Rin, Nymph, Ryogi Shiki, Ibuki Fuko, dan Louise Vallière bersumpah untuk berjuang semampu mereka dalam mencoba meraih tempat yang mereka yakini pantas untuk menjadi milik mereka. Tersingkir tidak menjadikan mereka pecundang, melainkan sebuah motivasi untuk berusaha lebih keras di kesempatan berikutnya. Dan inilah kesempatannya untuk mencuri kursi Stella yang tahun lalu gagal mereka raih. Sedangkan untuk lima gadis lainnya yang berhasil memasuki Reguler 2014, apakah pantas untuk bersantai-santai? Tidak sama sekali! Justru mereka harus waspada dalam menjalani babak ini, sedikit kesalahan atau kelengahan bisa menjadi akhir bagi mereka di ISML 2015. Sudah jelas tugas utama mereka adalah mengamankan tempat mereka yang sudah diraih tahun lalu. Aisaka Taiga, Hasegawa Kobato, Hirasawa Yui, Honma Meiko, dan Nibutani Shinka harus mempersiapkan diri mereka menghadapi kejutan-kejutan di ronde ini sebab tidak ada yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi di fase ini. Mereka masing-masing spesial dan itulah yang menyebabkan mereka ada di arena ini. Entah mereka yang terkena sindrom Chunibyo, mereka yang berkutat dengan dunia sihir dan supranatural, jagoan sekolah, yang berkutat di bidang musik, ataupun hanyalah seorang siswi biasa di sekolahnya, namun satu yang pasti bahwa tugas mereka mutlak untuk meraih dukungan sebanyak-banyaknya demi kejayaan mereka di arena ini. Jadi, sudahkah hati kalian tertaut pada salah satu, dua, atau tiga gadis di atas? Segera tetapkan hati kalian untuk mereka. |

Naoe Riki (Little Busters!) vs.
Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji) vs.
Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Kaneki Ken (Tokyo Ghoul) vs.
Archer (Fate Series) vs.
Meliodas (Nanatsu no Taizai) vs.
Satomi Rentarō (Black Bullet) vs.
Kasuga Arata (Trinity Seven) vs.
Kaizuka Inaho (Aldnoah.Zero) vs.
Nanase Haruka (Free!)
直枝理树(Little Busters!) vs.
谢尔·凡多姆海伍(黑执事) vs.
野崎梅太郎(月刊少女野崎君) vs.
金木研(东京食尸鬼) vs.
Archer(Fate系列) vs.
梅利奥达斯(七大罪) vs.
里见莲太郎(漆黑的子弹) vs.
春日新(TRINITY SEVEN 魔道书7使者) vs.
界塚伊奈帆(ALDNOAH.ZERO) vs.
The ten people here all have something they want to uphold, be it realistic or not. They have the will to make it happen within their means. Archer may seem nihilistic and does not seem to agree with what his master says. But in truth, his main goal is to protect his master in whatever way he can, going so far as to deceive his master so that his master can live on to fight another day. The aspiration he strives for is justice. Ciel Phantomhive may seem arrogant and prideful, but his heart is just of a child's. Only his ambition to continue the role of his father, the Earl of Phantomhive, allows him to carry on, looking forward to the next interesting event. The something he looks forward to seeing is interest. Kaizuka Inaho's emotionless face hides his barrage of emotions to protect his family and loved ones, including the princess of the enemy, for he wants to see them safe and sound. He would risk his life just to achieve this goal. He wants the people around him safe. Kaneki Ken has found somewhere that he can use his abilities to protect, because it's a new purpose in his life, to be stronger so that the place that had accepted him for who he is would be safe and sound, serving coffee to the everyday customers that come in and go. He strives to protect the peace. Kasuga Arata might appreciate the much fan service he has received from the Trinity Seven, but he knows his priorities and he will do what it takes to achieve this goal to find the person he once lost and to rescue her from the clutches of evil. He aspires to save. Meliodas actually is somewhat similar to Arata, except his purpose is somewhat different; he wants to find the group of knights he once ruled over, the Seven Deadly Sins, so as to find out what happened in an incident that occurred 10 years ago. He wants to find reason. Haruka has no other purpose other than swimming, but the friends he makes really help him divert his everyday choices. While Haruka Nanase may still be addicted to the water, he appreciates the friends he has who have helped him mature so much more. He wants to preserve the life he has now, the blissful life that remains unchanged. Naoe Riki wants his friends to be bonded even more together, to help them solve their issues and they help others as well so that they stay united, playing baseball as a medium to display the friendship they have together. He wants to develop the bonds they have. Nozaki Umetaro is an aspiring manga artist and he spends his daily life trying to improve on his prized manga. By doing so, he has spent more time with people without realizing it. What he wants is to prioritize ambition. Finally, Satomi Rentarō wants to be stronger and faster so that he can do what he once could not—protect and prevent more deaths among the people that live around him, be it humans or cursed children. What he wants is to prevent death. Each of their goals is important to them and they will take the utmost efforts to achieve them. 这里的人都有想坚持的东西。不管想法是否符合现实,他们都拥有让它成真的能力和决心。 Archer表现出不羁且不服从主人命令,但事实上他为了保护主人会做任何事情,纵使有时需要违背命令。他所奋斗的目标,是公义。谢尔·凡多姆海伍看来自傲,但内心却是个小孩。他唯一的意愿就是继承父亲的工作,并以此推动他继续向前进。对未来的兴趣,就是他所期待的。界塚伊奈帆木无表情的脸孔,遮挡了保卫家人与所爱之人的热情,而对象还包括敌对势力的公主。为了目的他愿意赌上自己生命,只为他们平安。金木研发现了可以发挥自己能力的地方,这也成为了他生命的意义,为了保卫这个接受自己的地方而变得更强。每天为人来人往的顾客奉上咖啡,却暗自捍卫着这里的和平。春日新可能很享受魔道书使者所带来的享受,但他深切知道事情轻重并会为达目标做任何事情。为了寻找曾经失去的人,把她从邪恶的魔爪中拯救出来。梅利奥达斯有点相象,但又不尽相同。他想寻回他曾经领导过的骑士,被称为"七大罪"的存在,并查出十年前事件的真相。七濑遥除了游泳以外没有什么其他目标,但他的朋友却为他生命添上色彩,并且协助他成长起来。他现在希望的,只想让此刻如斯精彩的生活不要改变。直枝理树希望他的朋友能更加亲近的在一起,互相帮助并保持团结。打棒球是维系感情的中介,而他非常乐于在这样的羁绊上继续建立。野崎梅太郎是个出色的漫画家,而每天的工作就是在此之上更上一层楼。虽然不自觉,但这个向着目标奋斗的生活,让他跟身边的人拉近了。里见莲太郎希望变得更强更快,去做到曾经做不到的事情:保护身边的人避免死去,无论是人类还是被诅咒的孩子。他想做的,是保护他们的生命。 对他们每个人来说,目标都是重要的,并且会倾尽全力去达到。 |
Thanks to Fujiwara, BugH, Just, and matchbaby for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 2, Day 1 — Thursday, April 23, 2015

Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs.
Yui (Sword Art Online) vs.
Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs.
Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs.
Aisaka Taiga (Toradora!) vs.
Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs.
Nōmi Kudryavka (Little Busters!)
晓美焰(魔法少女小圆☆魔力) vs.
唯(刀剑神域) vs.
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs.
结城美柑(出包王女) vs.
木之本樱(魔卡少女樱) vs.
逢坂大河(TIGER×DRAGON!龙与虎) vs.
凉宫春日(凉宫春日的忧郁) vs.
能美·库特莉亚芙卡(Little Busters!)
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Hi everyone, this is your beloved commentator who will preview a bit of Preliminary Round 2, especially Stella Arena 6. Who are the member of this group? Are you interested? Okay, let's approach them one by one. Follow me! We can hear the sounds of girls who are talking in the garden. Oh, we found Chitanda Eru, Yūki Mikan and Kinomoto Sakura there. Sakura shows some of her card collections to Eru who looks at them with curious eyes; Mikan joins the conversation and pours some tea to their cups. Ah, let them enjoy their relaxing at this time, as we must go to other places. Going straight from the garden to the hill, we can meet Yui and Nōmi Kudryavka having fun playing with dogs. Yui looks so happy when Kud's dogs are running around to catch her, while Kud is encouraging Yui to keep running. What a refreshing view, right? Okay, let's find the other girls. Now, we are walking in the hallway of the dormitory, where we can find three angry girls: Akemi Homura, Aisaka Taiga and Suzumiya Haruhi. The aura is intense enough to make the birds stop chirping. The main cause is because Taiga is annoyed with the noisy sound of Haruhi, which also suddenly awakened the sleeping Taiga. Homura tried to break up the fight, but ended up joining their quarrelling. It's better for us to get away from here and let the ISML staff solve this problem. That's all about the condition of Stella 6 members today. The attractiveness will be the main weapon in this competition, so they need to show the best of themselves for the sake of victory. No more to say from here—Reporter withdraws and will see you again in the ISML 2015 Arena. 各位好,今天会带大家看看预选第二回合恒星组第六场的战况。参赛者都有谁呢? 你可以听到女生在花园里聊天的声音了。噢,那边的是千反田爱瑠、结城美柑和木之本樱。小樱正在展示她的魔法卡收藏,而爱瑠则瞪大好奇的眼睛看着,旁边的美柑一边服侍着茶点一边聆听着。让她们享受这轻松的一刻吧,我们到别处去。这次我们来到了山林,看见唯和能美·库特莉亚芙卡在跟小狗玩耍。库特催赶着小狗们去追逃跑的唯,然而两个女孩都散发着欢乐的笑声。真是美妙的情景呢,对不?噢,转眼来到宿舍走廊,晓美焰、逢坂大河和凉宫春日似乎都在生气,气氛紧张得飞鸟都安静下来。大河似乎睡觉时被春日吵醒了,焰尝试劝止结果自己也吵起来了。我们最好不要打扰,等世萌职员来处理纠纷吧。 以上,就是各选手的备战状况。魅力是今天比赛的致胜关键,她们都必须倾尽全力展现去争取胜利。报道至此结束,比赛见! Hai semuanya, di sini adalah komentator kesayangan kalian yang akan mengulas sedikit tentang Ronde 2 Pre- eliminasi terutama di Arena 6 Stella. Siapa saja anggota di grup ini? Penasaran? Baik kita datangi saja mereka satu persatu. Ikut aku! Sepertinya terdengar suara beberapa gadis sedang berbincang di taman belakang. Oh, ada Chitanda Eru, Yūki Mikan dan Kinomoto Sakura di sana. Sakura memperlihatkan beberapa koleksi kartunya kepada Eru yang melihatnya dengan mata penuh rasa penasaran sementara Mikan ikut dalam pembicaraan sambil menuangkan teh ke masing-masing cangkir. Ah, kita biarkan mereka menikmati waktu santai kali ini, dan ayo pergi ke tempat lain. Dari taman kita lurus menuju bukit di belakang, di mana kita bisa menemukan Yui dan Nōmi Kudryavka sedang asyik bermain dengan anjing-anjing. Yui terlihat girang saat anjing-anjing Kud mengejarnya ke sana dan ke mari, sedangkan Kud terlihat ceria sambil menyemangati Yui untuk terus berlari. Pemandangan yang sangat menyegarkan bukan? Ah baiklah kita cari yang lain. Sekarang kita ke lorong asrama di mana kita bisa menemukan 3 gadis sedang bersiteru: Akemi Homura, Aisaka Taiga dan Suzumiya Haruhi. Cukup intens aura di tempat ini saat ini, bahkan cukup untuk membuat burung-burung berhenti berkicau. Rupanya ini semua terjadi karena Taiga cukup terganggu dengan suara nyanyian Haruhi yang keras sampai-sampai membangunkan Taiga yang masih tertidur. Sedangkan Homura yang berusaha meleraikan justru ikut terlibat dalam persiteruan ini. Lebih baik kita keluar cepat-cepat dari tempat ini dan biarkan para staff ISML yang akan menyelesaikan masalah ini. Kira-kira seperti itu keadaan para anggota Stella 6 hari ini. Daya tarik akan menjadi senjata utama dalam kompetisi ini, maka mereka perlu menampilkan yang terbaik demi sebuah kemenangan. Tidak perlu berbicara banyak, reporter mengundurkan diri dan sampai bertemu lagi di Arena ISML 2015. Einen wunderschönen guten Tag, hier spricht euer geliebter Kommentator um euch eine Vorschau auf die 2. Vorrunde, Stella Arena 6, zu geben. Wer sind die acht Konkurrentinnen? Seid ihr interessiert? Na schön, dann schauen wir sie uns eine nach der anderen genauer an. Folgt mir unauffällig! Wir können ein Gespräch der Mädchen im Garten hören. Und da haben wir auch schon Chitanda Eru, Yūki Mikan und Kinomoto Sakura gefunden. Sakura zeigt der neugierigen Eru eine Auswahl ihrer Kartensammlung. Mikan beteiligt sich an der lebhaften Diskussion und gießt Tee in die Tassen. Gönnen wir ihnen diese entspannende Pause und wenden uns den anderen Mädchen zu. Unser Blick schweift vom Garten hoch zum Hügel, wo wir Yui und Nōmi Kudryavka beim Spielen mit den Hunden beobachten können. Yui wirkt richtig vergnügt, wenn sie von Kuds Hunden verfolgt wird. Kud ermuntert Yui dazu immer weiter zu laufen. Was für ein erfrischender Anblick, nicht wahr? Dann lasst uns noch die drei verbleibenden Mädchen aufsuchen. Nun begeben wir uns in den Flur des Wohnheims, wo wir die drei im Streit vereint finden: Akemi Homura, Aisaka Taiga und Suzumiya Haruhi. Die Atmosphäre ist derart spannungsgeladen, dass selbst die Vögel aufhören zu zwitschern. Begonnen hatte alles mit einer lärmenden Haruhi, welche ungewollt Taiga abrupt aus dem Schlaf riss. Homura versuchte zunächst den Streit zu schlichten, beteiligte sich aber bald an der Auseinandersetzung. Lasst uns diesen Ort verlassen und dem Stab der ISML die Lösung dieses Problems überlassen. Soviel zum Zustand der Mädchen vor dem Kampf in Stella 6. Attraktivität ist die wichtigste Waffe in diesem Wettbewerb und die Mädchen werden ihr Bestes geben, um den Sieg zu erringen. Damit ist diese Vorschau beendet und wir werden die Mädchen in der ISML 2015 Arena wiedertreffen. |

Urushibara Shizuno (Seiken Tsukai no World Break) vs. Toshinō Kyōko (Yuruyuri)
"Sorry, do you know me? In a certain evening in a cafe, Urushibara Shizuno is trying to enjoy her warm tea while reading a book. "This place is so refreshing; I can relax in here." Shizuno is the kind of lady who loves quietness, since she has been adapted to this situation from a young age. But, her quiet evening will be disturbed. "Hi, Shizuno-chan. I believe we can meet at this place. Let's have a talk." "Huh, can you be a bit quiet? Don't disturb me." There's no doubt, she is Toshinō Kyōko, who is known as a cheerful yet annoying girl, especially for Shizuno. "You're a boring woman. Just try to smile for now." "Excuse me, do you know who I am?" "Shizuno, right? From Akane Academy. I know about you. What's the matter?" "Miss Kyōko, you've still not realized that I am your opponent in the arena?" A confused face mingles with a shock expression. Kyōko is stunned. "Hee? My enemy? Impossible!" "Look at this schedule, look! Urushibara Shizuno and Toshinō Kyōko in Winter Arena 2. "Hahahaha, then I excuse myself. I have a sudden errand for now. Bye!" Along with Kyōko's disappearance, Shizuno's evening became quiet again. "Permisi, apakah kau mengenalku?" Suatu sore di sebuah kafe, terlihat Urushibara Shizuno sedang menikmati teh hangat sembari membaca buku. "Tempat ini sangat nyaman, aku bisa rileks di tempat ini." Shizuno adalah tipikal seorang putri yang sangat menyukai ketenangan, karena dia sudah terbiasa dengan situasi ini dari kecil. Namun sore tenangnya itu akan segera terusik. "Hai, Shizuno-chan. Tak kusangka kita bisa bertemu di tempat ini. Mari kita mengobrol sebentar." "Huh, bisakah kau tenang sedikit. Jangan ganggu aku." Tak salah lagi dia adalah Toshinō Kyōko, yang terkenal periang namun terkadang sedikit menganggu, terutama bagi Shizuno. "Kamu ini wanita yang membosankan, cobalah tersenyum sedikit." "Maaf, apakah kamu tahu siapa aku?" "Shizuno, kan? Dari akademi Akane. Aku tahu tentangmu, lalu kenapa?" "Nona Kyōko, kamu masih belum sadar bahwa aku adalah lawanmu di arena nanti?" Dengan raut muka bingung bercampur kaget, Kyōko hanya terpaku diam. "Hee? Lawanku? Tidak mungkin!" "Coba liat jadwal ini, Lihat! Urushibara Shizuno melawan Toshinō Kyōko di Arena Musim Dingin 2." "Hahahaha, kalau begitu permisi, tiba-tiba aku ada urusan mendadak. Sampai jumpa!" Seiring dengan kepergian Kyōko, sore Shizuno pun menjadi tenang kembali. |
Thanks to BugH, Just, and Shmion84 for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 2, Day 2 — Sunday, April 26, 2015

Yoshino (Date A Live) vs.
Shiba Miyuki (Mahōka Kōkō no Rettōsei) vs.
Stephanie Dola (No Game No Life) vs.
Fujimiya Kaori (Isshūkan Friends.) vs.
Kōsaka Honoka (Love Live!) vs.
Hoto Kokoa (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs.
Kujō Karen (Kin'iro Mosaic) vs.
Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
四糸乃(约会大作战) vs.
司波深雪(魔法科高中的劣等生) vs.
史蒂芬妮·多拉(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
藤宫香织(一周的朋友) vs.
高坂穗乃果(Love Live!) vs.
保登心爱(请问您今天要来点兔子吗?) vs.
九条可怜(黄金拼图) vs.
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A treasure is something someone holds tight in their heart, and these girls certainly have someone, or something, that is a treasure to them. For instance, while Yoshino may love her friends, she puts her doll, Yoshinon, as her first priority as it has been with her ever since she was a Spirit, helping her through many situations. Shiba Miyuki also has someone similar, in the form of her big brother. The emotionless yet kind brother of hers drives her to do her best in school so that she will receive further praise from the big brother whom she yearningly loves. For Kaori, the person she treasures is the guy whose name she sometimes cannot remember, but his eagerness to help restore her memory allows her to showcase her pure smile, a smile just like an angel. For Madoka, she places in her heart a girl who has been through much psychological pain so that she can finally see an outcome where Madoka does not suffer a terrible fate. Finding out the truth from this seemingly cold girl was a shocker and a tearjerker. Dola puts her utmost faith into the race she was born into, Imanity. Even if they are the last race in the world, she truly believes in the unlimited potential of the humans that reside in Imanity, and as the princess she will lead it to glory. Honoka also has something she treasures the most&mash;the school idol group she created along with eight others. This group has brought her many memories and fun times, and the lives she had were truly unforgettable, as she danced and sang with joy and emotion. Finally, we have Cocoa and Karen, who feel that the people that surround them are worth more than gold. Cocoa felt elated working in the same café as her niece and her co-worker, as she made many dear memories with them through the pastries and coffee she and her niece served. Whereas Karen is able to make friends with just about everyone, what with her bright and outgoing attitude as well as the enthusiasm she displays every day. While she can be very forgetful at times, people soon forgive her due to just how she is, being Karen. 所谓宝物,乃是一个人内心所珍重的事物。这些女孩,每个人心中都有各自珍视为宝物的人或事物。 对四糸乃而言,尽管她可能会有喜爱的朋友,然而在她心中,布偶四糸奈永远占据着最重要的位置。从她成为精灵的那天开始,四糸奈陪伴着她走过了一路的风风雨雨。司波深雪同样有着一位在她心中无比重要的人,她的哥哥。不露情感却心地善良的哥哥激励着她在学校里不懈努力,以期为她所爱慕的哥哥赢得赞许。 藤宫香织所珍重的那个人,她有时并不能记起他的名字。正是他热心地帮助香织恢复记忆,使她天使般纯洁的笑容得以展现。鹿目圆的心中有着一位少女,为了寻找使小圆逃离悲惨命运的结局,她经历了无数精神上的痛楚。探寻这个外表冷酷的少女背后真相的过程令人震惊亦催人泪下。 史蒂芬妮·多拉笃信着她的种族——人类种。尽管他们是世界上最末的种族,她真诚地相信着种族中的人们的无限潜能,相信着作为公主,她能够带领种族赢得荣耀。高坂穗乃果同样拥有最为珍视的事物——她与八位成员共同建立的校园偶像团体。她们的团体为她留下了许多欢乐与回忆,她将快乐与情感融入歌舞,那些演唱会因此而着实让人难以忘记。 最后是保登心爱和九条可怜,她们将身边的人视作金子般的存在。心爱同智乃和理世一起在一家咖啡厅工作,她为她的工作而感到幸福和快乐。手工的点心,香浓的咖啡,她与伙伴们在那里留下了许多珍贵的回忆。可怜能够同几乎每一个人成为朋友,这与她阳光而外向的性格以及她所传递给大家的热情是分不开的。尽管有时她会傻傻地健忘,人们也会很快地原谅她,因为她就是那样的一个人——九条可怜。 Harta adalah sesuatu yang digenggam erat oleh seseorang di hati mereka dan gadis-gadis ini tentu saja punya seseorang atau sesuatu yang disimpan oleh mereka. Sebagai contoh, Yoshino mungkin menyukai teman-temannya, namun dia menempatkan bonekanya, Yoshinon, sebagai prioritas yang sudah ada bersamanya sejak dia masih menjadi seorang roh yang membantunya melalui segala situasi. Shiba Miyuki juga punya seseorang yang serupa, yaitu kakaknya. Kakaknya yang tanpa emosi namun ramah mendorongnya untuk melakukan yang terbaik di sekolah sehingga dia mampu menerima pujian dari kakaknya, kakak yang benar-benar dia cintai. Untuk Kaori, seseorang yang dia simpan adalah seorang pria yang terkadang tak bisa dia ingat namanya, namun usaha pria tersebut untuk membantu memulihkan ingatan membuat Kaori menampilkan senyuman terbaik yang ia miliki, senyuman bak malaikat. Bagi Madoka, dia menempatkan seorang gadis di hatinya, seorang gadis yang sudah melalui begitu banyak kesengsaraan hanya agar dia akhirnya mampu melihat Madoka terlepas dari sengsara akan takdir yang mengerikan. Lebih jauh sepertinya kebenaran mengungkap bahwa gadis ini penuh kejutan dan cengeng. Dola menempatkan keyakinannya kepada ras di mana dia lahir, Imanitu. Meski mereka adalah ras terakhir di dunia, dia yakin akan potensi tidak terbatas dari manusia yang mendiami Imanity, dan sebagai seorang putri dia akan membawa Imanity menuju kejayaan.Honoka juga punya sesuatu yang sangat ia simpan- grup idol sekolah yang dia ciptakan dengan delapan orang lainnya. Grup ini telah membawakannya banyak kenangan dan waktu-waktu indah, serta kehidupan yang tidak pernah dia lupakan seirama dengan tarian dan nyanyian yang penuh dengan keceriaan dan emosi. Akhirnya kita punya Cocoa dan Karen, yang merasakan bahwa orang-orang disekitar mereka adalah emas bagi mereka. Cocoa merasa gembira bisa bekerja di cafe yang sama dengan sepupunya dan rekan kerja lainnya, di mana banyak kenangan indah telah terbentuk melalui roti yang dibuatnya dan kopi yang sepupunya buat. Sedangkan Karen mampu berteman hampir dengan siapa saja, dengan kelakuannya yang bercahaya sebagaimana juga dengan antusiasme yang ia tunjukkan setiap hari. Terkadang dia juga pelupa, namun orang-orang dengan cepat memaafkannya karena dia adalah Karen. |

Himeragi Yukina (Strike the Blood) vs.
Jibril (No Game No Life) vs.
Sonoda Umi (Love Live!) vs.
Asada Shino (Sword Art Online) vs.
Mine (Akame ga Kill!) vs.
Suō Amane (Grisaia no Kajitsu) vs.
Miyazono Kaori (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso) vs.
Gasai Yuno (Mirai Nikki)
姬柊雪菜(噬血狂袭) vs.
吉普莉尔(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
园田海未(Love Live!) vs.
朝田诗乃(刀剑神域) vs.
玛茵(斩·赤紅之瞳!) vs.
周防天音(灰色的果实) vs.
宫园薰(四月是你的谎言) vs.
There are times where the women have to step up and defend and fight back for what is rightfully theirs without a single doubt. Yukina may have seen sent to subdue the guy who potentially could grow into a huge threat, but through the experiences they had today, her emotions overtook her sense of duty, as she now fights to defend her senpai so that she can see him safe and sound. Yuno, on the other hand, lives on the basis that her love is like a pillar of support. She would do whatever it takes to defend this love of hers in this cruel survival game, resorting to even murder so that they can run to see another day. Next, we have the musically inclined people. While Umi may have originally opposed the idea, she quickly began to love the school idol group she was in. The times they spent together on the rooftop to practice and the times where they met many setbacks all contribute to the pride she has in μ's, and she would never want to see it fall. Kaori lives to play the music she once heard in a classical music concert. Despite her poor health, she persevered on to learn how to play the violin, and soon learnt how to play the vibrant music she once heard. Right now, she will fight back her illness, so that she can fulfill her wish someday. The two snipers here are not to be messed with, for they too have things they do not want people to harm. Mine, who originally just wanted to vanquish evil, soon found something she personally had to protect. While he may wasn’t charming, or very strong, he was brave, braver than what she could be. She started to fight for him because he was a shining star in her life. Shino, on the other hand, fights to defend herself from her past. She wants to put down the traumatic time she once had that still torments her till today, so she picks up her sniper rifle and gets ready to aim, aiming at her past for a headshot. Finally, we have two lovely women, Jibril and Amane. Jibril may be part of the most powerful race in Disboard, but even she respects those more powerful. Her love for her masters grows and grows, as she respects their immense knowledge that she so desires. For now, she fights as she travels with her master, one day fulfilling her own goal. Amane fights also to escape the horrifying incident she once experienced. That incident gave and lost her new friend she had made during an accident, as she and a group of girls from the same activity tried to survive in the wilderness. She now can only fight back the psychological pain she has experienced, slowly trying to forget… While everyone is trying to fight back something, not everyone is successful at doing it. But they still try and never give up at their goals. 有些时候,女人必须站起来,为了守护属于自己的东西而坚定不移地战斗。 姬柊雪菜的职责是看守一个有机会变成巨大威胁的男孩,然而共同的经历让她的情感超越了一切,变成了为保护这位前辈而战斗。另一边厢,我妻由乃同样以爱情作为生活的支柱;在残酷的生存游戏里面,为了保护所爱她甘愿做任何事,包括成为一个杀人犯。 音乐也可以成为一些人生命的意义。园田海未起初抗拒校园偶像这个想法,但随着共同练习以及度过考验的时间,她很快融入团队并为之自豪,希望大家可以一直快乐下去。宫园薰虽然健康欠佳却坚持学习小提琴,只是为了谱奏出幼时演奏会所听到、那触动人心弦的音乐;她努力与病魔战斗,为了有一天可以达成心愿。 你绝不会想招惹这两位狙击手,因为她们各自有不想被他人插手的事情。玛茵起初只想警恶惩奸,然而很快就找到自己想保护的东西;他不迷人也不强壮,然而内心的勇敢远超自己,他是自己生命里闪耀的光芒。诗乃则是为了摆脱过去而战,希望从以前所经历的伤痛之中康复过来,因而拾起了狙击枪,瞄准心里一直摆脱不了的阴影。 最后,是两位可爱的女生。吉普莉尔是最强部族的一员,但她依然尊敬比自己更强的人,而那就是自己的主人;她尊敬他的渊博学识,并且与他同行并战斗,为了有一天达到自己的梦想。周防天音过去曾经经历一个悲剧,与伙伴于野外求存时因意外失去了一个新交的朋友;现在她只能不断与内心的痛楚战斗,慢慢尝试忘记... 每个人都有需要战斗的原因,虽然并非所有人都会成功,但依然坚持不懈、永不放弃。 Ada saatnya di mana seorang wanita tak boleh ragu untuk memberanikan dirinya tampil dan melindungi apa yang menjadi miliknya. Yukina mungkin pada awalnya dikirim untuk menundukkan orang yang dapat saja menjadi sebuah ancaman yang besar. Namun, setelah melalui banyak pengalaman bersamanya, emosi Yukina mengalahkan rasa tanggung jawabnya, sehingga ia pada akhirnya malah bertarung demi melindungi Senpai-nya. Lain halnya Yuno, yang hidup berdasarkan cintanya kepada seseorang yang seperti sebuah pilar yang menopang keberadaanya. Dia akan melakukan apa saja demi melindungi orang yang ia cintai pada sebuah permainan bertahan hidup yang kejam, dan tak ragu membunuh orang lain agar mereka dapat lari dan melihat hari esok bersama. Selanjutnya, kita memiliki 2 orang musisi. Walaupun pada awalnya ia menentang ide tersebut, Umi mencintai grup School Idol tempat ia dan teman-temannya bergabung. Waktu yang mereka habiskan di atap sekolah untuk berlatih, waktu di mana mereka menemui banyak halangan, semua merupakan bagian dari kebanggannya akan μ's dan ia tidak mau melihatnya berakhir. Kaori hidup untuk bermain musik yang ia dengar saat kecil di sebuah konser. Walaupun kesehatan buruk (dan semaking memburuk,) ia tetap teguh dalam pembelajarannya di dunia instrumen musik biola, dan dengan cepat ia belajar bagaimana memainkan sebuah musik yang dapat menggetarkan seperti yang ia dulu dengar. Kini, ia sedang berjuang melawan penyakitnya, agar ia dapat memenuhi keinginannya suatu hari nanti. Kita tak boleh turut campur ke dalam urusan kedua penembak jitu berikut ini, karena mereka juga memiliki sesuatu yang privat dan orang tak boleh turut campur ke dalamnya. Mine, yang pada awalnya hanya ingin mengalahkan kejahatan, menemukan seseorang yang ingin ia lindungi. Pria tersebut mungkin tidak tampan maupun kuat, namun ia berani, lebih berani dari apa yang Mine dapat lakukan. Maka, ia mulai bertempur bersamanya, karena ia adalah sebuah bintang terang di hidupnya. Sementara Shino bertempur untuk melindungi dirinya dari kenangan masa lalunya yang buruk. Ia ingin melupakan trauma yang sampai sekarang masih menyiksanya. Maka, ia mengambil sniper rifle-nya, dan bersiap membidik musuh-musuhnya, melewati dahi mereka dan mengincar tembakan tepat ke kepala. Terakhir, kita memiliki 2 orang wanita cantik, Jibril dan Amane. Jibril mungkin merupakan bagian dari salah satu bangsa terkuat di Disboard, namun ia juga menyegani mereka yang lebih kuat darinya. Cintanya kepada tuannya semaking bertumbuh, seiring hormatnya kepada luasnya wawasan tuannya yang sangat ingin ia miliki juga. Ia kini berpergian dan bertempur bersama tuannya, dengan harapan bahwa ia dapat memenuhi tujuannya sendiri. Hal yang berbeda terjadi kepada Amane, yang juga bertempur - ia bertempur untuk lari dari pengalaman buruknya di sebuah kecelakaan mengerikan. Kecelakaan tersebut memberikan dan mengambil darinya seorang teman, yang menemaninya di hutan liar pada saat ia dan sekelompok gadis dari kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang sama berusaha bertahan hidup. Ia kini hanya dapat melawan sakit yang ia rasakan di dalam jiwanya, sambil perlahan berusaha melupakan kejadian tersebut. Walaupun semua orang berusaha bertempur melawan sesuatu, tidak semua orang berhasil mengalahkan hal tersebut. Namun, gadis-gadis ini tetap mencoba dan tidak pernah menyerah dalam mencapai cita-citanya. |

Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs.
Furukawa Nagisa (CLANNAD) vs.
Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs.
Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Holo (Spice and Wolf) vs.
Kasugano Sora (Yosuga no Sora) vs.
Mikazuki Yozora (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Kuroyukihime (Accel World)
平泽唯 (K-ON!) vs.
古河渚 (CLANNAD) vs.
结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域) vs.
金色暗影 (出包王女) vs.
赫萝 (狼与辛香料) vs.
春日野穹 (缘之空) vs.
三日月夜空 (我的朋友很少) vs.
黑雪姬 (加速世界)
Good day, everyone, Moe greetings for all of us. This is your reporter who’s glad to see you again in the preliminary round of ISML 2015. I'm sure that you are curious about who will be watched by us today, right? You're the lucky man because we will see the girls from the Stella 1 Arena. If you see the schedule, we will have Yui, Nagisa, Asuna, Yami, Holo, Sora, Yozora, and Kuroyukihime fight in Stella 1. Okay, let's visit them. First, we go backstage to where Hirasawa Yui and Furukawa Nagisa are in the middle of a conversation. Oh, Nagisa seems have a good time with Gitah, Yui's guitar, while Yui is also in her mood with her read bean bun from Nagisa. Seems a fair trade; Nagisa gave Yui the bun so she could hold Gitah for a moment. Enough with them, we go to the next place. Wait, the officials are running to the cafeteria and it seems something has happened there. Ah, Holo and Mikazuki Yozora are in a fight, or more precisely debating something. They talk about the fur quality of Holo's tail. Holo insists that her fur is the best in the whole land, but Yozora denies all of Holo's confidence with her sharp words. Even their voices can be heard in the other facilities of this place. Let's divert our sight from them, and look to the fountain where we can see Kasugano Sora and Konjiki no Yami sitting side by side. Yami is enjoying her favorite taiyaki and Sora is holding a pack of potato chips in her hand. With embarrassment, Sora offers her chips to Yami and Yami also offers her taiyaki to Sora. Let's hope someday we can join them, but there's still a place that we need to visit. We move to the training center, where Yūki Asuna and Kuroyukihime are trying a new device to enter the virtual world. It seems that the girls want to test a battle in the game world. We can see their battle from the screen in the next door; both of them are very strong but elegant when swinging their swords. It's an even match, and this is the proof of their title in each world. That's all for our little trip for members of Stella 1, so you can at least be considerate when voting in this arena. Remember, you can only choose two from eight girls, so support your girls to make sure they won't be eliminated from the next phases. Reporter is withdrawing for now and will see you next time! 各位好,欢迎再次回来世萌2015的预选赛场。不知道今天会看到哪几位参赛者呢? 首先去到后台,看到平泽唯与古河渚在聊天。渚跟唯的吉他好像玩得很开心,而唯也正享受着渚给她的红豆面包。以吉他换红豆面包,看来是个挺公平的交易呢。咦,工作人员正跑往咖啡厅,是不是发生什么事情?噢,赫萝和三日月夜空似乎正在激辩,话题是赫萝的尾巴。赫萝坚持她的毛质是世上最棒,夜空则以尖酸的话语把她的自信全盘否定。目光转到喷水池旁,春日野穹和金色暗影一起坐着。带着一点羞涩,穹把手里的薯片递给小暗、小暗也跟她分享自己的鲷鱼烧。最后来到修道场,结城明日奈与黑雪姬正测试她们的新装备进行模拟战斗。她们既强大又动态华丽,不相伯仲,不愧在各自世界里面的名声。 稍微看了一下恒星一比赛前各位选手的状况,大概可以帮助大家考虑如何投出手中一票。从八个女孩里面选两个,为了进入下一阶段比赛避免遭淘汰。 Selamat siang semuanya, salam moe bagi kita semua. Senang sekali reportermu ini bertemu lagi dengan kalian di babak Pre-eliminasi ISML 2015. Aku yakin kalian pasti kalian ingin tahu mengenai siapakah yang akan kita intip hari ini, bukan? Kalian sangat beruntung karena kita akan melihat gadis-gadis di Arena Stella 1. Kalau kalian lihat di jadwal kita punya Yui, Nagisa, Asuna, Yami, Holo, Sora, Yozora dan Kuroyukihime yang akan bertanding di Stella 1. Baiklah, mari kita kunjungi mereka. Pertama kita ke belakang panggung, di mana Hirasawa Yui dan Furukawa Nagisa sedang berbincang. Oh, Nagisa terlihat asik dengan Gitah, gitar milik Yui, sementara Yui sedang asyik menikmati roti kacang merah pemberian Nagisa. Nampak seperti pertukaran, Nagisa memberi Yui roti agar dapat memegang Gitah untuk sebentar. Cukup dengan mereka, kita berlanjut ke tempat lain. Tunggu, para staff pergi berlarian ke kantin sepertinya ada yang terjadi. Oh rupanya Holo dan Mikazuki Yozora sedang bertengkar, atau lebih tepatnya beradu argumen. Mereka memperdebatkan tinggi rendahnya kualitas bulu di ekor Holo. Holo bersikeras bahwa bulu ekornya adalah yang paling baik di seluruh negri, sementara Yozora menampik seluruh keyakinan Holo dengan argumennya yang tajam. Suara debat mereka bahkan dapat didengar di sampai ke seluruh fasilitas di tempat ini. Mari alihkan pandangan kita dari mereka dan melihat ke arah air mancur, di mana terlihat Kasugano Sora dan Konjiki no Yami sedang duduk berdua. Yami tampak asik dengan kue taiyaki favoritnya sementara Sora memegang sekantong keripik kentang ditangannya. Dengan malu, Sora menawarkan keripiknya kepada Yami dan sebaliknya Yami juga menawarkan taiyakinya kepada Sora. Mari berharap suatu saat kita bisa bergabung juga dengan mereka, namun kita masih punya satu tempat lagi yang harus dikunjungi. Kita beralih ke pusat pelatihan, di mana Yūki Asuna dan Kuroyukihime sedang mencoba peralatan baru untuk masuk ke dunia virtual. Nampaknya mereka mencoba untuk latih tanding di dunia permainan. Di ruangan ada layar besar di mana kita bisa melihat Asuna dan Kuroyukihime bertanding, mereka berdua tampak sangat bertenaga namun anggun ketika mengayunkan pedang mereka. Ini adalah pertandingan yang seimbang, dan ini menjadi bukti dari sebutan mereka di dunia masing-masing. Baiklah itu tur singkat mengenai anggota Stella 1, paling tidak ini semua bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan kalian untuk memilih di arena ini. Ingat hanya dua dari mereka berdelapan yang bisa kalian pilih, jadi pastikan pujaan kalian tidak tereliminasi untuk fase-fase berikutnya. Reporter undur diri dan sampai bertemu lagi di lain kesempatan! |
Thanks to Fujiwara, BugH, FISHING, Just, and Reverend for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 3, Day 1 — Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs.
Momo Belia Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Yui (Sword Art Online) vs.
Kuroyukihime (Accel World) vs.
Sengoku Nadeko (Monogatari Series) vs.
Saber (Fate Series) vs.
Victorique de Blois (GOSICK) vs.
Aragaki Ayase(Ore no Imōto)
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Hello, everyone, we meet again in ISML 2015. As a reporter, I never get bored of giving information, particularly regarding the girls who will fight today. We're entering the third round and the competition will be hotter and more intense for the rest. This time, we will ask about something from the eight girls in Stella 4: Azusa, Momo, Yui, Kuroyukihime, Nadeko, Saber, Victorique and Ayase. There's only one question for them, what is your motto in ISML this year? And they already wrote that on a piece of paper. Now, it’s our turn to read them. We start from Azusa who wrote, "Relax but Serious, both of them must be balanced." Wow, what a mature statement from Azusa who’s even the youngest member in her club. It really shows how hard she works to reach a ticket to the Regular Session. Next we'll read Momo's, who wrote, "Being the best isn't always being the first." Again, another shocking statement from a young girl here, as if it wants to say that she deserves to get one seat in Stella even if she isn't in the top. Now we'll read Yui's, "Mama and Papa are great people, and so am I." Ah, Yui, your mom and dad will be very proud of you when they read this. But, will Yui be ready to fight her mother if they meet each other in ISML? Now we advance to Kuroyukihime, who wrote, "I don't care what people say; I just keep moving straight." Really, this young lady is full of surprises and of course we won't forget what she had done last year, will we? A paper with Nadeko's name over it will be read now. She wrote, "I'm a good girl and everybody loves good girls." Two words for Nadeko: shy, yet cute, a combination able to conquer every fan. We need to support her, so she can be more confident with her own ability. My hands are shaking when taking Saber's paper, but I’m curious about her sentence. "Glory isn't mine, it belongs to everyone who follows me." Charisma never lies; we can't imagine what will happen if Saber says this line by herself. All hail Saber! On Victorique's is written, "The final result is clearly painted in front of me. I'm the winner." The high confidence and pride for her own intelligence are positive things from Miss Victorique, and I think she will need that to get through this round. And the last is Ayase's, who wrote, "I'm a lucky girl. Without my fans, I’m nothing." We can say that this sentence is a picture of every girl in ISML. No matter how hard you fight, there's no one who is able to stand or to struggle alone. I think that’s enough for today. And based on what they had written, it seems all of them are ready to step it up in this arena. Let's see who will be left standing in the end. Your reporter is withdrawing for now and will see you next time. Halo semua, kita berjumpa lagi di arena ISML 2015 Tak bosan-bosan reporter kalian ini memberikan informasi mengenai gadis-gadis yang akan bertarung hari ini. Sudah memasuki babak ke tiga dan persaingan semakin panas dan semakin ketat bagi semua gadis yang masih tersisa. Kali ini kita akan menanyakan sesuatu kepada delapan gadis di Stella 4 : Azusa, Momo, Yui, Kuroyukihime, Nadeko, Saber, Victorique dan Ayase. Hanya satu pertanyaan untuk mereka semua, apa moto kalian dalam menempuh ISML tahun ini? Dan mereka sudah selesai menulisnya di secarik kertas, kini giliran kita untuk membacanya. Kita mulai dari Azusa yang menulis, "Santai tapi serius, keduanya harus seimbang." Wow, tulisan yang sangat dewasa sekali meski dia adalah anggota termuda di klub musiknya. Mencerminkan bagaimana kerja kerasnya di ISML tahun ini demi sebuah tiket ke babak reguler. Selanjutnya kita bacakan punya Momo yang tertulis, "Menjadi yang terbaik bukan harus selalu menjadi yang pertama." Lagi-lagi tulisan yang mengejutkan dari seorang gadis muda, seakan-akan ingin mengatakan bahwa dirinya memang pantas untuk satu kursi di Stella meski bukan pilihan yang utama. Sekarang kita baca punya Yui, "Mama dan Papa adalah orang hebat, dan begitupula diriku." Ah Yui, Mama dan Papamu akan sangat bangga ketika membaca tulisan ini. Tapi apakah Yui mampu dan siap ketika suatu saat menghadapi Mama nya di Arena ISML? Baik sekarang kita lanjut ke tulisan Kuroyukihime yang menulis, "Aku tidak peduli apa kata orang lain, aku hanya terus bergerak maju." Memang nona yang satu ini penuh kejutan, dan tentu saja kita tidak melupakan apa yang dia lakukan tahun lalu, bukan? Kita berharap saja bahwa Kuroyukihime bisa membuktikan bahwa kejutan tersebut bukan sebuah kebetulan. Kertas dengan nama Nadeko di atasnya akan kita baca. Ia menuliskan, "Aku anak yang baik dan semua orang mencintai anak yang baik." Dua kata untuk nona Nadeko, pemalu namun imut, kombinasi yang sanggup menaklukkan semua penggemarnya. Kita semua perlu mendukung Nadeko agar lebih percaya diri akan kemampuannya. Tanganku gemetar ketika mengambil kertas Saber, namun aku penasaran mengenai tulisannya. "Kejayaan bukanlah bagiku, namun bagi semua orang yang mengikutiku." Karisma memang tidak bisa berbohong, kita tidak bisa membayangkan apa yang akan terjadi apabila Saber yang mengucapkan kalimat ini sendiri. Segala puja bagi Saber! Milik Victorique tertulis, "Hasil akhir sudah tergambar jelas di hadapanku. Akulah pemenangnya." Rasa percaya diri yang tinggi serta kebanggaan atas kepintaran yang ia miliki adalah hal positif dari nona Victorique, dan kurasa ia memerlukannya untuk melalui babak ini. Terakhir adalah punya Nona Ayase yang tertulis, "Aku gadis yang beruntung. Tanpa penggemarku aku bukanlah siapa-siapa." Boleh dibilang tulisan nona Ayase ini adalah cerminan dari semua gadis di ISML. Sekuat apapun kalian berjuang, tidak ada yang bisa berdiri dan bergumul sendiri. Kukira sudah cukup untuk hari ini. Dari apa yang mereka tulis, sepertinya mereka semua siap untuk melangkahkan kaki mereka di arena. Kita lihat siapa yang akan tetap berdiri pada akhirnya. Untuk sekarang, reporter undur diri dan sampai berjumpa di lain waktu. |

Yurigasaki Lulu (Yuri Kuma Arashi) vs. Kongō (Kantai Collection)
百合咲露露 (百合熊岚) vs. 金刚 (舰队Collection)
Lulu: Brother... Kongō: Sisters... Lulu: If only the past could be changed... Kongō: If only destiny was much kinder... Lulu: How much did I long for atonement? Kongō: How much did I long for us to be together again? Lulu: I know I've been a bad Onee-san to you. Kongō: I know I've failed you as an Onee-san. Lulu: That I've fooled you a thousand times, and yet still you return... Kongō: That I cannot protect you and burden you after I leave... Lulu: Brother, will you forgive me? For being the cause of your death? Kongō: Sisters, will you forgive me? For my failure, for my defeat? Lulu: Will you wait for me, unlike me who wished you would never return? Kongō: Will you sail with me again in Valhalla? Like in the days of peace? Lulu: Brother... Kongō: Sisters... Both: Watch me in my flight, bless me in my struggle, as I soar to the height you have never had the chance to reach, as I write our story in the memories of men, into history and into legends. 露露:弟弟… 金刚:姐妹们… 露露:多么希望过去能够改变… 金刚:多么希望命运更加和善… 露露:我多么渴望能够赎清罪过? 金刚:我多么渴望我们能够重聚? 露露:我知道我曾经是一个坏姐姐。 金刚:我知道作为姐姐我并不称职。 露露:因为我曾一千次欺骗了你,而你仍然回到了我的身边… 金刚:因为我没有能够保护好你,我的离开成为了你的负担… 露露:弟弟,你会原谅我吗?原谅我的私心使你离开了世界? 金刚:姐妹们,你们会原谅我吗?原谅我的失败,我的过错? 露露:你会等待着我吗?不像我一样,曾经期盼着你永远不要回来? 金刚:你会和我一同在瓦尔哈拉航行吗?仿佛过去那些和平的日子? 露露:弟弟… 金刚:姐妹们… 合:在我飞行时请为我注视,在我挣扎时请为我祈福,在我翱翔到你们没能到达的高度,在我将我们的故事写进人们的回忆,写进历史,写进传奇。 Lulu: Bruder... Kongō: Schwestern... Lulu: Wenn ich nur die Vergangenheit ändern könnte... Kongō: Wenn mir das Schicksal nur freundlicher gesinnt wäre... Lulu: Wie lange habe ich eine Versöhnung ersehnt? Kongō: Wie lange habe ich ein Treffen von uns allen ersehnt? Lulu: Ich weiß, dass ich dir eine schlechte Onee-san war. Kongō: Ich weiß, dass ich als Onee-san versagt habe. Lulu: Dass ich dich tausend Mal getäuscht habe, und trotzdem kehrst du stets zurück... Kongō: Dass ich euch nicht beschützen konnte und belastete, nachdem ich gegangen war... Lulu: Bruder, kannst du mir vergeben? Dafür, dass ich die Ursache deines Todes bin? Kongō: Schwestern, könnt ihr mir vergeben? Für meinen Fehler, für meine Niederlage? Lulu: Wirst du auf mich warten, obwohl ich wünschte,dass du nie zurückkehren sollst? Kongō: Werden wir gemeinsam in Walhalla segeln? So wie in damals in den Tagen des Friedens. Lulu: Bruder... Kongō: Schwestern... Beide: Schau mir bei meinem Flug zu, segne mich in meinem Ringen, während ich zu einer Höhe aufsteige, die du nie erreichen konntest, während ich unsere Geschichte in das Gedächtnis der Menschheit, in die Weltgeschichte und in die Legenden schreibe. |
Thanks to BugH, Reverend, FISHING, and Shmion84 for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 3, Day 2 — Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kasumigaoka Utaha (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata) vs.
Aiza Nagi (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)
霞之丘诗羽 (路人女主的养成方法) vs. 相座凪 (四月是你的谎言)
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Both of the above mentioned names are geniuses in their own right. One produces excellent stories that are well-known, while the other is able to perform elegantly, just like an angel. But in their own rights, they have something else that prevents them from going even further, going to the max. For Utaha, it was a fan, a very weird fan. But this fan was the one that truly mattered in her eyes. This guy was her motivation to write, and even till today, she writes for him in hopes that beyond her cold demeanor, he is able to see the innocent girl that lies within. Nagi on the other hand reveres her brother as a hero, one that drives away all the bad monsters with his music. However, her brother then met someone who was able to sway even the toughest of hearts to his gentle grasp. She soon found that her bond with her brother slowly disintegrated. In order to find a way to bring it back, she started the tool that caused it all—the piano. While they may still be pursuing their goals, they know one day they might just come true. 上面提到的两个名字,在她们各自的领域都是天才。其中一位能够写出有名气的佳作,而另一位能够如天使般优雅地表演。然而她们各自有着一些事物,阻碍着她们走得更远甚至走向顶端。对诗羽来说,那是她的一位崇拜者,他是个古怪的人,却真切地走进了她的视线中。他是她写作的动力,甚至直到今天,她为他而写作,期盼他跨越她冷酷的举止,窥探到她清纯的内心。凪将她的哥哥尊视为能够用音乐赶走怪物的英雄。然而,她的哥哥后来遇见了一个人,能够动摇甚至最坚强的心。她很快发现,她和哥哥的联系正在慢慢地破裂。为了找到挽回的办法,她开始着手导致这一切的元凶——钢琴。她们仍在追求各自的目标,她们知道总有一天目标也许真的会实现。 Kedua nama yang disebutkan di atas adalah para jenius. Yang satu dapat membuat suatu cerita bagus yang sangat terkenal, sementara lainnya dapat memberikan penampilan yang elegan, layaknya seorang malaikat. Namun dari pada itu, terdapat sesuatu yang menghalangi mereka untuk maju lebih jauh, untuk menunjukkan yang maksimal. Bagi Utaha, itu adalah penggemar, seorang penggemar yang sangat aneh namun orang inilah yang tampak sangat berarti di matanya. Pria ini adalah motivasinya untuk menulis dan bahkan saat ini, Utaha menulis baginya di mana itu bertentangan dengan tingkah dinginnya. Pria tersebut dapat melihat gadis polos dalam diri Utaha. Di sisi lain, Nagi melihat kakaknya sebagai seorang pahlawan yang mampu menghalau monster-monster jahat dengan musiknya. Bagaimanapun, kakaknya kemudian bertemu dengan seseorang yang dapat mengubah bahkan hati terteguh sekalipun menjadi lembut. Nagi kemudian menemukan bahwa ikatannya dengan kakaknya perlahan mulai berpisah. Demi menemukan cara untuk mengembalikannya, Nagi mulai dengan inti permasalahannya- piano. Sementara mereka masih mengejar tujuan mereka, mereka yakin betul bahwa suatu saat ini akan terwujud. |

Akaza Akari (Yuruyuri) vs. Ononoki Yotsugi (Monogatari Series)
赤座灯里 (摇曳百合) vs. 斧乃木余接 (物语系列)
Let's call her Akarin, Akaza Akari, who takes a walk to calm herself before the match. Akarin decides to walk around the shopping district, until she finds something near the streetlight. "Is it a statue? I think it's really a statue, but it looks very real. Anyway, the dress is too nice for a statue. Ah, I want to try that dress." "Akaza Akari, do you want to try this dress?" Suddenly the statue speaks. And it isn’t a statue; she's Ononoki Yotsugi, in silence. Akarin is surprised when Ononoki talks. "You surprised me! I almost thought you were a real statue." "Is it strange for me to talk?" "No, no. Not strange at all. It’s just that your appearance really was like a statue." Unexpectedly, Ononoki shows her ultimate pose. "Yay, Peace, peace. There's no way a statue can make a pose like this." "Ah, okay, okay. I believe you're not a statue, so please stop with that pose, okay?" "Hmm, that's good, because I need to go right now. My sister has called me. Bye, Akari. See you in the arena. Unlimited Rulebook!!" In a flash, Ononoki disappears and our Akarin freezes. "Huh, who was just with me?" 赤座灯里——让我们称她为阿卡林吧——在赛前外出散步以平静心情。她打算沿着商店街四处走走,发现路灯旁有什么东西在那里。 “这是座雕像吗?我认为是这样,但它看起来又十分逼真。不管怎样,这件衣服对于雕像来说真的很漂亮,我好想试一试。” “赤座灯里,你想要试穿这件衣服吗?” 突然雕像说话了。那并不是真正的雕像,而是之前一言不发的斧乃木余接。斧乃木突然的一句话让阿卡林很惊讶。 “你吓我一跳啦!我几乎以为你是一座真的雕像。” “我说话很奇怪吗?” “不不,一点也没有呢。只是因为外表看起来很像雕像而已。” 突然间,斧乃木向阿卡林展示了她终极难度的姿势, “耶,平安平安。看,没有雕像可以摆出这样的姿势。” “啊,好啦好啦。我相信你不是雕像,不用做那样的姿势啦。” “嗯,那太好了,因为我要走了。姐姐叫我回去。再见阿卡林,赛场上见。无限之规则手册!!” 一道闪光掠过,斧乃木消失了,留下了我们的阿卡林呆在那里。 “咦,刚才和我在一起的是谁呢?” Kita sebut saja Akarin, Akaza Akari, yang sedang mencoba menenangkan dirinya sebelum pertandingan. Akarin memilih berjalan-jalan di sepanjang distrik belanja, sampai ia menemukan sesuatu di dekat tiang listrik. "Apa ini patung? Sepertinya memang patung, tapi kenapa nampak sangat nyata sekali. Lagipula bajunya terlalu bagus untuk sebuah patung, ah aku jadi ingin mencobanya." "Akaza Akari, kamu ingin mencoba memakai pakaian ini?" Tiba-tiba patung itu berbicara. Itu bukan patung ternyata, dia Ononoki Yotsugi yang sedang dalam keadaan diam. Akarinpun kaget ketiga Ononoki mengeluarkan suaranya. "Kau membuatku kaget, ku kira kau patung." "Apakah aneh jika aku berbicara?" "Tidak...Tidak. Tidak aneh sama sekali. Hanya saja penampilanmu benar-benar mirip patung." Tiba-tiba Ononoki menunjukkan pose andalannya, "Yay, Peace..Peace. Mana ada patung yang bisa berpose seperti ini." "Ah baiklah..baiklah, aku percaya sekarang. Jadi cukup dengan pose itu ya." "Hmm.. Baguslah karena aku harus pergi sekarang. Kakak sudah memanggilku. Sampai jumpa Akari, sampai bertemu di arena. Unlimited Rulebook!!" Seketika Ononoki menghilang, dan Akarin hanya bisa terpaku diam. "Hah, siapa yang baru saja bersamaku?" Nennen wir sie Akarin, Akaza Akari, die gerade spazieren geht um sich vor dem Spiel zu beruhigen. Akarin beschließt durch das Geschäftsviertel zu gehen, bis sie etwas in der Nähe einer Straßenlaterne sieht. "Ist sie eine Statue? Ich denke, sie ist wirklich eine Statue, aber sie sieht sehr real aus. Wie auch immer, das Kleid ist zu schön für eine Statue. Am liebsten würde ich es selbst tragen." "Akaza Akari, möchtest du das Kleid tragen?" Plötzlich hat die Statue gesprochen. Und es ist keine Statue, es ist Ononoki Yotsugi. Akarin war überrascht als Ononoki sprach. "Du hast mich erschreckt! Ich hatte fast geglaubt, dass du eine richtige Statue wärst." "Ist es seltsam, dass ich spreche?" "Nein, nein. Auf keinen Fall seltsam. Ich habe mich nur gewundert, weil du wie eine Statue gewirkt hast." Unvermittelt zeigt Ononoki ihre ultimative Pose, "Jawoll, Frieden, Frieden. Eine Statue könnte solch eine Pose nie einnehmen." "Ah, okay, okay. Ich glaube dir ja, dass du keine Statue bist, also beende bitte diese Pose, okay." "Hmmm, in Ordnung, ich muss nämlich jetzt gehen. Meine Schwester hat mich gerufen. Bis später Akari, wir sehen uns in der Arena wieder. Unlimited Rulebook!!" Blitzschnell verschwindet Ononoki und unsere Akarin erstarrt. "Huch, wer war gerade bei mir?" |
Thanks to BugH, FISHING, Fuijiwara, and Shmion84 for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 4, Day 1 — Sunday, May 3, 2015

Aihara Enju (Black Bullet) vs.
Suō Amane (Grisaia no Kajitsu) vs.
Yazawa Nico (Love Live!) vs.
Sento Isuzu (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs.
Akame (Akame ga Kill!) vs.
Tobiichi Origami (Date A Live)
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Each person, throughout his or her life, continues to develop as he or she encounters more and more events. Each experience—each past, each happy moment, or sad and tragic accident—shapes a person to what he or she is today. And so, there are people who say: a person is what his or her past made her. But to these girls, it is the future that matters: they are what they want their futures to be. Aihara Enju has been an orphan since birth. When she was still inside her mom's womb, she was infected by the Gastrea virus: humanity's biggest enemy. While this virus gave her superhuman ability, it also caused people to exile her. This made her anti-social, that was until she met a boy who loved her unlike any other human. Now, she fights alongside that boy, to protect the race of that boy—humanity. Suō Amane was involved in a tragic accident, where she witnessed humans who had turned cannibals and ate each other. To add to the horrid scene, her close friend gave her body to be eaten so that she could escape. This brought trauma to her. But then, the little brother of that girl appears. So she steels herself, so that she can atone for her mistake and her guilt. Yazawa Nico loves idols. But her excessive love had caused her fellow club mate to leave the club—and her—alone. This made her sad, and she became rude to her surroundings. But then, she found new friends, who loved and wanted to be idols. Now, she and her friends are idols, and they dance and sing together on stage in front of their fans. Sento Isuzu is a royal guard to the princess of her kingdom, and was also the manager of a theme park that was made to protect the lives of her princess and her kin who stayed in this dimension. But she failed miserably as a manager, thanks to her inability to properly socialize with somebody. But then, she was ordered to bring a boy into the park, who later decided to save the theme park. So, she now has decided to cast aside the past and cure her inability, so that she can support that boy in his struggle to save her kin. Akame is an assassin—she was born an assassin, raised as an assassin, and has lived as an assassin. But then she found that she had been supporting tyranny and injustice, and her murders had helped to justify that. So she defected to the rebels, even if she knew that it would make her hated by those who loved her, including her sister. Now she is still an assassin, but instead fights for her ideals alongside her friends to bring tyranny to an end. Tobiichi Origami lost her parent in a fire accident five years ago, an accident said to have been caused by a spirit. She grieved, angered by what the spirit has done, and swore she would avenge her parents. She joined the military for this purpose, studied hard and entered the elite troopers that deal with spirit emergence. But then, she fell in love with a boy who was the brother of the girl who was the medium of the spirit. And after many arguments and battles, she decided to trust that boy and spare that spirit. Now, she fights so that nobody has to suffer her fate. These girls have grasped their futures in their own hands. But what will their futures be in ISML? That is for you to decide. |

Chitanda Eru (Hyōka) vs.
Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs.
Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs.
Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs.
Furukawa Nagisa (CLANNAD)
千反田爱瑠(冰菓) vs.
金色暗影(出包王女) vs.
高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs.
平泽唯(K-ON!) vs.
晓美焰(魔法少女小圆☆魔力) vs.
"I believe I can do that." Challenges or problems will be always around us, in any kind and form. But sometimes they have different difficulties, are easy to solve and don’t need a lot of people to finish them. And these girls are some of the many people with strength in their hearts, who take all of the challenges that have been given to them. Chitanda Eru never surrenders to the unrevealed puzzles and mysteries around her. Any resources will be used to satisfy her thirst of curiosity. She won't stop until she receives the answer. A boy became the next target for Konjiki no Yami. It seemed easy, but the complication of the situation around her made this task more difficult than it looked. Yami won't surrender; she swears to always find a way to finish the task on Earth. Wanting to run faster than her brother is the motivation of Kirino to always perform her best in her club. She realizes that she isn't the fastest, but she never puts her head down and accepts her loss, becoming determined to step her feet faster and faster. And what does made Hirasawa Yui look so excited when her music club performed? Because she and her club mates make an oath that someday they will sing on a larger and fancier stage. Impossible? It will be possible if we see how hard Yui practices her guitar skills. Failure and pain are the closest friends of this young lady, Akemi Homura. To make her dream come true, she went through all kinds of ways and efforts. This dream isn't for her own self but for her best friend, and Homura doesn't care what happens to her as long she can make that beautiful wish come true. Nagisa's friend was shocked when he heard that she wanted to revive a club that had already been in a vacuum for a long time. Many large hurdles stood before her in preparing the components to complete the revival of her most of dreamed club. Even with her limits, she believes she’s able to do those things. Are you still thinking they’re just ordinary girls? They stories aren't random tales, but stories of the life journeys that not everyone can take. They decided to leave their comfort zones for goals and big dreams. Do you want to be with them and continue their wonderful stories? “我相信我能做到” 我们生活里总是有各种问题和挑战,有比较轻松的也有比较困难的,有时需要不同人的能力去解决。这些女孩,各自拥有不同的能力,去应付她们所面对的难关。 千反田爱瑠永不放弃探究身边未解的谜题。任何事物都可以被用来满足她的好奇心,在找到答案前绝不停下。金色暗影的下一个目标是个男孩,骤看似是容易但复杂的情况导致意想不到的困难;纵是如此小暗都不会放弃,誓要完成身负的任务。想比哥哥跑得快,是高坂桐乃在社团做到最好的动力;她知道自己不是最快的那个,但她永不低头接受挫败,反而不断努力令自己再跑得快一点。每次轻音部表演都会让平泽唯兴奋,皆因她们曾经约定,会踏上更大更华丽的舞台;可能吗?看见唯多努力练习吉他,大概会觉得可以吧。对晓美焰来说,失败和痛楚绝不陌生,她尝试了各种方法和努力去达成一个梦,一个并非为了自己而是为了最好朋友的梦;只要达成心愿,焰并不在乎自己会变成什么样子。古河渚打算复兴一个荒废的社团,连最亲近的朋友都为之震惊;要达致这目标可谓困难重重,但纵使知道自身的限制,她依然相信她可以做到。 你还觉得她们是普通的女孩吗?这些故事并非童话,而是真实的生活写照,并非每个人都能做到。她们跳出温室去寻求理想,你希望伴随她们去继续谱写这个美妙的故事吗? "Aku yakin aku bisa melakukannya" Tantangan atau masalah pasti selalu ada dalam kehidupan kita, dalam bentuk dan wujud apapun. Namun tingkat kesulitannya berbeda beda, ada yang mudah untuk diselesaikan ada yang tidak- butuh banyak orang untuk menyelesaikannya. Dan mereka ini adalah beberapa dari sekian banyak orang yang dengan keteguhan hati menerima segala tantangan yang diberikan kepada mereka. Chitanda Eru tidak pernah menyerah akan teka-teki dan misteri tak terungkap yang ada disekitarnya. Sumber daya apapun akan digunakannya demi memuaskan dahaga akan keingintahuannya. Sampai terjawab dia tidak akan berhenti. Seorang anak laki-laki menjadi target dari Konjiki no Yami berikutnya. Terlihat mudah namun ternyata keadaan sekitar yang rumit membuat tugas ini menjadi sedikit lebih sulit dari kelihatannya. Yami tidak menyerah, dia bersumpah akan terus mengincar targetnya demi memenuhi tugasnya di Bumi. Ingin berlari lebih cepat dari kakaknya adalah motivasi Kirino untuk tetap berjuang di klub yang digelutinya sekarang. Meski tersadar bahwa dia bukan yang tercepat, Kirino tidak pernah menundukkan kepalanya untuk mengakui kalah, justru dia bertekad untuk melangkahkan kakinya lebih dan lebih cepat. Dan apa yang membuat Hirasawa Yui sangat bersemangat ketika klub musiknya tampil? Karena mereka membuat suatu sumpah, suatu saat mereka akan bernyanyi di pentas yang lebih besar dan megah. Mustahil? Tidak juga jika kita melihat kerja keras Yui dalam melatih keterampilan bermain gitarnya. Kegagalan dan kesakitan adalah teman dekat gadis ini, Akemi Homura. Demi sebuah mimpi yang dia ingin wujudkan, semua jalan dan upaya telah dilaluinya. Mimpi ini bukan untuk dirinya, melainkan sahabat dekatnya dan Homura tidak peduli dengan keadaan dirinya selama mampu mewujudkan angan-angan indah tersebut. Teman-temannya kaget ketika Nagisa memilih untuk membangkitkan kembali klub yang sudah vakum. Tantangan besar bagi dirinya dalam mempersiapkan kelengkapan demi berjalannya kembali klub yang diidamkannya. Dengan keterbatasannya, dia tetap yakin sanggup melakukannya. Apa kalian masih berpikir mereka hanyalah gadis biasa? Kisah mereka bukan kisah sembarangan, melainkan kisah perjalanan hidup yang belum tentu semua orang bisa jalani. Mereka memilih untuk meninggalkan zona nyaman demi sebuah tujuan dan mimpi besar. Maukah kalian menemani mereka dalam meneruskan kisah indah mereka? |

Shiro (No Game No Life) vs.
Nishikino Maki (Love Live!) vs.
Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi) vs.
Sakura Chiyo (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) vs.
Tokisaki Kurumi (Date A Live) vs.
Yukinoshita Yukino (OreGairu)
白(NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生) vs.
西木野真姬(Love Live!) vs.
桐崎千棘(伪恋) vs.
佐仓千代(月刊少女野崎君) vs.
时崎狂三(约会大作战) vs.
To the six girls who have just advanced to the Regular Season, congratulations, for your spot is now secured. However, how about a small match to see where you stand right now, whether you are the cream of the crop or the one that needs to start improving to not crash and fall down to reality. To the two ojō-sama, the redhead Nishikino Maki and blonde Kirisaki Chitoge, both of you are talented in your very own ways. Maki, you have the gift of voice, for your voice can sound romantic, sexy, and invigorating at the same time, making all that hear you be bewitched by your beauty and your dangerous voice. To the lovely Chitoge, you have what every girl desires—good results, alluring looks, and a wide social circle. Even if you may get aggressive at times, no one can resist your cheerful laugh when you are excited. To our two seemingly otherworldly beings, Shiro and Tokisaki Kurumi, you are both talented girls in your own right. Shiro, you may be small, but your mind is as wide as this universe. Behind that loli body lies a great fortitude of knowledge, unparalleled by many. To Kurumi, you are just a wonder, sometimes cheerful, sometimes yandere, and other times a bit of both. The fact that you can be such a presence to others shows your power that attracts many fans to you. And finally to our two school girls, Yukinoshita Yukino and Sakura Chiyo, you are both just who you are, for that is what makes up you. Yukino, you might aspire to beat your sister one day, but the one thing your sister does not really have are great friends that stick by you, despite your chilly appearance as a Ice Queen. Chiyo, do not fret about your unrequited love, for it has brought us many comedic moments as we see how your romantic life goes along. While the guy may be dense, just remember—love overcomes all, and someday your feelings will be known to him, just like Mamiko. So to our six girls, with your respective talents and personalities, which path would you choose: the strong or the one that has to improve to dominate? Do find out yourself. Yours truly, Mysterious Guy 给六位已经晋级常规赛的少女: 恭喜你们夺得比赛席位。现在你们身处的这个赛场,将会区别你们是真正的顶尖选手,还是需要继续努力去避免被击落。 两位小淑女,西木野真姬和桐崎千棘,你们都是才华横溢的人。真姬,你的天籁之音,能够唱出浪漫、性感而浑厚的声线,任何人都会为你的美丽着迷。千棘你拥有能让所有人嫉妒的东西,好成绩、动人姿容、广交好友;虽然也有热血上头的时候,但谁能抗拒你欢畅的笑颜呢? 两位超然脱俗的,白和时崎狂三,你们也是天赋异禀的女孩。白,你虽然年纪小,但脑袋比宇宙还要包罗万有,胸中所学无人能及。狂三,你是一个传奇,时而元气时而病娇,更多时各有一点,正是这样鲜明的个性塑造了你的魅力。 两位女高中生,雪之下雪乃和佐仓千代,你们就是你们自己。雪乃你决心要击败你的姐姐,但她永远不及你的地方是你身边拥有一群挚友,即使你打造了一副高冷女王的外壳。千代,不要为了你的爱意担忧,我们一直见证着你的浪漫喜剧上演。那个男生虽然神经大条,但终有一天你的心意会传达到他那里。 六位女孩啊,你们各自拥有自己的天分与个性,你们会选择哪条路呢?成为最强,还是再改进自己成为更强?自己去探索吧! 神秘的人 Untuk keenam gadis yang baru saja lolos ke Musim Reguler ISML 2015, selamat karena spot-mu sekarang sudah aman. Namun, bagaimana jika kita membuat sebuah pertandingan kecil untuk melihat di manakah kalian masing-masing sekarang: apakah kalian adalah gadis yang paling diunggulkan di divisi kalian atu apakah kalian masih perlu memperbaiki performa kalian karena kalau tidak kalian bisa saja jatuh dan kembali ke realita? Untuk kedua tuan puteri: si rambut merah Nishikino Maki dan Kirisaki Chitoge yang pirang, kalian berdua memiliki bakat masing-masing. Maki, kamu diberkati dengan suara yang indah: romantis, seksi, dan menyegarkan, dan semua orang dapat tersihir oleh wajah cantikmu dan suaramu yang mematikan nalar. Untuk Chitoge yang juita, kamu memiliki semua hal yang diinginkan setiap gadis remaja modern: nilai yang bagus, wajah yang cantik, dan jaringan sosialmu yang luas. Walaupun mungkin terkadang kamu bisa menjadi agresif, tapi tetap tidak ada yang bisa menolak tawa ceriamu saat kamu sedang gembira. Untuk kedua gadis kita yang tampak berasal dari dunia luar: Shiro dan Tokisaki Kurumi, kalian berdua adalah gadis penuh talenta di bidangnya masing-masing. Shiro, tubuhmu mungkin kecil, namun pikiranmu seluas alam semesta. Di balik tubuh loli itu, tersimpan sekumpulan pengetahuan yang amat luas dan tidak tertandingi oleh siapapun. Untuk Kurumi, kamu adalah sebuah keajaiban: terkadang kamu periang, terkadang kamu yandere, dan terkadang keduanya sekaligus. Fakta bahwa kamu dapat menjadi figur tersebut menunjukkan kekuatanmu yang menarik banyak penggemar. Dan terakhir adalah kedua gadis SMA kita: Yukinoshita Yukino dan Sakura Chiyo - Kalia berdua adalah diri kalian masing-masing, dan itulah yang menjadi identitas kalian masing-masing. Yukino, mungkin kamu berambisi untuk mengalahkan kakakmu suatu saat, namun satu hal yang ia tidak miliki adalah teman-teman setia yang terus bersamamu, walaupun penampilanmu dingin seperti seorang Ratu Es. Chiyo, jangan kuatir akan cintamu yang tampak tak terbalas karena cinta itu telah membawa banyak kejadian lucu seiring kejadian-kejadian romantis. Walaupun anak lelaki itu agak bodoh, namun tetaplah percaya bahwa cinta akan mengalahkan segalanya pada akhirnya, dan suatu hari perasaanmu akan sampai kepadanya, seperti Mamiko. Maka, untuk keenam gadis ini, dengan bakat dan talentanya masing-masing, jalan manakah yang akan menjadi takdirmu: si kuat? atau si pejuang yang tak hentinya mengembangkan dirinya? Cari tahulah sendiri, di sini, sekarang. |

Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!) vs.
Tōsaka Rin (Fate Series) vs.
Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Itsuka Kotori (Date A Live) vs.
Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown) vs.
Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto)
仲村由理 (Angel Beats!) vs.
远坂凛 (Fate系列) vs.
青山七海 (樱花庄的宠物女孩) vs.
五河琴里 (约会大作战) vs.
楪祈 (原罪之冠) vs.
新垣绫濑 (我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!)
Hey, hey. We meet again on the ISML 2015 arena. You’re still with your beloved reporter who will present current information about one of the many arenas in ISML. We'll discuss the Seeding 2 arena that contains girls that have already made their way to the Stella Regular Session this year. Let's give our congratulations to the girls: Nakamura Yuri, Tōsaka Rin, Aoyama Nanami, Itsuka Kotori, Yuzuriha Inori, and Aragaki Ayase. Now, they will fight to set their positions in the ISML arena next month. Yurippe proves that she is still able to compete with all veteran girls in Stella. Her toughness, blast of spirits, and clever tactics will be needed to gain the best results this year. Finally, Tōsaka Rin is back to ISML this year after a whole year in a vacuum. What did she do last year? She was probably practicing to gain her best condition for when she could come back to the arena and compete with other girls. Nanami's performance is indubitable since the finals last year, and this year she's showing back the same result to us. Nanami appears to be one of strong characters this year and gives a danger sign to the others who try to compete with her. The current Tiara holder looks very strong in the preliminary, Itsuka Kotori. Without any doubt, Kotori is always one step ahead in front of other girls, and carries her head with pride. She smiles to every girl in arena, as if challenging them to take the Tiara from her. Inori had a hard time in the previous ISML, but this year she comes back full of her supporters' power. Her beautiful and soft voice will fill the ISML stages again, but will her voice touch every heart of the fans? The model, Aragaki Ayase, is almost the same as last year, powerful and stable. The fans give their hope to Ayase's brilliant performance at least for one goal, to get an available necklace. Nothing is more beautiful than a girl with a beautiful jewel. They have passed the preliminaries, but it doesn't mean the fight is over. The start point is still a few steps in front of them, so we must say that it's still nothing. For now, they will decide their starting positions while waiting for the other girls to fight over the 24 seats remaining in Stella and Nova. That's all from the Seeding 2 arena; your reporter take his leave from you for now. See you in the arena, guys! 嗨,大家好。在世萌2015的赛场上我们又见面了。这里仍然是你们亲爱的记者,为大家带来一组比赛当前的信息。我们将要讨论的是种子排位赛第2组,包括已经晋级今年常规赛阶段的六名角色。让我们为种子排位赛第2组的女孩们送上祝贺,她们是:仲村由理,远坂凛,青山七海,五河琴里,楪祈和新垣绫濑。现在,她们将为决定在下个月进行的常规赛中的位置而战。 由理贝向我们证明了她仍然有实力同恒星组参赛多年的女孩们竞争。她需要靠她坚强的精神和聪明的策略,在今年的比赛中赢得好成绩。 在一整年的空白之后,远坂凛今年终于重返世萌。她去年做了什么呢?也许是在为回归时能够保持最好的竞争状态而做准备吧。 自从去年的季后赛以来,七海的表现毋容置疑。今年,她正向我们展现如同去年一样骄人的结果。七海在预选赛中表现为今年最强势的角色之一,给予试图同她竞争的角色以危险的警示。 当前的皇冠佩戴者,五河琴里,在预选赛中有着十分强力的表现。毫无疑问,琴里一直比其他的女孩向前了一步。她向赛场上的每一个女孩微笑,仿佛邀请她们挑战她的皇冠。 楪祈在先前几届世萌比赛中曾经有过一段困难的时期。然而今年,在粉丝们的强力支持下她强势重归。她美丽而柔软的声音将会继续萦绕在世萌的舞台上,然而她的嗓音能够触碰到每一位粉丝的内心吗? 模特新垣绫濑,几乎同她去年的表现一样,强势而稳定。支持者们将希望寄托于绫濑卓越的表现,至少希望她能够达成夙愿——赢得一条项链。没有什么比一个佩戴着漂亮珠宝的女孩更美丽了。 这些女孩们已经通过了预选赛,但这并不意味着战斗已经结束。起点仍然在她们前方不远处,所以我们可以说她们的世萌征程才刚刚开始。现在,在等待着其他女孩竞争剩余的24个席位的同时,她们将会比赛决定进入常规赛的最初位置。 这就是种子排位赛第2组的全部情况,来自你们的记者。报道到此为止,朋友们,比赛见! Hei, hei. Bertemu lagi kita di Arena ISML 2015. Tetap dengan reporter tercinta kalian, yang akan menyuguhkan informasi terkini tentang salah satu pertandingan hari ini. Kita akan membahas arena Seeding kedua yang berisi para gadis yang sudah memastikan tempat mereka di sesi reguler tahun ini. Kita ucapkan selamat pada gadis dari arena Seeding 2 : Nakamura Yuri, Tōsaka Rin, Aoyama Nanami, Itsuka Kotori, Yuzuriha Inori dan Aragaki Ayase. Sekarang mereka akan bertarung untuk menentukan posisi di arena ISML bulan depan. Yurippe membuktikan bahwa dirinya masih bisa bersaing dengan gadis-gadis veteran kuat lainnya di Stella. Ketangguhan, ledakan semangat serta kecerdikan taktiknya akan sangat dibutuhkan untuk meraih hasil terbaik tahun ini. Tōsaka Rin akhirnya kembali ke ISML tahun ini, setelah sempat vakum untuk satu tahun. Apa yang dia lakukan selama setahun kemarin? Kemungkinan besar dia berlatih agar ketika kembali ke arena, Rin sudah dalam kondisi terbaiknya untuk bersaing dengan gadis-gadis lainnya. Peforma Nanami tidak perlu diragukan semenjak babak final ISML tahun lalu, dan tahun ini dia kembali menunjukkan hal yang sama kepada kita. Nanami tampil menjadi salah satu karakter kuat tahun ini dan memberikan tanda bahaya bagi gadis lainnya yang ingin mencoba bersaing dengannya. Sang pemegang Tiara saat inipun tampak sangat kuat di pre-eliminasi tahun ini, Itsuka Kotori. Dengan tanpa ragu, Kotori selalu selangkah lebih maju di depan gadis lain dan dengan penuh bangga dia tersenyum pada setiap gadis di arena, seakan menantang untuk merebut Tiara dari tangannya. Inori sempat kurang berkembang di ISML sebelumnya, namun kembali tahun ini dengan kekuatan penuh dari pendukungnya. Suara indah nan lembutnya akan kembali mengisi panggung ISML tahun ini, namun apakah suaranya dapat menyentuh tiap penggemar? Sang model, Aragaki Ayase, juga tidak jauh berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya, kuat dan stabil. Penggemar sangat berharap pada penampilan cemerlang Ayase untuk paling tidak merebut salah satu kalung yang ada. Tidak ada yang lebih indah dari seorang gadis dengan kalung perhiasan terbaik. Mereka sudah lolos, namun bukan berarti perjuangan selesai. Titik start masih beberapa langkah di depan mereka, sehingga bisa dibilang ini belum ada apa-apanya. Untuk sekarang mereka akan menentukan posisi awal me reka di ISML sambil menunggu gadis-gadis lain yang masih memperebutkan 24 tempat tersisa di Stella dan Nova. Sekian berita dari arena Seeding 2, ijinkan Reporter untuk pamit dari hadapan kalian. Sampai jumpa di arena, kawan! |
Thanks to BugH, Reverend, Fujiwara, Just, and FISHING for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 4, Day 2 — Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Saten Ruiko (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs.
Nagato Yuki (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs.
Kashiwazaki Sena (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Shana (Shakugan no Shana) vs.
Victorique de Blois (GOSICK)
佐天泪子(魔法禁书目录) vs.
琴吹紬(K-ON!) vs.
长门有希(凉宫春日的忧郁) vs.
柏崎星奈(我的朋友很少) vs.
夏娜(灼眼的夏娜) vs.
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What are you looking for in this life for exactly? Wealth, fame, power, or other things that can lift our prestige? Six girls in Stella 1 are also in the middle of searching—not for something magnificent, but just for a simple wish. Saten Ruiko came to Academy City in her mission to reach Personal Reality, but she realized that the power of friendship was the most powerful reality for her. The members of the light music club very much love Tsumugi's tea. This is what Tsumugi really wants in her school days, where she and the other members can mingle together while enjoying a pot of warm tea. Books are Nagato Yuki's best friends, but her days became more meaningful when one by one the members of the club joined her. That empty room became more colorful and cheerful in her eyes. Sena's purpose when she joined his current club was no more than finding a best friend. She used all her kind power and effort to fill the empty space in her life. Everybody sees Shana as an honored and respected fighter. But deep in her heart, Shana is just a little girl who needs attention just like other girls, no more and no less. Trapped in a tall tower and in the middle of a confusing labyrinth, Victorique has accepted her part of fate. All she can do is pray and wish someday there will be someone who grabs her hand and takes her to see the vast world. Wishing for love, a bright and warm atmosphere, or a blissful compliment isn't something big, but these girls really want it. The searching is not over yet, especially in this ISML; their journey still continues. This is a journey to self-actualization in front of their fans, "Who is the most moe?" Will they find their own ways to the sparkling of Stella division? Let them prove it today. 在人生里,你所寻求的是什么?财富、名利、权力,还是其他能让你提升地位的东西?六个恒星一的女孩正在搜寻的旅途上,并非什么可歌可泣的伟大理想、只是一个简单的心愿。 佐天泪子来到学园都市去寻找自己的个人真实,然而却发现最强大的真实是友情。琴吹紬泡的茶受轻音部的每一位所喜爱,而这样温暖的校园生活正是她所追求的。长门有希最好的朋友是书本,然而她的生活因着社团成员一个一个的加入而愈加充实,眼里所见的教室逐渐填满了色彩。柏崎星奈加入社团的目的仅是找到一个最好的朋友,用尽所有力量去填满自己生命的空虚。夏娜在众人眼中是个备受尊敬的战士,然而内心深处跟所有女孩一样都渴望受到关怀疼爱。维多利加接受了被困于高塔与迷宫里的命运,每日只能祈祷有一天某个人会抓起她的手并带她去看这个广阔的世界。 渴望着爱、光芒与温暖,或是生命之中填补上色彩,并非惊天动地的大事,但却是这些女孩热切渴望的东西。寻觅的路尚未到尽头,尤其在世萌的旅程仍然继续,在支持者前证明"谁是最萌"的道路。她们能不能找到她们的路,通往群星闪耀的恒星组呢?就让她们在今天证明自己吧! Apa sebenarnya yang kalian cari dalam hidup ini? Harta, ketenaran, kekuatan ataukah hal-hal lain yang dapat meninggikan status kita? Enam gadis di Stella 1 juga sedang dalam misi pencarian mereka masing-masing, namun bukan untuk sesuatu yang megah melainkan sebaliknya ini hanyalah suatu harapan sederhana. Saten Ruiko datang ke kota pelajar dalam misinya menggapai Realitas Personal, namun dia tersadar bahwa kekuatan persahabatan adalah realita terkuat yang dapat dia miliki. Para anggota klub musik sangat menggemari teh buatan Tsumugi. Inilah yang Tsumugi cari dalam kehidupan sekolahnya, di mana dapat duduk bercengkerama bersama-sama sembari menikmati segelas teh hangat. Buku adalah teman baik Nagato Yuki, namun harinya lebih bermakna ketika satu-persatu anggota klub bergabung dengannya. Ruang klub kosong itu sekarang makin ceria dan berwarna di matanya. Tujuan Sena ketika bergabung dengan klubnya sekarang tidak lain adalah untuk menemukan teman sejati. Segala tenaga dan sumber daya rela ia pakai demi mengisi sebuah ruang kosong di kehidupannya. Setiap orang melihat Shana sebagai seorang petarung yang disegani dan dihormati. Namun jauh di dalam lubuk hatinya, Shana hanyalah seorang gadis biasa yang juga ingin diperhatikan sebagai seorang gadis, tidak lebih dan tidak kurang. Terperangkap di menara yang tinggi dan labirin yang membingungkan diterima Victorique sebagai takdirnya. Dia hanya bisa berharap dan berdoa, semoga suatu saat ada seseorang yang mampu menarik tangan kecilnya untuk keluar, melihat dunia yang luas. Menginginkan kasih sayang, suasana yang ceria dan hangat ataupun pujian yang membahagiakan bukanlah sesuatu yang begitu besar namun gadis-gadis ini begitu menginginkannya. Pencarian ini belum selesai, terutama di ISML ini perjalanan mereka masih berlanjut. Perjalanan menuju sebuah aktualisasi diri di hadapan para penggemar mereka, "siapakah yang paling moe". Akankah mereka menemukan jalan masing-masing menuju gemerlap divisi Stella? Biarkan mereka membuktikannya hari ini. |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs.
Takanashi Rikka (Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai!) vs.
Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate) vs.
Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate Series) vs.
Yūki Asuna (Sword Art Online) vs.
Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
中野梓 (K-ON!) vs.
小鸟游六花 (中二病也想谈恋爱) vs.
牧濑红莉栖 (命运石之门) vs.
伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦 (Fate系列) vs.
结城明日奈(亚丝娜)(刀剑神域) vs.
椎名真白 (樱花庄的宠物女孩)
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to perhaps one of the most important matches of the entire Preliminary Period! These six have risen above all and clinched first place in their group last round to be the first to qualify for the Regular Season, but now, they must aim for their 100% in order to secure a good seeding! First up, we have Shiina Mashiro, the talented artist who hopes to advance one step further than her final appearance last year. Can she be the one who challenges the unprecedented record of winning a 3rd Topaz necklace and clinch the Heavenly Tiara? Next in line is Yūki Asuna, who as last year's Emerald necklace winner is determined to avenge her loss to Mashiro in last year's quarterfinals. As a warrior, she will never be satisfied until she can wear the glittering and prestigious crown herself. And then perhaps the most surprising yet unsurprising participant, Illyasviel von Einzbern. With a new season, she seems to be able to wash off her image from last year and become a strong challenger to the elite group. Can the magician really mark her name on the throne? Makise Kurisu is perhaps the one who yearns the most. She almost entered the Postseason a few times, but never had the luck; however, her Preliminary performance sheds new light on her way ahead. Can the genius defeat her past unfortunate fate? Takanashi Rikka's 2014 season is not what one would call successful, with several upsets pulled on her and ending with a no-win record in Postseason II. Will the year of 2015 change the Wicked Eye's luck, and allow her to re-grasp the dream that once seemed distant? Finally, we have Nakano Azusa, who for her past five seasons has been living under the shadow of entering multiple necklace matches with nothing to carry away. Will the guitarist finally escape from it and fulfill one of her dearest wishes, one that has caused her to weep untold tears? May we bless our six contestants as they set off to achieve their respective goals! 先生们,女士们,欢迎来到可能是本年最重要的场次之一!这六位选手从云云对手中突围而出,并在上一回合以小组第一名的姿态晋身常规赛。不过现在,他们必须付出他们的百分之一百,以得到理想的种子排名! 首先介绍是希望突破其去年在决赛饮恨的表现的画家椎名真白。她能不能成功挑战前所未闻叁连黄玉的记录并赢得萌王? 下一位是决意复去年八强负于真白一仇的去年绿宝石项链得主,结城明日奈。作爲一位鬥士,她不得以头戴那闪亮和地位崇高的后冠之前是不会满足的。 然後是一位可以说最令人惊奇可以说最不令人惊奇的伊莉雅斯菲尔·冯·爱因兹贝伦。在新一季动漫播放下,她似乎能够洗掉去年的形象,并成爲一位顶尖的挑战者。这位魔术师真的能够把自己的名字刻在宝座上吗? 牧濑红莉栖可能是盼望最多的一位。她几次差点能进入季後赛但偏偏就是不够运气,不过她的预选赛战绩可能爲她前面的路带来曙光。这位天才能够击败她以前不幸的命运吗? 小鸟游六花2014年赛季的战绩不能说很成功。她曾经多次大热倒灶,并在季後赛第二阶段未尝一胜。2015年能不能够爲邪王真眼转运,并容许她重拾她一度渺茫的梦想? 最後出场的是过去五个赛季一直活在多次进入项链赛但未曾胜出的影子下的中野梓。这吉他手能不能够逃出它,并达成她的一个令她流下无数眼泪的心愿? 让我们祝福这六位出发达成她们目标的选手们! |
Thanks to BugH, smartboyhw, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Round 5 — Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ayase Eli (Love Live!) vs.
Tōjō Nozomi (Love Live!) vs.
Suō Amane (Grisaia no Kajitsu) vs.
Himeragi Yukina (Strike the Blood) vs.
Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) vs.
Terminus Est (Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance)
绚濑绘里(Love Live!) vs.
东条希(Love Live!) vs.
周防天音(灰色的果实) vs.
姬柊雪菜(噬血狂袭) vs.
佐仓杏子(魔法少女小圆☆魔力) vs.
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All the girls here are bravely trying to fight their way into the Regular Season as their last ditch effort, for if they fail, they might never see the light of day next year. This is even more so of a reason to perform better than what they could here, be it the two Love Live! girls that have failed expectations but are making a desperate climb to get into the RS, the two spear girls trying their best to protect their series from not entering at all, and finally the two girls who face harem situations claiming the boy's attention by being the only representative of the series. Eli and Nozomi have stood on various stages before and claimed various positions with their lives shown, but right now is not a good time to just be in the top 10, or even just claim fourth. The first prize is what is valued now. If they fail to take this chance to claim it, the live might just be a failure to them as they leave the stage known as ISML, so right now they have to sing and dance their way to victory harder than anyone else. For Yukina and Kyōko, as spear wielders trying to protect something, this is their last stand—if they want to see their series go on remembered in ISML, they cannot afford to whimper here, nor can they even take a breather for a second. They fight for their ISML careers, one holding the Schneewalzer, the other wielding the power of a Magical Girl, only stopping should they succumb to the hands of death. Finally, for Est and Amane, they look to be the underdogs here. But that could be an advantage if used as an element of surprise to avenge their fallen male comrades, who have tried but failed to get the desired amount of votes and thus were eliminated. Right now, if they were the ones to advance, they could receive the affection of him, their most loved one, thus giving them more motivation then ever to do well. Each of these girls here have a reason to fight and supporting them will make their campaign more of a success. Ganbatte, everyone! 这里的女孩都正为了进常规赛而尽最后的努力,一旦失败就意味今年旅程的终结。两个LoveLive的女孩虽然表现与期望有落差,但仍尽力争取常规门票;两个持枪的女孩,希望代表所属作品夺得登上舞台的机会;而最后两位女孩,也要借此机会突围而出让心中那位男孩注意到自己。 绚濑绘里和东条希曾经踏上无数的舞台,身处过不同的位置;但现在她们必须踏上的,唯有胜利者的宝座,如果做不到就代表她们在世萌的表演彻底失败,因此她们必须比任何人都更卖力。姬柊雪菜和佐仓杏子,握着手中的枪,去守卫自己所属作品的尊严;她们一刻都不能松懈,一个持着雪霞狼、一个凭借魔法少女的能力,为了作品在世萌闯出名堂而战斗。提露密努斯·艾斯特和周防天音,她们的男伴都已因得不到足够票数而被淘汰;如果她们可以成功晋级,那肯定能唤起心中所爱之人的注意,这会成为她们致力做到最好的动力。 每个女孩都有努力战斗的原因,给予她们的支持会成为她们籁以成功的力量。各位,加油! |

Kotobuki Tsumugi (K-ON!) vs.
Sakagami Tomoyo (CLANNAD) vs.
Last Order (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Kōsaka Kirino (Ore no Imōto) vs.
Yūki Mikan (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu)
琴吹紬(K-ON!) vs.
坂上智代(CLANNAD) vs.
最后之作(魔法禁书目录) vs.
高坂桐乃(我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs.
结城美柑(出包王女) vs.
Stella, a division full of great veteran girls, has now started to show its form. 24 of 36 seats are already booked, leaving 12 seats left that will be contested in the next phase, and these six Stella 1 girls will fight to get those seats. Four of them are contenders from last year; meanwhile, the other two are taking their rest from last year and will be fighting back to get the spotlight this year. Last Order is a lively and cheerful girl. With the unsatisfactory result of her last year, where she finished at 26th of the Stella ladder, will she be able to get her position back in Stella this year? Kōsaka Kirino and her confidence want to try again the stage of Stella 2015. But with her result in the red zone of Stella last year, does she still have a chance? Yūki Mikan graduates from Nova and tries to enter Stella this year. She ended in the middle of the board of Nova 2014; this time, Mikan is determined to fight as hard as possible to get her dreamed seat in Stella. Though she took last place of Stella's white zone in 2014, Suzumiya Haruhi's spirit will never shrink to catch her dreams. She won't surrender before the dream of an ISML Necklaces and Tiara come true. Her performance wasn't too good in previous rounds, but she never became hopeless. Sakagami Tomoyo had her rest in 2014, but now fights to prove that she deserves a place in Stella. This lady seemed not in good shape in the last two years. Kotobuki Tsumugi, the keyboardist, can't list her name in last two years of ISML, but this time will be different. Appearing as an underdog this year never hides a slight chance for her as her advantage. Finally, every one of them still has a chance to get a seat in Stella, but the successful of the unsuccessful will depend on their performances today. Stella is a strict division and because of that they need to trough this phase to prove to the world that they're tough and able to compete in Stella. But this is still ISML, where lies unlimited possibility for these girls. 恒星聚集着饱历战斗的强大女孩,而今年的恒星组已经逐渐成形;36个席位,有24个已经被霸占,最后12个的主人也会在这场比赛以后产生。这个赛场的六位女孩,有四个是去年的参赛者,剩下两位在充足休息后也已准备好争取重返舞台。 最后之作是个活泼开朗的女孩;去年在恒星第26名的成绩未如理想,今年能否寻求进步?高坂桐乃同样想再次挑战恒星组,但去年身处红色区域的她还有机会吗?结城美柑刚从新星区的中游位置毕业,首次挑战恒星肯定是踌躇满志。凉宫春日去年得到恒星最后一个季后赛席位,争夺项链和皇冠的强烈意志仍在炽热地燃烧着。坂上智代虽然不再如往年的辉煌,但这并不代表她会气馁而放弃为了证明自己而努力。琴吹紬过去两年状态并不好,但她今年依然会尽力尝试握紧最后的一丝希望。 每个女孩都有机会争取恒星剩余的席位,成功与否取决于今天的表现。恒星是竞争激烈的一组,正因如此她们更需要向世界证明自己仍然有与群雄争锋的实力。这里是世萌,有无尽的可能和希望。 Stella, divisi yang dihuni oleh gadis-gadis veteran hebat, kini sudah mulai menunjukkan bentuknya. Sebanyak 24 dari 36 kursi sudah terisi dan tinggal 12 kursi tersisa yang akan diperebutkan di fase selanjutnya, dan enam gadis dari Stella 1 ini akan berjuang mendapatkannya. Empat dari mereka adalah penantang dari tahun lalu sedangkan 2 lagi mengistirahatkan diri mereka dan akan berjuang kembali untuk tampil tahun ini. Last Order, si anak lincah dan periang. Dengan hasil akhir kurang memuaskan tahun lalu dengan finis di posisi 26, apakah tahun ini dia bisa kembali meraih kursinya di Stella? Kōsaka Kirino dengan penuh kepercayaan diripun ingin kembali mencoba arena Stella 2015. Namun dengan posisinya di zona merah tahun lalu, apakah dia masih punya kesempatan? Yūki Mikan tahun ini harus masuk ke Stella setelah sebelumnya berdiam di divisi Nova. Berakhir di papan tengah Nova 2014, kali ini Mikan bertekad untuk berjuang semaksimal mungkin demi mendapatkan kursi Stella yang diidamkannya. Berada di urutan terakhir Zona putih Stella 2014, tak menyurutkan semangat Suzumiya Haruhi untuk mengejar mimpinya di Stella. Dia tidak akan menyerah sebelum impiannya akan Kalung dan Tiara ISML terkabul. Peformanya kurang bagus di ronde-ronde sebelumnya, namun sekalipun dia tidak putus asa. Sakagami Tomoyo, yang sempat rehat selama setahun di 2014, berjuang untuk membuktikan dirinya pantas untuk sebuah tempat di Stella. Putri yang satu ini tampak lesu di 2 tahun terakhir, Kotobuki Tsumugi. Sang pemain keyboard ini tak mampu memasukkan namanya di ISML 2 tahun terakhir, tapi tahun ini akan berbeda. Muncul sebagai yang tidak diunggulkan tahun ini tidak pernah menutup kemungkinan adanya keuntungan-keuntungan baginya. Akhirnya, semua masih berkesempatan mendapatkan kursi Stella yang tersisa, namun berhasil atau tidaknya tergantung penampilan mereka hari ini. Stella adalah divisi yang ketat, maka dari itu mereka harus dapat melalui fase ini agar mampu membuktikan pada dunia bahwa mereka tangguh dan layak berada di Stella. Tapi tetap ini adalah ISML, di mana bersemayam peluang tak terbatas bagi para gadis ini. |

C.C. (Code Geass) vs.
Saten Ruiko (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs.
Tōwa Erio (Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko) vs.
Momo Belia Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Honma Meiko (AnoHana) vs.
Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!)
C.C.(反叛的鲁路修) vs.
佐天泪子(魔法禁书目录) vs.
藤和艾莉欧(电波女与青春男) vs.
梦梦·贝莉雅·戴比路克(出包王女) vs.
本间芽衣子 (面码)(我们仍未知道那天所看见的花的名字) vs.
Everyone here has been through the Regular Season and Preliminaries a couple of times, and they understand how each vote really matters. Some of them were previously denied a place last year, but this year could make a difference to them. To the others, they have to keep their guard up for they might just see their places snatched away by others should they not be careful. Each of them has an equal chance of making it in this year, but only if they grasp the opportunity. C.C and Saten Ruiko were previously denied places in the previous years, but right now this is one of their biggest opportunities to get back into the game, to show the world that age does not matter, to show the world that despite their age, seniority triumphs over the newbies, and to never underestimate what one can do in desperate time, should they be allowed to advance. For Yui and Momo, they have to ensure that their places are secured with a lock. They have shown decent performances so far, but just cannot get that final burst to get in again. This is their time to shine and they cannot let down their comrades, of which some have advanced, and some unable to due to their inability. Nevertheless, failure here could be permanent, which is even more of a reason to do better than usual. Finally, for Erio and Meiko, while the previous years have seen them having not so stellar performances, they have managed to not be eliminated for the first two days. They’ve shown that despite not being as strong as the other characters here, and being the only representative of their respective series, they have managed to put up a good show to come this far. Right now the challenge is on—can they make the ultimate upset into making it through the playoffs, being remembered as the best underdog, or fail? All of these girls here have a common goal in mind, and to achieve it is up to you, the voters who have dedicated your time just to support these lovable girls. 这里每个女孩都经历过几次预选和常规,她们清楚明白每一票有多么重要。她们有些去年失落了常规席位,今年矢志卷土重来;另一些则必须保持警觉,稍一松懈随时可能让手中的门票被别人抢去。大家都有对等的机会,然而机会只是留给有准备的人。 C.C. 和佐天泪子曾被拒诸常规门外,今年是重返比赛的好机会,证明年龄并不窒碍战斗的能力、教训后来者绝不要轻视元老们争胜的决心。平泽唯和梦梦.贝莉雅.戴比路克,虽然暂时表现不俗,但就是欠缺让她们突破下一关的爆发;在这里倒下就意味着终结,所以更需要加倍努力。藤和艾莉欧和本间芽衣子,过去几年虽然表现难言出众,但也没有很早被淘汰;作为作品的唯一代表,她们暂时表现尚可,而现在就是她们需要面对的最后挑战。 所有女孩都有一个相同的目标,而能否达成的关键就掌握在你手。握着一票的你们,是时候展现对这些女孩的支持了。 |

Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Sengoku Nadeko (Monogatari Series) vs.
Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs.
Victorique de Blois (GOSICK) vs.
Yui (Sword Art Online) vs.
Furukawa Nagisa (CLANNAD)
羽濑川小鸠(我的朋友很少) vs.
千石抚子(物语系列) vs.
夏洛特·迪诺亚(IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs.
维多利加·德·布洛瓦(GOSICK) vs.
唯(刀剑神域) vs.
"No one wishes to live alone." Are there in this world any who can solve all problems by themselves? The answer is no. Even for the strongest or the smartest people, this law will be still valid. Kobato lives in a little world where imaginations develop without any limit and she has became a great person. But she is still a little girl who sometimes hides in her big brother's back when problems come. Nadeko will be in despair when big trouble come to visit her, but a certain boy taught her to dare to seek for help, dare to speak, dare to reach for other people's hands. Charlotte was built as an independent person. When she entered her current school, she found her life became brighter because of the care that had been given to her by all of her friends. She needed someone able to cast out boredom from the stories and puzzles. Victorique, known to be loner, sometimes needed a friend to entertain her in her lonely day. Yui never has any clue that someday she would be surrounded by the warmth of family, a warmth that she had never felt before. In this little family, Yui can share the tears and pains of her and because of this, her burden felt lighter. In the winter, Nagisa is weaker than usual; she can’t even attend class. But someone is always the source for her power to climb the hill to the school, even just by seeing the back of that boy. The presence of these people more or less already changed the lives of these girls, a source of power, encouragement, or entertainment in boring times. And now, for you as fans of these girls, you give your support to them. This is the time to show that by cheering them on and choosing the best of them. “没有人喜欢孤单” 有人能独自解决所有问题吗?答案是没有。即使是最强或是最聪明的人,这个定律依旧成立。 羽濑川小鸠活在自己的世界里、想象自己是一个伟大的人;然而问题出现时,她依然是那个躲在哥哥背后的小女孩。千石抚子面对难题时会陷入情绪低谷,但一个男孩教会她要勇敢地发声、伸出手寻求他人帮助。夏洛特.迪诺亚从小被培养成一个独立的人,然而进入现在的学校后,她发现朋友的关怀让生活变得更充满色彩。维多利加.德.布洛瓦是个孤独的人,平常只靠故事和谜题解闷,她需要一个朋友去共同度过苦闷的日子。唯从来不曾经历家庭的温暖,然而现在的这个小家庭,让她可以与别人分享自己的痛苦和负担。古河渚在冬天会变得虚弱甚至无法上学,然而身边总有人会成为她爬上学校那座山坡的动力,即使仅是看见那个男孩的背影。 身边人的存在,或多或少已经改变了这些女孩的生命;力量、支持、或是欢乐的泉源。作为她们的支持者,现在正是向她们表达心意的时候了。 "Tidak ada yang mau hidup sendiri" Siapa di dunia ini yang mampu mengatasi semua masalah sendiri? Jawabannya tidak ada, bahkan untuk orang terkuat atau terpintar sekalipun hukum ini tetap akan berlaku. Kobato hidup dengan dunia kecilnya, dunia di mana imajinasi berkembang tiada batas dan dia menjadi seseorang yang hebat. Namun dia tetap seorang anak kecil yang terkadang masih berlindung di belakang tubuh kakaknya ketika problem datang. Nadeko pernah putus asa ketika ditimpa masalah, namun seseorang anak laki-laki mengajarkannya untuk berani meminta bantuan, untuk berani bersuara, untuk berani mengambil uluran tangan orang lain. Charlotte yang dibina untuk menjadi seorang yang mandiri. Ketika dia masuk ke sekolahnya yang sekarang, dia menemukan hidupnya semakin terang oleh karena kasih sayang yang diberikan teman-teman padanya. Seseorang yang mampu mengusir kebosanan dengan cerita dan teka-tekinya adalah yang dibutuhkannya. Victorique, yang dikenal penyediri, terkadang juga membutuhkan teman yang mampu menghibur di hari sepinya. Tak pernah disangka oleh Yui bahwa suatu saat dia akan dikelilingi oleh kehangatan sebuah keluarga, kehangatan yang belum pernah dirasakan olehnya. Di dalamnya Yui dapat berbagi tangis dan kesakitan sebab dengan begitu segala bebannya akan terasa lebih ringan. Di musim dingin Nagisa terlihat lebih lemah dari biasanya, bahkan terkadang dia tidak mampu hanya untuk datang ke sekolah. Namun seseorang selalu menjadi sumber kekuatannya untuk dapat mendaki bukit menuju ke sekolah, meski dengan hanya melihat punggung anak laki-laki itu dari belakang. Kehadiran orang-orang itu di antara mereka telah sedikit banyak telah mengubah jalan hidup gadis-gadis ini; sumber kekuatan, semangat atau hiburan di kala kebosanan melanda. Dan kalian sebagai penggemar mereka, sudahkah kalian memberikan dukungan kalian bagi gadis-gadis ini? Sekarang adalah waktunya untuk menyemangati dan memilih yang terbaik dari mereka. |
Thanks to BugH, Fujiwara, and Just for contributing today's match previews and translations.
Seeding + Winter Seasonal Semifinals — Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hirasawa Yui (K-ON!) vs.
Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Charlotte Dunois (IS <Infinite Stratos>) vs.
Momo Belia Deviluke (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Suzumiya Haruhi (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu) vs.
Holo (Spice and Wolf)
平泽唯 (K-ON!) vs.
羽濑川小鸠 (我的朋友很少) vs.
夏洛特·迪诺亚 (IS〈Infinite Stratos〉) vs.
梦梦·贝莉雅·戴比路克 (出包王女) vs.
凉宫春日 (凉宫春日的忧郁) vs.
赫萝 (狼与辛香料)
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The voting phase for the candidates of the Regular Session has already ended. We have 36 girls for each Nova and Stella and also 36 boys for Male Division of this tournament. And here we are, standing at the Stella Seeding Arena, waiting for these six girls to fight again for their final position in Stella Regular Session. First, we have Hirasawa Yui, the genius guitarist from K-ON!. Having finished at 23rd last year, today she comes back to the Stella stage, trying to spread the joy among the fans along with the sound of her Gitah. Then we have Hasegawa Kobato from Haganai. Her bright performance in Stella last year impressed many voters and her successfulness in Preliminaries this year is the proof of her stability. The next is Charlotte Dunois or “Charl” from <Infinite Stratos>. The opposite of Kobato, Charl had many hard days in Stella 2014. But this year may be different for her, if she is able to improve in 2015. Let the fans to decide. Princess Momo from To LOVE-Ru finally transferred from Nova to Stella this year. She took the last spot of Nova's white zone in 2014, and Momo resolves to change her tactics in 2015. What kind of tricks will she show? Nobody knows. The lovely Suzumiya Haruhi along with her Melancholy has succeeded to pass through the hell of the Preliminary Round. We don't know if she still wants to toy with other contestants, but never mind, that's Haruhi for us. And last but not least, our lady from Spice and Wolf, Holo. Missing in 2014, Holo is back now in the league in full force. She’s back to tease every single one of her fans with her cute looks. Are you ready to feel that again? Well, those are the six girls for the Seeding 3 Arena in the domain of Stella Division. This is their zero point in ISML 2015, so help them to make their dreams in ISML come true. 决定常规赛入围角色的投票阶段已经结束了。新星组和恒星组的各36名女性角色,以及男性组的36名男性角色已经全部确定。 如今,在恒星组的种子排位赛的赛场上,这六位女孩将为她们在常规赛阶段的位置而战,让我们拭目以待。 首先是平泽唯,来自轻音少女的天才吉他手。以常规赛第23名完成去年比赛的她,如今回到了恒星组的舞台上,试着用她的吉太将欢乐传递给她的支持者们。 然后是来自友少的羽濑川小鸠。去年她在恒星组不凡的表现为许多投票者留下了深刻的印象,今年她在预选赛阶段的成功证实了她稳定的实力。 接下来是来自IS的夏洛特·迪诺亚,或者可以叫她夏露。与小鸠相反,夏露在2014年的恒星组一路走得很艰难。但是今年对她来说似乎会有所不同,她是否能够在2015年取得进步呢?让她的支持者们来决定吧。 来自出包王女的公主梦梦今年终于从新星组来到了恒星组。作为2014年新星组进入季后赛的最后一人,梦梦决定在2015年改变她的战术。她将会想出怎样的点子呢?没有人会知道。 可爱的凉宫春日同她的忧郁一起成功地通过了地狱般残酷的预选赛阶段。不知道她是否仍然会去戏弄其他的角色,然而不要介意,谁让她是我们的春日呢。 最后是我们的贤狼,来自狼与香辛料的赫萝。在2014年缺席一年之后,赫萝如今发挥全力,重新回到了世萌的赛场上。她将用她迷人的外表挑逗每一位支持者。你做好感受的准备了吗? 这就是种子排位赛第3组,来自恒星组的六位女孩。这将是她们在世萌2015的起点,帮助她们实现她们在世萌的梦想吧。 Fase pemilihan untuk kandidat-kandidat di sesi reguler telah selesai. Kita mendapatkan 36 gadis untuk masing-masing Nova dan Stella serta 36 laki-laki untuk divisi pria. Dan disinilah kita, berdiri di arena Seeding Stella, menunggu keenam gadis ini untuk bertarung kembali demi posisi final mereka di sesi reguler Stella. Pertama, kita punya Hirasawa Yui, gitaris jenius dari K-ON!. Berakhirdi posisi 23 tahun lalu, sekarang dia kembali ke panggung Stella, mencoba untuk menyebarkan keriangan kepada semua penggemar bersama-sama dengan suara Gitah-nya. Kemudian kita punya Hasegawa Kobato dari Haganai. Peforma cemerlangnya di Stella tahun lalu membuat kagum banyak pemilih dan kesuksesannya di Pre-eliminasi tahun ini adalah bukti dari kestabilannya. Berikutnya adalah Charlotte Dunois atau Charl dari Infinite Stratos. Kebalikan dari Kobato, Charl memiliki banyak masalah di Stella 2014, namun sepertinya tahun ini akan berbeda baginya. Dapatkah dia berkembang di 2015? Biarkan para penggemar yang akan menentukannya. Putri Momo dari To LOVE-Ru akhirnya berpindah dari Nova ke Stella tahun ini. Mengisi tempat terakhir di zona putih Nova 2014, Momo memutuskan untuk mengubah taktiknya di 2015. Trik macam apa yang akan ditampilkannya? Tidak ada yang tahu. Suzumiya Haruhi tercinta bersama dengan melankolisnya telah berhasil menembus neraka babak Pre-eliminasi. Kita tidak tahu apakah ia masing akan bermain-main dengan kontestan lain, namun biarlah, itulah Haruhi. Dan yang terakhir namun bukan yang terkecil, nona kita dari Spice and Wolf, Holo. Menghilang di 2014, kini Holo kembali ke liga dengan kekuatan penuh. Dia akan kembali untuk menggoda setiap penggemar dengan penampilan imutnya. Apakah kalian siap untuk merasakannya kembali? Baiklah, itu semua adalah enam gadis dari arena 3 Seeding dalam lingkup divisi Stella. Ini adalah titik nol mereka, jadi bantu mereka untuk membuat mimpi-mimpi mereka di ISML menjadi nyata. |
Thanks to BugH and FISHING for contributing today's match preview and translations.
Seeding + Winter Seasonal Finals — Thursday, May 14, 2015

Aragaki Ayase (Ore no Imōto) vs.
Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown) vs.
Hasegawa Kobato (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai) vs.
Konjiki no Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs.
Yui-nyan (Angel Beats!) vs.
Senjōgahara Hitagi (Monogatari Series)
新垣绫濑 (我的妹妹哪有这么可爱!) vs.
楪祈 (原罪之冠) vs.
羽濑川小鸠 (我的朋友很少) vs.
金色暗影 (出包王女) vs.
由依 (Angel Beats!) vs.
战场原黑仪 (物语系列)
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"They're back!" 36 seats for each division have already filled, signifying that the Regular Session of ISML is ready. There are some new faces as refreshment in this year, but there are also the old faces that we often meet in every year. And Seeding 4 arena, under the Stella Division, will show you some of those old faces. There's no doubt, Aragaki Ayase became this year’s favorite. Thanks to her popularity and brilliant performance last year, Ayase managed to finish at 7th position in Stella. Will she get a better result for this year? And the same goes to our singer, Yuzuriha Inori. Amazing her fans with her beautiful voice, Inori secured her place in Stella's safe area last year. Let's hope that her voice will remain melodious in our heart. Our little Kobato has become brave in showing her charm without getting embarrassed behind her brother’s back. 13th position in Stella was a good achievement for this little girl. Let’s keep wishing to see the hidden potentials of Hasegawa Kobato this year. Yami is summoned to join again for the Regular session, but it doesn't mean that she will let her target live freely. But it will be disaster if Yami takes along her target to the arena when the competition is still held. There are no changes in Yui-nyan, who’s still energetic and cheerful every time. Music is the source of her power in living her joyful life, and this spirit will be needed by her when returning to ISML. Last year could have been the most disappointing year for Senjōgahara Hitagi, who ended at the bottom of the board of Stella. This year, she's not alone because her boyfriend is also joining ISML and this may be the spirit booster for Hitagi to gain better results than last year. "Don't forget history," our elders said to us. The same goes to our girls for what happened last year. Let it become our reflection to gain better fortune for this year and for the future. Stay supporting your favorites, and may the moe spirit always be with us. “她们回来了” 每个分区的36个席位已经全部坐满,这意味着世萌的常规赛阶段已经准备就绪。今年又多了一些崭新的面孔,同样也有我们每年都会见到的老面孔。种子排位赛第4组由来自恒星组的角色们组成,这次将向大家展示这些熟悉的面孔。 毫无疑问,新垣绫濑成为了今年的宠儿。由于她的广受欢迎和她去年卓越的表现,绫濑以恒星组第7名的成绩完成了去年的比赛。她今年会取得更好的成绩吗? 同样的还有我们的歌手,楪祈。她美妙的歌声惊艳四方,在去年的比赛中楪祈平稳地进入了恒星组季后赛。让我们期盼她的歌声仍将萦绕在我们心间。 我们的小鸠已经不再害羞地藏在哥哥身后,而是能够勇敢地展现她的魅力。恒星组第13名对这个小女孩来说是个好成绩,今年让我们继续期待看到羽濑川小鸠隐藏的潜力吧。 小暗再一次被召集参加常规赛,不过这并不意味着她会放任她的暗杀目标自由自在地生活。但要是小暗在比赛时把她的目标也带到赛场上,这将会是个大麻烦。 由依喵没有任何改变,依旧每时每刻都兴高采烈,元气满满。音乐是她快乐生活的力量的源泉,她需要这种精神帮助她回到世萌。 去年也许是战场原黑仪最失望的一年,她的常规赛排名位于恒星组的底部。今年,她不再孤单,因为她的男朋友同样来到了世萌,这或许会成为她争取更好成绩的精神动力。 “不要忘记历史”,长辈这样告诉我们。这同样适用于我们的女孩们。昨年之事,聊以为鉴,今日未来,复以奋勉。 继续支持你喜欢的角色,愿萌的精神与我们同在。 "Mereka kembali!" 36 bangku di masing-masing divisi sudah terisi penuh, ini menandakan bahwa sesi reguler ISML sudah siap. Ada wajah baru yang muncul sebagai penyegar tahun ini, namun ada juga wajah lama yang sering sekali kita lihat tiap tahun. Dan arena Seeding 4, di bawah divisi Stella, kali ini menampilkan wajah-wajah lama tersebut. Tak diragukan Aragaki Ayase menjadi favorit tahun ini. Berkat popularitas dan penampilan cemerlangnya tahun lalu, Ayase berhasil finis di urutan 7 Stella. Tahun ini apakah dia akan mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik? Begitupula dengan penyanyi kita ini, Yuzuriha Inori. Membuat penggemar terkagum-kagum dengan suara indahnya, Inori mengamankan tempatnya di area aman Stella tahun lalu. Mari berharap nyanyiannya bisa terus terdengar merdu di hati kita. Si kecil Kobato sekarang sudah berani menunjukkan pesonanya tanpa harus malu dengan bersembunyi di belakang kakaknya. Posisi 13 Stella merupakan pencapaian yang sangat baik bagi gadis kecil ini dan kita berharap dapat menyaksikan potensial-potensial tersembunyi lainnya dari Hasegawa Kobato tahun ini. Kali ini Yami dipanggil kembali ke sesi regular, namun bukan berarti dia akan melupakan dan membiarkan targetnya hidup bebas begitu saja. Ini akan jadi bencana bila Yami menyeret juga targetnya ke arena saat kompetisi berlangsung. Tidak ada yang berubah dari Yui-nyan, tetap saja enerjik dan ceria sepanjang saat. Musik bisa jadi sumber kekuatannya untuk menjalani hidup ceria seperti ini, dan semangat ini akan sangat dibutuhkannya saat kembali ke ISML. Tahun lalu bisa jadi tahun yang mengecewakan bagi Senjōgahara Hitagi dengan berakhir di papan bawah Stella. Tahun ini dia tidak sendirian sebab pacarnya juga ikut dalam ISML dan ini bisa jadi pemicu semangat Hitagi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari tahun lalu. "Jangan melupakan sejarah kalian," itu yang orang tua kita kadang bilang kepada kita. Hal yang sama juga berlaku buat gadis-gadis ini bahwa apa yang terjadi di tahun lalu biar menjadi refleksi kita untuk dapat menghasilkan yang lebih baik lagi tahun ini dan kemudian. Tetap dukung favorit kalian dan semoga semangat moe selalu menyala bagi kita. |
Thanks to BugH and FISHING for contributing today's match preview and translations.